[Narrator's POV]

~you~ were just an ordinary 17 year old girl living in L.A. with your parents. Being a dancer was your dream. You loved dancing you would do it everyday, you would always volunteer at your school's talent shows. You weren't so nervous about performing in front of people, you actually loved to show what you've got. So basically everyone knew you were an amazing dancer no doubt about it. When you danced, you can see the passion in your movments as soon as you heard a song you would get lost in your own world and people's jaws would be all the way to the floor when you finish. You don't listen to people when they say you are the best. You actually thought you were the worst so that's why you would practice  nonstop until you pass out. You have probably passed out like 10 times for the past month. Your best friends, Lexi and Myungsoo, would always care for your health but they know how much you like dancing so they made you sign up for dance schools all across the world to make your dreams come true. They already made you do 3.

[~~~~'s POV]

"~~~~!!!!!" there they go again when will they ever stop!?


"Please sign up for this last one and I promise no more!" she did this little face that made me say yes to everything she says, but not this time

"Lexi thats not gonna work on me anymore!" *she's so cute no no ~~~~ don't fall for it*

"Fine then :P myungsoo please help me" Myungsoo walks in. 

"Come on ~~~~ please you know you want to" he said swaying the paper in my face. I actually did want to sign up for it but I wanted to show them that I'm not always going to say yes to them.

"UGGGHH!! Just leave me alone please!" I finally yelled at them hopefully they leave me alone after that.

"~~~~ please just this one and i swear no more" Myungsoo said.

*I guess my yell didnt scare them away* "No! I already got 3 that didn't accept me! What makes you think the 4th will?"

"4 is a lucky number" she said with a baby voice.







"Okay how about this!!" Myungsoo interrupts our argument

"What!?" Lexi and I both say in unison.

"Let's make a deal ~~~~"

"Deal??" We both say.

"Yea. You wanna know what the deal is?"

"Suree" me and lexi say again

"okay we gotta stop that!" 

"Anyways the deal is if you could last a whole day without dancing at all. Not even moving your leg or your head to the beat, we will leave you alone and not make you sign up for another one ever."

*hmmm thats a tough one... I think I can handle it* "FINE deal!" and we shake hands on it.

[Lexi's POV]

*hmm I got an idea to make ~~~~ dance and lose the bet* "Myungsoo can I talk to you in the kitchen for a sec"

"uhh sure" I grab his hand and lead him the way. *omg I'm touching his hand*

~Myungsoo looks back at ~~~~ and she gives him a thumbs up and winks~

*I turn around to see Myungsoo blushing a little which made me think he was blushing because I was holding onto his hand which made my cheeks feel hot*

"What's up?" he said which made me stop thinking about my thoughts

"ohh umm I think I know how to make her lose the deal"

*He gave me this evil looking smile which made me want to melt* "ohhh okay what is it?"

"lets take her to the mall. I know this one place she loves that always plays music and she will definately start dancing"

"okay yea lets go. Good plan"

*He was about to leave the kitchen when he turned back*

"ohh yea Lexi can I ask you something?"

*omg I remember Valentines Day is coming up. What if he wants to ask me to be his valentines!*

"umm should i ask ~~~~ to be my valentines..."





heres my little update:) hope you enjoy tell me your thoughts^.^

Subscribe please:D ~Ana 






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