

[Myungsoo's POV]

"OOOOHHHH MMYYYY GOOOD....." her eyes were wide when she saw the letter

*what the heck is going on?*

"~~~~ what is it?"

"I....I.....LOOK......" she handed him the letter

"READ IT OUT LOAD PLEASE!! I maybe im  just imaginating things what does it say.......?"

"okay okay.... congradulations ~~~~ you are the lucky contestant and been accepted for theis dance school thanks for sending in an aplication we reviewed everything about you from your friends, and family and we  would like to have you attened our dance school in korea if you are willing to accept this please contact us before 12am today so we could know if you will be coming to this school we really would like you to come so please think about this opportunity we will be waiting for your call~ ceo of dance in seoul school 

"~~~~ you got in!"

"i..i got in!!!"

"you got in!!!"

"I GOT IN!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" she hugs him

"HEYYY why are you guys screaming in doors you already have detention you dont want to have saturday detention do you?"

"i am soo sorry sir but you know what im not coming to this school anymore so screw you... I GOT INNN!!!!!!!! HHHAAA i wont have to see your annoying face ever again.... LATER!" she yells at his face and leaves

"im so sorry about that sir" he bows at him and goes after you

"heyy!! ~~~~ wait up"

"omg did i just say that!!!?"

"umm yea you did... and what are you going to do if you dont go and come back...?"

"i know i was just so happy i finally got accepted to one"

"i know i know lets just go home and tell your mother!" he puts his arm on your shoulder 

(lexi walks by)

"whats going on are you guys dating now"

"hey lexi look i got in to the dance school you got me to sign up for thank you so much!" she hugs her

[Lexi's POV] 

*why is she acting this way when im acting so mean to her..? i guess ill hug her back*

"uhh.....yea no problem" 

"hold on dont act nice to lexi when she's been mean to you.." he pulls lexi away

"i guess i have alot of explaining to do dont i"

"yea you do!"

"can we talk about it somewhere else"

"yea lets talk about it at the cafe across the street"

"sounds good"

(At the cafe)

"okay now that you bought us coffee and everthing explain.." myungsoo said relly frustrated

"okay so the only reason i acted that way was because i was jealous.... i was very jealous because myungsoo you would always call her babe and stuff in front of me and you know i like you and it hurts when you pay more attention to her i know its weird for me to act this way but i cant help it so i decided to act very cold to you ~~~~ i thought you would find out what was wrong because you new me so well but i guess not but you are my best friend and i couldnt go on i had to stop after you hugged me i was really surprised by the way you acted when i was mean to you i thought you would hate me for it"

"well i forgive you i was never mad at you for acting like that to me i knew you never would be like that"

'well now that everything is cleared up how about we celebrate for ~~~~"

"Yea!! anyways were is this dance school so i could visit you everytime you go and cheer you on"

"ohhhh about that.......... its in... korea....."


"yea korea"

"oh my god but why so far we wont be able to see eachother no more...??"

"i know im still thinking about going or not" 

"this is a one in a life time opportunity but in korea we dont want our best friend to leave"

"Guys i know.... but lets not think about it now lets just celebrate!"

"okay... CHEERS!!"

>back home< 


"aiishh what!!?"

"i got accepted to the dance school!!!"

"what??? really! thats amazing sweetie let me see the paper" you hand her the paper

"okay lets see....... congratulations.... bla bla  bla....... IN KOREA!!!??? are you sure about this??"

"i dont know i dont want to leave"

"but sweetie this is a really good opportunity for you i say you should give it a shot you can still visit us when your not busy or we can visit you when you have a big performance we can work things out i know you dont want to leave us and everything but think about it honey"

"yea your right! i guess that can work"

"i guess so to and we can video chat every night and tell us how it is and everything"

"yea! thanks mommy for letting me do this!"

"no problem now go call the ceo person and tell them YES!!"

"okay okay"


"............yoboseyo its me ~~~~ and i was calling to let you guys know that i will be going to your dance school in korea"

"ahh yes ~~~~ thanks for calling we are happy that you have accepted but can we talk to your legal guardian..."


"hello this is Mrs.Kim"

"yes Mrs. kim do you allow ~~~~ to come to korea and join our dance school? we payed for everything her plane ticket and hotel"

"yes she has my permission to go"

"okay thank you now can you tell her that the she need to be in the plane by tomorrow evening"

"okay got it kamsahamnida"*click*

"what did they say!!!!?"

"well your leaving tomorrow"


"yes evening...."

"ohh no i have a little bit of time to hang out with myungsoo and lexi before i leave"

"im sorry but we cant change it"

"okay well i guess we have time to hang out the rest of the day today"


"awww come on lexi dont be sad"

"i know but im really going to miss you but lets make today memorable!"


*i guess today is the last day i will be able to hang out with my two best friends so i better make this the best day ever*














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