✈chapter eight

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter eight

“Do you need anything else, ma'am?” With a slight shake of her head, Park Jiyeon sent the fakely smiling flight attendant away. As soon as Subin turned her back on the diva, a frown replaced her phony smile. As she walked past her coworkers, Saerom and Jooyeon, she made an annoyed face at them and raised her hands up as if she was going to choke someone.

“I assume that you do not like her,” Saerom said with a playful smile. The three of them, along with a couple other flight attendants, were serving the flight from Australia back to Korea. Unfortunately for them, Park Jiyeon was on that flight, and like most celebrities, she demanded extra attention.

Subin just rolled her eyes. “Do any of us like her?” she whispered once the three were in the gallery where all food and drinks were located. “I know I don't.”

Jooyeon raised her hand slowly, a guilty look flitting across the girl's face. “I sort of do.” Both coworkers looked at her in disbelief. “I mean,” she stuttered, “I like her clothes...”

Rolling her eyes, Subin turned to Saerom. “Where's Hyerin? I saw her name on the list this morning. Why isn't she on the flight?”

Pouring herself a cup of coffee, she took a sip of it before answering. “She switched flights with Yoona last minute.” She offered a cup of old and cold coffee to Subin and Jooyeon. Subin accepted the paper cup while Jooyeon made a face at it. “Suit yourself,” Saerom said, before drinking Jooyeon's cup too.

“Do you know why she switched?” Subin asked. She heard a noise and pushed the curtain of the gallery back. She poked her head outside, but when she saw nothing suspicious, she shrugged it off. “Usually Hyerin never switches,” she said, continuing the conversation again.

Saerom shrugged and looked at Jooyeon, asking if she knew Jooyeon nodded. “I was in the room when she asked Victoria for the switch,” Jooyeon explained. “She told her there was no way she could work with Jongdae, and I guess she gave Victoria a good enough reason because Yoona got called in for a switch.”

The other two just nodded, although Saerom was slightly unhappy that Yoona of all people were called in to switch with Hyerin. “Speaking of our two lovely pilots,” Subin mused sarcastically, “I think it's about time we go check that they're still well and healthy again.” Every hour, one of the flight attendants had to go to the cockpit to make sure that their pilots' health were top notch and that they weren't dying on the plane or anything. “Who wants to go do it?”

Saerom looked away while sipping on her coffee. She turned around and pretended to brew another batch. Subin looked at Jooyeon expectantly and she quickly looked down at her shoes and acted as if she was fixing the strap on her less than comfortable heels. Sighing, Subin admitted defeat and decided to be the bigger person, for once. “Fine, I'll go check on them.”

Walking out of the gallery, she strode past the first class passengers and knocked on the door of the cockpit twice before sliding the door open and walked in. Baekhyun turned around to look at her while Jongdae was flying the plane (Subin wasn't sure she was exactly comfortable with that). “You know, I don't see why you knock if you're going to enter anyway,” Baekhyun said, giving her look.

Subin ignored him and just said, “Just making sure the two of you didn't die or anything.” Subin looked around before spotting the evaluation seat and sat down on it, crossing her legs. “So about how much longer do you think until we get there?”

Baekhyun checked something on the monitor before replying. “I say we have about three more hours until we land at Incheon.” He sent her a smirk and said, “Why? Do you miss your lover boy already?”

“Who?” she asked, raising an eyebrow. Either Baekhyun was being stupid again, or he still assumed Jonghyun was her boyfriend. Either way, she didn't have a 'lover boy' waiting back home for her, and she did not want one anytime soon.

“Jongin,” Baekhyun said simply, a small and playful smile appeared on his face.

Subin rolled her eyes. Ever since that one day she and Jonghyun broke up, it's as if Jongin and his pilot friends have been paying a bit too much attention to her. Subin can feel his eyes on her whenever she walks past, and honestly, it's a little creepy. “Has Jongin been spreading rumors? Because I swear to god-”

“Calm down,” he said, laughing at her sudden change in behavior. “I was kidding. Take a joke, Subin.” He laughed. Subin, however, did not find it funny.

She uncrossed her legs and crossed them again the other direction, a sign of her annoyance. “I find it ridiculous, really,” she said. “I'm older than him by three years, and I don't go for younger guys, sorry.” Baekhyun sent her a look, one that obviously meant that he did not believe her. “What? Do you not believe me? Honestly, if I was lying, you would be able to tell.”

Baekhyun just raised his eyebrows. “I never said that,” he said, a small smirk playing on his lips. “But he hasn't said anything other than the occasion 'oh, she's hot', so you don't have to worry about it. Besides, I think he's going out on a date with some girl tonight.” He gave Subin a pointed look. “It's a girl his age, so don't worry your pretty little head.”

Subin scowled at him. But she was a little bothered hearing Baekhyun say that Jongin was going on a date. How could he go from saying that she was hot to going on a date with another girl? Subin was a bit disgusted just by the mere thought of how much Jongin played girls. Girls' hearts were not a thing to be toyed with, and hopefully Jongin would find that out soon, without having to learn it the hard way.

Baekhyun snapped his fingers in front of Subin, reeling her back to reality. She closed when she realized that it had opened a little while she was spacing out. Rolling his eyes, Baekhyun's diva side was starting to show. “Don't you have a job you need to be attending too?”

Subin opened to speak, but Jongdae cut her off. “Can you both shut up? If you hadn't noticed,” he pointed out the large cockpit window, “I am trying to fly a plane here. So if you don't mind...” Jongdae's eyes fluttered towards the door and Subin got the hint.

Subin stood up. “He's been a little pissy ever since this morning,” Baekhyun whispered as she moved towards the sliding door.


Baekhyun shrugged and said, “Something about a meeting for the banquet he had to attend.” Subin just nodded.

She walked over to the door and slid it open. One of her high heeled clad feet was already stepping out when she remembered something and stepped back in, closing the door behind her. “Wait,” Baekhyun turned to look at her, “I forgot I had to tell you both this.” Jongdae continued looking out the window, but made it clear that he was listening by holding a thumbs up. “Right, so you know Park Jiyeon is on the plane, right?” They both nodded. “Well, you two, along with a few others, are going to be escorting her to her limousine.”

Not wanting her in the cockpit any longer, Jongdae just nodded furiously and waved his hand, telling Subin to get out. “Okay, thanks, we get it, bye.”

She didn't get another word in before she was pushed out the door by Baekhyun. All he said in apology was, “Sorry, but I told you. You don't want to mess with him at the moment.” The door was slid shut in her face.

Subin walked back to the gallery, where she last left Saerom and Jooyeon. She pushed the curtain to the side and stepped in to find the two other girls munching on some food on a platter. “I see you two are hard at work,” Subin muttered sarcastically. Absentmindedly, she reached her hand across the counter and picked a piece of whatever it was the girls were eating and popped in , chewing it thoughtfully.

“Subin!” Jooyeon whisper shouted, causing Saerom to nearly spill her coffee and for Subin to almost choke. “That's cheese! You're lactose intolerant,” she said, as if Subin didn't know.

“Ah, ,” Subin swore as she leaned over the sink, spitting the remnants of her food into a napkin before depositing it. “Someone should have told me!”

Saerom just stood there, trying to hold in her laughter. “How did you not know?” she asked.

Subin, who was still trying to scrub her tongue with her napkin to make sure no more cheese particles were swallowed, just gave her a look. Subin had a habit of picking up whatever food was in front of her and absentmindedly putting it in . She should really stop that bad habit of hers, last time it happened, she accidentally drank a whole glass of milk before realizing what she had done.

A little bell sound interrupted the trio. Poking her head out from behind the curtain, Saerom saw the the light above a certain fashion designer's seat was lit, meaning she needed a flight attendant. “Who's turn is it?”

“Not mine, I went last time.” Subin was not about to be roped into leaving the comfort of the gallery anytime soon. Neither was Jooyeon apparently, since she was rummaging through the cabinet, pretending as if she was doing something important.

Sighing, Saerom finally figured out what it felt like when Subin was forced to go check on the pilots. She sent Jooyeon a look and pointed at her. “You're next, Joo,” she said as she walked out of the small space.

Making Ms. Park Jiyeon wait even longer, Saerom purposefully walked slowly, even stopping mid way to help an elderly man get something from the overhead bin. When she finally reached Jiyeon's seat, the fashion designer was less than happy. Honestly, Saerom couldn't care less.

“What did you just say?” Jiyeon snapped, glaring at the flight attendant. Saerom's eyes widened in shock. Oops, she thought, did I say that out loud? Before she could reply to Jiyeon, the snappy girl rolled her eyes. “Whatever, I need water. My skin is getting dry and I'm starting to feel dehydrated.”

“Yes ma'am,” Saerom said, eying the five or so empty bottles of water laying in the unoccupied seat by Jiyeon. She bowed and turned around sharply, walking back to the gallery. Once she walked in, she grabbed a paper cup and made a beeline for the tap. Filling up the cup with tap water, she looked at Subin and Jooyeon. “Do you think she'll notice?”

Jooyeon looked at the quickly filling up cup nervously. “Should you really do that, Sae?” Saerom didn't answer her. “You know Ms. Jiyeon likes her mineral water.” To prove her point, Jooyeon opened a little cabinet under the counter and pulled out a cool bottle of fresh mineral water.

Saerom turned off the running flow of tap water. Picking up the cup gently, she sarcastically said, “Oops, I already filled it. Might as well take it to her.” She walked out without another word.

“Remember to tell her about having to stay after all the passengers!” Subin called after her, though she doubted Saerom heard her. “That girl has some nerve,” Subin muttered, sipping on a glass of water. “Park Jiyeon is a scary person when she's not pampered correctly.”

Back in the cabin, Saerom was just now making her way over to Jiyeon. When she reached the correct seat, she tapped Ms. Park on the shoulder and gave her a smile, all the while holding out the paper cup. “Here's your water,” she said sweetly.

Jiyeon just stared at the cup for a few silent seconds, an expression of disgust on her face. “What is that?” she finally said, sarcasm and disgust was just oozing from her words. “Because I know it's not my water.”

Saerom faked a look of shock, but on the inside she was more than mad. All water is the same, whether it comes from the tap or from a fancy overpriced water bottle, water is water, she wanted to yell, but she didn't. “But, that's water, isn't it?”

No,” Jiyeon said simply. “That's not mineral water. You dumb flight attendants should know by now that I only drink mineral water.”


Saerom was about to retort, but she was gently pushed away from Jiyeon. Yoona had suddenly come out of no where, a mineral water bottle in hand and she gave it Jiyeon. “I'm so sorry about this,” she said, a calming smile on her face. “It won't happen again, ma'am.” Jiyeon just nodded, a small smirk on her face as she saw Saerom get more upset by the passing second.

Im Yoona just had to save the day again, didn't she? Saerom wanted to be mad, she wanted to scream and yell and be mad at Yoona – but she couldn't. Yoona didn't give Jiyeon the mineral water out of spite for her, she didn't even do it because she wanted to look better than Saerom in front of the celebrity. No, Im Yoona did it because she was a genuinely nice person, and that made Saerom feel terrible for hating on her.

Bowing slightly, the two flight attendants walked off together. Yoona turned to Saerom and playfully hit her on the shoulder while laughing. “You know Jiyeon loves her mineral water,” she said, smiling. “Did you forget?”

“Yeah,” Saerom muttered, she looked at her navy blue heels, not wanting to be face to face with someone who was so genuinely happy and good at everything. “Sorry, I'll try to remember next time.” And with that final statement, she walked away from Yoona and into the gallery once more. Yoona walked away and assisted other passengers.

Subin whistled at Saerom the moment she stepped in. “You don't look happy,” she observed.

“No I-” Saerom threw her hands up, suddenly remembering something. “I forgot to tell her about having to stay behind so we can get the rest of the passengers off.”

Both Saerom and Subin immediately looked at Jooyeon, neither wanting to go tell this to Park Jiyeon themselves. Jooyeon was innocently rearranging the food cart when she felt their eyes on her. “What?” she asked slowly, not liking the look they were giving her.

“You,” Subin held on to her shoulder, gently and inconspicuously started to push the poor girl out of the small space the flight attendants have claimed for themselves. “Go tell her,” Subin ordered.

Jooyeon sighed, but nodded. She stepped out and delicately walked towards the celebrity. “Excuse me, Ms. Park?” Jiyeon took her headphones off of her head and gave Jooyeon one of the nastiest looks she had ever received. “U-uh,” she stammered, taken aback by the rudeness of the girl. She composed herself and continued. “Ms. Park, I've been informed that for security purposes, the pilots and the flight attendants will be escorting you out of the plane, but that means that you'll have to wait until all the other passengers have gotten off.”

Jiyeon's scowl got deeper and became an even more prominent feature of her face. “Why, as a first class passenger and VIP, do I have to get off after everyone else does?” Even though the girl was still sitting down and Jooyeon was standing and was thus, much taller than her, Jooyeon suddenly felt extremely small next to her. “I don't pay to get off after everyone else. I pay first class so I can get on first and get off first. So why do you think it's appropriate to tell me to-

She stopped when a certain handsome pilot walked out of the cockpit and into the first class sitting area. Her eyes looked him up and down lustfully. Baekhyun didn't notice as he searched up and down the aisle for a flight attendant. Finally spotting Jooyeon, he walked over and asked, “Geez, do you all not do your job? I've been ringing the button for a while now and no one has come.” Jooyeon apologized to him. “It's fine,” he said, chuckling. “But do you think you or one of the flight attendants can bring me and Jongdae some water?”

He looked down and finally noticed Park Jiyeon, who was still staring at him. “Oh, hello.” He bowed, and welcome her on board with a dazzling smile. “I'm sorry I can't stay to talk, I have a plane to fly and all.” The two shared a laugh, although Jooyeon noticed that Jiyeon's laugh was particularly fake sounding.

“Oh, no problem at all,” she said, leaning over her arm rest to get closer to the handsome man. “I hear you're escorting me to my car, is that true?” Jooyeon suddenly felt out of place. Just like that, she was pushed aside as someone more interesting came along.

Baekhyun nodded. “That is true.” He gave her another bright smile.

Jiyeon smiled also, and leaned even closer to him, if that was possible. “I'll be looking forward to it.” He said goodbye and started to walk away. Jiyeon continued to look after him as he retreated to the cockpit. She turned to Jooyeon, and her scowl once again returned to her face. “Is that one of the pilots?” she asked rather rudely.

Jooyeon resisted the urge to say 'obviously' and instead just nodded. After that whole exchange, Jiyeon still couldn't tell that Baekhyun was the pilot? Maybe she wasn't as smart as Jooyeon originally thought she was.

“Great, I'll be waiting right here when the flight ends. Please alert me when it's the time to get off.” And with a wave of her hand, she sent Jooyeon off.

A little stunned at the whole interaction, Jooyeon walked back into flight attendant gallery, fully ready to get off the plane and never have to see little miss fashion designer ever again.

“What happened?” Subin asked, noticing Jooyeon's unusually blank face.

Jooyeon just looked at the two in front of her and exclaimed, “I don't like her very much anymore, her or her clothes!”



“I don't understand why we have to do this,” Minhyuk muttered as him and Yumiko dragged an extremely heavy metal railing to it's proper place. They dropped it and it made a loud clanging noise. Everyone turned to look at the two and Minhyuk raised his head in apology. “This is stupid,” he said again once they picked it up.

Yumiko didn't reply, as she was putting all of her strength into moving the heavy thing. When they finally put it down in the correct place, Yumiko took in a deep breath, having run out of breath while carrying the metal thing from the security checkpoint all the way to the front of the airport. “Why are these things so heavy?” she asked, stretching out her arms. She and Minhyuk walked back to the checkpoint to repeat the process all over again.

“They're made to keep the fangirls in line.” Minhyuk looked pained as he tried to pick up one end of the rail by himself. “Yumi! Help me!”

Rolling her eyes, Yumiko bent down and slipped her fingers under the railing, hoisting it up and, together with Minhyuk, slowly moved it into position. “They never work,” she mumbled as she walked backwards. “Tell me if I'm about to hit something, alright?” Minhyuk nodded.

It wasn't just the two of them who were struggling with the metal guards. Most of the security team were having trouble lifting the things also. Yumiko and Minhyuk were not by any means weak, because believe them when they say they could take someone down with one hand – they can – but these guardrails weighed a lot.

Looking to her left, she saw Amber and Joon, two other security guards, also struggle with transporting their piece. Although, as she looked to her right, she saw Nichkhun and Changmin breezily pick the railing up while also running to put it down in it's spot. They made it look so easy. “I guess not all of us are having trouble,” she said bitterly looking at the two muscular men as they went back for their second piece.

“Where are the ground attendants assigned to help us?” Yumiko heard someone whine. She turned around after setting her side of the railing down and saw Joon growl as he dropped his side of the rail, making Amber yell at him. “I got this, okay?” he said, trying to stop her from screaming. Yumiko saw Amber roll her eyes as she continued to lead the way.

Gyuri came up the group, empty handed, might Yumiko added, as she inspected their work. “Not bad,” she said, “but not that good either.” She then started to nitpick every single thing wrong they did. “Push the rails closer together, we don't want fans squeezing through the openings. Make the spaces for walking wide, though. Although we're doing all of this for Park Jiyeon, that doesn't mean other passengers don't matter.” She droned on and on, and Yumiko was paying attention, at first, but by the fifth incorrect thing Gyuri pointed out, Yumiko was no longer tuned into the conversation.

“Yumiko!” She jumped as she suddenly heard her name being called. She was met face to face with Gyuri's scary glare. “Were you listening to me?” Gyuri asked.

Yumiko gulped, having obviously not listened. She hesitated a second too long, though, as Gyuri scoffed at her. “Just as I thought. Just for that, you're assigned to help with clean up duty too.” Without leaving any room for an argument, Gyuri walked away from her, leaving Yumiko to stand there dumbfounded.

Minhyuk patted her on the back a few times, sending her his condolences. “Have fun cleaning up tonight,” he told her sympathetically.

Yumiko just groaned.



Hana was browsing the shelves of the cute little gift shop two stores down from her cafe. Hana's shift had just ended a few minutes ago and she was now trying to find a small trinket that would be appropriate to give to Tao. She wanted to gift him with a small thanks of appreciation for helping her that one day by getting all those people to go to the cafe. It was the least she could do. She knew how hard it was to convince even one person to buy something, nonetheless a whole group of people.

Hana saw a bunch of really pretty things, like perfume bottles and cute headbands, but she didn't think Tao would really like any of that. Continuing on her search, she moved down the aisle and her eyes fell upon a keychain rack. “These are cute,” she muttered, spinning the rack around and looking at all the colorful characters and designs.

A yellow and red keychain caught her eye. Picking it up, she noticed that it was in the shape of Winnie the Pooh. The corners of curved up as she recognized the friendly picture that was, and still is, actually, her favorite cartoon character, even if he was for kids. For a split second, Hana considered buying it, but then realized that Winnie the Pooh was her favorite cartoon,and not Tao's. Sighing, she set it back down on it's hook.

Spinning the rack around once again, she stopped on the side that was almost empty. That one particular side was reserved for little stuffed keychains, and Hana saw that most of them have already been bought. There were only a few options to choose from. Inattentively, her eyes scanned the panel, not really expecting to find anything that would pique her interest.

She was just about to turn the rack once more when a black and white keychain on the bottom row stopped her from doing so. Bending down, she unhooked the little thing from it's hook and brought it closer to her face for inspection. “Aww,” she cooed, realizing that the little keychain was in the shape of a stuffed panda. “This is perfect,” she said, her eyes lighting up brightly at the cute panda. She clutched it tightly in her hand as she walked to the cash register.

Hana was proud of herself for finding such a perfect gift. Tao had always reminded her of an animal, but she could never put her finger on it. Seeing the panda keychain in front of her, Hana knew in an instant that it was a panda that Tao always reminded her of. She paid for it (with the money she earned the other day) and left the gift shop in an attempt to find Tao.

Outside of the shop, she saw almost all the security guards setting up the railing to keep fans back. She remembered Onew telling her that Park Jiyeon was coming that night, and everyone had to be on their best behavior so everyone can be safe. Hana was just glad she didn't work that shift. Walking past, she recognized a few of the security guards because they often came to the Dream Bean for lunch or a snack. She saw Yumiko and Minhyuk, both of whom visited the cafe often. Minhyuk would always order coffee while Yumiko didn't and just sat there. But she always had a pleasant smile on her face, as if she was just happy smelling the scent of coffee.

Craning her head to see if maybe Tao was among the group of people helping the security guards set up for Ms. Jiyeon's arrival that night, Hana was disappointed when she didn't see his black hair and tall frame anywhere. “Maybe I have his phone number,” she said aloud quietly as she fumbled in her purse for her phone. She couldn't remember if she had gotten his number at one point or not. After sifting through the contents of her unorganized bag, she realized that her phone was not in there. “Where is my phone?” she cried, walking over to the nearest flat surface and dumped all of the things in her purse onto the table. Her phone was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, Hana remembered that she had lent Jaemi her phone earlier that day, but didn't remember getting it back, so Jaemi must've had it. Luckily for Hana, Jaemi was working extra that day and was bound to be at the cafe. Deciding on that, and crossing her fingers that Jaemi did have her phone, she shoved all of the contents of her purse back inside of it and went on her way.

The cafe wasn't that far away, since it was only a few places down from the gift shop. Walking into the Dream Bean, she noticed a group of pilots and ground attendants – though none of them were Tao – sitting on one side of the cafe, nearly taking up half of the shop. It didn't look like anyone minded though, as the other half of the cafe was empty. Jaemi and Minhyuk were once again looking bored up at the counter.

Walking up to the counter, her and Jaemi made eye contact. With a small smile, Jaemi pulled Hana's white phone out of her pocket, knowing exactly what Hana was there for. “I'm sorry,” she apologized, “I forgot to to give it back when I was done with it.”

Hana just shook her head, glad to have her phone back. “Thanks,” she said excitedly. “Well have a nice night.” Hana waved goodbye. She started to walk out of the cafe, but then she remembered that she was looking for Tao. Stepping back inside, she approached the group of pilots and ground attendants, hoping that at least one of them would know where Tao was. Thankfully, she saw Chanyeol sitting there sipping on his latte while talking to Kyungsoo and approached the pair. “Chanyeol!” she called, taking a seat down next to him. She would've sat down on his lap, but seeing as he had a hot cup of coffee in his hand, she didn't want a repeat of what happened with Jongdae. Also, Joonmyun was there, and he always made her a bit uncomfortable.

Chanyeol smiled, as did Kyungsoo, Minseok. Joonmyun was talking to someone else and ignored her. “What's up, Hana?”

“Have you seen Tao anywhere?” she asked. “I haven't and I need to give him a thank you gift.” She looked around the cafe and noticed that the four were the only pilots in the shop. “Why are there so many ground attendants and you all here today?”

“We're the clean up crew,” Kyungsoo replied for Chanyeol. Hana turned to look at him and gave him a small wave. He smiled back. “We're just waiting here until Park Jiyeon comes through and everyone leaves so we can clean up after them.”

Hana just nodded. She looked at Chanyeol for an answer to her question about Tao's whereabouts. “Oh, right. I think he's getting ready to help the security team.” Hana's face fell and Chanyeol noticed this. “But hey,” she looked up at him. “if you have something to give to him, just give it to me, I can give it to him later.” Chanyeol smiled brightly at her.

Hana nodded excitedly. She pulled out the little blue gift bag with the panda keychain in it and gave it to Chanyeol. “Please make sure this gets safely to Tao,” she said, thanking him profusely. “But hold on, let me write a note to include in it.” Hana grabbed a pen from her overflowing purse and grabbed a napkin on the table, hoping that Tao wouldn't mind.

Chanyeol sneaked a peek inside the bag and laughed when he saw what Hana got Tao. He showed the others and they laughed also, all of them agreeing that it was indeed the perfect gift for the moody pilot.

Hana was too busy writing her note to notice them looking through Tao's gift.

Dear Tao,
Thank you for getting all those people to come to the cafe. Without you, I wouldn't have made very much that night. So here's a gift of appreciation. I hope you like your keychain. You've always reminded me of a panda, so that's why I got you a stuffed panda one. I hope you like your gift! And thank you, again! ^^
Love, Hana

“Perfect,” she whispered. She folded the note up into thirds and stuffed it into the gift bag. She smiled her signature bright smile at Chanyeol. “Thank you so much!”

He shook his head. “It's not a problem,” he said. Seeing that Hana was starting to get up to leave, he waved goodbye and wished her a goodnight.

Hana did the same. She grabbed her coat and purse and walked out of the cafe, heading straight for the exit of the airport. Smiling to herself at the thought of Tao finding her gift, she hoped he would like it. If only she could be there to see his face and judge his expression when he saw it. Shrugging, she decided that she'd just ask Chanyeol how Tao reacted later.




I am just pushing all of these chapters out, aren't I? I am superwoman. /shot.

I AM SORRY THIS IS SO LONG. Gosh, why do I keep apologizing for having long chapters? Do you guys like shorter or longer chapters better?

Also, I know I said the rest of the applicants that weren't feautured in last chapter was going to be in this one, but I lied. There is one that has yet to be feautured (and I'm really sorry!) but good news, you'll be in next chapter for sure. Already planned it out and everything.

Okay, um yeah, tell me what you guys think, alright? You've all been wonderful at doing that, so thank you!

((also, to the person who asked, the Park Jiyeon I'm referring to is from T-ARA))


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/