My Competition

My Competition


When Minho arrived home, he was pleasantly surprised that dinner was already made, and the small table he shared with Onew was set up for two. The lights were dimmed, there was slow music on, and Onew stood up at the table. And he had never looked more delicious.

It was obvious the older hadn't taken a shower long ago, his hair was still damp and askew in the cutest way. He wore Minho's old Letterman jacket from high school, and only a small pair of red briefs. The tan and green design of the jacket clashed with the briefs, but of course Minho didn't notice that.

He noticed that his lover was only wearing a small pair of briefs and that fact that the Letterman jacket was only buttoned up half way. There was almost nothing left to his imagination.

Had he been angry earlier?

Was he planning on killing anyone about ten minutes ago as he drove home?

Who cared. There was a mostly Onew in front of him. He didn't care if the sky was falling or the building was on fire.

“Hi.” Minho smirked the slightest, Onew responded with a sheepish grin of his own.

“Welcome home.” Onew said, and maybe Minho got it wrong, but Onew's opened up the jacket all the way. Putting his tone body on full display. Well that was one way to welcome someone home...

“Is there some kind of special occasion I missed?” Minho asked, he walked in to their apartment, approaching that simply delicious man before him.

“Well, not particularly.” Onew's voice shook a bit as Minho swept forward and confidently placed his arms around him. Making sure his arms went underneath the jacket so his fingers could slide up and down Onew's back.

“Mmm, well then...” Minho didn't hesitate to lean in and plant full kisses on those full lips, he was sure whatever Onew cooked was great (he could smell it) but dinner could wait right? Onew's lips were so much tastier, and the way the older man seemed to melt in to his arms as he deepened the kiss was totally satisfying his hunger at the moment.

As if Onew could read his mind, he pulled back from the younger gasping for air,

“We should eat dinner.” the older man's breath was hot on Minho's face, he liked it.

“I'm not hungry for food.” Minho's neck arched forward to consume his real dinner. He stopped when he heard a low whine, and when he craned his neck backward to get a full view of Onew's face, he found the older man pouting with disappointment.

“What?” Minho chuckled, Onew was too cute with his bottom lip stuck out and his brow creased. Even his shoulders slumped with annoyance.

“I worked really hard on this dinner though!” Onew whined, and like a child he stomped his foot. Minho let a healthy laugh leave him as Onew pouted even further and pushed away from him. Completely annoyed now, he crossed his arms and huffed and puffed that Minho was so mean sometimes.

“I'm sorry!” Minho grabbed Onew and placed several loving kisses on his lover's temple. He chuckled again as Onew sighed and claimed that Minho was so not sorry, and he was only apologizing because he wanted Onew for his body!

Minho kissed him again on his temple making sure to emphasize a big kissing sound as he told Onew, “I assure you,” kiss,

”I do not want you,” kiss,

“just for your body,” kiss,

“I love you,” kiss,

“because you,” long kiss ,

”are you.” kiss.

By the second kiss Onew had already softened, Minho could tell by the way his lover began to lean in to the younger man. And by the final kiss to his temple, Onew had his full weight on Minho, and if he wanted to he could scoop the older up in his arms and take him straight to the bed room.

But due to the previous Onew-tantrum, he knew that eating dinner would mean so much more to the older man.

“Let's eat dinner.” Minho whispered and placed one last kiss on the older's forehead before leading him down to their small table and sitting beside his lover.

The table was simply decorated, three small candles lighting up their faces. Onew had brought out their 'guest' plates and even had a small vase of daffodils on display. It was cute and simple, just like his lover.

With a giddy smile plastered on his face, Onew skipped to the kitchen to serve Minho. The younger didn't even have a chance to blink before a steaming bowl of soup was placed before him and a plate a rice and vegetables accompanied it.

“Oh, well this does look really nice.” Minho complimented, and it was good move he knew, as he was rewarded tender doe-eyes.

“Really?” Onew asked, almost breathless. And like the good boyfriend Minho was, he scooped up a large spoonful of the soup and..

Oh wow!

this was!

the taste was!

“Holy this is ing delicious!” Minho's mouth was watering and it was like his taste buds were singing Hallelujah at the same time as his nostrils were flaring from the amazing smell and...just wow!

“It is right?” Onew did a small happy dance.

“Love, how did this new?” Minho questioned as he took another bite. Oh this was so good! The chicken was seasoned just right and moist and tender only adding to the amazing broth! What was with these noodles? How could noodles be so special and so whole and yummy!

“Its tastes even better if you put your vegetables and rice in the soup all together.” Minho heard Onew's suggestion and immediately poured his plate in to his bowl.

Onew could only laugh at Minho's expression when he took another bite. It was the exact same face as the one he made when Onew would 'use his mouth' on him. The exact same.

He made a mental note to thank Key later on.

The couple were happy to eat in peace and quiet for a few minutes...or Minho wasn't able to talk due to the soup suffocating him with pleasure. Never in his life...even his mother's wasn't this good!

“Onew,” Minho finally gasped as he finished off the food with an audible slurp.

“Hm?” Onew asked with a pleased expression.

“You are so amazing. That!” Minho pointed to his belly which stuck out just the slightest bit.

“That was Uh-mazing!” Minho smiled and kissed his happy lover, who kissed him back with a small laugh. But quickly he pulled back and stood up from his seat, he was pleased to hear a displeased whine from the younger who missed those lips already.

“Let's have some wine!” Onew chirped and seemed to glide in to their kitchen. Although Minho wasn't entirely in the mood for wine, he was too happy to say no at this point. If Onew wanted to have wine, why not? If Onew wanted to rob a bank, hey, he had a couple of beanies they could cut in to ski-masks right? Right.

He could only sigh as Onew pulled out a bottle of white wine, because he knew that Minho always favored it over red wine.

“I Googled it, this wine goes really well with chicken soup!” Onew beamed as he came to the table with the green bottle and two glasses...which Minho had never seen before.

“Are those new?” he asked his lover who was so busy opening the bottle up he didn't even hear Minho's question.

“It said that this wine, Chenin Blanc, goes best with chicken soups! It was that or this Nior wine but that was a red wine and I knew you don't like red wine so I found this wine and then the different types and this one is suppose to be really crisp and refreshing so it suppose to accompany the heartiness of the soup and stuff! I'm great right?” with a loud pop the wine bottle opened up.


“Hm?” his lover began to pour the wine in to the glasses that Minho had never seen before, and they were quite unique as well. They didn't have a long stem like other glasses. In fact they could have been mistaken for whiskey glasses, or at least hard-liquor ones...

“Did you buy us new glasses?” Minho took the clear cup that Onew handed to him.

“Yeah, so?” Onew didn't see anything wrong.

“You know that these, are not, wine glasses right?” Minho asked. Not that there was anything wrong with it, but still...Onew knew right?

“Yes they are.” Onew laughed as if Minho was the stupid one.

“No, lover, they aren't.”

“Yes. Lover. They are.” Onew smiled bigger. Minho had a feeling they were going to get in to one of their small bickers.

“No. Lover. They are liquor glasses.”

“The box. Lover. Said they are modern wine glasses.” Onew's jaw was partially clenched, Minho felt his eyes pierce at the man he loved. With a huff Onew stormed back in to the kitchen and after a few sounds of things being thrown around, he came back with an empty box.

“Here.” Onew threw the box in his lover's face and waited for his triumph.

Minho read the box with care. Well there it was. In nice smooth snazzy letters. 'The modern wine glasses for the modern couple'. Well .

“These don't look like wine glasses.” Minho threw in defense, and to prove his point he held up the glass itself as evidence.

“Look, it even has a small indent for your thumb! You can still do the pinky thing!” Onew showcased his pinky finger still being able to be pushed away. He quickly grabbed the box to read the description to further prove his point. Even though now it was evident he was correct, why not shove it in to his lover's face anyways? It was rare that Onew was actually right...

It says right here! The Govino Stemless Wine Glasses are shatterproof, elegant, reusable...and recyclable. Govino Wine Glasses are the ultimate go anywhere, reusable, ergonomic stemless wine glass. The Govino Stemless Wine Glasses are made of a food-safe, BPA-free polymer that is virtually shatterproof. Featuring an ergonomic thumb notch, these glasses make great stemless wine glasses. This wine glass is perfect for pool side, picnics, BBQs or anywhere that you don't want breakable stemware. The modern wineglass for the modern couple.” and for effect Onew tossed the empty box over his shoulder with force and smiled brightly at his now pouting lover.

It felt good to be right...for once.

Minho would not admit it aloud, but his lover looked extra y reading all that smart stuff. It was getting late, they had dinner, they were about to have wine. It was about time they got to bed.

He was already basically undressed anyways right? Right.

“I get it.” Minho dryly stated and showed off his pinky as he cupped the wine.

“Good! Let's toast!” Onew smiled and held up his glass, “To us!” Onew said.

“To .” Minho retorted, and watched in satisfaction as Onew chocked on the wine going in to his mouth. Before Onew could recover he chugged back the wine in his glass and jumped up from his seat.

Onew didn't even have a second to breath again as a pair of strong arms slid around his body and suddenly his feet weren't touching the floor anymore.

“Wait! We-agh! Agh-have to ugh! Finish the wine!” Onew coughed.

“We can finish it later.” Minho didn't even pause in his steps. With out a care he tossed the older man on their bed, he found it cute as Onew kicked up and tried to get away. All the while still in his coughing fit.

“Minho!” another loud cough erupted from Onew that made Minho actually pause and wait for the older to breath. When he finally caught his breath, the younger began to crawl on top of him, so ready to finally finally have his way.

“Wait! The wine!” Onew was pouting and trying with lesser strength to push Minho away. He was just so cute.

“Minho! Wait!” Onew tried again, Minho's lips now attached to his jaw and dear god that felt amazing.

Wait damn it I spent all day picking out that stupid wine we are going to finish it!” Onew screamed at the top of his lungs.

Minho stared in shock at his now pink faced lover.

Well then.

“O-okay. If you insist.” Minho's voice was no more than a whisper. And with that Onew quickly got up from the bed and yanked the younger up and back to the table.


~20 Minutes Later~


Minho was feeling a bit more warm. Like someone had put a blanket inside of him. There was the small buzz surrounding his fingers. He liked the feeling that he got when he moved his head back and forth. He was very relaxed, and everything felt just...great. He felt awesome. It had been a good idea to finish that wine...

Onew watched Minho down his 6th glass with no problem. Did he feel a little guilty? Yeah. Was a tipsy buzzed Minho kind of cute? Yeah.


“Yesss?” Minho answered, his eye lids hooded and his lips were a bit slacked. There were light roses on the younger's cheeks that were precious, and the small smirk that was glued in place made Onew's heart giggle.

“Can I tell you something?”

“Yup.” a small hiccup, Minho had never been cuter.

“You want me to tell you everything right?”


“Good. So I made up with Key today.” Onew was hesitant, but none the less let the sentence out as casually as possible.

“Oh that's great!” Minho hiccuped.

“You're happy?”

“'Course! You guys are like two peas in a lil' pod!”

“Oh. Right! So, you won't beat him up tomorrow?” Onew asked. Minho frowned at this.

“No, I am still beatin' 'im up.”

“Why? You don't have to!” Onew swiftly his appeal, after all his four glasses did have him feeling a bit more confident. He sat in Minho's lap and laughed and smirked as the younger automatically wrapped his arms around his waist.

“No I do. He hurt you.” Minho argued.

“Yeah, but now I forgave him. So you don't have to. Really Minho, I hope you don't.” Onew pouted as his lover looked up to him with a questioning gaze.

“Are you you sure about this and this?” Minho poked Onew's very cute nose. Onew smiled and kissed the man's lips tenderly. He smiled in to the kiss as the younger groaned easily and tried to deepen it, but Onew pulled away.

“I'm positive. No hurting Key. Okay?”

“M'kay kiss me.” Minho's eyes were still closed and his lips still puckered.

“Also, “ Minho groaned now in annoyance.

“I have something I really have to tell you!” Onew laughed at the younger's protest for him to stop talking and to 'take me to the bedroom so we can be naughty!'

“It's really important!” Onew stopped curious hands from groping .

“What what what what what what?” Minho glared and waited, but not with out attempt to get those damn briefs off first.

“I touched myself while you were gone.” there he had said it! Right to Minho's face! Had this been his plan all along? Hell yes! Show some skin, cook amazing food, and serve a good amount of alcohol. All so he could confess this.

“You did?” Minho stopped trying to the older's chest and swung his head back to look at him.

“Yeah, I'm sorry.” Onew said softly as he combed through the black locks he loved so much. He waited as the buzzed man threw him questioning glares and dazed stares. After a long silence of of weird looks, Minho finally shrugged and pulled Onew's face down to his. Strongly and with force he pushed his tongue right in to Onew's mouth. Onew didn't resist at all.

Eagerly Minho's arms fastened on his lover's cheeks and gripped them roughly, earning a moan that was muffled by his own lips. No more waiting. It was finally time for this.

Onew automatically wrapped his arms around the younger's shoulders as Minho stood up, and Onew linked his legs around the younger's waist as he was carried back in to their bedroom.

Minho almost didn't make it all the way to the way to the bed though. He felt his body getting heavy, his head not feeling so light anymore.

He threw Onew on to the bed with grunt and immediately began to get on top of him. He really wanted this now.

“You know I made another bet with Key.” Onew spoke. It was like someone had put headphones over Minho's ears. His lover's voice was muffled. He couldn't even respond to Onew, he was getting really tired.

“We bet that me and you still wouldn't sleep together till after their party.” Onew's voice was growing more distant by the second. But he was right there, beneath him. He could...kind of...see his lips moving.

“If I win, I get to mess up Key's image however I like.” When had it gotten so dark? The whole world was slowing down...

He couldn't feel his limbs anymore, his head was a huge weight on his shoulders.

The last thing he saw was the white sheets of their bed,

the last thing he heard was a small 'Sorry Minho, I love you.' and then the whole world zoned out, and he out.  

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p