

[~~~~'s POV]

so 1 week has passed by and ive been getting alot closer to daehyun which is really great and school is lame as always but i always look foward to after school cause i go to dance. dance has been great my group which is jia, jesse, and sarah made so many performances in different places we have became really famous but not daehyun type of famous. school has also been great for the week ive been going except for that miyun and her possy are really annoying and bother me and daehyun to much. Anyways today im suppose to wait for daehyun so we can walk to school together, i was waiting outside in the cold while wearing this...

 our school has uniform day so we have to wear our uniform on monday's and thursday's and the rest of the days you could wear anything you want today is wednesday so i wanted to wear something cute. i waited for about 20 minutes until daehyun arrived.

"hey! sorry im late i couldnt sleep at all last night because of zelo bugging me to much and i woke up late did you wait long?"

"no. no its okay i just got out a few minutes ago" i lied

"ohh okay... and by the way you look cute in that sweater"


then we walked to school we got there 5 minutes before the bell rang and got to our seats daehyun sat behind me and the front two seats were empty guess miyun and the other two hadn't gotten here hope they get tardy kekeke.

"hey ~~~~ miyun isn't here yet?" he tapped my shoulder


"hahah they are going to get introuble if there tardy!"

"haha yea!!" you high fived him

the bell rang and thats when miyun, shay, shinji came in running

"Mianhae professor we....."

"hold on hold on you are sorry for being late you think by saying sorry will be excused like the other times! i dont think so this is the third time you girls have done this and i wont allow it any more! you guys have detention for the whole week and lunch duty and clean the boys bathroom. understand?!"

the girls stayed quiet and miyun just looked at him like are you crazy he got the long ruler and slammed it against his desk and everyone jumped


"y..y..yes s..sir" the said with there heads down

you turned back to daehyun who was trying hard not to laugh

"they must be really embarrased hahhaa!"

"i know they deserve! this is hilarious"

"tell me about it"

miyun came and walked to her seat in front of you and glared at you and you tried not to laugh at her

you whispered to her

"have fun cleaning the boys bathroom... pfftt hhhahaa" you couldnt hold it in and laughed

she turned to you 

"what the heck! stop laughing or you'll regret making fun of me i swear i will make your life misrable!"

daehyun heared

"hey miyun if you even touch her i will hurt you so dont you dare!"

"but oppa didnt you hear her she was making fun of me!"

"yea and so was i so i think you should just shut up and sit down"

she looked at you then she sat back down with her hands crossed you turned back to daehyun

"are you serious about hurting her if she touches me..?"

"uhh yea your my friend i should to whats right... right?"

"yea i guess"

and just like that the last bell rang and you were out of the room so excited to get to dance and forget about today when you suddenly hear your name being called from the back

"~~~~!!! wait!"

"daehyun? whats up?"

"i have to tell you something"

"uhh okay?"

[Daehyun's POV]

alright daehyun this is it you have to tell her you have waited long enough.... here i go

"~~~~ you know how i said that i will hurt miyun if she even touches you?"


"well... *gulp* the reason why is becasuse i care about you so much i dont want any one to hurt you  and i really......... i really like you. i know its pretty soon but i like you and ive been wanting to tell you for a while but i couldnt until i talked to yoongguk about it and he convinced me to confess to you. i really do have feelings for you ~~~~......" *sigh*

she just stood there trying to prosses what i just said looking at me with wide eyes trying to say something but she didnt was it a mistake telling her now? ohh please feel the same way




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