Transparent and Completely Helpless



He looked at me with eyes that can pierce my own. I knew that I was translucent infront of him. No, transparent. Without saying, he knows how I feel. He can see through my eyes. Just like what's happening now. "Hyukkie, you still mad at me ?" he asked. Although he knew the answer, he still asked. Since he already knew, there's absolutely no need to answer. I simply stood up and headed to the couch on our room. "Hyukkie, yah ! " He shouted. "....." I didn't give any reply. I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I was still in my own world with out leaving the one we shared. "YAH ! WHY AREN'T YOU TALKING TO ME ? WHAT DID I DO ? I THOUGHT WE WERE OKAY! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED." he screamed to the top of his lungs. I looked at him. His eyes were full of anger, but at the same time, misery. 


"I-I'm just not ready to talk to you yet." I said. "Mworago ?!" he shouted. "I have things to deal with. Please I need time for myself." I explained. He didn't seem to get where I was going. He was mad, really mad. He layed himself in our queen size bed. Looking at the direction of the window. I guess, he doesn't want to argue anymore. I went to the desk where my laptop sat. I opened it and a picture of us appeared. It was when we were hosting Sukira. When everything was still okay. When everything was perfect. The way we wanted it to be. 


I thought I heard something. So I kept turning around. Just to see the back of my precious Donghae. I know my nickname is Jewel, but for me , he's more important than any jewel or diamond in this world. It didn't matter how many carats it was. He was more worth it and important. But is the value slowly drifting away? Is the bond getting weaker? All of my questions was typed into my laptop. Wondering when I'll get the answers. Or if even get the answers. 


It was nearing 2:00 AM. I need to get to sleep. But I didn't want to share a bed with negativity and angry energy. So I decided to get out of our room and sleep in Super Junior dorm's living room couch. It was comfy enough so I didn't complain. Besides, Donghae was hogging the whole bed anyway. It was already hard keeping our real relationship with the other members, they thought that we just can't get enough of fan service that we still do it at home. Now, he was giving me more stress. How do I figure this thing out? The members will get suspicious when we avoid each other. They'll start questioning and wondering. It leads to revelation. How do I get through this ? For once, Siwon's God can get super handy. Not that it wasn't handy at all. But do I get to solve this problem .......



before, we break up , crush each other's feelings and ......



Die ?



Hey ! How is it ? Well, it's still short. Please tell me what you think. I would love to hear suggestions . I've been serious all this week so I didn't get to update the other OC / Kyuhyun fanfic with good chapters. It ended up with a sad HanChul heart break. I don't know why I feel so dark this week ........ I hope I get better.

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kimhyesuhearts #1
@kiwibubblecat , end of story =D
End of story as in end of the chapter or really the story?
Did that guy love Hyukkie so much too? I guess so.
HEEismylife #4 it's hyukkie's friend who beat him??? to remind hae that he suffocates hyuk coz of caring too much??? is that it??? :D
PikaKyuLove #5
I thought Eunhyuk got XD Shame on me!
its just somewhat fishy in it... I cant tell why he knows.. maybe he knows them..
HEEismylife #7
i'm so curious who beat hyukkie, and who helped him!!! update soon please..:D
Jewelmilas31 #8
I thought the kidnapper going to him... ert mind he he... Poor hyukkie got beaten up.. N why is it donghae didn't tend to hyukkie wound istead of wookie... Good chapter updated soon...