First Day


[Daehyun's POV]

It took her a while to text me back which upset me but i know she's gonna text me after 3 minutes of waiting i finally hear my phone vibrate. it was definatly her

Sent at 11:26am:

~~~~ =^.^= 

Hey daehyunnie oppa i didnt think you would text me so soon but i was happy you did:) work hard and take care of yourself but dont work to hard.fighting!! :) i hope you can sing to me one day cause you didnt get to on the plane i really really want to hear your voice>.< i hope you guys do well in performing and stuff i really want to meet all of your group members but youngguk does look pretty scary.. anyways oppa have a nice day to bye:) 

"daehyun!!!!! give me that!" before i can reply zelo took my phone away

"who are you texting hyung!! huh your new girlfriend??" he read your messege

"heyy!! give it back!!"

"ohh who is this ~~~~ she seems nice who is she is she pretty!??"

"its none of your business!!" you said and got your phone back

"can we meet this girl... is she that girl you kept looking at in LA?? or is it that girl in the plane?"

"aish!!! can you stop!" you hit him in the head

"ouch!! daehyun hyung hit me!!" zelo yelled

"guys stop!! you guys dont want to attract more attention do you!" youngguk said

"i wasnt even screaming!!?"

"i dont care just come here get in the car!"

"okay okay!"

you hit zelo when he was getting in the car


(at the dorms)

"ohh its good to be home" we all said

(daehyun went into a different room)

"i didnt get to text her back maybe i should call her.........naa"

[~~~~'s POV]

*why didnt daehyun text back i was waiting for his reply for so long until this one guy came and picked me up and now im at this hotel im suppose to stay it so nice and expensive but he's paying for all this my room was really nice*

"ohh man i have to go to the class in a few minutes" you unpacked and got ready to leave

(once you were ready sam your driver aparently was already waiting for you outside to take you to the class)

"so ~~~~ are you ready for the class?" 

"umm of course im ready to dance anytime! im just so glad i dont have to go to school anymore just dance"

"umm dont get your hopes up your only 17 years old you have to be going to school even if you just came here to dance"

"what!!!? they never said anything about going to a new school here!?"

"what did you think? that you were just going to go to the dance academy thing and return to your hotel room and do what ever you want.... no no no"

"whatever.... oh sam have you ever heard of b.a.p?"

"yea my daughter is always talking about them.. why do you ask?"

"oh just wondering i thought you knew them"

"well i do know that there entertainment place is close by here"

"entertainment place??"

"yea its called tsentertainment that company thing made them who they are now"

"ohh.... does your daughter tell you who her favorite one is?"

"yea she goes crazy for this one guys named zelo"

*phew.. wait what am i saying*

"oh okay"

"what about you you must like one of them"

"noo...... i dont really know that group"

"ohh sure... anyways were here"

"okay thanks" you were geting out of the car

"wait! ~~~~ heres my number so call me when ever your done so i can pick you up"

"got it thanks"

(you went inside the dance room)

*Wow... its not like i imagined it would be*

It was really empty the class hasn's even started yet but then a guy came in

"hello..? are you ~~~~ the new student thats going to be coming here?"

"ahh yes thats me"

"oh good good afternoon miss im dominic you dont have to call me mr. i dont like it and im not even married yet so dont call me mr. just dominic"

"okay got it... dominic"

"okay so this is basically the whole place i heard you already know how to dance so you dont need lessons"

"yea i dont need lessons"

"okay great. and how do you feel about dancing infront of people?"

"i actually dont mind i dont get nervous when i do"

"thank goddness!! i hate those shy people who refuses to get up and dance"

"haha... why arent people here yet"

"ohh people are already here they are just taking a break"

(people started coming in)

"ohh i guess there back now... okay wait over here"

"guys... everyone.... we have someone new joining us today ~~~~ please come and introduce yourself"

*ohh damn there soo many eyes staring at me i didnt think there were this much*

"umm.. hello im ~~~~ nice to meet you guys i hope we can all get along" you said and bowed

after you intoduced yourself there were people whispering to eachother

"okay shhhh people!! be nice to her and ~~~~ will you like to show them what you got??"

"yes! i'd love to"

"okay kyle turn the music on!"

you just stood there and waited for the music you a song that you knew and liked

you knew some of the moves he danced in the video and added some of your own moves. once you were done everyone clapped for you they were really surprised how good you were

"wow....~~~~ you are really good! thanks for showing us now you can go and talk to people"

you bowed at him and you saw people walking towards you they complemented on your dancing it made you feel nice on how many people enjoyed it and its just my first day... after so many people gathered around you they finally went to sit and talk to others and you went to go sit down in a corner as well and drank your water when some other people came up to you

"hey!! ~~~~ right?"


"i just came to say you were really good! my name is jia this is dominic and sarah nice to meet you" you shook there hands

"nice to meet you guys to. your name is dominic to?"

"yea... but you can call me dom. or people call me jesse cause thats my middle name and also so we dont get confused on whose calling who"

"ohh okay got it"

(hours passed and you also got really close to jesse, jia, and sarah you were about to leave so you said bye to everyone)

*i took out my phone and saw 2 messages from daehyun*

you were on your way out when you opened the door and you bumped into someone

you looked up and saw..















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