
Do You Ever Love Me?

Its already a month since my forst encounter with The Great Min Yeseul. Since then, Myungsoo and I started to have lunch at cafeteria with INFINITE. If before, all of the students seem like they cannot accept our relationship, but now they start to fond our relationship. Yeah, thats the good thing of having lunch at cafeteria. They start to judge me not solely because of my appearance....they start to know me by my personality. They called us 'Cute Couple', maybe because Myungsoo is a handsome guy while I am a cute girl? kekeke 

While for Infinite....emmm I could say that they start to like me, but not to the extend that they will accept me as Myungsoo's girlfriend. They just treat me as Im one of Myungsoo's friend. I think, they just acknowledge my presence for Myungsoo's sake. But of course Sungjongie and Woohyun are different, they treated me like Im their real friend. I feel very grateful of both of least I dun feel too left out when Im spending time with them. Sometimes because of their lack of attention towards me, I oftenly asked Myungsoo to have lunch at the park like the old times. But Myungsoo will shrug it off and said that he wants to spend time with his friends and he wants our relationship ; me and INFINITE become better. For the first two weeks i will beg him to let us eat at the park...but after that I do not have heart to beg anymore. If Myungsoo likes his friends so much, then i should respect it and support him.

While for Min Yeseul, sometimes she will join us at the table. When Yeseul not joining us, sometimes they will include me in their conversation but when Yeseul was with us...all of their attention will switch to Yeseul. Even as a girl, I admitted that she is so beautiful and also kind. Its a good thing that Yeseul treats me like a friend so I dun have any reasons to hate or dislike her. She is not acting like a fake girl. 
And thats the reason why INFINITE really really loves her.

For Myungsoo....of course he is still mine and always mine. But now, because he is a class rep he started to be busy. But we still have much time to spend together. I hope his classroom teacher wont give him more work in the future. Because it will be so lonely without him accompany me. 


"Hyunhee~~~ Its already late. Where Myungsoo?" Eunhae asked me.

I looked at my wristwatch, yep its already late, 3.30 pm. Usually after school end at 3.00 pm, Myungsoo will come to fetch me at the class. "I dunno. Maybe he has business to taka care of," I replied her.

"You already texted him? Myungsoo never this late Hyunhee, he always texted you if he needs to do something," Eunhae looked worried, "I need to go now, but I dun want to leave you alone here," Eunhae is such a good friend. I look at him with loving eyes. 

"Awhhh Eunhae so sweet today....." I mocking her while she looked at me weirdly. "...Dun worry Eunhae, I already texted him. If he cannot comes to me, then I will come to him. Just go home, your mom will be worried later, I will find Myungsoo at his class....ok," I hive him an assurance smile, so that she will not feel worried about me. 

"Are you sure Hyunhee~ah?" I nodded my head means Im ok with it. "Ppali ka....Anyeong," she carried her backpack and wave goodbye towards me.


After Eunhae leaves me alone in the classroom, I start to pack my things. Well actually nothing much to pack cause I already pack it long before. I thought Myungsoo will fetch me like always but today seems weird. I already texted him three times, but no answer. Actually I also worried about him but being a cool me, I just keep it to myself. "Kaja Hyunhee...lets meet your boyfriend up there!" I talked to myself to ease the worried feeling.

I took the steps lightly. Not too rush but not too slow. If he is not in the classroom, where I should find him? Did he ditch me on purpose? Impossible...he never did like that to me. He is not a cruel guy. The way upstairs seem so silent. I guess all students already go home by now. Just some students that involved with sports stay at school now. When I already reached the third level, I searched for Myungsoo's classroom since this is my first time going to his classroom. 

"Emmm..Ahhh this is it," I saw a sign named Class 1-1. Myungsoo's class should be here right. Before I enter the class, Im so amazed with the equipments and appliances in the class. It is occupied with the latest technology and gadget. Should I say this school is being a bit biased here. is just because this kind of student really like to study right.


As I want to enter the class, I could see Myungsoo is sitting at the back while holding a pen and facing a book. Should I scream his name out loud or make him startled by hugging him from the back? Emmmm...maybe I should scream because Im so happy that I got to find him. As I want to scream his name and ready to wave my hand towards him......I noticed someone was sitting in front of him. 

Min Yeseul.

Suddenly I feel hesitated to enter the class. Should I enter or not. It seems like they are in a serious discussion. Ahhh Yeseul is the vice class rep, I almost forget about it. I keep staring at them, watching how Myungsoo holds his pen, how he swipe his fringe sometimes. He looks so mesmerizing. Eventhough I could see this everyday but it is such a long time I got to see him like this in the uniform, in the same class with me. And then both of them chuckles slowly. Oh.....that smile. That particular smile.


"Noona!" someone called me from behind. I whirled to my back. Oh, it Sungjongie. "Noona what are you doing here?" Sungjong asked me.

"Ohhh...Im here to meet Myungsoo," I answered him with a smile. Suddenly Myungsoo called my name, "Hyunhee???"

Then I looked back at him and enter the class. While Sungjong and the rest of INFINITE followed after me. "Hi Myungsoo. I texted you just now, but you are not replying it so I went up here to find you. Tada!" I talked cheerfully to him. Then his faced changed from shocked to worried. 

"Texts? You texted me?" He clumsily digging out his phone. "Ohhh 3 messages already? Hyunhee~ah. mianhae I didnt notice it," I just shook my head as a sign that its ok. "Actually our teacher asked us to discuss about our special class. Mian,"

"Its ok Myungsoo," I assured him.

"I think you can go now. Our discussion already end just now. Oh anyway, hi Hyunhee!" Yeseul waved at me. I waved back at her. She is so friendly, no reasons to hate her ==


"Are you sure Yeseul? Ok, Hyunhee kaja...lets go home now," Myungsoo packed his things quickly and grabbed my arm to exit the class. "Bye Yeseul, bye chingus," Myungsoo waved goodbye to Yeseul and INFINITE.

Then I heard Yeseul replied back, "Bye Myungsoo,"


BYE MYUNGSOO? BYE MYUNGSOO? Since when she called him Myungsoo? Am I the only one that just noticed it?


*Sorry for my bad grammar hihihihi
Thank you for reading my fanfic ^^*


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ShahieyraPark #1
Chapter 38: just read ur story.. why not continue this story authornim.. u know what the curiosity not only kill cat, but also me!! update please authornim...
anne2231 #2
Chapter 38: Dude update?!
NoraMyFics #3
Chapter 38: Chapter 36: it is so good ,,, please we want to have more chapter..... or else is this story is finished?
izayaciel678 #4
Chapter 38: Omg!!!! Please update honey bear
anne2231 #5
Chapter 38: Update ???
Chapter 38: Just read and love your fic, can you make an update ?
anne2231 #7
Chapter 38: R u fine??? Y no updates???
anne2231 #8
Chapter 38: Update pweeeeesaeeeeeeeee
anne2231 #9
Chapter 38: Yahoooooooooooo I'm back!!!
Love the update!!!!!! Hehehe it's a she and update superrrrrrr fast
Yuosux #10
Chapter 38: Yes pls update regularly. I love this story alot