The Letter...



>the next morning<

[~~~~'s POV]

"MYUNGSOO, LEXI!!!!!!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!"

(they both shot up from where they were sleeping)

"ugghhh what!!!"

"excuse me is that anyway you should be talking to an elder"

"ohh mianhae! Mrs. Kim"

"thats right... now you know the rules when you guys stay over and sleep you guys have to do some chores around the house.... so Lexi you will wash the dishes clean the table then set the table and help me with breakfast. and Myungsoo... you will take out the trash, sweep the floor, dry the dishes when lexi is done washing no go get started... if you guys slack off like the other time i will make sure you guys dont go home and make my whole house look spotless.. Okay!


"well what are you waiting for go"

[~~~~'s POV]

*i heard some yelling coming from the living room but its probably my momma yelling at them to do chores so ill go back to sleep*

"~~~~!!!!!!!!!! Get up!"



"dont ughh me you know that you always have to get up early and do chores"

*i turn to look at the clock and its only 7:35am..... seriously*

"okay im up!"

(she leaves her room)

"yess!!! no ill just go back to bed.... 10 more miutes"

>30 minutes later<

"~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!??"

"huh ohh sorry sorry!! im up now ill go clean now"

"no no no for going back to sleep myungsoo and lexi already cleaned the living room and now you have to make your own breakfast and do some grocery shopping and while your at it clearn your room!"

"aishhh!!! okay"

(after a couple of minutes later you were finished with your room)

"yes!! its finally clean"

(you then walked to the kitchen to get cooking)

"woow.... the living room looks really nice you guys clean well"

"yea we did... dont you think i would make a good husband"

"sure....." you punched his arm lightly

"okay well im going to go out to get the grocery"

"wait sweetie heres the list of things"

"holy.... okay"

"~~~~ do you want me to go with you"

"no myungsoo she has to do this her self the store is like across the street"

"okay" he pouted

"dont miss me babe" myungsoo said 

"why do you keep calling me babe call lexi babe not me!"


>2 weeks later<

*RIIINGGG~* the bell rang

"dammmn im late for class its my moms fault making me wash cloths in the morning waisting my time!"

(she went to her home room)

"~~~~ LATE! detention after school today you know the rules"

"im sorry sir wont happen again"

"it better not! now go take a seat!"

"what heppened why are you late?" myungsoo whispered to you


"ohhhhh.... that explains"

"were's lexi??"


"bathroom...?? were not allowed to go in the middle of class"

"didnt you hear her stepdad is the new vice principle here so she's allowed to do anything"

"whhattt???? she never told me that"

"huh guess shes not your super best friend anymore"

"heyyy!! yea...... she is"

"okay... she would of told you she tells you everything did you guys argue or something?"

"no i dont... think so"

(lexi comes back)

"hey lexi why didnt you tell me your stepdad works here now?"

"oh i didnt think it was important"

"but you tell me everything no matter what"

"no i think you tell myungsoo everything not me"

"what are you talking about you were the one i told everything"


>lunch time<

[Author's POV]

when lunch came myungsoo and ~~~~ sat at there usual spot and lexi went and sat with her other group of friends which ~~~~ and myungsoo were confused about why she was acting that way they tried talking to her about it but she would ignore the question or just say idk she gave so much attitude it was getting annoying. the day almost ended they were in there last period of the day.

[~~~~'s POV]

*there were only 30 minutes in class left and i wasnt looking forward to detention so i just looked at the window that i sat next to pass time i really just wanted to get home and get into a hot bath and forget about this whole day when i see a car pulled up in front of our school the car looked really nice and expensive and i saw this guy in a tux come out of the car walking toward the school..... wonder what hes doing here whatever* you continued to daydream

(suddenly you hear your name being called and snap out of your daydreams)

"huh what??" you saw the same guy in the tux in your class

"your ~~~~ right?" you knod 

"here this letter is for you.. dont read it yet read it when you get home" he says and leaves 

"what was that about now im so anxious to read it!"

"well he said to read to when you get home and the bell is going to ring in about...."


"i cant wait im going to open it now!!!!"

(you open the letter)

"OHHHHH MMMYYYY GOOOD.........." you eyes were wide open when you saw the letter

















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