My Competition

My Competition


Onew absentmindedly flipped through the channels. Every single one was stupid, they all sounded the same. No he didn't want to learn how to cook. No he was in pretty good shape, so no dance-exercise for him. Give it up Russia, you are not going to win the world championships. Who actually 'wiggles'? No one.

He had stopped trying to call Minho's phone about twenty minutes ago when his lover had so kindly texted him and assured the older that he was in fact at the gym and not committing murder. It was good enough for Onew. And so he had walked around their apartment several times trying to figure out what to do. It was only two in the afternoon. Minho wasn't going to be home at least until seven. He had the place to himself. And nothing to do.

He regretted cleaning every room to the tenth degree before Minho had gotten home. Because it would have given at least something to do for an hour or so.

He tried reading. That was a failure. Usually he and Minho would read together. Kind of.

Mostly it went that while Minho watched his soccer on the plasma, Onew would lay his head the younger's lap and quietly read his novels. It didn't matter when Minho screamed at the top of his lungs because of a fowl or anything. And Minho didn't care that Onew's head was in his lap either. They were together. It was as simple as that.

He did not want to work out. There was no point with no Minho to spank his every once in awhile for encouragement, there weren't even any y abs to look at as he jogged. Nope, no working out.

There was no point in cooking. It was two in the afternoon. He wasn't hungry. Enough said.

So he had sadly ended up in front of the TV. His thumb pressing down on the channel selection button every couple of seconds.

He was about ready to turn the stupid thing off when he fell upon a different channel that immediately caught his eye.

It was a soap opera.

Now Onew wasn't exactly fond of soap opera's, but it wasn't the show itself that had caught his attention. He was completely intrigued at the tall blonde and blue-eyed man that grabbed the young brunette in his arms. His eyes were so passionate, his grip so firm on her.

He was like a white version of Minho!

Onew hastily pushed down on the TV remote buttons so that the volume increased. His lips slightly parted as the blond man kissed the brunette roughly and she let out a squeak of surprise. She didn't fight him though, she was just shocked at his kiss.

Oh this was so his life story!

Why don't you just tell me the truth?” his husky voice sounded, making the woman tear up.

If you had told me the truth, no one would have gotten hurt! We could have been together Patricia! Can't you see that?” the husky voice had a tone of sadness to it.

Why did Onew have an eery feeling this was somehow connecting to his life? The woman tried to make an excuse, but he kissed her again. And now the woman was fully crying, her cheeks moist and her eyes red. Oh this was just heart breaking.

If I had told you the truth, you would've be upset with me!” the woman wept, her eyes full of desperation for the man to understand


“Right? He would be angry.” Onew sympathized with her completely. He made himself more comfortable and grabbed one of the couch pillows to be his support for awhile. He wrapped his arms around the plush pillow as he brought his knees up. This was such a sad story!


But can't you see? I would have been upset only for a little while.” the man's thumb her wet cheeks.

And then I would have been able to get over it. We would have been able to make love and be together. Why go and distract me like that Patricia? Why?” now the man was shedding tears, which was making the woman cry even harder. Onew didn't know when his vision had become blurry, but he suddenly heard his small whimpers of sadness as he raised the volume even higher.


“Don't blame her for everything!” Onew gasped and clutched the soft cushion closer to his body.


I was afraid Miguel! I was afraid of the consequences! I still am! So I made up a distraction! So I made a mistake!” the woman cried and pushed away from the man, white snowing falling around her as she looked off in to the distance.


“We all make mistakes!” Onew cried.


I just didn't think about who would get hurt. I didn't think you would actually go and kill Jack and Randy. I didn't.” her brunette hair was like silk on her face as she turned away from him. The man reached out to her, but waited for her to finish. His bright blue eyes blazing with passion and charisma. Seriously were he and Minho separated at birth or what?

And I'm sorry. I should have told you straight away.” she wept, but she couldn't look at him.


“You should have.” Onew whispered and shook his head at her mistake. Such a pity.


Yes, Jack and Randy had hurt me.

this was becoming a big coincidence suddenly.

But I was the one who walked in to their trap.”

too big it seemed.

so I'll tell you what you want to know...I'll answer the question that you asked me.”, the brunette finally turned around to look the blond man in the eyes. This was kind of creeping Onew out now.

I'll answer the question you asked me before I distracted you with the whole Jonghyun and Key situation.”

what the ...


holy .

I was touching myself.” the brunette cried like there was no tomorrow. And the man was in total shock.

Patricia how could you?!” the man cried, his anger was evident now. He roughly grabbed her and held her in his arms.

I'm sorry Minho! I am! Forgive me!” she cried out.

This was so not happening. This was completely impossible!

I will.” he murmured. His gaze turning dark and lust filled. Oh Onew knew that gaze.

After you give me what I want.” his face was zoomed in on, and then the screen faded out. A happy commercial coming on about toothpaste or something.


Onew sat on the couch, his mouth open in shock. His eyes crossed and his brain scrambled.

Why the was the soap opera giving him relationship advice?!

He went through all the dialogue in his head, the words fitting exactly in to his situation.

“Oh man! What the hell!” he powered of the TV. Great, now he had to fix before Miguel went and killed Randy and Jack for hurting Patricia. Or else he would have a guilty conscious. And he knew right then he would have to tell Miguel all about how he was the one who had actually killed their first child, not Megan. Damn his life !


With a pout and a loud puff of annoyed air, Onew picked up his phone, and dialed the number he knew by heart. It only rang twice before the person picked up. That voice was all too familiar.


“Look Key, we need to talk. I know you want to talk to me so don't act like you don't. Come over to my place in the next fifteen minutes and I might think about forgiving you.” Onew said with no emotion.

“W-what? I thought—“

“Yeah I know, look just come over okay? I watched some stupid soap opera and now...things are weird. And I might be willing to forgive you ed up if you come over and we possibly talk things through” Onew sighed.

“You did what?” Key was as confused as he was.

“Look do you want Mig-Minho to kill you tomorrow or not?” Onew growled frustrated in to the receiver.

“No! Okay I'm coming over.” Key hung up. Good.

He was going to squeeze and apology out of the diva, tell the dark prince about it. And then no one would get killed right? Right.


“This better work Patricia.” he mumbled as he lay back on the couch to collect his thoughts for what he knew was probably going to be the most challenging conversation of his life.

And then he sat up in delight! He had a guest coming over! So he would have to prepare fruit and possibly rice cakes!

“Oh finally something to actually do!” he sprang to life and waltzed to his kitchen.

~ ~ ~

Key stared at his phone.

He wasn't even sure of what to think. Was it some sick joke? And what was with the whole thing about Minho killing him?

“Babe? What's wrong?” Jong hopped over Key's couch and settled in next to him. The soft puppy eyes resting on him with a curious gaze.

“Nothing...I think.” Key mirrored Jong's gaze as the shorter man sipped a can of soda. His lips let go of the can with an audible smack.

“You think?” he asked, a small smile tugging at his cheeks.

“Onew called me.” Key stated with a sigh. His boyfriend gave him a dubious stare.

“I know.” Key scooted closer to his boyfriend and rested his head on the muscular shoulder. He could just see Jong's dumb look as he tried to process his words.

“So...are you going?” Jong finally asked after several seconds of silence.

“I don't know.” Key fiddled with a string that was hanging from Jong's shirt.

“Well what did Onew say?”

“He said that he might forgive me.”

“Oh...anything else?” Jong asked. Key raised his head to look the man in the face. He scowled at Onew's other sentence that was still puzzling him.

“He said that if I didn't want Minho to kill me, I would go over there.” Key stated.

He watched as Jong's eyes went from the 'I'm listening' mode to ' my life' mode. His pupils shrinking and his mouth hanging open in horror.

“Babe?” Key asked, the look was scaring him.

“Key, babe, you have got to get your over there. Now!” Jong jumped off the couch, pulling his boyfriend with him.

“What? Why?” Key didn't get an answer. Jonghyun simply tugged Key out of his place, and threw him in to his car.

Holy , how could Jonghyun forget such a serious thing? Such an important thing?

He had to get Key, over to that apartment as fast as possible. He didn't care how much Key was ing at him right then. He would thank him later when Minho wasn't pounding his fist in to his pretty face.

With Key's nagging in his ears, and Minho's violent face in his mind, Jonghyun started is car and zoomed out of the parking lot heading straight for Onew's.




So I'd like to take a moment to thank everyone of you who have been reading this and for my lovely subscribers and commenters! Thank you so much for all of your support I really appreciate it!

Also I'd like to apologize for being a horrible author and not responding to your comments, I swear I read them and love them...but then for some reason I alawys forget to reply and then it's chapters later and I'm like "FML I look like an ." yeah.

Basically thank you so much for all of your support, I hope you can continue to enjoy this little story of weirdness cuz trust me it gets weirder...yeah. ugh, seriously thank you so much for reading my crap, you guys make me so happy! and I'm going to do my best to start replying to comments!! <3

Thank you again, please continue to anticipate!

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p