✈chapter thirteen

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter thirteen

It wasn't until Yoo Jin stepped off the train and into terminal C did she look at her watch and realize that she was late to a company wide meeting – the one taking place in terminal A. Wondering how in the world she let time slip past her like that so carelessly, the turned right back around and stepped back into the stupid train she hated taking so much. Don't get her wrong, it was nothing against the train itself (it did save her many times when she was late) she would just rather be walking from building to building. However, under the circumstance she was currently in, she would just have to it up and ride the train.

After what seemed like forever, she finally reached the conference room. This was the first of two meetings for the day. Meetings like this were always split into groups of two or sometimes even three. Even though they were called 'company wide', that wouldn't actually be possible seeing as they still had an airport to run. Yoo Jin took a deep breath and slowly and carefully pushed the door in, hoping that she wasn't too late and that she could just invisibly slip in with no one noticing. Luckily for her, no one did notice her step in, only because no one was there yet, only a few handful of employees were there, and they were all milling around the room talking to others. Breathing a sigh of relief, she took a seat near the front and waited. It was lucky that she wasn't the only one who was running late.

Watching the door, Yoo Jin saw the other employees start to stream in. Some of them walked in timidly, only to straighten up when they realize that the meeting hadn't even started yet. Seats were starting to fill up all around her, although rather slowly, and Mr. Wu's assistant was starting to set up at the makeshift stage in the front. The meeting was bound to start anytime now.

Yoo Jin was inspecting her nails – they really did need a manicure – when she felt someone sit down in the seat next to her. Looking up, she saw that it was Kyungsoo that had taken the seat. Giving him a small smile, she greeted him with a quiet, “Hey, Kyungsoo.”

He nodded back at her. “I see you were one of the few to actually get here on time. Looks like you've been waiting for a while, though I'm not sure why I'm surprised. Punctuality is a typical quality of a hardworking employee like you.” He laughed gently, though his compliment was true.

Yoo Jin only shook her head, brushing his compliments off with genuine modesty. “I was late too, you know,” she said, and Kyungsoo chuckled at her her and shook his head, as if he didn't believe her. Not knowing what to say now, Yoo Jin looked around, only to realize something was a bit off with the loud group of pilots in the back of the room. Turning around back to her seat neighbor, she asked, “Why aren't you sitting with the rest of them?”

Raising an eyebrow, he looked back towards the pilots. “You mean the rest of the pilots?” Yoo Jin nodded. “Oh, they came in before me since I had a delayed flight with Jongin. There was only one seat left though and Jongin took it. I saw this empty seat here next to you and decided that it looked pretty empty without an occupant,” he joked.

Yoo Jin rolled her eyes and smiled a little. Suddenly, screeching feedback from the microphone rang through out the room, rendering everyone's attention towards the front. On the stage, a small and frail man was tapping at the microphone, making the ringing sound even worse. As everyone winced, he managed to stutter out, “Mr. Wu would like to see Wu Yifan, Do Kyungsoo, Kim Jongdae, and Ahn Hyerin backstage for a quick second before the meeting starts. Thank you.” And with that, he walked behind the curtain, ending his announcement.

Kyungsoo slowly stood up, obviously confused. Furrowing his eyebrows, he looked down at Yoo Jin and told her he'd be right back, although rather uncertainly. From across the room he saw Hyerin stand up and walk backstage and so he followed her lead and did too.

Kyungsoo and Hyerin reached the back at the same time, with Kris and Jongdae closely behind them. When Mr. Wu saw the four, he waved them over to where he was standing. “What's going on?” Kyungsoo whispered over to Hyerin, but she just shook her head and shrugged, not having a single clue either.

“What's the matter, dad?” Kris asked as the group reached Mr. Wu. All four employees noticed that their CEO was looking a little perplexed and they knew then that whatever he had to say would probably not be very good news.

“I'm just going to get right to the point,” he said, and leaving no room for anyone to interrupt, he continued, “I'm afraid the banquet will have to be canceled this year.” He looked extremely upset, which was reasonable.

All four employees were instantly distraught and their concerns were immediately voiced aloud. Between Jongdae asking why, Hyerin wanting to know if there was anything they could do, and Kyungsoo suggesting ideas, there was no room for Kris to even think, nonetheless input his word. “Everyone shut up!” he yelled, and the other three surprisingly listened to him. Turning to his father, he narrowed his eyes and asked a simple, “Why?”

Sighing, Mr. Wu pulled on all of his fingers and Kris recognized this as a sign of his nervousness. “Due to current situation our company is in, I'm afraid we don't have the proper funds at the moment to proceed with our banquet.” Before he could continue, an assistant came by and told him he needed to be on stage in five minutes. He nodded and looked back at the four disappointed employees in front of him. “I'm sorry to say but this year's celebration will be canceled.”

The banquet committee were stunned and in disbelief at this announcement. None of them were expecting a reason like that, considering just how successful the company was. Kris wasn't afraid to say it, though. “Dad, what are you talking about? You're pockets are practically overflowing with money.”

Giving his son a look, Mr. Wu said, “Son, this isn't a discussing matter.” Mr. Wu nodded at his assistant across the room when she held up two fingers, meaning he had to go one stage in two minutes. “I'm sorry, everyone. I know you all have worked so hard for this, but with the situation we are being put in, it's what we have to do. There isn't enough time nor money to go on with the annual banquet.”

“But are you sure there is nothing we can do?” Hyerin asked desperately. She knew that when word go out that the banquet wasn't going to happen, no one will be pointing their fingers at Mr. Wu, oh no. The four of them will be held responsible for the banquet not going on as usual.

Kris, for once, agreed with Hyerin. “I mean, there must be something we could do to secure the funds.” He was just as desperate as anyone to have this banquet go on. He spent three hours the night before planning the seating chart – three hours he usually reserved for sleep – and he wasn't going to let all of that time go to waste. Also, he's been really stressed lately, and he needed a good reason to unwind and get drunk.

Mr. Wu looked distracted. He was straightening his tie and getting ready to go on stage, but he nodded at the four anyway. “Just figure it out and let me know if you all come up with anything.” And with that, he left the four on their own and walked out onto the stage.

“So what are we going to do?” Jongdae asked. Even though he had no contributions to the group at all, he still wanted the party to go one so he could have a free pass to get wasted. “I'm guessing a fundraiser of some sort?”

Kyungsoo snapped his fingers and looked like he had the best idea ever. “A bake sale!” he exclaimed excitedly. “Everyone could sign up and-”

“No,” was all Kris said before Kyungsoo shut up. Kyungsoo looked disappointed but didn't say anything else. “What else?”

Hyerin was still taken aback by Kris' rudeness to Kyungsoo. “At least let him finish, Kris. You know, sometimes it would be nice if you became less of an to everyone. At least he was giving us an idea. Why don't you try to use your brain for once.”

Kyungsoo and Jongdae both knew to stay quiet. This was Hyerin's and Kris' fight and there was no way in hell they would want to get in the middle of that.

“Excuse me?” Kris asked, glaring at the flight attendant. He stepped forward, meaning to get face to face with Hyerin, but since she was just so much shorter than him, he had to look down at her, which was much more intimidating, anyway. “Well, Miss-I'm-So-High-and-Mighty, I don't see you coming up with any ideas either. Maybe instead trying to act tough and saving someone who didn't need any saving, you could stay out of other people's business for once and use your head too.”

Before someone could get hurt, Jongdae stepped up to the plate and for once contributed to the cause. “I say we just ask for donations, considering how many people around here have really rich daddies.” He causally coughed into his hand and looked at the three in front of him. But seeing as they all just glared at him, he sighed. “I mean, we could ask for donations from our customers, or something like that.”

“Oh yeah,” Kris drawled, still angry from before, “because so many people will jump at the idea of giving a bunch of entitled rich kids more money so they can have a party where all they will do get drunk and get in trouble.” He sarcastically slow clapped. “Great idea, Jongdae.”

Hyerin rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath, “And there he goes being an again.” Luckily for everyone, Kris chose to ignore it.

Jongdae just shrugged, not really caring that Kris thought his idea was stupid. “We could say it was for cancer or something."

Kyungsoo shook his head and looked scandalized. “No! We can't do that, Jongdae,” he said, appalled at Jongdae's unethical suggestion.

“This is pointless,” Hyerin yelled, throwing up her hands. “I can't think with Kris in the same room as me. I'm going back out there to listen to the meeting.” As she started to leave, she said, “I'll come up with an amazing idea, just you wait, Yifan.” Hyerin then stalked off, leaving a stunned Kris standing there, fuming, with no one to yell at.



“I'm serious, Aerin, stop asking me. I'm not going to get Jongdae to go on a date with you!” Hyerin screamed at her sister through the phone. She leaned back into her chair and sighed, barely listening as her sister whined and went through reason after stupid reason as to why Hyerin should set her and Jongdae up on a date. “No, this relationship you have planned with him will never happen, Aerin! Move on!” Hyerin shook her head, exhausted and ready to hang up even though she had only been on the phone with Aerin for a few minutes. Hyerin loved her little sister, but Hyerin would love her even more if all Aerin talked about wasn't her nonexistent relationship with Jongdae.

“Fine, we'll talk about this later,” Aerin said, not getting the hint that her older sister never wanted to talk about this ever again. “So what's up with you, unnie?”

Hyerin sighed again, glad to get off the subject and move onto another. “Not much, just mostly working lately.” Suddenly remembering that she had to come up with an idea for the fundraiser quickly, she decided to ask Aerin. “You know that really big fancy party we have every year at the company?” she asked. She heard her little sister mumble a little 'yeah' and so she continued. “Well, this year, we're having a few issues regarding budge, and we're having to figure out ways or raising money. You have any idea how to make a lot of money quickly?”

It was silent for a few seconds, with both of them thinking of ideas, when Aerin broke it. “Sorry, sis, but I honestly have no idea.” As Hyerin was just about to thank her for her help anyway, Aerin quietly and offhandedly said, “Though I would pay a lot of money to get my hands on Jongdae...”

Rolling her eyes, Hyerin got ready to chastise her sister once again for being such a stalker, but an idea popped into her head. “I've got the perfect idea. I've got to go, I'll talk to you later. Tell mom I said hi. Love you, bye!” Without even letting Aerin reply, she hung up on her.

Quickly, Hyerin ran out of the room, leaving the other flight attendants in the break room wondering what in the world that always-busy woman was up to now.



“We're doing a bachelor's auction.”

All heads in the room looked up at the heavily panting flight attendant. A couple eyes were widened, a few eyebrows raised, and even more heads were cocked in confusion. But then again, the clueless pilots were always confused, so that last part was nothing new.

“Did you run here?” Jongin asked, wondering why she was panting so heavily. “If you did, you're really out of shape considering the flight attendants' break room is literally right down the hall.”

Glaring at the younger man, Hyerin shook her head. “That's beside the point. But – hey, wait, how did you know I was in the break room?” She narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Jongin.

He looked down quickly, a surefire sign of his guilt, though of what, she didn't know. When he stayed quiet, she told him harshly to explain himself, but quickly, because she had exciting news. “Okay, okay, I'll tell you.” He glanced quickly over at Kris who was giving him the evil eye mentally telling Jongin to not say a word. “Kris made us memorize your schedule so we could always warn him where you were at to make sure you and him never ran into each other unless needed.” Jongin was never good at receiving mental signals.

Hyerin stayed quiet for a second, her eyes were twitching in response to the utter idiocy of everyone in the room, and she was deciding whether to scream at Jongin, Kris, or both. Luckily for everyone, she just swallowed her growing annoyance at having to work with such immature people and just announced her grand plan. “For our fundraiser, we're going to do a bachelor's auction. Doesn't that sound exciting?”

“Exciting, no. Like ion, yes.” It isn't a banquet committee meeting without an unneeded comment from Jongdae. After getting a very nasty look from Hyerin, he tried to defend himself. “You understand that you are basically giving some random guy away to the woman desperate enough to buy him for a day?”

“Oh, no,” she looked down at her clipboard, pretending to be nonchalant and checking something off, “it's not some random guy, it's going to be the male employees.” When she saw the pilots' all look at her, she looked back down again and quietly whispered, “Including the pilots.”

“What?” Kris was the first to react, and he was most definitely the loudest. “I am not doing this. None of us will agree to this!” He looked back at the other pilots in the room, all of whom looked away, not wanting to get dragged into yet another squabble between Hyerin and Kris. Kris looked back at Hyerin with fire in his eyes, having had enough of her stupid antics. “My father will never agree to something as stupid and degrading as a bachelor's auction.” He said the word with disgust, and was now pretty confident that Hyerin's plan had fallen to pieces.

Hyerin, however, was one step ahead of Kris. She had a secretive glint in her eyes and a smirk on her face, one that meant trouble for Wu Yifan. She pulled a folded up piece of paper from her pocket and gleefully handed it to the dumbfounded pilot. “Read it and weep, Yifan,” she said, annoying him once again with her use of his real name. The other pilots had to hold in their laughter, fearing the wrath of the angry dragon.

“What's this?” he asked, after reading it over twice. He was still not convinced, or rather, he was trying his best to not believe it.

“That,” Hyerin pointed to Mr. Wu's signature ecstatically, “is your father signature - which I'm sure you know well from forging it multiple times in your childhood.” Kris narrowed his eyes and looked as if he was ready to strangle her, but Hyerin bravely, or maybe stupidly, continued. “I already went to your dad with my brilliant fundraiser idea and he agreed. He even signed this paper so that I could rub it in your face that this is happening and there is nothing you could do about it.” Hyerin smirked victoriously.

After flipping the paper over a few times in his hands (just to make sure his father wasn't somehow blackmailed or forced into agreeing to such a terrible idea), he grunted in defeat, knowing that Hyerin had truly won this battle. “Whatever,” Kris said, shoving the paper back into the flight attendant's hands. “Just because my dad agreed to it doesn't mean I'll do it.” He crossed his arms and turned away from Hyerin, but snuck a peak at her out of the corner of his eye to see what kind of reaction she would have. He was hoping for an annoyed one.

Hyerin, however, barely reacted to Kris' refusal at all. In fact, she just shrugged and looked past the way too arrogant pilot and asked Jongin and Jongdae, the only other pilots in the break room, if they would help her out and participate. “No one would want such an anyway,” she retorted.

“You can count me out,” Jongdae immediately said, trying to stop any oncoming storm between the always bickering pair yet again. “Sorry, but there is no way I'm going on a date with some crazy girl. I get enough of that at work. No way.”

Hyerin rolled her eyes and said fine, while Kris gave the kid a pat on the back. Then they both turned their attention to Jongin, the only other pilot in the room. Jongin gulped as he looked back and forth between his noona and his hyung, both of whom he was very afraid of.

“Jongin,” Hyerin said sweetly, turning on her charm, “I can count on you right? You'll do the fundraiser for noona won't you?”

“No he won't.” Kris intercepted quickly, before Hyerin could do anymore damage to the very impressionable boy. Him and Hyerin both knew that Jongin would follow anyone who told him something he liked, especially pretty girls who were flirty with him. Hyerin was using that to her advantage, and Kris had to stop it now. “Jongin, I swear if you participate in this fundraiser I will get my father to ground you and you can kiss your plane goodbye for a good month or two.”

Like Hyerin, Kris knew one of Jongin's weaknesses too. If there was anything Jongin loved more than girls, it was definitely flying.

Upon hearing Kris' threat, Jongin immediately shook his head. “No, no! Don't do that. I'm sorry, noona, I can't do the fundraiser.” Jongin quickly turned away, not wanting to see Hyerin's disappointed face.

Kris smirked at the flight attendant. “Now who's the losing one,” he cockily said. “Have fun trying to convince the other pilots to participate, or for that matter, any of the other male staff. No one will want to do something like that.” He started to walk out of the room. “Now, I've got a plane to fly, so instead of spending your time missing me like you always do, you can use it to come up with a better plan.” And with a cocky wave of the hand, the infuriating pilot disappeared out of the room.

It was quiet other than the sound of the door slamming behind Kris. Jongin and Jongdae looked at each other, not knowing what to say or do now. Hyerin was just staring at the door, her shoulders were slumped and she looked pretty upset. Jongdae cleared his throat loudly. “Hyerin, I-”

Hyerin snapped around and narrowed her eyes at the two traitors sitting on the couch. “You shut up, right now, Jongdae. I do not want to hear a single word.” And for the second time that day, Hyerin stalked off angrily, leaving Jongin to laugh at Jongdae's misfortune.



Well guess who's back? I know, I know, it's been like forever, so um, yeah, sorry? I lost all of my inspiration and I just had nothing to write about anymore. But I got my mojo back so yay! Thank you to all who have stuck around for this long, and I'm so sorry for not updating in an extremely long time. Thank you, though for staying subscribed. 

Also, shameless tumblr plug beautifulseoulo, because I just made it and I'm lonely so yeah. Thank you all c:


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/