✈chapter six

✈Welcome to EXO Airlines! ― apply closed
chapter six

"Everybody come to the Dream Bean for a free coffee sample!" Ryu Hana was desperately trying to gain the attention of people walking past her. She was holding a ridiculously large sign and was handing out flyers to people as they walked past. Unfortunately for her, people were being rude, yet again, and just blatantly ignoring her and pretending as if she wasn't forcing flyers into their hands. Hana even saw one guy walk on the other side of the walkway just to avoid her.

She blew her bangs out of her face and huffed. "Free samples!" she tried again, but with no results. Hana started to walk back and forth while waving her big sign around. The poster board was bright yellow with capital letters spelling out 'DREAM BEAN' and lowercase letters underneath that saying 'For all your coffee needs'. In other words, the sign was pretty hard to miss. But it was if the crowd at the airport was especially rude today. It seemed like everyone was trying their hardest to not look at the bright board all the while trying not to make eye contact with the girl holding it.

Hana sighed and stopped twirling the oversized banner. "Will someone just take a flyer?" she yelled, annoyed that everyone was ignoring her. Onew, her supervisor, had promised her a quarter for every person she brought into the shop with her flyers. At this rate, she'd make about two bucks flat, and she wasn't going to be standing out there making a fool of herself for only two dollars.

Seeing a particularly kind looking man, Hana decided that she needed to step up her game. Putting on her award winning smile, she picked up a flyer and headed towards the man. As she approached the guy, he noticed her and avoided her gaze, like everybody else. 

Rolling her eyes, she approached the man anyway,coolly ignoring the fact that he just sped up his pace a bit. "Excuse me!" she yelled, waving the man down. He made the mistake of looking at her eyes and that was it. His resolve was down and he stopped, having no choice but to fall into Hana's trap. She smiled sweetly as she walked up to him, handing the man a flyer. "Please support our store. We would really appreciate it if your bought something from us. We're giving out free samples today!" she said. 

The man looked at the flyer hesitantly, but accepted it and nodded slowly. "Thanks," he muttered. "I'll head over there now?" he questioned more than stated. 

Hana clapped her hands excitedly. "Thank you so much!" He walked away and she waved after him, shouting, "Tell your friends! And tell them to say Ryu Hana when checking out!" She noticed a few people looking at her weirdly as she shouted that through the busy airport. She just shrugged, the more people that heard her, the more money she'll get. And that was perfectly fine with her.

Happy that she had gotten at least another quarter added to her pay at the end of the day, she skipped off in an attempt to find another victim to force into buying something from the cafe. Seeing no one naive enough to allow her to harass them into accepting a flyer, she decided to take a break and just walk around for a while. At the last minute, she decided to walk around with her sign. Maybe if she walked around with it, people would see it and go to the cafe.

She walked around the A Building, occasionally spinning and twirling her sign around to get a big crowd of people's attention, but other than that, she wasn't really working. Humming a song she had heard earlier, she continued walking.  After a while she got bored. Honestly, her job was so boring sometimes. She could never stand standing there doing nothing all day, which was why she voluntarily went out with the poster and flyers to advertise the cafe. If she hadn't, she was sure she'd be stuck in there with the rest of her coworkers doing absolutely nothing.

As she passed a wonderful smelling Starbucks stand, she noticed two of her favorite pilots sitting there - well, one of them was her favorite, the other was just there. She brightened up and ran towards the unsuspecting Tao and Jongdae. "Tao!" she shouted, as she ran up to him and plopped herself into his lap. "I haven't talked to you in forever!" she said loudly and childishly.

Not expecting someone to jump into his lap, Tao jerked in surprise, knocking his cup of dark brewed coffee all over Jongdae's pristine white shirt. Tao looked at Hana and when he realized that she wasn't some crazy fangirl, he visibly relaxed, although he still looked uncomfortable. "Oh, hi, Hana," he muttered. He shifted himself awkwardly as he tried to find a comfortable position to sit in that wasn't too weird for the both of them.

Hana smiled widely. It was an odd habit of hers to always sit on someone's lap. She never knew why or how the odd habit started, but whenever she was around people she was comfortable with, she automatically almost always plopped herself down onto their laps. Even if the other person wasn't as willing to have her on top of them, she did so anyway, and most of the time without warning, like this instance.

Tao and Hana were by no means close friends, if you could even consider them friends at all. They've occasionally talked a couple times, but nothing serious, just light and polite conversation. Tao was still a bit iffy around Hana. To him, she seemed a bit too hyper and a bit too friendly sometimes (like now, for example). He wasn't that fond of her skinship, but he couldn't really push the girl off of him. So usually, whenever she unfortunately found it appropriate to sit on his lap, Tao usually just sat there with a pained expression on his face wishing that she'd get off of him soon.

Hana, on the other hand, often times thought that she's closer with him than they actually are. She always made friends easily, and often times initiated skinship with people she only talked to once or twice before. Like she had said before, it was an odd habit that she couldn't help. Tao was the same. Hana knew that he felt uncomfortable with her on his lap, but she sat on him anyway, because no matter what, he would always try to make her feel comfortable, even if he wasn't. 

Jongdae looked down at himself and groaned, glaring at the two in front of him. "One of you owe me a new white shirt," he muttered, trying to clean himself up the best he can. It was no use, his once bright white button up was now a muddy brown color. He gave up trying to blot himself clean and looked at the duo oddly. He raised an eyebrow at Hana and then at Tao, who had a weird expression on his face. Jongdae couldn't tell if Tao's expression was one of pain, or one of happiness, but he didn't really care at the moment.

"Sorry, hyung," Tao said meekly. "I'll buy you a new one, but for now, just go get one from Kyungsoo."

Hana twisted around to look at Tao. "Kyungsoo? Why him?" she asked.

Tao shifted in his chair again before answering her. "Kyungsoo is a neat freak, and he's always prepared for anything-"

"That is true," Jongdae said, interrupting Tao. Ignoring Tao's glare (Tao hated to be interrupted, and Jongdae knew that), Jongdae looked at Hana and continued talking. "Once, I forgot my tie and so I asked Kyungsoo if he had any an extra one. And he pulled out a whole stack of ties in all these different colors asking me which one I wanted to wear." Jongdae then looked at Tao and nodded, as if giving him permission to speak again.

Rolling his eyes, Tao continued where he left off. "Anyway, as I was saying. Kyungsoo is prepared for anything, and he always has extra white shirts," Tao explained. Hana just nodded, finding it a bit weird that someone could be that prepared.

"But that's not even the scary part," Jongdae said as he stood up from his seat. "He has them in all different sizes just in case." Tao nodded, confirming the fact. "Alright, well, I'm going to break into Kyungsoo's locker to get a new shirt, so if anyone needs me, you all know where I am." He waved goodbye and started to walk away.

"Wait!" Jongdae looked back and saw Hana standing up from Tao's lap. She shoved a purple flyer into his hands. "Come to the Dream Bean sometime today for a free sample. And if you buy something, tell them I sent you there, okay?" She gave Jongdae a smile he couldn't say no too. She turned to Tao and handed him the same flyer.

"Why do we have to say your name?" Tao asked as he read the flyer. "And wait, do you guys sell little cakes too? Because I have been wanting one of those for a while."

Hana pursed her lips at the thought of a mini cake, they made her sick to her stomach, but nodded. "You need to say my name because for every customer I bring to the cafe, my boss promised me I'd get a quarter!" she said excitedly. "So please come!" She pouted, hoping her aegyo act would work.

Seeing her cute face, Tao couldn't possibly say no to it, so he nodded, although rather reluctantly. "Don't worry, I'll go there sometime today."

Hana grinned happily, her eyes turning into the shapes of crescents. She looked at Jongdae cutely, blinking her eyes and pouting. Jongdae sighed and she smiled, knowing she had slowly broken down his resolve. "Alright, I'll go there sometime too."

"Thank you!" She gave both of them tight hugs. "Tell all your friends!" she shouted as she waved and skipped away.



Hana let out a sigh of relief as she walked into the Dream Bean a couple hours later. She had had an extremely long day today, and just wanted to collect her pay and then go home. Walking up to the counter, she saw that Minhyuk (not the one in security, unfortunately, but this Minhyuk was her close friend and coworker) and her best friend Jaemi were just now packing up to also leave. They both looked genuinely exhausted, but before she could ask them why, Onew came up with a thick envelop and handed it Hana. 

"What's this?" she questioned, giving her supervisor a confused look. Opening the envelope, she saw bills among bills of cash and her eyes widened to the size of saucers. "What's this for?"

Onew laughed at her expression before answering her. "You managed to get a ton of people to come here today, and a few tipped you," he said slowly as he scratched his head, "even though you weren't here... But yeah. A lot of people came and said that they came because of you, so there's your reward." Onew patted her on the back.

"Thank you!" she said, her eyes widening even more as she realized just how much money she had earned that day.

Jaemi came up to her and scowled at her envelope. "You're lucky," she said enviously. "I worked all day today and barely even made enough for a new pair of shoes. You could probably buy ten pairs of shoes with that."

Hana shook her head, still not believing it. "How did this many people even come? Everyone ignored me when I tried to hand them flyers..."

"You should go thank Tao," Minhyuk said suddenly. Both girls looked up at him. "Literally thirty minutes before you showed up, Tao showed up with like twenty million people and said that you brought them all there." Jaemi sent him a look and he corrected his words. "Alright, not twenty million, but you get my point. There was a lot."

Hana hugged the envelope of money to her chest and smiled. She made a mental note to thank Tao, because otherwise, she was sure she'd only make about two bucks.



"Unnie!" The tall flight attendant whined to her supervisor. Victoria was not amused, though, as she looked at the girl in exasperation. "Do I really have to wear these?" She pointed down at her short heels.

Sighing, Victoria nodded for the hundredth time. "Jooyeon, you know the flight attendant dress code. Heels must be worn at all times," she explained. "I tell you this every time you complain about them."

Jooyeon glared at the shoes in contempt. Even though the shoes were barely even two inches off the ground, Jooyeon despised heels and wanted nothing to do with them. Everyday she asked Victoria the exact same question, hoping that one day a miracle would happen and she wouldn't be forced to wear those devil shoes. Unfortunately, that day has yet to come.

"Jooyeon, honestly," Victoria said, already annoyed, "those heels are the shortest ones I could find. They are barely two inches off the ground. You will live." Jooyeon noticed that Victoria was walking perfectly in her heels and made a face, envious of the fact that she couldn't walk like that.

"I'd rather walk barefoot than walk in these," she muttered. Then, she brightened at the thought. "Can I please walk barefoot instead?"

Victoria looked appalled at the mere thought. "Absolutely not!" she exclaimed. Victoria could feel a major headache coming soon. "Just, sit here and whatever you do," she gave Jooyeon a threatening look, "do not take off your shoes."

All the flight attendants in the room had heard Victoria, and they had to admit that she was acting extra scary today. She seemed more high strung than normal. They all glanced at each other, including Jooyeon, and were all thinking the same thing.

Victoria needed a vacation.

Jooyeon really didn't want to make Victoria anymore stressed than she was, but she really could not stand heels. "What if I fall?" she exclaimed dramatically. The other women in the room rolled their eyes. Jooyeon was always a bit dramatic when it came to things like this. "What if I trip and fall flat on my face and break my nose?" She looked horrified at the thought of breaking her nose. Her hand automatically went to cover her nose.

"Well then you could go get that nose job you always wanted," Tiffany teased.

Victoria sent a Tiffany a waning look. She sighed and turned to Jooyeon. "You are going to be fine. You say that every single day and you never actually fall." She gave Jooyeon one last look. "You'll be fine. Now go to work, you and Tiffany have a flight you're supposed to be on in an hour." 

She sighed but nodded obediently anyway. Walking out of the room awkwardly on her heels, she wobbled her way to the C Building for her flight to Japan. Tiffany followed behind her.



They finally reached Gate 120 after a long and painful trip. Jooyeon was unusually limping and Tiffany noticed as they boarded the plane. "Why are you limping?" she asked, stopping in the middle of the airplane to look at Jooyeon properly.

Jooyeon shrugged and told Tiffany she was okay. She wasn't sure why, but her feet was killing her today. Usually, after complaining about her heels to Victoria, she'd be fine for the rest of the day and would have no problem with her shoes. However, today her feet were killing her and it felt as if they were on fire.

Jooyeon took a step forward but winced and Tiffany saw that. "You need to sit down," Tiffany said, ushering Jooyeon to the nearest seat. Thankfully the passengers hadn't boarded yet (and wouldn't be boarding for another half hour).

Jooyeon sat down and grimaced as Tiffany pulled off her high heels. "You have a blister," Tiffany said after looking at Jooyeon's left foot. She looked at Jooyeon's right one and nodded, confirming her previous guess. "Yup, you have one on each foot." Tiffany looked up and called to the nearest person. It happened to be one of the pilots - Sehun. "Hey, Sehun!" she called.

Sehun looked back at her and and pointed at himself. "Me?" he questioned.

Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Who else is named Sehun around here?" He looked embarrassed as he realized his mistake. "Will you get me two band aids?" she asked him.

He nodded and ran off to the first aid kit. Once he grabbed two large band aids, he ran back to Tiffany and Jooyeon and handed them to Tiffany. "What happened?" he asked nosily. He leaned in to see what Tiffany was doing.

Tiffany applied both band aids to Jooyeon's feet before answering his question. "Jooyeon has blisters from her heels," she explained. She looked up at Jooyeon, who had been silent this whole time. "Are you sure you can serve this flight? There's still time to get someone to replace you."

Jooyeon nodded. She gingerly slipped her feet back into her deadly heels and stood up, although rather ungracefully. "I'll be fine," she said unconvincingly. "Thanks, though," she said.

Tiffany gave her a worried look, but didn't press the matter. "Alright, well, let's get this plane ready." She helped Jooyeon walk off. Twisting her head around, she looked at Sehun and thanked him.

Sehun still noticed that Jooyeon was limping a bit and felt really bad for her. That was one of the reasons why he was glad he was not a woman. Wearing heels looked painful, and he felt bad for the women that had to wear them 24/7 as part of their job, like the flight attendants.

Looking down at his watch, he realized that he still had twenty five minutes before he had to fly the plane. Immediately, he rushed off the plane. Jongin noticed this and yelled after his copilot, unsure of what Sehun was doing. "Where are you going?"

Sehun didn't answer him and kept running. Only offering, "I'll be right back!" as a reply.

Sehun must've been a very fast runner, because not even five minutes later, he was in the flight attendant's headquarters. He bust into the room, gaining the attention of everyone. He bent over and caught his breath before saying, "Noona?"

A universal, "Yes?" came from almost all of the women in the room. Sehun made an embarrassed face, knowing he should of specified which noona he was talking about. "Sooyoung noona?" About half of the women's faces fell, disappointed that Sehun wasn't looking for them, while Sooyoung just looked at Sehun in curiosity.

Seeing Sooyoung sit at her desk, he walked over to her quickly. Before she even had the chance to ask him anything, he spoke without letting her get a word in. "Do you have any flat shoes?"

Sooyoung furrowed her eyebrows, deep in thought. "Flat shoes? Like flats?" Sehun nodded. Sooyoung thought about it for a second but shook her head. "I don't think so," Sehun's face fell, but Sooyoung wasn't finished talking, "but I know where Victoria keeps her." Sooyoung stood up and walked over to the mini lockers on the far wall. 

Sehun followed behind her excitedly and watched as she unlocked Victoria's locker. He didn't even question how she knew the combination for it. "Why do you need them?" Sooyoung asked, concentrating on unlocking the locker. She swore under her breath as she missed the combination, resulting in her having to start over.

"One of the flight attendants on my plane has blisters from her heels. She's limping and I think her feet really hurt her," he explained.

Sooyoung finally unlocked the little locker, and lo and behold, Victoria's navy blue flats were sitting right there as if they were waiting for them all along. Grabbing them out of the locker and handing them to Sehun, Sooyoung asked one final question. "Why do you care if she's hurt? She has to serve either way, and it's not like you cared about anyone else before," she teased, a knowing look on her face.

Sehun just scowled and thanked Sooyoung before running out of the room. Checking his watch as he ran, he realized that he now only had ten minutes before he had to be on the plane. Sprinting even faster than before, he made it to the gate with two minutes to spare. He ran past the ground attendants and through the walkway leading him to the plane. When he got on the plane, he stopped to catch his breath.

He looked around, trying to find Jooyeon. Sehun saw her on the other side of the plane, setting up pillows and blankets on the seats for the passengers. Sehun really didn't want to walk all the way around to get to the other side, so instead, he just climbed over the seats and landed right in front of Jooyeon.

Jooyeon jumped and widened her eyes, not expecting Sehun to just pop out of no where. She looked at him strangely and he just shoved the pair of flats into her hands. Jooyeon furrowed her brows, not knowing what she had just received. But when she saw the flats, her smile nearly split her face in half. "Thank you!" she exclaimed. Without any hesitation, she slipped her heels off and slipped the new flats onto her feet. She felt relief immediately. "You have no idea- Hey! Where are you going?" 

Sehun couldn't stay there for any trivial chit chat. That would have to wait until later. As for now, he had a plane he needed to fly.



"Sehun! Wait up!" Sehun looked behind him and saw Jooyeon running up to catch up to him. He stopped to allow her to reach him. When she finally caught up to him, she gave him a shy smile. "Thank you for those shoes. My feet feel much better now." Another smile was sent his way. 

After Sehun had ran away to go fly the plane, not giving Jooyeon enough time to thank him properly, Jooyeon was determined to give him an appropriate thanks. However, when they landed in Japan, the crew of the plane had about thirty minutes to clean up and set up the plane again before they had to fly back to Korea. She didn't have enough time then either, which was why she had ran up to Sehun the moment they landed in Korea.

Sehun looked at her and acted as if he didn't care. "It's no problem, I had those laying around and you looked like you need them, so..." Lies, all lies. He was such a bad liar. Sehun was sure Jooyeon could see right through his fib. 

Surprisingly, she didn't say anything about it. She took off the shoes, leaving her only in her stockings, and handed the blue flats to Sehun. "Well, thanks anyway," she said. She gave him a cute eye smile. "You're such a nice kid!"

Sehun's smile slipped off his face the moment he heard her call him a kid. If there was anything he hated, it was being called a kid. "I am not a kid," he said coldly. "I am a grown man."

Laughing, Jooyeon just shook her head. "You're only 22," she pointed out.

"So are you." He narrowed his eyes at the still laughing flight attendant. "I'm not a child and I-"

An noise came over the intercom, interrupting Sehun's sentence. The two of them looked up at the intercom, awaiting the announcement. A crackling noise was heard before Jongdae's unmistakable voice started talking. "If anyone has seen a missing toddler, about 181 centimeters tall, short brown hair, and has on a pilot's uniform, please call the information desk. Oh Sehun is needed here. I repeat, Oh Sehun needs to report to the information desk to see his mommy immediately. She needs to change his diaper. That is all - Jongdae, what are you doing? Get off the inter-" The announcement was abruptly cut short. Near the end of it, a female voice closely resembling Boa's was heard telling Jongdae off.

Sehun turned bright red as everyone around him pointed at him while laughing. Even Jooyeon couldn't help but giggle into her hand.

Jongin walked up to the two and smirked at him. "Better hurry, Sehun-ah," he cooed. "Your mommy is waiting to change your diaper!" He laughed as his copilot turned an even brighter shade of red.

Shaking his head, Sehun took the walk of shame towards the information desk. Before he was out of ear shot, though, Jooyeon and Jongin heard him mutter something about killing Jongdae the moment he got there.



"If anyone has seen a missing toddler, about 181 centimeters tall, short brown hair, and has on a pilot's uniform, please call the information desk. Oh Sehun is needed here. I repeat, Oh Sehun needs to report to the information desk to see his mommy immediately. She needs to change his diaper. That is all - Jongdae, what are you doing? Get off the inter-"

Yong Soah looked up at the intercom, not sure what to make of that odd announcement. However, she just shrugged and continued typing the email to her supervisor. It was after her shift, and most of her coworkers had already left for the night. The ground attendants that were streaming into the room now worked the night shift.

"That, my friend, is why we don't associate with Jongdae." Soah turned around and looked at her best friend and roommate, Jiyong, strangely. He just gave her a knowing look. "Don't act like you don't know what I'm talking about."

"But I don't," she said, spinning back around in her office chair to finish her email. "Please elaborate and tell me what you're talking about."

"You and Jongdae," Jiyong said plainly. "I saw you two talking the other day and you looked pretty close," he sing songed.

Soah rolled her eyes and spun around to face him. "He was asking me a question and I was being polite." Jiyong and Soah have had conversations that mimicked this one exactly before. Jiyong couldn't' help but be protective over Soah, and so whenever he saw her being close to other guys, he always made sure to warn her about them.

Soah actually wasn't that close to other people. She had a hard time making friends. People misunderstood only because she's polite to everyone. They take her politeness as flirting, when it's really not. And Jiyong was doing exactly that. "Honestly, there is nothing going on between me and Jongdae," she said.

Jiyong just nodded, unconvinced. "Good," he said nonchalantly. "Because you've heard about all the terrible things he's done to his coworkers, right?"

"Huh?" Soah spun around to look at him again. At this rate, she'll be staying here all night because she'll never get her email finished. But that wasn't entirely a bad thing. If she was forced to stay later than usual, so was Jiyong because Soah was his ride home. "What terrible things?"

Jiyong pretended to be shocked. "Why, you mean you haven't heard about all those pranks and things he's pulled?"

Soah nodded and said, "I have, but the ones I heard weren't that bad." She raised an eyebrow at Jiyong, "Why, what have you heard?"

He shrugged and Soah could see the small trace of a mischievous smirk on his face. "Oh, you know, about that coffee incident, or that flight attendant getting embarrassed," he paused and laughed loudly, "And we can't forget about that one time-" Jiyong stopped mid sentence, as if purposefully teasing Soah. "You aren't interested in him, so why does it matter anyway?"

Soah gave Jiyong a look and he laughed. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you. Which story do you want hear first, oh young one?" he teased.

Rolling her eyes, she told him it didn't matter. "Just pick the worst one."

"The flight attendant one it is," he said, deciding on the story. "Alright, well, a few years ago, before you started working here, there was this one flight attendant. Her name was-" Jiyong looked up and called out one of the ground attendants in the room. "Yo, Sohee!" The girl looked up at him. "Do you remember that one flight attendant's name that Jongdae embarrassed in front of everyone?"

Sohee thought about it for a moment. "I think her name was Ahn Aerin or something," she said. She shrugged. "It was Hyerin's sister though. Poor girl," she muttered before going back to work.

"Right, so Ahn Aerin." He looked at Soah, "You know Hyerin, right? The flight attendant that's always bickering with Kris?" Soah nodded, vaguely recalling the name. "Okay well, Hyerin and her sister were both flight attendants at the time. Aerin however, was a crazy - I mean, she was a little wacky in the head," he corrected his choice of wording when Soah sent him a look.

"Anyway, Aerin was head over heels obsessed with Jongdae. Everywhere he went, Aerin would be right behind him. She always switched her flights with others just to serve flights that Jongdae flew." Soah's mouth dropped, a little shocked that someone could be so obsessed with another person. This Aerin girl sounded like a sasaeng fan more than anything.

Soah looked up and continued to listen to Jiyong's story. "She was addicted to Jongdae, and it was pretty scary. Hyerin tried to stop her, and so did a bunch of other people, but it was no use. Aerin was obsessed and she wasn't going to stop." Jiyong sent Soah a look, one that made her believe his story whole heartedly. It was the look she fondly called his "true story" look.

"Things simmered down after a while. Aerin quietly fangirled to herself and mostly left everyone else, besides Jongdae, alone. But then she made a huge mistake." He paused for dramatic effect. 

"What did she do?" Soah asked, mesmerized by the story. Jiyong chuckled at her, but carried on with his story.

"She told everyone that she had Jongdae wrapped around her pretty little finger. Boy, was Jongdae mad when he heard this-"

"Why was he so mad?" Soah interrupted Jiyong. She couldn't figure out why he would get upset. Sure, it was a lie, but it was a little one that talking it out with each other could've fixed.

Jiyong didn't know exactly why either, but he had his guesses. "I think Jongdae said something about her ruining his chances with other girls." Jiyong and Soah simultaneously rolled their eyes. "On with the story, so when Jongdae found out, he was extremely mad. He wanted to get her back, and who's better to plan out a prank than the king of all trolls himself?

"So he planned to embarrass her, but not just in front of his coworkers, no, he did it in front of everyone, passengers and employees included. He somehow got this blinding white banner and printed the words 'AHN AERIN IS A STALKER. SINCE SHE STALKED ME, I STALKED HER BACK. LOOK WHAT I FOUND' and under those bright red capital letters was a huge picture of her picking her nose. He strung it up in front of the airport." 

Soah's eyes widened at the revelation of the story. She couldn't believe Jongdae would play such a mean prank on someone. Sure, this Aerin girl deserved it, but that prank was way out of line and was even on the brink of cruelty. "So what happened?"

"Well she quit after that. Poor girl rushed into Mr. Wu's office bawling her eyes out and handed him her resignation letter. The scary part is, he took it all down before CEO Wu even came into work, so he had no idea why one of his flight attendants was quitting her job."

"Wow," was all Soah could muster up. She couldn't believe that something as mean as that went on without even a single consequence. "Just wow."

Jiyong nodded, smiling smugly as his wonderful story telling skills. "Hyerin was absolutely livid, but she couldn't do anything about it. Jongdae and Hyerin still have a bitter relationship to this day."

"Well let's just hope I never cross him like that," Soah said. She was slightly scared of what the innocent looking pilot could do. One thing was for sure, she was going to be extra careful around him now.




Hello, all of my beautiful subscribers. The final three applicants have been revealed. Please send your congratulations to kintoun, Beautifulove, and fluffy_clouds! Congrats for being our final three applicants.

I'm so, so sorry for everyone that wasn't chosen, but I hope you all will still stay subscribed and read the story /prepares myself for the hoards of people that'll unsubscribe. I am planning a few cameos, so if you stay subscribed, you'll be able to see your character at least once.

I am also very sorry for this extremely long chapter. I probably should've split this chapter up, but oh well. I hope it didn't bore you all and you guys read it all the way through.

To kintoun: Hana was such a cute person, I knew I just had to include her. She seems like the type to be cute just to get her way. Her little skinship habit was also cute. I hope I portrayed her correctly. Congrats on being our first (and only) food court worker!

To Beautifulove: I really loved Jooyeon's character, and I hope I portrayed her okay. Her dislike for high heels was perfect, and it was the basis for her part, so thanks for including that detail! Congrats on being our fourth and final flight attedant! Oh, one thing, Jiyeon is taken as a rival, so can you please PM with a different rival. Thanks!

To fluffy_clouds: I loved your character, too. I like her relationship with Jiyong and the fact that she's scared of Jongdae. I really hope I wrote her okay. But congratulations on being our fifth and final ground attendant! Also, do you mind PM-ing about a friend change. Jiyeon is taken as a rival, so can you please change her for someone else? Thanks!

Again, I'm really sorry for all that weren't chosen. I had an incredibly tough time choosing, but I hope you all will stay for the remainder of the story. Thank you for all that have been with me this far! Hopefully you'll stay for the remainder of this story c:

The next chapter will be the official start of the store, as these first six have just been introductions and setting things up. Thanks for reading!



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ExoAirlines: it's been a long time, but the thirteenth chapter is up now!


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Chapter 25: #superlate
but omg you're back ;u;
heheh i missed you!
and this chapter is awesome as expected.
lmao at kris and hyerin's relationship though so adorbs ugh
bachelor's action; i laughed a lot at the idea idek why
thanks for the update c:
Chapter 25: ugh late comment i know


i want to say right now that i have never done a bake sale in my life and, sorry kyungsoo sweetie, but i never want to do one. just...people. ugh.

to be honest though, a bachelor auction sounds terrifying, especially for the guys. i mean, c'mon. girls are nuts. and this coming from a girl.

thank you tremendously for the update- it was wonderful!
Chapter 25: Yoo Jin being late reminded me of thinking I accidentally missed my class today XD (my heart stopped when I thought it began 20 minutes before because we were going over things for the midterm o.o)
If they did the bake sale they should sell over-priced cookies girl scout style. By girl scout style they have to dress up as the cookies they're selling :P (Oh memories... I was always the one in one of the stupid outfits -_-)
I can totally picture Aerin being a Jongdae saesang.
I actually lol'ed when Jongin told Hyerin they all had to memorize her scehdule XD
The bachelors auction reminds me of the movie White Chics when the girls were being 'sold' in an auction for charity :o
Wow this chapter is giving me tons of flashbacks XD
Yay I'm happy this story was updated! :D
paperboat- #4
Chapter 25: 'We're doing a bachelor's auction.'
haha poor hyerin coming up with anything she can, lol
and u're back yay!
mojo, omg, I can't even, lol

Why did you have to cut off there though, I'm dying to find out if Hyerin manages to force those pilots to participate in her fabulous Bachelor's Auction wouLDN'T IT BE HILARIOUS IF JONGDAE ACTUALLY HAD TO GO OUT WITH AERIN?????/ "Read it and weep" LOL you gotta love this girl, she is no joke man, and you'd better acknowledge that Kris, before you lose out to her~ Also, I love loVE LOVE that Kris made the other pilots memorize Hyerin's schedule because ugh the obvious chemistry and sparks flying everywhere < 3

I wonder though, is the money/time excuse the real reason behind Mr. Wu Sr's decision?? For all they know, it's a sort of 'test' or something (okay maybe I'm over-reading into the situation now /shot).

Chapter 25: wee hee XD you're back!!!!
empressly #8
Chapter 25: ( just a note this is -shattered who has
undergone two username changes and
is now bull-shxt )
i'm still stuck on mobile for another hour ,
so i'll read and comment something relevant
afterwards OTL , but we're glad you're
back ! honestly , i'm just rather glad to
see that this apply fic will be contined
unlike others that are never completed
( and that you're okay as well ) orz .
welcome back though ! c:
Chapter 24: So far... I really wanna see Kai and Subin and Yixing and Saerom get together the most! ^__^
Chapter 24: omf i totally forgot to comment
the other day orz

gosh jihyun is annoying the sheets out of me
because laik, she is somehow ing
kai and subin okay?
and can i tell you that i love jongdae
very much since he actually refuses to be
a er and decided to go.
but poor jihyun's brother
although i'm happy she needs to go

and lay and saerom is just so fcking
adorable i can't even breathe *^*
why are they so sweet together gosh i don't get it
they are now one of my favorite pairings c:

i can see that the pilots value their works a lof
like... a lot and didn't choose the career path
just for the overflowing cash uknow?
and mature jongin is rare so i shall cherish
this precious moment /prays

thanks for the update c:
take your time o/