My Competition

My Competition


Jonghyun watched in shock as his best friend all but dragged a scared Onew away from the dance floor and down a dark hallway. Jonghyun knew exactly where Minho would take him, it was probably the only place he would think of in a hurry like that...he needed to make a decision on whether or not to save Onew now. Onew really wouldn't like the idea of Key winning, Jonghyun knew this much.

“I'm going to win~” Key's voice sang in his ear.

“No your not.” Jonghyun sang right back. He had a plan B. even an idiot like him had to have a plan B. and of course because he was an idiot, he had a plan C too. It was literally his last option.

“Oh yeah? And how do you know that?” Key seductively his ear and made the couple sway back and forth to the bumping beat. Jonghyun didn't answer him, he just smirked as he saw a very thin man with bright eyes and a huge smile wander around the dance floor. The man looked more like a boy with his fair hair and even fairer skin. He was dressed in his finest with skin tight leopard pants and cute button up with a bow tie. Jonghyun couldn't help but his lips. New idea.

“Let's add to the bet.” he turned to his lover. Key tilted his head in confusion but agreed.

“Why what do you want to add?”

“If I win—“

“Which you won't—“

“IF I win, I get to sleep with someone too.” Jonghyun smiled with success as Key pouted. His boyfriend didn't like his own medicine. Oh well.

“Fine. Who?” Key crossed his arms in defiance. Perfect.

“If I win, I get to sleep with Minho's assistant.” and it was going to come in 3, 2, 1...

“Are you ing kidding me?!” Key was flabbergasted. Jonghyun knew Key was expecting the name 'Onew' to leave his lips. Because that would be the expected choice. Key slept with Minho, Jonghyun slept with Onew. Like trying to break the couple up. But Jonghyun didn't want that. He was already annoyed with the whole bet in the first place (he had only agreed to the bet as he was getting a mind-frying ) and honestly it just irked him that his boyfriend wanted to sleep with Minho. So what would be his new revenge? Sleep with someone else. Not just anyone, the person that Key actually hated most in the world. That's right, Taemin. Key had never like him. He called him fake, and he was cuter than Key which was just another reason to hate his guts. The thought of Taemin made the glitter diva's skin crawl. “He's too mothering happy and he is so creepy. He is fake and I hate him!” Key had once yelled after Jonghyun had kindly greeted the assistant. Had Jonghyun been planning this all along? Hell no. Did he like to think so? Of course.

“Noooope.” Jonghyun answered a boiling Key. He wanted to sleep with Jonghyun's best friend, he wanted to sleep with the man Key hated most. There.

“Why him?”

“Why Minho?”

“Ya! Kim Jonghyun!” he pulled his lover in for a hot kiss before he could continue screaming. Like always he dominated the kiss, forcing Key's mouth to open and shoving his tongue inside to make the place his home. He fisted a grip of Key's hair and pulled their faces apart for a split second, leaving them both panting with passion and anger.

“If you don't let me, I automatically win.” Jonghyun attacked the lips that were about to speak again. He d Key's with lust and hate, bit his bottom lip for revenge and heat. He made sure a moan of pleasure ghosted on Key's lips before he stopped all actions. He liked how Key immediately tried to lean in for more.

“Love ya babe.” he said roughly and pushed away. With speed he exited the dance floor. He needed to get plan B in to action. And fast.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Wait...” no reply. Only the sound of and .

“Minho...” more more .

“Just wait...oh god right there...” he was loosing his sanity with each movement of Minho's lips. They knew exactly what they were doing, they knew every place that made Onew's body tremble in delight. There was no escape, and Onew liked it.

Every time he opened his mouth to protest a moan would echo out, only turning Minho on way more than before. His hands were everywhere, his tongue was so slick and fast, his hard on was grinding against Onew's. He was going to loose his sanity, he was going to give in. the thought of Key winning the whole bet was like a wave a smoke in his mind that Minho's lips blew away with ease. This felt too good to stop. And Onew couldn't deny it, not in this moment of bliss. He wanted this, he had been wanting this for three weeks.

“Want me to stop?” Minho came up to breath heavily on Onew's neck. He was teasing him Onew knew. Minho didn't wait for a reply, he found a new spot to on, a new place to extract Onew's being in to his mouth. He tasted so good, Minho till he received a small squeal of pain from his lover and continued to find a new spot to make his. Onew was all his. There was no way of stopping him this time he was sure.

“Jinki?” he loved the way Minho grunted his name. Onew couldn't respond with coherent words, more like a 'Hm?' traveled out of his throat.

“You were saying to wait,” a long persuasive to from his collar bone to his chin that made him whine,”do you want me to stop?” more to his jawline.

“Cuz I'll stop,” Minho's mouth kissed his left ,”if you really want me to.”Minho found his other and his tongue rotated it smoothly and slowly. Hell no he did not want him to stop!

“I...we can...Minho!” Onew whimpered the name as a strong hand abruptly from base to tip. Oh just it! Screw Key and his -ness, he was going to let Minho have his way with him.

The sound of the office door unlocking had them both frozen in place. Minho felt his jaw ache from anger and his brow furrow in frustration. There was no ing way. The lights in the office and then Onew could clearly see the man in the door way.

“Oh excuse me sir, I did not realize you and Mr. Jinki were present in this facility.” and there he was, Onew's random angel of cuteness. This was the third time he had save him. Onew hadn't thought it before, but that little er came in handy. Happy thoughts were smashed as he looked up at Minho. Maybe if he stayed quiet his lover wouldn't bite his head off...

“What. The. . Are. You. Doing?” Minho was trembling, his face was turning red...

“Sir, Mr. Kim sent me in here,”oh ,” to secretly put a present addressed to you in your office. He wanted it to be a surprise for you to find later. I'm sorry to ruin such a wonderful surprise sir, really I am.” oh was that what he was disturbed about? Not the image of Minho on top of Onew with Onew's shirt pushed up and obvious wetness from saliva all over his chest? Oh no. Taemin had ruined the surprise, that was the big mistake at hand here.

“ing .” Minho cursed and pushed up from Onew's body, he jumped off of the desk. Like a boss he swiped the gift box out of Taemin's hand and shoved the young boy against the wall. It was a little weird how Taemin continued to smile through out this whole thing. While Onew had the opportunity, he pulled his shirt back down and hopped off the desk.

“Minho...I'm thirsty.” lamest lie ever.

“Go.”Minho growled while his eyes shot fireballs at Taemin's shining angel face. Onew took the chance and ran out of the office and down the hall, only to be pulled in by two strong arms that dragged him to another hallway. Onew didn't know where it led to but he knew the person that was dragging him because the silhouette was way shorter than him.

“You sent Taemin in there?” Onew asked Jonghyun.

“Of course! I had to have a back up plan!” the small man laughed. Eventually they stopped and finally came to a more open hallway. Onew peered around and was surprised to see tons of small cubicles everywhere. He was so use to Minho's section of the company building with the big fancy offices and trendy break rooms. He didn't realize the company had this side to them too.

“Look I just upped the bet with Key.” Jonghyun seemed really excited about that.

“What? How?”

“I said that if I win I also get to sleep with someone! I said that if I win I get to sleep with Taemin!” Jonghyun had that cheesy grin glued on his face. Like a five year old with an ice cream in his hand. Oh big whoop.

“I'm sorry, and your proud of yourself because...?”

“Because I made him jealous!”

“Which will make him want to win even more.” Onew pointed out the obvious.

“Exactly!...oh.” Onew did his best not to hit Jonghyun that hard, but his hand came flying at the short man's shoulder anyways. And now that he thought about it...

“You know, why do you and Key do that to each other?” Onew asked suddenly. The question with the thought tagging behind it suddenly formed in his head.

“Do what?” Jonghyun was confused.

“Why do you two always try to see who can hurt the other more?” Onew formed the question slowly but surely. And when it was out in the open air he could see he'd struck a cord there. It was true though. Ever since they had just been dating the couple was constantly making the other jealous, betraying the other, seeing who could get more angry. Only this time it involved their closest friends. Onew and Minho had known them separately. Minho and Jonghyun had stuck together since middle school, high school, college and even work. Onew and Key had both been waiters at the same diner. Not the best of friends but good enough to have eachother's numbers. It was by chance that Minho had pulled up in to the diner for lunch one day and Onew had been his server. Their eyes met, and that was that. Of course Minho had to bring his best friend in to see this really cute waiter he wanted to ask out, and Onew found Jonghyun's personality perfect for a certain someone. From the beginning it was like they wanted to see who would give in to whom. Key gave his number, bug Jonghyun wouldn't call. Jonghyun set up a date, Key would ditch him. It was a miracle the two had actually been together for six months now. But it had always been like this, let me hurt you so I can make sure you love me. Constantly. And this seemed to be their most extreme one. Key wanted Jonghyun to be jealous of his best friend. And now Jonghyun was doing it right back with a boy that they all knew irritated Key.

“Exactly what were you saying Onew?” they both turned to see Key standing down a few feet away. Great. Just ing great.

“Babe, how did you know—“ Jonghyun began but was cut off by a hand slapping the back of his head.

“You idiot the rules were to not tell them about it!” Key hissed.

“Yeah but then you would have won so easily it was so unfair!” Jonghyun whined and held his head with care.

“Well whatever, you told so I win.” Key smirked and turned his body to walk away. That was it. No more of this bull.

“I'm sorry, but just who the do you think you are?” Onew was surprised at his own voice rising across the space. Key froze in his steps and turned his head slightly toward the older man.

“What?” Key's eyes pierced just daring Onew to say more.

“You didn't hear me diva-douche? I asked who the do you think you are? Just deciding that one day your going to sleep with Minho? My boyfriend? My lover? My Minho? You must be out of your ing mind!” wow this felt really good to say out loud. And Onew knew he should stop then but it was like a downhill falling snowball. It just got bigger and more fun.

“It's a bet Onew, that's how they work.” Key snapped back.

“Wow, good argument there. Let's go make bets on other people's relationships without them knowing. Let's just assume that my friends boyfriend will sleep with me someday! Are you ing insane!?” Onew was on a roll now.

“It's not my fault that you and Jonghyun have some kind of ed up relationship! Don't use other people to prove your sick love to each other! All your doing is hurting others and hurting each other. And you do not get to just claim my Minho!” he felt like he could fly or something with no doubt.

“Uh, it kind of is your fault. You introduced us.” Key rolled his eyes in the insanely annoying way of his.

“You could have ended it dip, its your relationship!” Onew's throat was a little soar. But this was so relieving to say face to face. Key was biting his lip like he had more to say.

“What? Say it!” Onew yelled full blast now. He actually made Jonghyun take a step back. Good, he should be scared. was about to go down.

“You're just scared.” Key snarled in defense. Oh no he did not!

“W-what?!” Onew was totally dumbstruck. He had not expected that.

“Your scared! Your scared that Minho might actually want me!” Key screamed as he jabbed a finger from Onew to himself.

“Are you ing kidding me?” this was not saying this to him. There was no way.

“No! I'm not! You, Lee Jinki are afraid that Choi Minho would want to me over you!” he didn't even remember stepping forward, the adrenaline was so overpowering and fast. He didn't remember raising his hand. All he saw was his palm go slamming in to Key's cheek. The smack was a crisp and loud. It shocked all of them. Key's eyes were red and huge, along with the red and huge mark now on his cheek. Onew knew his face must be pink from rage. He could hear his own breath ragged and rough shooting from his nostrils. Jonghyun was in utter shock with his mouth hung open and no clue what to do. Onew tried to gain control of himself, but the rage was still present and spat off of his tongue like fire.

“I'm afraid? you.” the words were like knives thrown at Key, the fierce diva actually flinched.

“Fine, I'll play your stupid ed up game. I'll make you a new bet.” Key looked up at him in confusion.

“Me and Minho don't sleep together till your barbeque. That means I win. That means you never look at Minho again. You don't look at him, you don't talk to him, you don't even have a ing thought about him. He is mine. And when I win, you don't talk to me ever again. Both of you. Not until you get your sick relationship figured out.” Onew was a little light headed now, the rage was slowly slipping away at his fingertips and he almost felt completely drained.

“And what if I win? What if you lose?” Key's voice was quiet like rain. He wasn't as strong anymore, Onew could see that now.

“Me lose? To you?.” Onew scoffed and shook his head, “That won't happen. I will win.” he stated, and with that he pushed past the stunned glitter boy and walked away. Once he was around the corner, the pain seared and flowed out of his eyes. There were so many emotions going through his head. What the hell had just happened? He was so sorry for them, but so angry. He didn't exactly want to lose Key as friend but he sure as hell didn't want him around either. He just wanted to—to...

“Onew! Where have you been?” Minho came jogging toward him. Onew didn't realize he had made it back to the dance floor. The overwhelming relief of seeing Minho made the waterworks burst even further. He just wanted to be held by Minho. Alone. In their apartment. Where no one could disturb them. He just wanted to be alone with Minho. That's all.

Minho's heart jumped at the sight of a crying Onew. The questions came swarming in his head like bees. Why was he crying? Was he hurt? Was he physically hurt? Who had hurt him? Where were they? Why was his love crying?!

“Onew what happened?” he asked as his arms automatically opened and let the smaller boy in to his arms. It was so right to have that man in his arms. So right to wrap himself as much as possible around him to make sure he was safe and secure. Onew still hadn't answered him, he could feel his shirt getting wet from tears but he still didn't know what was wrong.

“Jinki, please tell me what happened?” Minho begged. He needed to know what was wrong so he could fix it. Onew steadily brought his head up to face Minho, who's eyes were so wide from worry.

“Can we just go home?” Onew blubbered like a baby. Minho was silent, waiting for Onew to get out his full sentence.

“Can we please just go home? I really don't wanna be here anymore. Please? Please Minho, just take me home!” Onew cried harder as he pleaded. He needed to get out of here. And now. With every sob Minho's heart was aching to know. But the first step of course was to oblige Onew.

“Of course, lets get out of here.” he kept Onew close as the pair made their way to the exit.

When they got home, Minho helped his lover shower gently, washing his hair and only cleaning the important parts because Onew nearly fell asleep on him. He helped him get in to his favorite sweatshirt (which was Minho's old soccer team hoodie) and warm socks. He brushed his hair out for him, he made him some warm tea and put enough honey to make it sweet.

And when Onew was done with the tea, Minho sat next to their bed and repeatedly petted Onew's hair to relax him.

And when Onew cried again and tugged for Minho to lay down with him, only of course crawled right into bed. He tucked Onew's head under his chin and kissed his forehead. He whispered sweet nothing in to his ear until his lover's whimpers settled in to light sniffles.

“Will you tell me what's wrong now?” Minho asked carefully. He let out a sigh as he felt Onew shake his head in defiance, “Okay, fine.” Minho wasn't going to win this one. But that was okay. Onew was safe, in his arms. And that was all that mattered.

He would find out who had put him through this later, and they would get the kicking of their life.  

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p