My Competition

My Competition


There was a heavy pounding in his head, he could feel the glare of the sun burning right through his eyelids. His mind felt like it was five steps behind his actual movements, and altogether his body felt like a giant weight dragging him down. A semi-thick fog still clouded his consciousness and he still wasn't fully aware of his surroundings. He was home, that he knew. And he was in his bed. That was seemed to be obvious.

He felt the coolness of his sheets as they gently wrapped around his body. He wasn't fully dressed, he could feel that. The small mist of sweat that clung to the back of his neck was irritating him, and he needed a shower.

“Minho~! Wake up!” a voice cut through the fog, and he recognized it enough not to sit up in alarm. But a small claw of annoyance scratched at the back of his brain. Although he wasn't sure why just yet.

He dared to lift his eyelids just a fraction. And he immediately regretted it as the light almost blinded him with its full force. He let out a groan of pain and tried to roll over in to the pillows underneath his head. With much effort it seemed, his eyes safely found refuge in the thick and soft protectors.

Until that voice came at him again. And this time it didn't only call for him, it was followed by the actions of stealing the precious sheets that covered his body and swiftly taking the pillow from under his head.

“Get up! You need to get ready~, I'm making breakfast! Hurry!” the voice was tender but nonetheless it meant business. Ugh! Why did Onew have to wake him up so friggin early?

Oh that's right, the voice belonged to Onew, his lover.

“No.” Minho retorted and used his arms as barriers from the light that seemed to be even brighter than before. Abruptly the oxygen in his lungs was pushed out as a strong force pushed down on his lower back.

“Uff~!” he coughed out the air and he heard Onew sigh heavily, and then that voice was right next to his ear,

“It's already 11, we can show up fashionably late but I would rather us not! If you are not up in the next five minutes I will sell your precious plasma to that old lady down the way! You know she wants to watch her work out videos on it, and I don't mind having a smaller television.”

and like that the voice was gone along with the force on his back. His lungs slowly expanded back with the flow of oxygen once again. And all Minho could think about was how watching his soccer on a small television would completely ruin his life.

He willed his muscles to work, and very very very slowly lifted himself off of the bed.

God the pounding in his head was excruciating, it was like someone was repeatedly knocking on the inside of his skull. How annoying was that!

He forced his eyes open and found the familiar surroundings. The closet he shared with his precious was partly open, a few clothes laid on the floor... the dresser that had a mirror attached to it had pieces of jewelery strung on top along with some combs and gells that Onew probably styled his hair with. Their shoe rack was out, and in the distance Minho could hear those distinctive steps.

He craned his neck toward the hallway that led in to the main room/kitchen, and just as he did, that familiar figure went rushing by.

“You're awake! Good morning!” the figure back tracked and stood in the hallway for a brief moment to blow the younger man a kiss to which Minho tried to smile. There was that scratch of annoyance again, but Minho still wasn't sure as to why...

he felt the overwhelming affection toward the man. It was strong and felt warm all around his body.

But there it was, in the very back of his mind. A small dab of annoyance...a slight bit of frustration?

Was it anger? But why?

As far as Minho cold recall, he had been angry yesterday. But not at Onew. It was at his best friend and his best friend's boyfriend. But he had for the most part gotten over the rage part of that.

Hadn't he planned to kick both their asses? Why did it seem that his brain had registered his previous plans to be now insignificant?

After being in rage he went to the gym...for a while. Then he had come home.

He remembered being completely by what Onew had worn...or lack there of.

He had been served the best soup he had ever tasted in his life. And he remembered having sweet kisses with his lover. Onew had brought out the wine, and the odd glasses. He had one drink, he had tried to take Onew to the bedroom failed...

And then...

and then what? Was that everything that had happened?

“Why can't I remember?” he whispered to himself. It was so odd...

He was forced out of his own thoughts as his head snapped up. Onew came walking in to their room, a smile on his face.

“C'mon! Get in the shower! I don't want to be late!” Onew laughed and ruffled the young accountant's hair.

“For the party?” Minho asked. It felt to weird that he was so unsure of himself. Like he was having an out of body experience. He needed to make sure he knew things at the moment, because he was missing a part of his memory...and that almost never happened to him.

“Duh! Key already called to make sure we would be on our way. I called Taemin to pick us up with the company car.” Onew leaned in to Minho's lap slightly, Minho was comfortable with this, but he was still stuck in his mind. Trying to figure out what happened last night after his...fourth? No fifth? Glass of wine...

“Lover?” Minho quietly asked, the unsureness radiated in his voice. He could feel Onew give him a questioning gaze. Because even he must not be use to an unsure Minho.

“Hm?” Onew tried to still seem comforting though, his thumb caressing his cheek.

“What....did I...after the wine...?” Minho peeked up at his precious boyfriend. He was a little more comforted by the words that were said after.

“You got a little tipsy and fell asleep, so what?” Onew shrugged. Minho was a little more relieved. He felt more at ease and was happy to feel so. He was so focused on being relieved that he missed the fake smile that Onew had plastered on, and the small panic that flashed across his eyes...


~ ~ ~The previous day~ ~ ~


It was after Key had finished helping Onew write down the soup recipe with step by step instructions that Onew had asked for the pill.

Not exactly the pill, but something to make Minho fall asleep. If he was going to succeed in his part of the bet.

“Uh, its a bet Onew, I'm not suppose to help you!” Key scoffed with his arms crossed. Yeah he knew that, but still.

“Well unless you don't want an angry Minho storming in to your apartment tonight I suggest you give me some help.” Onew shot back. Key would admit he had a point. If Minho came home from the gym still pissed off, and Onew told him that Key had been in their apartment, Minho would have no problem hunting the diva down and killing him.

“What exactly do you have in mind?” Key asked.

“I give him the awesome soup, I give him some wine with something to make him sleep. As he is getting groggy and stuff I confess that you and me made up and convince his sleepy self not to hurt you. And in the morning he can't argue. Plus, for your benefit, he might be annoyed enough to have angry with me. Right?” Onew stated his case smoothly.

Key had to admit, the boy was a little sneaky devil when it came down to it.

“I have something.” Key offered, and reached in to his purse (yes he carried a purse, with purple sparkles thank you.) and pulled out a small baggie with two light blue pills tucked in to the corner.

“Is that crack?” Onew squeaked.

“What?! No!” Key was shocked that his best friend would even think he did that kind of stuff! The hell...

“Oh...sorry.” Onew smiled at his silly self.

“Its called a forget-me-not. But I have to warn you about how it works.” Key muttered that last part and poured out one of the pills.

“This,” Key held up the small blue tablet to Onew's face, ”Can make a full grown horse knock the out with in two minutes and erase its memory of the same entire day that it was taken. Understand?” Key emphasized with odd hand gestures of 'wiping' his memory clean. Onew was shocked.

“And you want me to give that to Minho?!”

“No.” Key huffed and hastily opened up his kitchen drawers until he found a sharp serrated knife. Quickly he cut the pill, and poured less than a fourth of it in to a kitchen spoon. A small speck of light blue dust in the center of the metal utensil.

“I want you to give him that.” Key nodded.

“and what will that do?”

“It will take a bit longer, about twenty minutes. Maybe a bit more, until it takes him down. And he will forget most of the night. But,” Key turned his attention back to Onew who was staring at the blue dust quizzically, “because it is such a small dose, his memory will come back eventually. Some time later the next day. But it will come back.” Key's eyes touched the sky as he thought to confirm what he said.

“Okay, so I pour this in to the wine and—“

“Nuh-uh! The wine will be too obvious! Once he remembers he will realize that one glass tasted funny and he'll know. Put it in the soup.” Key gestured at the recipe written down.

“What? The soup? But—“

“The soup is thick enough to where he won't taste a thing, and it will take some time for the drug to kick in. So in the end you can use the excuse of him drinking too much.” Key shrugged.

“But!” Key added, “ after he wakes up, you can't resist him anymore! If he suddenly remembers and pounces you, you have to give in! Its part of the rules!”

“I know.”

“Good!” Key smirked and began to put the pills away.



“Where do you even get those things? And why are you just carrying them around?” Onew asked obvious questions. It was odd that his best friend just happened to have a strong memory-erasing drug in his bag.

“I know people.” Key answered simply, “and I was planning on using one if me and you didn't work out today honestly.” the younger man shrugged like it was no big deal. Well it was a good thing the two had made up then.

“You know I am like the bestest best friend you have ever had right?” Onew laughed. Key laughed and asked why.

“Because I'm willing to drug my boyfriend all for the sake of your pretty skin not getting bruised.” Onew smiled and rolled his eyes as the diva squealed and hugged the older man with “I know~ you are the best!”

Onew sighed inwardly. He knew that Minho would not be so mad at him, annoyed yes. It's not like they hadn't used drugs on one another before. The one time Minho had slipped that candy in to Onew's drink...Onew had a for a few hours and the absolute need to be ed till he passed out. But it wasn't like he had done it with bad meaning behind it.

And plus, he needed a time to confess to Minho about how he had touched himself. That way he could sneak it in and if Minho finally remembered he could still claim that he had told the younger man face to face.

Which would lead to Minho being a little more ticked off about it all together. Which meant even rougher . Did Onew like rough ?

Secretly he had a kink for it, of course.


~ ~ ~ Present~ ~ ~


So maybe he should be sent straight to hell, oh well.

Onew watched his lover stumble to the bathroom to take his quick shower. He was on edge all morning. He wasn't sure exactly when 'later in the day' was.

But so far Minho didn't seem to remember anything, so it was best for Onew to be dressed and ready for when his lover got out of the shower.

In no more than ten minutes was Onew dressed and basically ready. He just needed to put his hair together..

a knock on the door grabbed his attention before grabbing his hair gel, and he went to answer the door.

He found a small smiling Taemin outside their apartment who greeted Onew with a warm, “Good Morning Mr. Choi's lover!”

Onew could only smile and invite the young man in to wait. Just as the creepy smiley boy was about to sit in their living room, he said to Onew, “Mr. Choi is lucky to have such a stylish partner. I really love what you've done with your hair.”

Onew stared blankly because he actually hadn't had a chance to even touch the mess atop his head. Just as he was about to answer the assistant, he heard the bathroom door open and out came a very wet and steamy Minho with a small blue towel wrapped around himself. With out a notice of a very smiley assistant in their living room, Minho waltzed right up to his lover and gave him a long good morning kiss, making sure to slip his tongue in to Onew's mouth so that the younger man could fully awaken himself.

Onew was enjoying it, forgetting that there even was a Taemin in the universe. He let him self hum gently and wrap his arms around his lover's neck to pull him closer.

And it was like something clicked in Minho's brain. This motion bringing images flashing in to his mind of the previous night. Only a few though, there was plenty still missing but...

he pulled back hastily and gave a small smile,

“I had about six glasses last night didn't I?” Minho confirmed.

Onew panicked for a second, holy 'later in the day' was not so later after all...

“Mmm yeah, that's about right.” Onew nodded. Minho's eyes pierced for a second, sending Onew's heart thrumming fast in his chest...

“and we almost did it...almost.” Minho emphasized his words as he held the older closer, letting his thumbs play with Onew's hips as he leaned in for another kiss...

“But that's about all I can remember...” a seductive tongue found its way in to Onew's mouth, a gentle moan escaping his lips as Minho d . Morning wasn't a bad idea.

“Almost did what?” came that voice which never failed to be a pain in Minho's .

He immediately turned to glare at the frail boy who had a questioning smile on his face as he looked at the couple in the kitchen.

“Oh. It's you.” Minho spat and turned his glare back to Onew, who was stilled dazed and with his head tilted and mouth hanging slightly open. A willing Onew was a very y Onew.

But not with a creepy Taemin on standby. No way.

With a frustrated sigh, Minho stormed back in to the hallway and slammed the bedroom door shut, leaving a blushing Onew to face a still questioning young assistant.

In the back of his mind Onew thanked the drug making god that Minho hadn't remembered anything else from last night.

What a great start to a day.

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p