✈chapter ten

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter ten

Everything had calmed down for a bit after Park Jiyeon's arrival. It had been a few days since then, and yet there still wasn't much to talk or gossip about around the airline, which was weird considering this was EXO Airlines. Their handsome staff wasn't the only thing they were known for, their excessive drama between employees was also z popular topic. There was the usual fights – if Jongdae said one more thing about how crazy Aerin was, Hyerin would not hesitate to smack him in the face – and the rumors that had rapidly spread through the staff rooms – what? Subin is pregnant? With Jongin's baby? – but other than those petty arguments and the false rumors, EXO Airlines was relatively calm, well, as calm as it could be, anyway.

It was the team's second meeting that week. Since the four people on the banquet planning committee hadn't decided on anything during the past two other meetings, they really had to knock it into gear for the rest of their meetings. The annual banquet was set to be in about a month and a half, and at the rate they were currently going, they'd never finish planning in time. No one wanted to disappoint their coworkers and most importantly, their boss, but no one really wanted to put the effort into planning it correctly either, except maybe Kyungsoo. 

Kris was once again taking the lead in the meeting. He was being extra hardworking that day, and it's wasn't hard to see why. His dad had sat him down at the dinner table the night before and asked how everything was going. Kris being Kris, he lied and said that they were going along smoothly. Hearing the great and unexpected news – because really, who would really expect Kris to do stuff in a timely matter – Mr. Wu told his son that he wanted to see the team's notes and final plans before the end of the week, since, you know, they were getting along so quickly. 

Kris had to kick himself in the once more for being such a good liar. 

So that explained why Kris was uncharacteristically serious as he talked to the other three. Standing in front of a whiteboard, which he wrote all of their final decisions on (so basically nothing yet), he talked quickly to the others, not even caring that two out of three weren't listening. 

Jongdae was on his phone, presumably playing a game because every so often he'd scream out, "Yes!" or when he lost, a disappointed cry of "Aww, crap!" Hyerin was trying her hardest to listen to what Kris was saying, but after getting home late and getting up early, all she wanted to do was sleep. It took her all of her will not to sprawl out on the floor and just sleep the rest of the day away. She resisted the strong urge though, and just tried her best to keep her eyes open. 

Kyungsoo, on the other hand, was diligently taking notes on everything Kris was saying. This was why Kris didn't care whether the other two listened or not. After every meeting, Kyungsoo had taken to briefing the others (especially Jongdae because Hyerin sometimes paid attention) on everything that had happened in the span of the one meeting and even started handing out copies of his notes. That was one of the reasons why Hyerin never bothered to bring any paper or pencils anymore, Kyungsoo did all the note taking for the both of them, that, and because Kris spoke too fast.

"We need to decide on a venue today," Kris emphasized. He really didn't want to call another meeting the next day, but since his dad expected notes promptly on his desk in two days, Kris was starting to fear he might have to. "We have three options. The banquet hall at the Hyatt Regency is available for our use, as is the hall at the Sheraton Incheon Hotel. Our last option is to have it at the assembly rooms in the nearby casino, but that's our very last option.” He looked at his coworkers; one was taking detailed and specific notes, one was physically holding her eyelids open, and one was playing a game on his phone. Kris groaned, wondering why in the world he thought it would be a great idea to choose the last two to be in the committee. If only he chose Joonmyun, or even Luhan! Anyone would've been better than Hyerin and Jongdae.

Kyungsoo cleared his throat, gaining Kris' attention. “I say we go with the Hyatt Regency. It's closest to the airport and will be more convenient for everyone. I've also been to both the Hyatt and Sheraton before for weddings and events, and I think that the Hyatt has a better banquet hall.” Kris nodded, noting that Kyungsoo had a very good point.

Looking at the other two, Kris asked them if they had anything to add, though he knew they probably didn't. Hyerin just looked at him with her bloodshot and tired eyes and Jongdae briefly looked up from his phone, only to show an annoyed face that Kris was interrupting his gaming time. Sighing, Kris just nodded, accepting that those two were going to be of no help. “Then it's decided. The annual EXO Airlines Banquet will be held at the Hyatt Regency.” Kris looked at Kyungsoo, the only responsible person in the room other than him, and wrote down the number for the hotel on a small slip of paper. As Kris handed it to the younger man, he said, “Will you call and make arrangements for it? I've already called ahead of time to say we were considering them and for them to save the date, so all you have to do is tell them we've confirmed the location.” As a second thought, Kris wrote down two other phone numbers on a separate sheet. “Here. Call the Sheraton and the casino too to tell them thank you, but we've decided on another place.” Kyungsoo nodded, accepting the job without a single complaint.

Now that he had gotten the decision about venue out of the way, catering was his next problem. As Kris blabbered on and on about the many different caterers that they could have at the banquet, Jongdae tuned him out and focused on the level of Tetris he was playing. Jongdae was currently in the middle of trying to figure out how to get the purple T-shaped block to fit into a space that obviously would not work – he tried, but failed, anyway. The familiar 'GAME OVER' screen popped up, asking him if he wanted to play again or go back to the main menu. Grunting in annoyance, he exited out of the game. That had been the fifth time he'd gotten to the eleventh level, and also the fifth time that he failed it.

Now bored since he had no other game to play on his phone – stupid Kris never gave him back his Nintendo DS – Jongdae clicked on Safari and decided to go on a news site to see what has been happening in the world lately. Scrolling through the boring news articles (oh, North Korea threatened us again?), Jongdae didn't stop on one until he recognized the company name in the title. With his eyes bulging out, he swallowed loudly, not believing what he was reading. Sitting up straight, he made a noise that was between a grunt and a swallowed cry to gain everyone's attention. It worked. Kris stopped talking, Kyungsoo looked up from his notes, and Hyerin opened her eyes wide in surprise.

Annoyed, Kris looked at Jongdae bitterly. He was fine with Jongdae sitting there quietly, since Kris didn't need his input anyway, but Jongdae knew that Kris hated to be interrupted and yet he did so anyway. With irritation in his voice, Kris sarcastically asked, “What, Jongdae? You must have something important to say now since you interrupted me. What is it?”

Jongdae just handed Kris his phone, the screen still showing the article that caused him to go into shock. “I think you should read that...” he trailed off as he sat back down in his seat, awaiting Kris' reaction.

Sighing, the older man accepted the phone with a roll of his eyes. “See what? See whatever is is you found while you weren't paying any attention to me-” Kris' eyes went wide as he finally realized what Jongdae was talking about. He had to reread the title of the article about three times before it finally hit him.


It has just been revealed that thirteen former employees of the well known EXO Airlines has sued their past employer. Suing the airline on the terms of wrongful termination, the thirteen past employees are all being represented by one attorney, who has said that he has much evidence that will win him – and his clients – the case. One employee, whose name shall be kept hidden due to privacy reasons, has allowed us a few comments on the situation. We will refer to her as CBL.

When asked why she was suing her former employer, she told us, “They fired me because I wasn't pretty enough. It's as simple as that.” While this statement may seem far fetched to some, those who are familiar with the airline don't think it is too impossible to be true. EXO Airlines is, after all, known for their handsome males and beautiful females working there. If the famous airline is really firing and hiring employees based on looks, it might explain the abundance of good looking workers on the staff roster. Leaving us with a final comment, CBL said, “EXO is a great airline, and it was great working for them while it lasted, it's just, I don't agree with what they're doing. It's unfair to me, and to the many others that have been wrongly fired by them.”

More updates will be posted as they are reported.

“What the hell,” Kris muttered. “This is really happening.” He couldn't believe it. Not waiting another second longer, Kris threw Jongdae's phone onto the younger's lap. Storming out of the room, he didn't even look back as Kyungsoo and Hyerin looked after him in confusion, calling his name and telling him to come back.

Stalking to his father's office, Kris needed answers and he needed them now. Kris knew that EXO was known for being extremely attractive – come on, he was on the staff, and that was enough hotness for one team – but he didn't think his own dad would be so shallow enough to fire or hire based on looks alone. Kris shook his head to himself, refusing to believe what he had just read until he heard it from the CEO himself.

The secretary outside of Mr. Wu's office tried to stop Kris from going into the room, but Kris just walked right past her without even a sparing glance. Pushing the heavy wooden double doors open, Kris stepped inside, only to be greeted by about ten of his dad's most trusted attendants, lawyers, and secretaries. They were all each doing their own thing: taking and making phone calls, writing down notes, searching through the desks and cabinets for paperwork, they were all basically trying to control the situation and trying to keep it from growing any bigger. None of them noticed Kris walking in. His dad, however, did.

Before Mr. Wu could greet his only son, Kris spoke, sounding angry and confused at the same time. “God, Dad, I know we're all supposed to be good looking, but you didn't have to fire them for not being up to my standards. Being as good looking as me takes a lot of work.” Even though Kris' words were mixed with his usual cockiness and humor, he was anything but comedic at the moment.

“I assume you heard the news,” his dad said gravely. Kris nodded and his dad sighed. “Let me be the first to assure you that it's not true.” Kris let out the breath he didn't know he was holding.

Even though he was relieved to hear it straight from his dad's mouth, Kris was still a little suspicious. Narrowing his eyes, he looked at his father, not sure he believed him. After all, Mr. Wu was the one that told Kris that the better looking the employees, the more customers they'll get. However, Kris didn't want to disrespect his dad, so he controlled the urge to call his dad a liar and just kept his mouth shut, except to ask, “So why were they fired?” If those thirteen employees weren't fired because of their looks, there had to have been another reason why.

“They weren't good workers,” Mr. Wu said simply. “Chung Bi Lee, the girl who commented in the news articles?” Kris nodded, recalling the initials 'CBL'. “Yeah, she was the worst flight attendant I've ever met. She was a great looking girl, however, she was bad with people. The other twelve had similar reasons as to why they were let go.”

Kris nodded, understanding his dad more. Although his suspicions about his dad were still there, they were lessened now that he heard the explanation. “So what are you going to do about this?”

For the first time in Kris' life, he saw his dad look confused and scared. “I have no idea, honestly.” Mr. Wu was at a loss at what to do. He knew that he didn't do anything wrong, but he also knew that the courts would most likely side with the plaintiffs. Mr. Wu wasn't stupid. He knew that having a ton of attractive employees would be risky. He also knew that someday, a legal case like this would be brought upon him, he just never expected it so soon. Composing himself once again, Mr. Wu looked at his son sternly. “What I do know is this: everyone right now just needs to stay low. Don't draw attention to yourselves and don't cause trouble. If any reporters hound you to answer questions, ignore them. No public comments about this from anyone. As of now, I'm putting a media ban to all employees. No one, and I mean it when I say no one, will be saying anything to the reporters at all. Leave all of that to me and my team. Just keep on being the best workers and let this whole thing pass.”

Kris nodded, understanding why his dad was being so cautious. One slip up from any employee and the whole thing could turn ugly quickly. No one wanted this be blown out of proportion. “Yes, sir, I'll tell the others immediately. I'll tell Joonmyun to post it up on the bulletin and send out memos to everyone also.” His dad nodded, liking how responsible Kris was being. Mr. Wu knew he could count on his son when it really mattered.

“Good,” Mr. Wu said, nodding as he dismissed the man. He had a lot of work to do, and he knew Kris did also. “You better head back to that meeting if you still plan on giving me your notes in two days.” A playful smile appeared on the CEO's face. Kris looked at his dad in shock. How had he even known Kris had left the team meeting to rush down here? Shrugging, Kris deduced it to his dad knowing everything.



“Did you hear?” Fei and Yulin were walking to the ;reserved for employees only' parking lot at the end of the day. The two best friends were roommates and so they shared a ride to and from work. It was lucky that they both had the same shifts, too.

Yulin looked at her friend, not knowing what Fei was talking about. “Hear what?” Yulin had had a busy day at work that day. She was put on inventory duty and had to stay in a cramped little room scanning about every bag that came through the airport. She barely had time to eat lunch, nonetheless have time to hear some petty gossip or rumor.

Fei looked at her in shock, not understanding how Yulin hadn't heard the big news. It was all everyone was talking about today, and Fei had even received multiple emails from Kris and Joonmyun about it and about how certain expectations were now being enforced and things like that. “You're telling me you didn't hear about EXO being sued?”

Yulin stopped dead in her tracks, not believing what Fei had just told her. “What?” she asked. One look at her face and Fei could tell that Yulin really did not hear the ground breaking news. “Are you serious? That's terrible!” Mr. Wu must be so stressed about it, she immediately thought. The portly man was very kind to Yulin, and he was always so chipper and friendly. He must be taking the news very hard. She felt bad for him. Thinking about it, maybe she could bake or buy him a small gift, in appreciation and to cheer him up. Cookies, maybe?

“Hello?” Fei asked, waving a hand over Yulin's face. “Did you hear a single word I said?” Shaking her head in embarrassment, Yulin answered no. She had been too busy feeling sorry for her boss to listen to Fei properly. Sighing, the girl repeated what she had said while Yulin was off in La La Land. “A couple of former employees are suing on the basis of wrongful termination.” When Yulin's brown eyes got even wider, Fei nodded sadly, confirming the disheartening news. “Kris said in the email that it wasn't true and to not worry, though.” Looking at Yulin in curiosity, Fei cocked her head and asked, “Did you not get the memo?”

Yulin shook her head and furrowed her eyebrows, wondering why she hadn't received the important email. “Maybe I did and I just didn't see it,” she muttered, pulling her phone out from her purse to check her email. As she scrolled through her phone, she felt Fei put a hand on her shoulder to guide her to their car. Smiling, Yulin was grateful for a friend like Fei, and she was also grateful for her chances of falling on her face being reduced because of her friend. Finally seeing the email from Kris at the bottom of her inbox, she said, “I see it now, all of my other emails buried it.”

Pressing a button on her phone to read the email, she was not paying attention to what was going on in front of her – she had Fei to do that for her. So it made sense when Yulin was surprised when all of a sudden she heard a bunch of voices at once. She heard Fei shriek and felt Fei's grip tighten around her arm. Looking up in alarm, Yulin was faced with a ton of reporters shoving microphones and cameras into her face, all wanting the same thing: her comment about the lawsuit.

Yulin was not a dumb girl, however, and she knew that she shouldn't be saying anything about it to anyone, not that she really knew anything. She did just only find out because Fei told her a few minutes ago.

“Xi Yulin! Xi Yulin!” Her name was being called from everywhere, and Yulin was starting to get a headache from it. Spinning her head around, she tried to find a way out, but it seemed as if she was surrounded by the determined reporters. She briefly wondered how they found her name, but she could only think about it for a second, as her thoughts were once again invaded by the loud questions.

As she and Fei tried to push through, the questions only got more and more invasive. Some were asking for comments on the case, while others were more personal, more invading of their privacy. “How do you like working at EXO?” someone yelled, shoving a bright light and even brighter camera into their faces.

Ignoring everyone, Yulin and Fei just tried to get past the group of journalists. While Yulin tried to apologize and give everyone a smile, Fei didn't even think about just pushing them all aside, not caring if she stepped on their feet or got in their way. She just wanted out.

Still, the reporters were persistent, and continued to circle around the two ground attendants. “Please let us through,” Yulin begged. She didn't want to elbow her way out of the tight crowd, but if the journalists didn't move any time soon, it looked like Fei and her might have to get their elbows and push their way out.

Yulin knew that the reporters were only doing their job, but she wished that they did it in a more calming and respectful way. Instead of hounding her and Fei while they were only trying to go home after a long day, organizing an interview would be a better, although Yulin would've had to nicely decline. Rules were rules, and she wouldn't want to go against her employers like that.

Across the parking lot, Minseok and Luhan were carefully sneaking to Luhan's car. After hearing the news about the lawsuit, they saw a few reporters waiting outside the front of the airport, forcing them to take the back route which was much, much farther away from the employee lot (to which Luhan complained a lot about). Even though they hadn't faced any crazy reporter themselves, they had to be careful.

Minseok looked up as he heard a lot of noise coming from the opposite corner of the parking lot. Looking around one of the concrete beams, he and Luhan saw Yulin and Fei being surrounded by reporters. Glancing at Luhan, he noticed that Luhan wasn't very happy about his coworkers being encircled by the reporters either, but although it upset him, Luhan was less than willing to go help, wanting to just get out and go home unnoticed.

“Should we go help?” Minseok asked. Minseok knew that he should, but Luhan's hesitance made him pause also. “Should we get involved?”

Luhan squinted at the scene, wondering the same thing. On one hand, he wanted to go home as soon as possible without having to face the cameras, but on the other hand, Yulin and Fei were two of his coworkers and they both needed help getting out of the mess. Sighing, Luhan nodded, although rather reluctantly. “You go in and get Yulin while I get Fei?” Minseok nodded, agreeing to the plan.

And since the two men were on a mission to save two damsels in distress, they walked with a purpose over to the group of nosy and aggressive news people. When they finally reached the edges of the circle, they pushed their way into the center and were met by Yulin and Fei's wide, but grateful eyes. “Thank you!” Yulin whisper shouted to Minseok as he held her around the shoulders and started pushing. Luhan did the same with Fei. Not caring who they stepped on or elbowed out of the way, unlike the girls, they quickly found a way out. As soon as they made it through the tough group, they sprinted to Fei's car. They all got in the second Fei unlocked it, with Fei in her rightful driver's seat, Yulin in the passenger seat, and Minseok and Luhan in the back. The four were silent as they tried to catch their breaths. When everyone stopped breathing heavily and awkwardly, Fei realized that Minseok and Luhan were in her car.

Looking at the pair through the rear view mirror, she raised a questioning eyebrow. “What are you two doing in my car?” Yulin lightly elbowed her for being so rude and blunt, but honestly, after having been through all of that, Fei just really did not care anymore.

Luhan scowled, since he wasn't very happy about their predicament either. Pointing at his own car across the lot, he drew the others' attention to the many people surrounding it, awaiting the moment Minseok and him would return. “I am not risking it to go back,” he explained. He glared at Minseok, who just gave him a sheepish grin. “This is your fault. Go get our car.”

“What? Me? No!” Minseok objected. He was slightly upset that Luhan would be so willing to sacrifice him like that, but either way, he was not going to be the noble person and actually listen to Luhan. “It's your car, you go get it.”


“And this is my car, and I repeat. Why are you two still in it?” No amount of shushing and hushing from Yulin would stop Fei from being any more blunt and sarcastic.

Minseok and Luhan stopped their mini argument and swiveled their heads to look at the Chinese girl in the driver's seat. Minseok tried to give Fei a smile, but it faltered when she just glared at him. “Alright, look,” Luhan said, tired of the game they were all playing, “obviously I can't go to the car.” He pointed his thumb at Minseok. “And he's too chicken to go get it.” A loud objection of 'hey!' was heard from the Korean man beside him, but it was blatantly ignored. “So will you be so kind as to take us home?” When Fei didn't say anything and just continued to look at him, he added a “Please,” for extra affect.

Before Fei could say anything that could offend the two pilots in the back seat, Yulin butted in, speaking up for the first time. “I say we all go out for ice cream.” No one looked as excited as she was, and her bright grin wavered, although it didn't diminish. She looked at Minseok for help, since she knew he was the only nice one around there, but he was too distracted by the other two that he didn't see her. “I'll pay?” she offered, hoping it would seal the deal.

Finally noticing Yulin, Minseok grinned at her and nodded. “I think we should go. It'll be fun, plus, we can always come back here afterwards to get our car,” he told Luhan, who looked like he was truly contemplating the offer.

In the end Luhan agreed, as did Fei, though she took a bit extra convincing, since she was, after all, the designated driver. As they drove away from the parking lot and onto the road, the car was eerily quiet. Leaning forward, Minseok poked his head up into the girls' area, turning his head towards Yulin. “You know you don't have to pay for us, right?”

Yulin smiled and nodded. “I know, but I want to,” she answered. She felt bad for causing Luhan and Minseok to have to leave their car. Paying the bill at the end of the day was the least she could do.

Cocking his head, Minseok looked at the girl he basically considered his little sister, wondering where in the world she got her kindness from – not to mention her impeccable beauty. Shaking his head while laughing, Minseok reached his hand up and patted Yulin's head, an old habit he had yet to break. “You're too kind, you know that?” Yulin laughed shyly. She was never one to accept compliments easily. “How about this. We split the bill?” He didn't want her to pay for everyone, especially when it wasn't her fault in the first place that she and Fei were stuck and needed help.

Although Yulin really wanted to pay, she couldn't say no to Minseok's grin and cute face, so she nodded and laughed at him. “You pay for Fei and I pay for Luhan?”

Minseok agreed and stuck his hand up once again, although this time he was wanting a handshake. Yulin shook the hand firmly and happily. “Deal.”



“Excuse me, please move, excuse me.” It seemed like Joonmyun was repeating the same thing over and over as he attempted to push his way through. Unlike Luhan and Minseok, Joonmyun had no idea that the airport was basically surrounded except for the back doors. By the time he had figured that little fact out, it was already too late. “Excuse me, please let me through, excuse me.”

“Kim Joonmyun!” a black microphone was shoved into his face and bright light blinded him momentarily. “Do you have anything to say on the EXO Airline scandal?”

“Scandal?” he muttered. It was only a little lawsuit, which might he add, was based on false pretenses. He wouldn't have gone as far as calling it a scandal. Shaking his head no and giving the lady a polite smile, he said, “Sorry, but I have to go. Please let me through.”

Although he was trying his best to be persuasive, no one listened to Joonmyun (story of his life), and he was basically rendered stuck when the stubborn reporters in front of him stood their ground and refused to step aside for him. Sighing, Joonmyun wondered if it would be quicker to just wade his way back inside the airport, but looking back at the clear glass doors, he was already too far out to even try.

Closing his eyes at the bright camera lights being shone into his eyes, he momentarily prayed that God would send an angel down to save him. As if God heard his prayers, a loud voice shouting, “Everyone who isn't a passenger or employee needs to get out of the way!” Turning back around to greet his savior, he came face to face with Yumiko, the girl who was obsessively scrubbing the sink the last time he saw her.

Yumiko recognized him too, but no longer was she the frustrated girl who had OCD and was obsessed with cleaning. She was on duty, and it was her job to protect people like Joonmyun. People who were just trying to get along without having to be harassed or annoyed by others. “Move it!” she yelled as threateningly as she could. Even though Yumiko was scary standing next to the other security guards inside the airport, by herself, she was laughed at by the reporters, who only saw her as a little girl pretending to act fierce and tough.

Joonmyun looked at the security guard in curiosity. This wasn't the girl who had been to afraid to continue their conversation. This Yumiko was tough and threatening, and she was definitely wasn't afraid to get into someone's face and tell them to move their off of the premises. He was a little frightened by this new side of her, but mostly, he was just awed.

Sighing, Yumiko wished she had accepted Minhyuk's offer of helping her clear the crowd. Cursing her proud and stubborn personality, she shook her head, clearing her thoughts. She could regret her decision later, now, she had to find a way to get Joonmyun – and herself – out of the crazy field of reporters safely and quickly.

“Alright! Anyone not off the property who shouldn't be in two minutes will be arrested, and yes, I do have that right.” She only received laughs in return. A few inconsiderate and rude men even catcalled at her, shouting out degrading things and were just plain being obscene. 'Hey! What's a pretty lady like you acting so tough?' and 'You can arrest me anytime you want, baby' were among the things be thrown at her.

Joonmyun was shocked that Yumiko was being treated this way. Was she used to this behavior from men regarding her? She didn't even seem to blink an eye at the erted things being shouted.

Muttering under her breath, Yumiko let out a long sigh, not wanting to have to resort to her last option. But since these obstinate reporters gave her no other choice, she knew she had to. Turning to her left, her nimble hands and fingers landed on the nearest person's arm – it just so happened that it was one of the men who had made those offensive remarks to her – and twisted it. All of this happened within the blink of an eye, and before anyone even knew it, the man was writing in pain on the ground, begging for Yumiko to let him go.

Looking directly at everyone else in the surrounding area, without even saying anything, she showed them with her gaze that she wasn't just a pretty little thing to look at. There was a reason why she had a badge on her uniform, and this was one of them. “Like I said, anyone else that wants to be treated like an animal can keep acting like one. As for the rest of you, I suggest you leave.” Before she ended her sentence, most of the men (and women) reporters had scrambled away. Within three minutes, the front of the airport was clear from any annoying journalists.

Joonmyun looked at her in awe, wondering how in the world she did that. He turned towards her, expecting her to still be standing next to him, but Yumiko was already starting to walk back inside. Running up to catch to the fearless Japanese girl, Joonmyun laid a hand on her gently. He was being extra cautious around her, and she could tell. Yumiko couldn't help but smile to herself at the way he was suddenly treating her, as if she would suddenly whip around and throw him to the floor. “You know you don't have to treat me any differently,” she said, her back still facing him. Joonmyun pulled is hand back, embarrassed by himself.

“I just wanted to say thank you,” he said. Yumiko turned around to look at him. Her confidence dissipated the second she met his eyes. Joonmyun's smile was causing her to be all shy and awkward again, reverting back to her usual quiet self; reverting back to the Yumiko he saw in the staff room.

Yumiko just nodded, averting her gaze. “You're welcome,” she said quietly. “I was only doing my job, though.” Yumiko realized that she had been saying that a lot lately.

“But-” Joonmyun could only open and close his mouth as Yumiko walked away, not leaving him any room to say another word. Shaking his head, Joonmyun chuckled, laughing at himself and at her. “I need to sit her down and have a proper conversation with her. She's always ignoring me.” Glancing one more time at the doors that had already closed behind her, Joonmyun laughed as he walked away. If one thing was for sure, he was glad she got rid of those reporters for him. He needed to give her a proper thanks the next time he saw her. 




Ayo, wassup guys. I loved reading everyone's comments and feedbacks for the last chapter, you all are seriously the best! My lovely subscribers and applicants are the most beautiful people in the world

This is the longest chapter I've written this far, ugh. This beast took forever, but I hope everyone likes it. I really do read and appreciate every comment I recieve, even if I don't have time to reply to you or specically thank you. I will eventually, one day, though, so don't worry, LOL. Also, second cameo goes to contradictori for her character Chung Bi Lee. Thanks for sticking with me!

Okay, well before this gets any longer. Have a nice day/night you all. And thanks for reading.


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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/