
I believe in you.

Your's Pov:

I had never expected my first day of school to be so interesting. 

It would take at least an hour for the bus to reach my new school, Dong Shin High school. I had only brought a small bag that contained a few sheets of paper, a pencil case and a mp3 player. I presumed that the teacher would not teach us anything on the first day of school. After all, they claimed that it was supposed to be the school "Orientation Day”. I was not looking forward to it. In fact, I dreaded it.

I managed to find myself a seat in the crowded bus. When the bus started moving, I closed my eyes, ready to get some plently sleep throughout the hour-long ride, when I heard someone yelling... 

"Hey, yo!!" That someone in the standing crowd yelled. I woke up from my dazed dream and looked up. A guy standing near the entrance smiled at me. He was wearing the same high school uniform as mine. 

"Yo!" He yelled again.

Almost all the passengers at the bus looked at me. The bus journey to my new school was still quite far. I squinted.  Is him... I thought, the person who make me felt embarassed infront of everyone, I will never forgive him. L.Joe, one of my ex-schoolmates. I did not reply him, instead I search for my mp3 player inside my bag, pretending not to know him.

"Hey, to the young lady searching for something in her bag pack!!" L.Joe shouted again. This time, a few passengers in the bus giggled. Aish, why do he keep embarassing me infront of public? 

I kept my head low and finally found my mp3 player. I inserted the earpieces into my ears immediately, praying hard he will not bother me anymore... But...

"To that girl who is listening to her mp3 player." L.Joe continued. I pressed the "play" key button continuosly, but there was no sound... Damn it... Why must the batteries run of juice at this timing? Aish. Not now!!

"Hey! Hey!! Hello to that girl wearing specs!" Hey, hey, hey!!"

It looked like everyone in the bus were waiting for me to reply & acknowledge L.Joe...


"Hey Min Young." He finally said my name. I knew there was only one way to shut him up and put an end to my embarrassment. I smiled at him. L.Joe seemed pleased and did not say anything anymore.

The bumpy journey went on for another forty minutes. L.Joe alighted at the same stop as me, but I was quick enough to evade away from him, and run quickly to the school as fast as I could.



L.Joe and I had only held one conversation when we were in middle school, and the conversation only last less than 3 minutes. We had never been in the same class.

L.Joe was one of the popular guys in the school. He had sharp features, he was talented, he was lean build and whenever he said anything, people laughed. There were many girls drooled over him, but rumour was, L.Joe had never been in a relationship before.

There was a day when we were in our grade 9, L.Joe was invited on the stage to crack a joke during our assembly program. If he could get everyone to laugh, he would win a prize. He thought for a while before starting his joke... "There was once a....."

I was not paying attention to what L.Joe was saying. I was lost in my thoughts. I was daydreaming away. I didn't even realised when he finished his joke. There was a long slience when suddenly, the hall was filled with laughters. My classmates around me was laughing mad at L.Joe's joke. I started to frown, as I was unable to fathom what kind of joke could set everyone in the hall laughed so madly.

The laughter start to subsided. One of the saengsonim, Mr Kim was about to present the prize to L.Joe, but he declined and he announced:

"Someone didn't laugh at the joke I craked." L.Joe said. And for some reason, students in the hall started to laugh madly again. He suddenly pointed his finger to my direction and said:

"That girl didn't laugh." I glanced around me, hoping that he was not referring to me.

"Which girl?" Mr Kim asked.

"That girl with long hair and specs." 

Than Mr Kim stared at me and asked,

"You mean the girl with tied hair?"

"Yes, that girl. She never laughs!!" L.Joe said.

 I clenched my fists. Aish, how can a big guy like him be so petty?

"Min Young? You didn't laugh?" Mr Kim asked me surprisely. 

Aish... I keep quiet, to have my name being called in assembly period, doesn't feel good. 

"Min Young, I beg you. Can you please wake up from your dreams and laugh at my joke?" Jebalyo~" L.Joe said while looking at me with his big round eyes.

My classmate beside me urge me to stand up. Feeling the pressure and lack of time, I stood up and fnally said sarcatically: "Ha, ha, ha, ha." Then I sat down and buried my head under my hands. 

Everybody in the hall laughed again. 

I swear, I promised, I will never forgive and forget L.Joe for embarassing me infront of every students.

After school on that particular day, L.Joe came forward and apologised to me.

"Hey, mianhae, I am sorry for just now. I was trying to be funny. I hope you are not offended by me, are you?" L.Joe said.

I shook my head. Actually I does. I am offended.

"L.Joe." He introduced himself.

"Nah, araso, I already know. The famous and arrogant L.Joe." I had never expected myself to say that. "Min Young. Lee Min Young" I said.

"Hmm, I never expected myself to be arrogant, but famous? I agree." He smiled. "Are you always so introverted and... unfriendly?"

"Unfriendly?" I glared at him. 

"I never expected myself to be unfriendly, L.Joe." I said as I walked off quickly, not wanting to continue on the conversation. Am I really that unfriendly? I thought.

"But you got like... no friends at all!" L.Joe suddenly said. 

I continued to walk off. I pretended that I did not hear his comment. But what L.Joe said then was true. I had classmates, but I had like......no friends at all. Except for one. Just one

Actually, there was no way for me to avoid L.Joe completely in school. He was everywhere. I had tried all meas to avoid him but, still failed.

"Hey Min Young! What a coincidence! We are going to be classmates for the next two years as well!"

"Yeah', I replied." 

"What class are you in?"


"Omo, L.Joe said shockly, while covering his mouth and jumped around like a monkey. 

"Hey! We are in the same class, can you believe it? L.Joe and Min Young are in the same class. How cool is that?" He said happily. 

Oh damn, how I hate it! I was imagining how a monkey would blend into my class. 

The bell soon rang after that. We strolled towards the hall and searched for our class number. L.Joe offered to sit beside me. I give him a death glare but he just smiled. I had no reason to reject him; therefore, I said nothing. 

Firstly, the principal told us about the history of the school, then several other tutors said more boring things. We were, by then, trying hard to keep our eyes open. When they were done, we sang the school song with the lyrics in front of us.

“Okay, as you all know, we’re going to have an orientation programme for these first few days…” a teacher announced.

"Is gonna be fun!" L.Joe whispered to me." I got a friend in year 2. He told me it is gonna be exciting! 

When I heard what L.Joe said, I regretted not skipping school that day. Orientation was so boring. L.Joe keep telling me how excited he was. 

"High school is going to be fun!! You are gonna to enjoy it! There is more freedom, unlike..." L.Joe keep talking non-stop about high school life, that I can't tolerate anymore and I scolded and cursed.

'Mianhae L.Joe, but would you please shut your mouth up?'

But L.Joe just laughed it off and talked to other classmates, not offended. 

But I felt something, I headed to the toliet to wash off my tears. I just cursed again. I had just told L.Joe to shut up. I just scolded him. I had just cursed L.Joe. Oh damn it. What the hell have I done again? I should just shut my mouth up and keep silence.


The objective of the first game was to remember names.

Water balloons were thrown at students who forgot others’ name. After an hour, we were able to remember everyone’s name. The next game was played with the aim of recognizing voices.

The boys and girls were separated. A curtain partitioned them and, when a girl spoke, the boys had to guess who the girl was. After a few rounds, I was chosen to say something for the boys to guess.
“Come on, say something! A joke, or something like that!” the sunbaes urged me.

I did not know what to say, so I just muttered, “Ha, ha, ha.”

Almost instantly, I heard L.Joe's voice on the other side saying: "Is Min Young! Lee Min Young, that skinny girl!"

Ah, that bastard! 


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jaerenceyoo #1
Chapter 23: omaygushhh so sad :'(((
minhoshawols #2
Chapter 23: Omg so saddd. I was trying to not cry but failed lol. Good job author-nim!
haeseoul #3
Chapter 23: Omg no way this is the best touching fanfic ever omg
Chapter 23: My eyes are swollen..... ;3
Chapter 22: I cried when she was reading the letter so happy that he woke up
@randomm Yup he woke up :)
@mellychau Yes he did :)
randomm #8
Chapter 22: yay he woke up :) thank you author-nim :D <333
mellychau #9
Chapter 22: L. Joe WOKE UP!!! Update soon!!
killerhuntercuteyfk #10
Chapter 21: So L.Joe died??