

"Daehyun!?!?" you said surprised

"ohh ~~~~ there you are!"

"wh..what are you doing here?"

"well i texted you and you never replied so i went looking for you and i asked this one guy sam that was your driver and brought me here.... so how was your first day here?"

"ohh... so you know were i live and stuff? and my first day was really good i met a lot of cool people"

"thats good well lets go" he grabbed your hand

*yea totally ignore my question*

"where are we going"

"you'll see" he continued to walk holding your hand

*onced we reached where he was taking me it was a cheesecake store... why would he bring me here??*

"umm... daehyun why are we at a cheesecake store?"

"you dont like cheesecake!!!?"

"yea i do but why would you bring me here?"

"well i like cheesecakes and i like you why not combined both of the things i like and enjoy the day"

" me?"

"yea! your a great friend even though we barley met but i feel really comfortable talking to you your different then what i thought you would of been when i met you"

*oh friends*

"oh okay then lets go eat some cheesecake then"

*we got our cheesecakes and sat down next to a window*

"so ~~~~ are you going to school here yet?"

"umm... no i didnt want to but sam told me that i had to and i dont know which one im going to"

"hopefully you go to mine i go to S.A High"

"oh yea that would be great then i wouldnt have to worry about being a loner at school on the first day"

"dont worry if someone tries to bully you ill be there to protect you arraso?"

"okay thanks"

when they finished eating there cheesecake they went walking around showing ~~~~ the places daehyun loved going to they had a really fun time together again

"hey ~~~~ do you want to come to our dorm and meet the rest of us?"

"umm... its getting pretty late.. i dont know"

"its okay ill have our driver drive you home it wont even take that long meeting them"

"well..... okay then"

"okay lets go"

you guys got to there dorm in less then 20 minutes

"wow this place is nice!"

"yea its okay.... this way to the elevator"

"what floor do you guys live in?"

"we live in the 12th floor"

the way up there was pretty quiet

"okay this is it are you ready to meet them.. im warning you some of them are crazy and dont believe everything they say okay"

he opens the door and once  he opens it you can hear someone screaming give it back! and others yelling to calm down dont yell someone hitting the other with a pillow it was pretty crazy but once they saw you step in they all stopped and looked at you

"guys... come here i want you guys to meet someone!"

*there was this one guy that came to me first with a really big smile*

"daehyun who is this pretty girl.... is it your girlfriend the one you like??" he said putting an arm around you

"HEYY!!!! she's just a friend i wanted you guys to meet her this is ~~~~"

"hey its nice to meet you all" you said with the nicest tone

"well she seems to be sweet way to nice for you daehyun" some guy with a deep voice said 

"daehyun hyung is that the girl who texted you?"

"aishh!! just introduce yourselfs"

"im Himchan but you can call me oppa" he said and winked at you

"nice to meet you Himchan.. oppa"

"im zelo the maknea of this group... and ill call you noona" he said cutely

"im youngguk the oldest and leader of the group nice to meet you ~~~~" he said politely

"im youngjae the best singer in the world" 

"hey i am the best singer!!" daehyun said

"anyways im jongup im the best dancer out of all of them" 

"really you are? i love dancing to thats why i came here to achieve my dreams" you said confidently

"really you sould show us your moves one day!"

"yea i would love to show you guys.... and zelo did you read daehyun's phone when i texted him??"

"umm...... yea im sorry noona i didnt mean to!"

"what!!! you took the phone out of my hand and read it!"

(you crossed your arms over your chest and looked at zelo)

"im sorry noona i wont do it again!! dont look at me like that!!"

"awww your soo cute i cant stay mad at you" you said and pinched his cheeks

"daehyun can i talk to you for a second" youngguk said

"sure" they exit out the room

[Daehyun's POV] 

"what is it youngguk?"

"all i got to say is that dont let her go... we just met her and shes talking to us like she's known us for ever. if you dont like her or anyting thats fine but im telling you shes a keeper she has a really good personalitly"

"i know.." youngguk leaves

*do i like her.....*

*i went back to the living room and saw ~~~~ playing video games with zelo and jongup when suddenly zelo hit the remote away from her hand so she could lose and then they started fighting and then himchan broke them up and he put his arm around her i was about to go in there and take him off of her but what am i doing psshh im not jealous... himchan can do what ever he wants i dont care... maybe i do... i saw him get closer and closer to her... he's really pissing me off! i guess i am starting to like her i dont know* 

























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