✈chapter two

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter two (warning: a lot of swearing)

"I am so done with you, Jonghyun!" It was barely even 5 a.m. but curse filled shouting was already heard inside the airport. Sure, the sun was barely up, and passengers waiting for their planes were trying to catch up on some much needed sleep, but Oh Subin had much more important matters to deal with at the moment to care. 

Kim Jonghyun was getting on her last nerve and she needed to let him know. 

"We're done! D-O-N-E, done," she screeched. Her finger was getting dangerously closer to his face as she emphasized each letter. Jonghyun narrowed his eyes and opened his mouth to speak, but he was met with Subin's hand against his mouth, shutting him up. "What do you not understand? Do I need to explain it more? Is your brain too small to comprehend the fact that you and I are over?" she taunted, her voice getting louder and louder the more angry she got. 

Jonghyun slapped Subin's hand away from his mouth, disgust written all over his face. "Excuse me?" he asked, shocked that she was being like this to him. "Why are you breaking up with me now?" Jonghyun stepped closer to her, so close in fact that Subin could see his pupils dilating in anger. 

Why should I not? She wanted to scream, All you ever do is flirt with other girls and then get mad whenever I serve a male passenger. It's about time I dumped your sorry !

That's what she had wanted to tell him, but instead, she took the more sarcastic route.

"You're right!" Subin threw her hands up in the air, beyond the point of caring now. Even though she knew she was making a scene, Subin was too far into this argument to give up now. "I should have done it a long time ago!"

Jonghyun shook his head, letting out a short and sarcastic laugh. "You are a crazy ."

"Thanks! I know!" she shouted, not the least bit deterred. 

Taking a step back from his now ex girlfriend, Jonghyun tried to control the urge to punch something - no, someone. "Why are you the one breaking up with me?" he asked. No one was allowed to take a jab at Jonghyun's ego like that. No one. Jonghyun wasn't going down without a fight. "I wasn't the in our relationship," he spat at her.

Subin stopped waving her hands around like a mad woman and looked at him in disbelief. From the way her eyes looked sad and the way her arms just dropped lifelessly around her, it was obvious that Jonghyun had hurt her. She was angry, definitely, but she was more hurt than she was mad. It wasn't like Subin wasn't used to being called a . She had been called a many times, even earning herself the nickname "That ing " among her coworkers, but Jonghyun had never called her that. Subin had trusted him with her all. She loved him and thought he was different from everyone else out there that judged her for her looks. He had looked past that and saw who she really was. 

Apparently, she was wrong. Kim Jonghyun was exactly the same as everyone else. And she was going to give him hell for fooling her into thinking otherwise. 

"I think it's time you shut the up and sit the down." Subin ordered, her eyes burning with rage. "Who the do you think you are?"

Jonghyun's nostrils flared, but he acted as if he wasn't bothered. Jonghyun was about to retort, but he saw the group of pilots walking by and thought of a better idea. Jonghyun had always envied the twelve pilots for being able to get any girl they wanted. He also knew that Subin thought they were attractive and that more than one of them thought the same of her. Jonghyun was going to get back at her for humiliating him in front of the passengers like that, and he knew exactly how.

He stepped onto the bench next to him and grabbed the megaphone that was hanging on his belt (he always carried one because he never knew when he might need one since being a ground attendant was unpredictable). Jonghyun raised it to his lips and pressed the speak button. Even though the device would already project his voice loud and clear, he yelled into it anyway. "Attention everyone!" he shouted, successfully gaining the attention of everyone. "Oh Subin is a two faced and she has an STD. That is all!"

Subin was speechless. She turned as red as the lipstick on her lips when the twelve handsome pilots, along with everyone else in the surrounding area, stopped dead in their tracks when they heard the sudden announcement. She even saw a few point and whisper about her.

One of the pilots caught her eye. She recognized him as Kim Jongin, one half of the well known trouble making duo. Subin noticed that he looked as if he was debating between laughing at her like everyone else or feeling sorry for her and standing up for her. 

He did neither. 

Jonghyun looked at Subin, satisfied with his excellent job of embarrassing her. He hopped down from the bench and walked away with a wave of his hand, a victorious grin on his face. 

As soon as he turned his back on her, Subin gave him the middle finger and shouted after him, " you, Kim Jonghyun. You weren't even that good in bed!"

Subin felt a tug on her hand and spun around, ready to explode with rage at whoever was bothering her at this bad time. But, instead of coming face to face with one of her annoying coworkers, she saw a little boy that looked not much older than six. He rubbed his eyes sleepily as he tugged her hand, a confused expression on his face. Subin visibly relaxed. She couldn't yell at a little boy. She wasn't heartless.

"Yes, sweetie?" she asked softly, kneeling down so she was eye level with the little boy. Her personality did a complete 180 and everyone around her noticed. "What is it? Are you lost?"

The boy shook his head no and Subin felt relieved. No matter how much she had a weakness for little kids, she was not in the mood to be running around the huge airport trying to find this kid's parents. All of a sudden, she felt really exhausted. All that screaming really took a toll on Subin.

Lost in her own thoughts, Subin only came back to reality when the boy tugged on her hand once more. She snapped out of it and looked at him. "If you're not lost then what is it honey?"

The kid titled his head curiously, eyes shining in innocence. He opened his mouth to ask a question and out came the words, "What's an STD?"

Oh Subin had never been more mortified in her life. She stood up quickly and looked around, wondering where in the world this kid's parents were and why they were letting him roam around asking inappropriate questions. Not seeing any adults that looked like they'd be his parents, she looked at him and saw that he was expecting an answer.  Subin gulped and stammered out a couple incoherent noises before saying, "Uh, well," she looked around again, stalling for time. "I think that you should ask your mom about that, kid," she finally said.

The little boy crinkled his face, annoyed that he hadn't received an answer, but nodded in defeat anyway. "Okay," he said dejectedly. But then he brightened up again and ran away, all the while yelling, "Mom! What's an STD?"

Subin groaned into her hands, ashamed that she had just corrupted a little boy like that. Just as she was about to storm off in an attempt to find Jonghyun and give him another piece of her mind, a hand landed on her shoulder and stopped her. Subin looked behind her to see Kris standing there, the other pilots not that far behind him.

"You okay?" he asked, a small smile on his face. "I heard what happened."

Subin rolled her eyes, pushing his hand off of her. "I think everyone heard what happened," she said. "But thanks anyway."

"Are you okay?" he repeated, concern showing on his face. Kris may be an most of the time, but he did have a soft spot when it came to Subin. He had known her since she was a child (back when she was an obedient little girl) and he knew that she didn't take things like this lightly. 

Subin just nodded, not saying anything and casted a look down at the floor.

Kris laughed, shaking his head in disbelief at his transparent friend. Kris could see right through her. "You're a terrible liar, you know."

She gave him a sheepish smile, knowing she was caught in her lie. "Alright, well, if you really want to know how I feel right now, I'll tell you." She sighed as she sat down on a bench nearby, Kris taking the spot next to her. "I feel like utter . I feel worthless and betrayed and I just want to cry." She buried her head into her hands, not yet crying, but close to it.

Kris awkwardly patted Subin's shoulder, not exactly sure what he was supposed to be doing. He sent a pleading look at his eleven coworkers, who were all eavesdropping nearby, but as soon as they met his eyes, the cowardly men all pretended to look elsewhere. Kris narrowed his eyes at his friends, promising to himself that he'd get them all back later. For now, he just continued to focus on Subin.

"Don't worry about Jonghyun," he said, trying to console her. "He isn't worth it. He's wrong about you and everyone knows that, so yeah..." he finished clumsily.

When Subin glared at him for his failed attempt of consoling her, Kris stood up, acting as if he had heard someone call his name. "Oh, well look at the time. Did you hear that? I did. I gotta go. See you later, Subin!" and with a quick pat on the arm goodbye, he ran off, to who knows where. Even Kris didn't know where he was running off to, and it didn't really matter to him where he went either, as long as he got away. He was never good at comforting people.

Subin shook her head as she saw his figure running away. She stood up and turned around, getting ready to head to the flight attendant's head quarters to get her assignments for the day. When she did so, she noticed that the remaining pilots and copilots all turned around, acting as if they weren't just staring at her moments before.

All except for one of them.

Kim Jongin was still staring at Subin, not noticing that his friends and coworkers had all looked away. Subin raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what in the world the man was doing. When he realized what was going on, he looked embarrassed but composed himself quickly. His signature flirty smile returned to his handsome face and he winked at Subin.

Subin rolled her eyes in disgust, not believing what she just saw. She couldn't believe Jongin was hitting on her when she had literally just broken up with her boyfriend twenty minutes ago. 

She held her head up high and strutted past the pilots, acting as if her confidence at an all time high and as if she wasn't heart broken on the inside. When she passed by Jongin, she purposefully bumped him in the shoulder and "accidentally'" stepped on his foot. She looked at him in apology, "Sorry! I totally didn't mean to do that," she said, her hand going to in feigned shock. 

Jongin clutched his left foot, hopping up and down as he hissed at Subin, "What was that for?"

She just shrugged, pushing past the still hopping pilot. "Next time, don't flirt with a girl who just broke up with her boyfriend. You never know what they'll do, since their hormones are all out of whack and all."

Watching her saunter away, a small smile appeared on the injured man's face. He shook his head while looking at her figure and let out a low whistle. Kyungsoo, who was standing next to Jongin, elbowed him lightly. "She just broke up with her boyfriend, I don't think you should be whistling at her like that," he warned.

Jongin just shrugged, evidently not caring. "Too late." He grinned at Kyungsoo and held out his hand, expecting a high five. Kyungsoo just gave him a disapproving look. Jongin sighed, looking at Kyungsoo with a pleading expression. "Come on! You gotta admit that she's really hot."

Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and muttered a soft 'whatever'. "You don't even know her name," he noted.

"I'll find out," Jongin said confidently.

Kyungsoo sighed, and tried one more time. "Isn't she older than you by like three years?"

"But I like noonas."

Knowing that Jongin was a stubborn and inconsiderate person, Kyungsoo gave up on trying to convince Jongin not to go after Subin. He started to walk away, leaving Jongin with only one parting comment. "Have fun getting beat up by Jonghyun."



Even though EXO Airlines was known for it's handsome pilots, it didn't mean that their female staff was completely hideous. There was a reason why there were just as many male passengers as there were female passengers, and the girl walking through the airport was one of them.

Strutting through the main building of the airport, Jung Haewa acted as if she was walking on the runway. She usually wasn't this confident this early in the morning, but she had just bought a new pair of black crisscross wedges over the weekend and she wanted to show them off. Sending a smirk at a flight attendant who was gawking at her, or rather, her shoes, it was no wonder she was one of the main reasons why EXO Airlines had male customers at all.

All of a sudden, she felt a pair of small hands on her shoulders and her confidence was gone. Her model like behavior and appearance also disappeared as she nearly lost her balance and fell backwards onto whoever it was pushing down on her. Haewa let slip a little shriek and turned around to give whoever it was that made her almost fall a piece of her mind.

Seeing Choi Jinri stand there smiling innocently, Haewa's hostility immediately vanished and small smile replaced her frown. If it was anyone other than her good friend, she would've probably not been very happy, but since it was her bubbly friend, she gave her a hug instead. "Good morning, Jinri."

Jinri let out a giggle and hooked her arm through Haewa's. "Good morning," she sing-songed, her charming smile never once leaving her face. That was one of the things Haewa loved about Jinri. She was always so happy and cheerful, and it was no wonder why she was such a great ground attendant. "Why were you walking so seriously?" she asked, pulling Haewa into the back section of the building. This was where all the staff rooms were located. Much like how the flight attendant's had their own "headquarters", the ground attendants also had a room they called their own.

Haewa pointed down at her new shoes, showing them off to Jinri. "I got new shoes, aren't they cute?" she asked rather loudly. Haewa said it loudly on purpose, wanting to gain the attention of the other girls in the room. When she successfully did so and everyone looked at her and her shoes to see what the big deal was, she smiled happily. She knew that in a few weeks, everyone would be sporting the same pair of shoes, or at least something like it. 

Jinri nodded in approval at the shoes, saying that they were really pretty. "Let's go get our assignments from Boa," she said once the two were finished talking about Haewa's shoes. Boa was the supervisor for the ground attendants, much like how Victoria was the flight attendant supervisor or like how Leeteuk was the pilot's supervisor.

Haewa nodded in agreement. After receiving their assignments, they compared with each other and the other ground attendants around them. Seeing that Haewa was assigned to the B building, she groaned. She hated that building, primarily because she knew that particular building catered to the overseas and international flights, which meant more hopeless foreign people not having a clue what they were doing. "Is anyone else in building B?" she asked hopefully. Unfortunately for her, everyone around her shook their heads. 

"Sorry, Haewa," Jinri said apologetically. "I'm in building A!"

Haewa groaned again and whined about how it just wasn't fair. "The A building isn't even for flights!" she exclaimed unhappily, crying injustice. "It's the baggage claim and service desks. There's probably like, three gates there in total." She looked at Jinri in hope, "You want to trade me assignments?"

"Nope," Jinri said, popping the 'p'. "I rather like my assignment today," she said with a giggle. Jinri waved goodbye and started to walk out of the room. "Have fun in building B!" she called before walking out entirely.

"No! I will definitely not have fun, thank you very much!" Haewa called back, though no one was even there to hear her. She sighed, muttering to herself, "Why do I always get stuck with the dumb people," before walking out and heading to building B for another long day of work.



"No," Haewa said for the twentieth time, "you can not do that, sir." For the past ten minutes, Haewa was trying to explain to a rather annoying foreign customer that no, he can not bring his open can of beer onto the plane. "I'm sorry sir," she said insincerely, "it's against EXO Airlines policies to have open beverages during take off and landing." Haewa was in charge of Gate 87 for the flight to New York, and she had had no problems so far, until this man came along that is.

"But she," he pointed to a woman who just walked past, "has a water bottle in her backpack."

Haewa sighed, this close to pulling her hair out in frustration. "Her water bottle has a cap, and it can be closed. Your can cannot be closed and we aren't allowed to let you on the plane," she explained again. It was people like this that made her wonder why she kept working here.

"So what you're saying is," he stated, an annoyed look on his face, "if I don't throw this away, then you're not going to let me on the plane?" He raised an eyebrow at her, looking at the ground attendant in disbelief.

"Yes, that is what I'm saying." Haewa caught the eye of a fellow ground attendant who was also working Gate 87 and tilted her head, telling the other man to come over and help mediate the situation. "I'm sorry, but if you will, there's a trash can right over there. After you throw it away, I'll let you through the gate and onto the plane." She pointed to a nearby trash can.

"No," he said defiantly. "I refuse to. I bought this with my own money." He attempted to sidestep Haewa and walk through the gate, but the ground attendant Haewa had called over earlier was already standing there to block him.

"I'm sorry," Jonghyun said, using his intimidating look to stop the man. "We can't let you on this plane."

He looked angry, and Haewa knew this situation was going to be blown way out of proportion. She got her walkie-talkie out from her back pocket and radioed into security. "This is Jung Haewa in building B. I'm at Gate 87 right now and in need of some security. A man here refuses to throw away his open can." Haewa paused and looked at Jonghyun talking to the man. Actually, they were starting to yell at each other now and Haewa was afraid of how the situation would progress. "Yeah, we're going to need a few guys here. Jonghyun and the man are starting to shout at each other. Thanks."

Haewa put her walkie-talkie away and approached the angry duo. "Jonghyun," she said, putting a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to calm him down. She and Jonghyun weren't friends by any means, but they were coworkers nonetheless. "I think you should calm down." She felt him roll his shoulders and shake her hand off. His nostrils flared and he just continued to yell at the man, with the man yelling right back. 

By now, they were all creating a scene, and a small crowd had gathered to watch how everything would go. Haewa didn't know what to do. She was never one to get into conflicts unless it was between her friends. Conflicts including customers were security's job. Speaking of, just where exactly were the security guard? They must be taking a stroll through the prairie or something, because this situation was getting out of hand and they were still no where to be seen.

Jonghyun didn't look like he would back down any time soon. Haewa had heard about him breaking up with his girlfriend this morning, and it seemed like he still had some pent up anger from the earlier fight.

"Look here, sir," Jonghyun said, still being as polite as he could while being strict with the customer. "You are not allowed on this plane until you throw away that open beverage. Is that clear?"

The man snorted and just took another swig from his drink. "I don't see why not. It's only a can." He turned to Haewa and said, "Is this how you're trained to treat customers? If so, I'm never flying with EXO Airlines anymore." He side eyed Jonghyun and Haewa and said, "And it won't be too much of a loss. All those claims about EXO having the best looking staff must be false, because two of them are here and I don't see much."

Haewa recognized the look in Jonghyun's eyes, and before she could stop him, Jonghyun had already thrown a punch at the guy, hitting him square in the nose.

The crowd gasped in shock, even Haewa. The man clutched his nose, screaming obscenities at Jonghyun. Jonghyun just looked at him, smirking a bit, though Haewa could see in Jonghyun's eyes that even he was surprised at his own actions.

"Alright, break it up, break it up." Two security guards pushed through the crowd. Once they reached the middle, one of them, Daehyun, examined the situation in front of him. "What in the world did you do, Jonghyun?" he asked when he saw the man holding his bleeding nose. "Did you punch him? Are you crazy?"

Yongguk, the other security guard, shot Daehyun a look and he shut up. "Alright, we're taking both of you with us."

"Why are you taking me?" Jonghyun asked in disbelief. "I wasn't the one causing a scene!"

The security guard scoffed. "You call breaking a guy's nose not causing a scene?" Yongguk pulled Jonghyun along as Daehyun helped the other guy. "Come on, you'll be lucky if you only get suspended this time."

As soon as they left, the crowd dispersed, leaving Haewa there. She wasn't entirely sure what just happened, but as long as the two trouble makers were gone, she didn't care to know either. Haewa suddenly felt extremely dizzy and grabbed her head in an attempt to calm her pounding headache. "I need to take a break," she muttered. "I knew the B building was a terrible place."

Haewa looked at Fei, another ground attendant working the same gate, and told her that she'd be right back. Haewa needed some tea to calm down her nerves from the possibly bad situation. Fei nodded but told her to hurry.

Just as Haewa was about to walk away, Byun Baekhyun came rushing up to her, seemingly out of breath. After a minute or two of him panting and Haewa staring at him weirdly, he finally regained his breath and said, "I almost forgot I had to fly this flight. So can you please hurry to check me in and let me on?"

Haewa shook her head, not believing that this guy was a pilot. How do you forget something as important as a flight you're supposed to fly? Haewa nodded to the desk. "Tell Fei to check you in, I'm going to get some tea." She started to walk away again but he held her back. "What now?" she asked exasperatedly. All she wanted was a nice and calming cup of tea, but apparently, even that was impossible.

Baekhyun just pointed behind her. Slightly annoyed and agitated that she was being prevented from leaving, she turned around angrily, only to see Fei not at the counter. "Are you serious?" she muttered when she realized Fei was off flirting with some guy. Groaning, she angrily stalked to the desk, grabbing Baekhyun's ID and passport from his hands to check him in.

"You look upset," he commented.

Haewa looked up at him in annoyance before looking back down to enter in his information. "I am," she finally said. "A fight just happened between one of our guys and a customer," she explained.

Baekhyun just nodded. After a few more seconds of silence, the only sound being Haewa tapping on the keyboard, Baekhyun cleared his throat. Haewa looked at him expectantly. "What?" he asked, not understanding why she had looked up. "Don't look at me! Keep typing. I need to get on the plane."

Rolling her eyes, she said, "I don't understand how you could forget you had a plane to fly. I mean, seriously, even Yixing already got on the plane. And we all know how forgetful he is." After a few more clicks of the mouse, Haewa handed Baekhyun his pass. "Here. Enjoy your flight," she said monotonously.

Giving her a look, Baekhyun thanked her quietly and ran through the gate. Haewa didn't even bother to look back as she started to walk away. "Finally," she muttered, "I can get my Thai tea."





Everyone please congratulate FoxGoddess and -shattered for being the first two revealed employees of EXO Air! I honestly loved both of your characters so much.

To FoxGoddess: Subin is a really fun character to work with, since she's so y and everything. The first scene with her and Jonghyun was honestly so much fun to write. I love that Jonghyun is now her ex, there are so many funny things I can do with that tidbit. Congrats for being chosen as the first Flight Attendant!

To -shattered: I love Haewa, she's such a cool character. The way she's a fashionista and sassy is great. But she's also patient and caring and it's just a wonderful combination. Congrats for being the first Ground Attendant to be revealed. Also, thanks for being so understanding about the love interest change.

I hope I portrayed both of your characters correctly, if I didn't please let me now! Criticism is very much so appreciated. I know this was an awfully long chapter, but I hope you managed to read it all and didn't get bored of it. 

Thanks to everyone! The next two applicants will be revealed tomorrow, hopefully.


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/