Kaiko Moves In!

Making Up For Lost Memories..



Alright, now I have more than one reason to keep this Kaiko-girl happy.

Reason number one: Apparently, Sohee trusted her. Which I don’t get, but whatever. My head starts to hurt whenever I think about it too much.

And reason number two: This girl could obviously kick my . At least, if she’s telling the truth about all of her fighting experience. But she’s got Sohee vouching for her… I glanced over my shoulder towards Sohee, who was talking to Kaiko with surprising enthusiasm.

I really, really wanted to doubt this girl. She looked like she was all bark and no bite. She was short and skinny, with such childish features – it was difficult picturing her beating the crap out of anything, much less a person.

“I’m deceptively strong.”

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Kaiko’s voice. “Bwoh?”

“I said, I’m deceptively strong,” she repeated, smirking at me. “I saw the look you were giving me – you think that I’m all bark and no bite.”

Holy , can she read minds!?

“Um…” I tried to think of a cover, but she chuckled and shook her head. She then picked up her speed and walked past me, swiping her duffel bag out of my hands. When the bag had been in my hands, I found it weighing down my shoulder quite a bit. Despite it being so compact, it was actually quite heavy. But Kaiko lifted it easily and smirked at me.

“Deceptively strong,” she chimed, and then turned around to rush for the elevator, which Kevin was holding open for each of us.

“Eli…” Sohee said when she was walking beside me.

“Ye?” I couldn’t help but smile at her.

“Thank you. For letting her stay with us,” Sohee jerked her head in Kaiko’s direction, who was bouncing where she stood next to Alexander and smiling up at him cutely.

“Anything for you, Sohee,” I smiled at her, butterflies building in my stomach.




“You’re going to love Dongho!” I declared, opening the door to U-Kiss’ dorm. “He’s so ing adorable!”

“But he’s at school!” Kibum declared from the back of the group.

“You’re going to have to settle for Soohyun and Kiseop for now,” Eli said as he brushed past me, relieved of Kaiko’s duffel bag.

“Why weren’t they with you at the airport?” Kaiko asked, pausing to take off her shoes by the door.

I opened my mouth to respond, but Alexander beat me to it. “Neither one of them speaks English or Japanese,” he explained. He then saw me glaring at him and closed his mouth quickly, making a zipping motion across his lips with his fingers.

“Yah, Soohyun, Kiseop!” Kevin sang, skipping into the dorm after he had kicked off his shoes. “We have someone who you should meet~!” He stopped in front of the threshold to the living room and his mouth fell open. “You guys! I asked you to clean up here before we got back!” He whined. I walked over to him and peeked into the living room, immediately fighting back a huge fit of laughter.

The living room was a ing mess! There were dirty coffee cups on the table, dirty bowls with a few dry ramen noodles clinging to the sides, a few bags of chips that were probably empty, among other things that made the living room look like a ing pigsty.

Kaiko walked over and was about to look in, but Kevin whirled around and quickly tried to shoo her away. “It’s too embarrassing!” He cried, trying to nudge her away. However, she ninja’d past him and around me, stepping into the living room threshold.

It was dead silent around us. Soohyun and Kiseop were both sprawled on the couch with their eyes and mouths open wide in shock. It seems they had frozen that way when Kevin walked in and saw them in the middle of lounging around and NOT cleaning, but I think their eyes got wider when Kaiko stepped into their view.

My stomach started hurting from all of the laughter I was holding.

What was funnier was Kaiko’s reaction to the sight of the mess. Her eyes scanned quickly over the messy room, and she glanced over at all of us, cluster-ed in the middle of the hallway. She put her hands on her hips and her eyes started to move towards Soohyun and Kiseop. “My nii-san’s place is…” She drifted off and her eyes grew wide. “…Worse,” she mumbled.

I wondered what she was staring at and looked into the living room, and then smirked when I saw what had surprised her so much. Kiseop and Soohyun were sprawled out on the couch…

Shirtless. I couldn’t take it anymore, and burst out laughing.




What the hell is she staring at!? I brushed past Kevin, who was still frozen in the spot where he had been when Kaiko dodged out of his way with ease, and looked over her shoulder into the living room. Immediately, I was pissed at Kiseop and Soohyun. “Guys, seriously!” I yelled at them in Korean. “We have a guest! Can’t you put your shirts on?”

They snapped out of their shocked state when I yelled at them, and Soohyun immediately smiled at Kaiko, whose pale cheeks were starting to turn a light shade of pink. “Aegyo~!” He squealed, then lunged to his feet and ran around the pieces of trash littered around the living room towards Kaiko. As soon as he was in front of her, he swept her into his arms and lifted her off of the ground. “She’s so cuuuuuuuuuuute~!” He gushed, swinging her back and forth.

“Soohyun, you’re scaring her!” Kevin cried, rushing over and trying to pry the small Japanese girl out of his arms.

Soohyun stopped and looked at Kaiko in his arms. “She doesn’t seem to mind,” he smiled cheekily. I glanced at her and scowled when I saw her bright red cheeks pressed against his chest.

Her cheeks should be pressed against my chest.

Kibum brushed past me and towards Soohyun, and then smacked him in the back of the head, making him release Kaiko so that he could rub the back of his head. “Yah! What was that for?” He whined.

“She doesn’t speak Korean, bapo!” Kibum snapped. “She has no idea what you’re saying!”

“Is that why we weren’t invited to get her from the airport?” Kiseop asked, appearing from nowhere beside Soohyun.

“Exactly!” Kevin cried in English, sweeping Kaiko into his long arms and pulling her against his chest. “I’m so sorry, Kaiko-chan!” Kevin declared, overdramatically. “Soohyun here is an idiot!” He gestured at Soohyun, who blinked in confusion.

“…I think he called me something mean,” he said, pointing at Kevin.

“He did.” Everyone around him stated in unison, except Kiseop.

I glared at Kevin, who was still clinging onto Kaiko. Who was still in shock – and still blushing.

…Honestly, I don’t blame Soohyun for attack-hugging her. She is really cute.




Alexander totally has a thing for Kaiko already. And knowing Kevin, he’s just being… Well, Kevin. And yet, as long as he’s known Kevin, Alexander is still glaring at him like he wants him to die a slow, painful death.

This is going to be in’ hilarious.



I was enjoying myself already! Ever since I had stepped off of the plane, I had felt so welcomed by Sohee-chan and her friends! Especially Alexander-kun…

He’s been very kind. When we were on our way to their van, he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me close, telling me about all of the great things about Seoul that I had to look forward to. I was also very comforted by his and Kibum-kun’s Japanese.

Of course, there were quite a few language barriers… It would be awkward when I met Sohee-chan’s other friends – the ones who don’t speak Japanese or English. I shuddered when I remembered the fiasco in the car, when I was talking about my fighting experience. I switched between English and Japanese so many times, I think the two languages are starting to run together in my brain.

Speaking of the fiasco in the car, there was one thing that I couldn’t get out of my head – that look in Eli-teme’s eyes. The entire time I was talking, he was the only person who had a look in his eyes that clearly said, “she’s bluffing.”


Just because I asked Sohee-chan to forgive him, that doesn’t mean that I have to. Sohee-chan did a lot for me when I was in America, whether she knows it or not. Although I was miles away, I could feel Sohee-chan’s pain when she called me and told me everything that had happened to her in Korea.

And I knew that Eli-teme continued to think that I wasn’t as strong as I am.

“I’m deceptively strong,” I blurted out.

He looked surprised. “Bwoh?”

What the hell does ‘bwoh’ mean? Whatever…

“I said, I’m deceptively strong – I saw the look you were giving me. You think that I’m all bark and no bite.” The look on his face was priceless; it looked like he crapped his pants in panic. I walked over to him and grabbed my duffel bag as I brushed past him. “Deceptively strong,” I declared, and then kept walking. The weight of my duffel bag was nothing. I go to the gym four days of the week – I carry the bag across the city and back, with the backpack I was currently wearing.


 “You’re going to love Dongho!” Sohee-chan declared, opening the door to U-Kiss’ dorm. “He’s so ing adorable!”

“But he’s at school,” Kibum-kun told me.

“You’re going to have to settle for Soohyun and Kiseop for now,” Eli-teme said as he brushed past the group.

“Why weren’t they with you at the airport?” I asked, setting down my things so that I could take off my shoes.

Sohee-chan opened to tell me, but Alexander-kun spoke first. “Neither one of them speaks English or Japanese,” he explained. Sohee-chan started glaring at him, and closed his mouth quickly, making a zipping motion across his lips with his fingers.

Kevin-kun said something very cheerfully in Korean, skipping into the dorm after he had kicked off his shoes. He declared something with a sing-song voice, then stopped in front of the threshold to the living room, and his mouth fell open. He whined something, and then Sohee-chan went over and looked into the living room, and I heard her making a snorting sound – the noise she makes whenever she’s trying not to laugh.

I went to see what Kevin was talking about, but he tried to stop me. “It’s too embarrassing!” He cried, but I just brushed past him and stopped in the threshold.

… My nii-san’s place is much, much worse. I could actually see their floor.  “My nii-san’s place is…” I stopped when my eyes landed on the men on the couch. “…Worse,” I finished my observation, and then began to stare at the two men.

Holy , I have not been in the presence of eye-candy this tasty since… well, ever.

…I think I’m drooling. And these are two of the guys who can’t speak English or Japanese?


I was snapped out of my trance when Alexander-kun looked into the living room and yelled something in Korean at the two men. Apparently, this snapped them out of the state of surprise that they had been in. The guy on the left grinned and squealed something, and then jumped up from his seat on the couch and raced towards me. I was too shocked to move, and he swept me into his arms, gushing something in Korean.

As soon as I was in his arms, my face was pressed against his muscular chest; my heart started pounding even harder in my chest, and I could feel my face getting warm. I completely zoned out from there, my brain stuck in “newfound fangirl fantasy-land”. That, and I was completely lost in what they were all saying, because it was all in Korean. Kevin-kun finally pried me out of the guy’s arms –

…His muscular arms…

- And started hugging me. “Exactly!” he cried in English, holding me tightly against his chest. “I’m so sorry, Kaiko-chan!” Kevin-kun declared, overdramatically. “Soohyun here is an idiot!” He gestured at the guy with the great body who had hugged me, who blinked in confusion. He waited a moment before pointing at Kevin-kun and saying something in Korean, and all of the other guys responded at the same time, except for the other guy with the great body who hadn’t hugged me.

Although I was out of the loop because I had no idea what they were saying, I still found it all quite amusing.

 I think I’m going to like it here…


XD! Her fan girl moment! LOL! comments?? O.O

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Chapter 29: Love this story! Never heard of a bedtime story like that before! LOL Can't wait for next chapter!
Love the story so far~
Please update soon! ^________^
New reader here~
awww poor sohee lmao nice bedtime story
wow. that was some awesome bedtime story xD <br />
update soon!! =D
pinkypn #6
that was my first time hearing this type of bedtime story. poor sohee. eli dont mess up this time
new reader here~ =]<br />
so....who was the girl who was with Kyu? doesn't matter =P <br />
im just happy because now Eli has a chance~~~ x] <br />
hahaha I love Soohyun's spazzing in the other chapters~ if only this story was about him x] -is totally biased-<br />
update soon~!! =D
Kaiko , is so effin` AWESOME . :)<br />
LOL , Kyu . >_> <br />
<br />
omg i love this chapter sohee and Eli need to get together<br />
and Kaiko is now my favourite character she is so badass