On Edge



The last of the café lights were turned off and the door sign was turned to “Closed” as Hana stepped out into the rain pounding down from the night sky.  Underneath the refuge of her lemon colored umbrella she pulled out her phone. 


“Nothing huh?” she sighed and dropped the phone back into her purse.  She had called Seung-Hyun during the day but only got to his voicemail. It was already 7pm and she hadn’t heard from Seung-Hyun since last night.  There was something important he had to tell her – curiosity and nerves were eating her alive. 


At the sound of a car driving by, she jogged out of the alley into the street in anticipation but the car she had heard kept going down the street.   The glaring light from the streetlight revealed she was the only one out on the street.  Her heart fell a little but she quickly recovered.  Hana knew Seung-Hyun would have a good reason for not contacting her. But that didn’t make her worry any less.


“Where are you?” she whispered.


In the hall outside one of the many conference rooms of the YG Entertainment building three ears were pressed against the door.

“Daesung, that is my foot you are standing on” Taeyang said in a low voice. 


“Sorry” Daesung grinned sheepishly and repositioned himself at the door. 


Taeyang sighed “……Now you’re standing on my other foot”


“What?! Move your feet Taeyang! OW!” Daesung winced as Seungri’s elbow dug into his ribcage


“SHHHHH! I can’t hear them talking” Seungri whispered harshly.


Jiyong leaned against the wall opposite of his three mischievous friends. He already knew what the President would say – under the contract he signed with YG Entertainment he took up the persona of TOP not Seung-Hyun. They weren’t just regular people anymore.  Big Bang was recognized worldwide and on top of that the group had an upcoming album to worry about. The last thing the group needed was the distractions found in dating. There had to be restrictions and guidelines.

But Jiyong knew the reputation of Big Bang was the least of the President’s concerns.  No right now, the President was talking to Seung-Hyun as a father would to a son. He didn’t want Seung-Hyun to get hurt again.

Yang Hyunseok examined the photo carefully – walking out of the house Seung-Hyun had his arm protectively along the girls shoulder and her hand was lovingly wrapped around his waist. The couple looked so comfortable and content with one another. 


“What’s her name?”



The President looked down at his hands. “I’ve watched you and the others work through blood and sweat. I’ve watched you guys endure pain like no other people I’ve met before.  You’ve all become fine young men. But it’s difficult to be reassured …..” He trailed off. “Tell me your feelings for this person. This time I ask as your guardian.”


Seung-Hyun looked Yang Hyunseok straight in the eye. “I’m in love with her”.


The President felt the break, bittersweet, that a parent feels when a child gives loyalty to another.  He smiled sadly “Seung-Hyun, I haven’t seen you smile like that with a woman for a long time not since Stella”.


A friendly laugh escaped the singer’s mouth “Jiyong said the same thing to me earlier today. You two always worry too much – that’s why you both will get wrinkles sooner than everyone else”


“Perhaps if you weren’t so troublesome Jiyong and I wouldn’t get wrinkles so soon” the president said with a smile.  “I’m serious though Seung-Hyun. You and Stella had a strong relationship during the years you prepared to debut as a member of Big Bang. Then not long after you debuted, pictures of you guys ended up circling the internet.  Your relationship was exposed to the public.  Everything went downhill for you guys after that first article” Weary at the memory, the President rubbed his fingers over his eyes.


Seung-Hyun stood up from his seat and moved to the seat right next to the President.  “I can’t describe the anger I felt when I found out that those pictures of us were published.  At the time I understood that as a celebrity I no longer have a private life but I naively thought the public would leave Stella alone.  I couldn’t imagine how wrong that assumption turned out to be.  Reading what fans and newspapers had to say about her made me really sad.”

He clasped his hands together tightly “I know that I have to put up with that because I’m a celebrity.  But she wasn’t and yet she was still affected by all of that because of me.” 


“If that’s the case do you really want to put Hana through the same thing?”


Seung-Hyun grimaced “I hate it. The thought of making her suffer by having her life invaded by fans and reporters”. He closed his eyes and sighed “When Stella and I were together we were easily frustrated and overwhelmed – we were young.  I didn’t have the proper strength and mentality to support her through that tough period which was why she left me”


“And now?” the president asked.


“Now, I’ve gone through enough life experiences to have the confidence that I can protect Hana.  If times get tough, quits won’t be called so easily this time.  I won’t let her slip away.”


“How do you know she won’t leave? Are you sure she feels the same way?”


Seung-Hyun tried to subtly cover the bright smile lighting up his face. “Yeah she does. I know this not just based on words. When someone really loves you they don’t have to say it. You know, by the way they treat you. And boy has she helped me so much.  I’m sure you know all about that though being a husband yourself Mr. President”.

Yang Hyunseok crossed his arms across his chest “Fine, I concede defeat. I know you well enough that you or any of the other members won’t let dating interfere with Big Bang promotions and activities.   Since you two are prepared for what is to come, we have plenty to teach her; how to handle the paparazzi, fans, interviews etc. When is the soonest you can bring her in to see me?”


“Ummm well see here, I haven’t told her yet about all this” Seung-Hyun laughed nervously. “:I thought she would figure it out on her own. But actually it turns out she completely tunes out Korean media and music all together. Too be blunt – she’s clueless about when it comes to pop culture.”


“So she doesn’t know anything? …..WHAT?!” the President shouted. He threw his hands up in the air “You are telling me she is ready for all this but in reality you haven’t even told her yet?!”


“Yes, I know it sounds bizarre. But I know she will support me – I know she has the courage, patience and tenacity to be a part of my hectic lifestyle.”


“Then tell her!”


“I will! I planned on telling her today after our meeting. But I wasn’t expecting to be confronted by pictures.”


The President had a pained look on his face as he massaged his forehead “Seung-Hyun – just go – just go and find her. Oh goodness you youngsters”.

“Thank you President!” Seung-Hyun yelled out gleefully and gave the annoyed man next to him a quick hug.  “I promise we won’t disappoint you.” With that said, Seung-Hyun grabbed his coat and threw open the door not knowing that his fellow members had been leaning against it. 


Taeyang, Daesung and Seungri all fell on top of one another, confused over the sudden turn of events.  “Hoiii, where are you going TOP?! You have so much explaining to do!” they cried as they tried to untangle themselves from one another on the floor. But Seung-Hyun didn’t stop. He gracefully jumped over them, gave Jiyong a high five and just kept on running forward. 


Upon bursting out of the building front doors he was greeted with heavy rainfall and a night sky. 

“Crap!” he checked his watch – it was already 10pm.  He didn’t realize the YG meetings and his talk with the President had taken so much time. He hurriedly grabbed his phone to find that Hana had tried to reach him earlier.  There honestly no opportunity for him to until now –he felt terrible for not contacting her at all during the day. As he tried to call her back now, he was only greeted by her voicemail. 


A pit formed in his stomach.  He really wanted to see her. His eyes widened as he noticed he had one unread text message from Hana that had been sent to him only thirty minutes ago.


“Seung-Hyun, I’m driving down to a quaint and homey restaurant in the city. I heard they sell the best Ginseng Chicken Soup! Just scroll down for the address of the place.  I’d be very happy if you’d join me. It’s a pretty cold evening and what better way to warm up than with a bowl of good soup?”


The text didn’t surprise him – even the harsh rain couldn’t stop Hana’s hunt for food.  He imagined her being the only customer in the store – everyone else would be stuck in the safe confines of their home.  She’d probably get the seat right next to the window so she could watch the rain too.  And he planned on be there with her.

Seung-Hyun  narrowed his eyes at the address she provided.  “Wait a second, that’s only three blocks away from here!” Not caring to zip up his coat and pulling up his hood, he ran like his life depended on it.  


Hey Everyone! FINALLY CHAPTER 14 IS DONE! I just wanted to thank you all for enduring the wait - its been almost half a year since I last updated and I feel terrible.  But I'm currently on summer break so I am making it my goal to finish this story. I know your all dying to find out how Hana figures out his identity.  I'm pretty excited about it too.  

Remember I do plan on writing about another Big Bang Member. If you havent' already please place your vote in the review/comment section below.  

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RMae27 #1
I hope you update soon! :)
Chapter 14: Pleeeeeeeease update soon...another chapter juseyo! (새로운 장을주세요)
I adore your writing too, author-nim ^^
Chapter 1: I adore Hana's character, seriously.
QReina7 #6
update soon please ^^. The story is very sweet and I love every word...
please seunghyun tell the trut to hana :)
Taeyang! Youngbae-ah! :D
62fatcho #9
The votes are thus far....Taeyang = 3, Seungri= 3, Jiyong = 5 and Daesung = 2!! Hurry and vote if you haven't :)
amama13 #10
ahhhhhhh! This tension is killing me!!!!