

[~~~~'s POV] 

*well yesterday we had an amazing last day we did so many things we went to the beach and took so many pictures for me to take when im gone so i can see them when i feel lonley or something we also went to the mall and spent so much money on things we were probably not going to use but it was worth it we also went to a cinema which was really fun with my best friends it was really an unforgetable day for me im really going to miss them and i only have a couple of hours before i leave*

*i got up at 7 in the morining so we can have a longer time together i went over lexi's house first*

>ding dong<

"hey Lexi!!!"

"what are you doing here so early!!?"

"im sorry i just wanted to have more time with you and myungsoo before i leave can i come in?"

*yawnn*"yea sure.. let me just get ready and we can go have fun"

"okay hurry ill call myungsoo so to come over"

"yea *yawn* got it"

(you got the phone and started calling myungsoo)


"heyyyyyy myungsoo come to lexi's house we will be waiting for you so hurry we have a short time before i leave so you better hurry so we dont waste time.. bye" *click* 

>20 minutes later< 

"hey im here..... wheres lexi"

"oh shes in the bathroom she'll be out in like......"

"okay im done......AHHHHH myungsoo what are you doing in my room" she goes back in the bathroom

"lexi dont even worry its not like i saw you you have a towl on!"

"but still its embarrassing for a guy to see me like this its close to seeing me ! can you please get out for a second to change!!!" she yells from inside the bathroom

"okay okay im leaving now"

"dont worry lexi ill take him out so you wont have to worry" you take him out and close the door

"is it just me or does she look like she has a nice body?"

"what...... myungsoo.... why are you asking that! thats so not you..."

"im sorry..... guys will be guys!"

"well you dont have to ask me!!"

"okay im done guys lets go" she came out and was blushing

"are you still blushing after what happened!??"

"no no..... so where are we going?"

"ohh i was thinking that we should go to this nice party i was invited to it'll be really fun what do u say?"

"umm party...okay sounds good lets all change and meet back here okay"

"got it"

>next 40 minutes<

(they all went back to lexi's place well dressed you were the first one to get there)

"hey lexi im here i wanna see what your wearing!!" you knocked on her room door

(she were wearing this)

(you wore this)

"wow... we look good!!" you both said

(then myungsoo came)

"im here guys how do i look??"

"wow.... you look...."

"HOT!!" he inturrupted 

"i was going to say good not hot okay"

"but you got to admit i look damn hot in a tux"

"yes! you do myungsoo" lexi said

"thank you lexi, you to"

"ohh really!! thanks"

"ooookayyyy lets goo......"

>at the party<

"OMG!!! lets go dance"

"nooo!! you may not be afraid to dance but im shy to dance in front of people no!"

"awww come on!"

"ill dance with you ~~~~!"

"okay!!" you take his hand

"no no wait ill dance with you ~~~~ go sit down myungsoo"

"awww what i thought you didnt want to" he pouts


"well myungsoo can dance with us to"


(after two hours of none stop dancing you decide to leave because it was 2:20pm)

"guys lets go i only have a couple of minutes to pack and get ready i leave at 3:30!!!"

"omg lets go lets go!"

(you all say bye to the host of the party and hurry out)

"come on myuongsoo drive faster!!"

"i cant go faster then what i am! just relax we will make it!!"

"aww man im so nervous i dont want to miss my flight or.. or..."

"~~~~ calm down your distracting my driving you dont want me to crash do you!"

"sorry sorry! okay ill calm down"

(you guys reach ~~~~ house)


"why are you coming so late its 2:40pm now i already packed your stuff its in your room"

"omg thanks mom you saved me some time!!"

"okay sweetie we have to get to the airport now!!"

(they all get to the LAX)

"come on run!! whats the time??"

"its 3:15pm"

"ohhh noo!! hurry!!!"

"okay okay"

"sweetie im old i cant run for long!!!"

"ugghhh mom!!!!"

(you guys kept running when you bumped into someone when you were going to turn)


"ohh im so sorry miss are you okay" he helped you up"

"yea im fine thank you" you both looked at eachother for a while when lexi shook you

"ohh yea im sorry i would like to stay and talk but my flight is about to leave and i dont want to miss it" you say and leave

(you get to the line)


'noo how was that?"


"who??? i dont know what that is"

"well that explains why you didnt freak out!!"

"Sweetie im here!"

"there you are mom why did you take forever"

"well im sorry i needed to catch my breath for a while!"


"well thats my plane! i guess this is it guys....."

"come here sweetie be safe call me every day if you dont call me i will call you okay!"

"yes mom" you hug her"

"lexi ill miss you so much!" you hug her

*sniff sniff* "im really going to miss you..." 

"aww lexi dont cry your going to make me cry"

"Myungsoo ill miss you too!"

"ill miss you soo much!" he kisses your cheek, lexi looks away

"hey myungsoo!! dont kiss my daughter!" she hits his head

"sorry sorry!"

"well go on sweetie the planes waiting"

(you walk and give your ticket to the guy standing there after you continue to walk to the hallway to the plane and turn back to your family and wave one last time and continue to walk when a tear falls from your eye)

*this is it..... im going to be all alone in korea i hope i dont get home sick im really going to miss them.. goodbye LA"











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