My Competition

My Competition


It had been exactly three weeks.

It had been exactly twenty-one days.

It had been exactly 504 hours.

It had been exactly 30,240 minutes.

It had been exactly 1,814,400 seconds.

That was how long it had been since he had last seen Onew. All because of this stupid business trip. Who really cared about marketing and how much money was in their accounts? Who? Not Minho.

He cared about his lover, who was home, without him.

Did it really matter that his company had given him a promotion and sent him on a trip to America to make one of their biggest investors his personal client? Minho was an accountant. A high-end one at that. He made millions because he handled accounts of corporate millionaires. But did they really have to go and send him on a three-week trip to America? Maybe a weekend trip. He could understand that. The client needed to meet him face to face. Maybe even a few days. Like a business week. The client wanted to show him how his company worked and even give Minho a luxury stay with sight-seeing and the whole shabang. But really? Three weeks?

He had tried to minimize the time, with manners he had asked why there was such a need for three weeks for a trip that could actually take two days. Their response:

“Well you see Mr. Choi, you are not only making the CEO your personal client, your making all of his upper ranks and personal assistants your personal clients as well. You will most likely be adding 200 new personal clients to your status.”

So that was the catch.

Secretly he had been wondering why they would being paying him triple to go on this trip, not to mention the hefty pay he would receive from the CEO that was his new client. And of course everything was paid for. Hotel, meals, flight, both his company and the company of which he was traveling to had given him credit cards with no limits. Just to do as he pleased.

Its not like 200 new clients was a big deal. Minho was the best for a reason. He was efficient and organized. And numbers were just his thing.

He already had over 3,000 personal clients, and 100 major corporate accounts he attended to. Adding 200 was no big deal. But usually he spaced them out. He would do ten or so clients a week or something of the sort. And he would have gladly taken multiple weekend trips to accommodate the new company. But now. The company was urgent and they wanted all their financial business in Minho's trusted hands. And they wanted it now. Minho literally had a line outside of the small office they had set up for him. And one by one he had accommodated every last one of them to their satisfaction. The last two days were for luxury purposes.

The first day he had slept all day. He made sure to call Onew and whisper sweet things to him before Onew went back to bed—damn the time difference.

And then of course today was the last day. Finally it was the last day of this stupid trip.

He sat idly at a small coffee shop, a nice warm 'Cup of Joe' as the natives called it was nestled in his hand.

He couldn't help but smile a little as the key-mark ring tone sang from his phone. He knew it was Onew who had texted him. Onew always texted him when he was on trips. He only called if it was urgent, texts were okay though. That way he didn't disturb Minho if he was in the middle of business.

Onew was sweet that way. Just another reason to love him.


From: JinkLove

To:Mr.Choi <3

--One more day~ haha good morning I hope ur ok!

And you better be wearing the jacket I picked out 4 u! >.<

Love u! ;) –

Minho hugged the beige jacket closer to him as he read the text. He really missed the older boy. He really did. Yesterday he had slept all day, and he had had a dream about Onew. It was simple and sweet. Just like him.

In his dream they were at their apartment (Onew would not let Minho buy a house until they were married...even then he like apartments for some strange reason.) and it was night time.

Onew had just brushed his teeth while Minho washed his face. Onew did not speak, and neither did he. They only finished cleaning and layed together. They kissed, so sweetly that Minho was sure he had whimpered in his sleep. Onew had played with his hair, and he kept kissing Minho's face. When Minho was going to say something, his lover pecked his lips and nuzzled into the crook of his neck.

“Don't ruin it.” Dream-Onew had said, “Just hold me.”

So that's what he did. He wrapped his arms around him and held on to him as tight as he could.

Before he fell asleep in his dream, Onew had whispered so softly to him that he wasn't sure if his mind had just made it up, “I miss you.”

And he had woken up. Just like that the image was gone. It was fake, and it was gone.

He really did miss Onew. He missed his smile, his small eyes that almost disappeared when he graced you with his amazing smile.

He missed Onew's laugh, and the way he clapped when he laughed.

He missed Onew's pout, his glare, his random thoughts.

He missed Onew's fake punch, the way he would hug Minho always face to face.

He missed Onew's kiss, his shivers, his breath catching.

He missed Onew's nails digging in to his back, he missed Onew's moans in his hear.

Oh to hell with it. Not only did he miss Onew himself, damnit he missed ing Onew. And at the moment he really just wanted to the hell out of him.

The coffee was getting cold he noticed, and he tried to push his thoughts aside just for a moment.

That was when his phone range again. It wasn't Onew he knew, it was his best friend. Jong.

“What do you want?” he growled in to the receiver.

“Well hello to you too jerkazoid.” Jong's strong voice was heard.

“Hello Jong. How can I help you today?” Minho accessed his face polite voice.

“I'm not a client you I'm your bestie!” Jong yelled at him. Of course this was the way they had been greeting each other since middle school.

“Okay whatever. So what is it that you so needingly have to say to me today?”

there was a brief silence where he could hear Jong snickering like a maniac.

“So on a scale of 1 to 10, how are you today?” Jong asked.

The annoyance was not mistaken. If it wasn't enough that he had to endure this stupid long trip, and he hadn't seen his Onew the whole time, his best friend had decided to call him every single day and see just how hard it was for Minho to not be ing Onew at least twice a day. That's right. They at least ed twice a day. Once in the morning before Minho went to work, and once before bedtime. Most likely if Minho got home, and Onew was wearing just an oversized shirt and boxers, Minho was ing him. How could he not? It was better when Onew got to deliver Minho's lunch to his private office, and when they went to parties with spare bedrooms. But nothing beat the weekends. He had Onew all to himself. Sundays were by far his favorite day of the week.

So three weeks with no was getting to him a little. And it didn't help that Jong and his boyfriend Key would constantly call him and of it. What kind of friend was he anyways?

“I'm not telling you.” Minho said.

“C'mon man~ last time you said 8. that's like uber high. So today is what? 15?”

“You said a scale of 1 to 10.”

“So you're on a 20 then?”


he heard a door slam in the background and then Jong was fumbling with the phone.

“The hell?...”Minho glared at his mobile, then put it back to his ear.

“Hello?” he asked.\

“SSSHH!!” Jong hushed him.

“Babe, who are you talking to?” Minho heard Key's voice arise from the other end.

“Huh? No one. Why?” Jong lied. And lied very badly at that...

“Cuz I heard you talking...” Key was not a stupid man.

“Wow, honey you look really y today~” Jong changed the subject. Key liked being complimented. Scratch that, he loved being complimented.

“What? Shut up~” Key giggled. Oh ew were they kissing? God they so were.

“So uh, how bout we move this to the bedroom?” ew another kiss. Minho was on the verge of hanging up.

“Kay.” Key giggled again.

“I'll meet you there in five.” and another kiss—

“I WILL CALL YOU BACK WHEN I'M DONE! BYE!”Jong whisper-yelled in to the phone. And then the line cut. Just like that.

Minho glared at his mobile again...”The ?...”

That was just plain weird. Since when did Key care enough for Jong to hide that he was talking to Minho? If anything Jong didn't like his lover talking to him. Only because, Jong needed Key to keep looking at y dino and not get a second glass at 'mr tall dark and handsome damnit!' as Jong had put it...

Whatever, he thought to himself. He might as well go back to his hotel and make sure all his things were packed. His flight was in a bit and he would be taking another flight from Japan to Korea. He was going to be so jet lagged when he got home.

Before he got up from his seat to head back his phone rang again, another text, but from Jong.




--Just FYI, Key told me that Onew has been getting more

satisfaction from his hand and os than he ever got from u. lol.

I guess you got some competition huh?..scale of 1 to 10?--


And just like that, it ignited in him. It was a burst of flame that erupted in his gut and swarmed through his body. His fists clenched and his jaw tensed.

Jong had called him crazy for it, and Onew had been scared of it.

Minho had a mean competitive streak.

And it didn't exclude Onew's satisfaction.

He was not going to lose to Onew's hand, and especially not some stupid video.

Maybe it had been three weeks of Jong's endless taunting, maybe because Onew was too shy of a guy to even send desperate Minho a cute picture.

Maybe it was the fact that Minho had caught Onew several times touching himself. And he found he didn't like it so much unless it was with Minho's permission.

Whatever it was, it was a game to Minho now. And oh yes he wanted to win.

Onew needed him for full pleasure, this is what he told himself. If Onew's complete satisfaction and pleasure was the prize, Minho was going to win.

He checked his phone, he was leaving for the airport in 3 hours.

He would arrive in Japan in 7 hours, and be home in Korea in another hour. It would take him approximately fifteen minutes to drive home from the Seoul airport.

So he would be home in approximately 10 hours and 15 minutes. Give or take.

And then he would have Onew right in his hands.

Scale of 1 to 10? ing 100.

Who could satisfy Onew more? Him, or his ing hand?

“Game on.” he snapped his phone shut and headed down the street.

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p