Lost the Bet


[~~~~'s POV]

"GOTCHA!" lexi comes from behind.


"no no no no no give me another chance you knew they would play music in here that i love dancing to!"

"sorry a deals a deal. you know what that means"

*i actually want to sign up for this one*

"yea i know whatever lets get it over with"

"wait where not done shopping" 

>myungsoo comes in<

"there you guys are... did she start dancing?"

"yes and she's signing it"

"so you guys did do this on purpose!!"


"stop it!!!!"

(love that song lol)

"okay guys lets go to one more store and then get lunch"

"perfect and this time where going somewhere i want to go"

"yea yea yea"


"ohhh lets go to this korean fashion store!"

"there myungsoo not a girly store and plus you need new cloths"


>you guys looked all around for cloths<

"~~~~ myungsoo lets go pay!! im hungry?"

"god lexi your so fat!"

"what?? nooo! myungsoo you so mean"

"guys calm down"

(Lexi bought)


>myungsoo and lexi got the same type of shirt<

"umm you guys got a couple shirt???"

"no no ~~~~ this was a coincidence i should put it back"

"no dont who cares if you guys have the same one just dont wear them on the same day"

"okay fine"

(myungsoo bought)



"myungsoo those shoes are going to get dirty fast"

"not if i take good care of them"

(~~~~ bought)

"okay were redy to go"

"wait food!!"

"omg okay were going!"

"lets get chinese food"

>all of them got the same thing<

>20 mintues later<

"ohh im stuffed lets go<

"okay why you in a rush excited to get home and sign the paper?"

*ohh i forgot*

"of course not! lets go"

>the car ride back home was quite<

"Finally home!"

(you lay down on the couch)

"hey were are you going you need to sing this remember"

"umm lexi..... she fell asleep"


"doesnt she look cute when shes sleeping"

"yea sure now wake her up"

"~~~~!!!!! wake up!"


"SIGN!" "okay okay

(you signed it lazily)

"perfect ill send this in tonight cross your fingers you get in"

"yea yea whatever probably i wont just can you leave me alone now"

"yes we will come on myungsoo stop staring at ~~~~"

"yea its creepy myungsoo dont watch me sleep!"

"ohh sorry umm ~~~~ can i ask you something?"

[Lexi's POV]

*oh no hes going to ask her*

"~~~~ will you be my V...... wooahh."

(lexi pulled him outside)

"hey lexi!!! i was about to aske her to be my valentines!"

"no dont do it..... yet"

"what you told me earlier to do it?!"

"its cause i have something to say"




Next chapter done:) please subscibe and comment 




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