2 pairs of eyes watching .....



HyukJae POV.....
I'm on my way to the apartment that I rented way back from our debut. It's a place where I can be alone by myself and think. I told myself that living with 12 other people , must be chaos. I personally thought that I would use that room from the first week of being a Super Junior member. But no, I never got to use it. Everything went fine. Until now.
Inside the building, 5 more steps till, the elevator, then BLACK OUT . Screaches wear heard from girls in the lobby. Oh how nice is that ? *sigh* How can I go inside ? The elevator is not working. What the hell should I do ? *thinking thinking* 'It's so hot in here !' *takes off jacket and 2 buttons of his white polo* "I can't think of anything in this heat !" Then I realized that I'm the only one left inside . So I rushed out of the apartment building. "Ah, cool air..." I looked at my watch.... "Oh God, it's 12:15 AM" I need to stay somewhere. "Aish, I'm just gonna go home !" I'm already walking to the left, it's the way of our (SJ) apartment. Walking walking walking. Then.... "Hey, pretty thing, wanna go somewhere private ?" One of the 2 muscular men that appeared on my face said. "Uhm, no thankyou " I tried going the other way, but then the other one stopped my on my tracks. "Oops ! Watch were your going there beautiful... " It was starting to get uncomfortable cause he was tracing little circles on my 1/3 exposed chest. "Please get away from me !!! " Then I ran away ! To the right. It's where the bad side of Gwangjin-gu is. The bars, the motels and the erts and s.But I have no choice. They were following me.
*pant , pant , pant * "Whew, I'm soaked in my sweat ! Damn it ! " I looked around me, and it was so colorful ! It hurts my eyes ! FYI, I'm not really used to going to bars. I only do when manager-hyung rents the whole thing for one night as a present for our spectacular hit. I'm not that innocent either. I did it sometimes with Hae . And one thing , he's a beast in bed. Be careful .... don't make him . Anyways, I saw a decent looking 24 hour convinience store. I had to get in. 
When I was inside, I immediately went to the fridge and got 3 bottles of strawberry milk. I payed for it . The ahjussi wasn't very nice. I asked him the price and he told me ...." Why won't you count it yourself ?" In a rising tone. How harsh is that . I hailed a taxi cab and asked the ahjussi to take me to the SJ apartment. It's so weird that my calculation of the won that I'm supposed to pay and the ahjussi's calculation has a 2,000 won difference. WTH is that ?! I payed him 2,000 more even though I shouldn't have , because I'm tired and I don't want to argue with an ahjussi late at night. And that ahjussi might know me and it can ruin my reputation. At least I got inside .... but I still think that 2 pairs of eyes are watching me as I got inside the elevator and in our dorm.
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kimhyesuhearts #1
@kiwibubblecat , end of story =D
End of story as in end of the chapter or really the story?
Did that guy love Hyukkie so much too? I guess so.
HEEismylife #4
oohh..so it's hyukkie's friend who beat him??? to remind hae that he suffocates hyuk coz of caring too much??? is that it??? :D
PikaKyuLove #5
I thought Eunhyuk got XD Shame on me!
its just somewhat fishy in it... I cant tell why he knows.. maybe he knows them..
HEEismylife #7
i'm so curious who beat hyukkie, and who helped him!!! update soon please..:D
Jewelmilas31 #8
I thought the kidnapper going to him... ert mind he he... Poor hyukkie got beaten up.. N why is it donghae didn't tend to hyukkie wound istead of wookie... Good chapter updated soon...