Shopping and the Bet


[Lexi's POV]

"ummm should i ask ~~~~ to be my valentines?" *ohh no i though he liked me what do i do?*

"Umm Lexi???"

"huh what sorry umm yea you should go for it.. but since when did you like her?"

"ohh remember when i gave her a piggy back ride"


"Hey Myungsoo!! im so Tired can you carry me please!" ~~~~ said.

"ugggh fine get on my back!" 


>20 minutes later<

"umm myungsoo are you tired you can put me down now"

"no its okay i can carry you for like a mile away and wont get tired"

"umm Myungsoo how come you didnt let me get on your back when i asked you earlier but you let ~~~~ on your back"

"Lexi you never asked me.. anyways ~~~~ can you stop breathing on my back its tickling me!"

"ohhh sorry i was like falling asleep back here"

"so your saying im comfterable enough that you would fall alseep on me?" 

"no!!!" ~~~~ said and pinched his cheek.


"umm yea when you didnt give me one"

"yea well its just that her arms around my neck and her breathing on my back and being her friend for so long and having her so close to me i just started liking her then i know its weird"

*but why would he say yes to her and not me*

"myungsoo that was a longggg time ago like almost a year ago when that happened"

"yea i know before it was just like a crush/like kinda thing but now its more like love that im feeling and i want to tell her"

"ohh" *if only i told you sooner but its to late now*

"umm well we should get going now"

"yea okay ill get ~~~~" 

"kay meet you guys in the car"

~~~~!!!! lets goooo to the mall!!!!:D"

"mall?? Ohh okay sure..."

"hey umm before we get in the car i have a question for you?"

"sure what is it lexi? did myungsoo ask you anything" she gave me a winky face.

"umm no actually i wanted to ask you what do you think of myungsoo?"

"ohh umm well he's my best guy friend and i love him why"

"just wondering" 

"umm ~~~~ lets get changed first"

"whats wrong with what im wearing"

"yea your not going in something you would wear to bed"

"okay okay"

>10 mintues later<

"how's this ~~~~?"

"wow thats really cute! do you like mines?"

"it's pretty! okay lets go"

"man what took you guys so long?" he looks at you guys.

"never mined..." 

"do we look cute?"

"umm yeah... i guess"

>20 minutes later< 

"yes!!!! were here!"

"~~~~ calm down lets go to Morning Glory!!"


"noooo.... lets go to like somewhere less girly please!"

"Maybe later"

>few minutes later you both bought small stuffed bears<

"okay now can we go somewhere less girly?"

"umm no!!"

"OMG LEXI!!!!! this store.....!!!!!!"


"ohh come on!"

"myungsoo stop complaining!!"

"hurry up then"

[~~~~'s POV] 

*yes i thought they closed this place down i love korea i wanna go there sometime*

"omg lexi lets get that girs generation poster!!"

"umm lexi were are you?"

*i looked around and i saw her talking to myungsoo*

"ohh whatever i'll get it"

*i heard this firmiliar song playing..*

"ohhh nooooo!!! i love this song i know the moves i love daning to this come on!!!"

*okay ~~~~ you can do this i wont dance to this song"

"oh hey ~~~~ dont you love this song"

"hey!! did u tell the lady to put this song on so i could loose the bet!?"

"maybe baybe not"


*i can do this i can do this!!*

"dont even move your leg remember!"


*damn this is harder than i thought!! i wanna dance to this song so bad*

"im watching you"

"yea yea i'll just go over here..." you walk over to a corner.

*i cant i love this song to much i have to dance to it!* and you start dancing

" GOTCHA!!" lexi came from behind





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