My Competition

My Competition


Onew nibbled on his straw with deep thought.

This had to be the worst day of his life.

As the straw hit his back molars and was crushed again he thought some more and ignored the intense stare from the idiot who sat across from him.

He was still trying to go over the rules of the bet in his head. They were pretty simple actually, but what could he expect from the moron and the moron's cocky lover anyways? He sighed deeply and made sure to go over the rules just one more time.

“Okay, so no for the next three days.” Onew stated out loud. He held in the urge to smack Jonghyun's nodding head.

“And the today counts as the first day?” another nod.

“So technically its like two and a half days...better.” he tried to find the positive side to this.

“Tonight is Minho's company's 25th Anniversary party. Tomorrow he was given the day off to get settled back in to his home,” he sent a meaningful glare to Jonghyun,”and then the third night you and Key are throwing a barbeque because you got a promotion. Correct?” Onew sipped the liquid left at the bottom of his cup.

“Correct.” Jonghyun was biting his lip in an irritating way...

“And you expect me to not let Minho have with me...during this whole time?”Onew upped a brow at the moron who nodded hurriedly.

“You do realize how much Minho likes to have at other people's parties right? If we are even near a closet or bedroom he might just strangle me to have his way.” Onew pouted.

“Yes I realize—wait so last year's party at my place?!” Jonghyun had just realized something.

“Did you really think I had to go to the bathroom for a half hour?” Onew squinted his eyes at him.

“That is just nasty...”Jonghyun growled. Good, he was making him feel bad. He deserved it anyways! Seriously how was he suppose to deny Minho—the beast Minho—the minute he got home? No one in their right mind would do so.

“You better be helping me out! It's not going to be easy!”Onew was pretty sure there was no life left in his straw. Poor thing didn't have a chance...

“Of course! Just call me the minute you get home, and then I will call you every once in awhile, phone calls are the biggest mood ruiners~” Jonghyun evilly smiled at Onew. Seriously how was this thing a friend of Minho's? He really didn't understand the concept behind the friendship. Even more so he didn't understand the concept behind Jonghyun's puny brain...if he even had one.

He glanced at his phone. Wow he had three new messages, and two calls. All from Minho. Onew quickly checked the time. Damnit! It was 6:23pm!

“Okay fine. I'm heading home now. Bye.” Onew didn't even wait for Jonghyun's goodbye, he tossed out his empty cup and rushed to his car. The minute he got inside he checked the messages.


To: JinkiLove

From: Mr. Choi <3

--I came home...and you're not here.Where r u?--

To: JinkLove

From: Mr. Choi<3

--Ya! Chicken boy where did you go?I'm waiting for you...--


From: Mr. Choi<3

--Helloooooo? I called u twice. Call me,ur makin me worry.--


“.” Onew cursed under his breath. The last message had been sent at 5:34pm. Maybe Minho wasn't to upset yet? Onew quickly pressed the speed dial number and waited for it to ring...after the first ring the line picked up. His heart leaped when he heard the rough voice on the other end.

“There had better be a damn good reason why I came home and you weren't waiting for me.” Minho didn't sound too happy. God just the sound of his rough voice made tingly feelings go up Onew's spine...

But he didn't sound totally angry either. Onew smiled, he could hear the underlying affection, Minho had only missed him and he felt bad that he hadn't been there when he had gotten home.

“I'm sorry.” he whispered. Minho's chuckle only made him feel worse. He was going to murder Jonghyun...

“It's fine. Just tell me you're going to be home soon.” Minho said. Onew heard him yawn and grunt. He was probably stretching...

“I will be. Give me five minutes and I'll be home.” Onew started the car as he said this.

“Okay, but tell me, where have you been?” Minho questioned. Oh crap.

Onew took a breath and tried to quickly come up with a lie.

~ ~ ~ ~

Minho pulled in to his designated parking space, right next to where Onew's car should have been..but wasn't. Well that was weird. Why would Onew's car be gone?

“He didn't go to the airport did he?” he wondered out loud. Of course not. He had specifically told Onew to just stay home. That he would be home before five, and Onew had promised to be there when he arrived. He tried to shrug off the thoughts and he made his way up to their apartment.

God he could just taste him now.

He could completely see it in his mind. His Onew, in the kitchen, in the living room, in their room...

“No more waiting.” he smiled and unlocked their front door.

The sight of their apartment was already making him feel better. Their small kitchen to the left of him was lit and clean. Their dining area to the right was dark, but clean. Their living area ahead of him was also dark but clean. He smiled even more, that was so Onew. While he was gone, all Onew could ever do was clean...but why where was Onew? He must have heard the front door open. Why hadn't he come running in to Minho's arms?

“Onew?” he called in to the small space. He set his luggage down and walked further inside. No answer.

“Onew? I'm home.” he called a bit louder. Still no answer. Maybe he was sleeping? They did have a big party to go to tonight...he glided in to the bedroom and found nothing again. The bed showed signs up Onew sleeping in it though. A few articles of clothing on the floor. The blinds were pulled up so sunlight could shine in just the way Onew liked it to.

“Ya, if your playing some stupid game it's not very cute.” Minho frowned in to the empty space. Seriously it wasn't though...he checked the bathroom just in case. No Onew.

Was he seriously not here? Minho called his phone quickly. No answer. The irritation was picking at his skull. Slowly but surely. He texted the older boy in hopes that maybe he was driving or something and couldn't answer.

Minho waited a half hour and he never got a text back.

Maybe he was...well...where the could Onew be? They had texted and talked over the phone multiple of times planning the moment Minho got home. The companies party wasn't going to be until ten at night, Minho would be arriving before five. That gave them plenty of time to be reunited, eat together, shower and get ready for the party. It wasn't like Onew had forgotten had he? He had just been texting him this morning...

Minho whipped his phone out again and texted his lover. He pounced on their living room couch and waited awhile...

fifteen minutes and no reply. Minho called again. No answer.

The worry was slowly creeping up and scraping at his heart.

Where the was Onew? No note, no text, not even a voice mail of any sort. Minho had no clue where he was.

And damn he jet-lagged.

This couch was ultra comfy. Since when had these cushions become so soft?

Minho desperately fought his heavy eyelids by sending Onew one more text.

And then he fell asleep...

...And then he woke with a start.

His heart was thrumming through his chest as he checked the time. Then relief was instant, he had only fallen asleep for ten minutes. Then annoyance came back and smacked him, because Onew was still not home.

But that’s when his phone rang loudly with Onew's ringtone blaring from the small speakers.

Now Minho was a sensible man, he was mature in his ways. He knew when to speak and when to listen. He knew how to react calmly to crazy ...

but you better believe the minute that phone rang that he leaped off the couch and squealed in utter excitement like a happy ten year old.

Then he answered it calm and collectively.

“There had better be a damn good reason why I came home and you weren't waiting for me.” Minho almost laughed at the squeak he heard from his lover on the other end. It was as if all the worry and irritation had never existed. With that one squeak from Onew's throat Minho just knew that he was sorry and that he must have had every intention of being there but something had held him back.

“I'm sorry.” Onew whispered in shame. Minho sighed as he did not want the impression that he was angry or anything like that. He just wanted Onew home, in his arms right now.

“It's fine. Just tell me your going to be home soon.” Minho half begged in to the receiver. He yawned a bit from his previous mini-nap and let one of his arms stretch out his muscles.

“I will be. Give me five minutes and I will be home.” Minho smiled as the sound of Onew's engine hummed to life.

“Okay, but tell me where have you been?” Minho asked before the question left his mind.

“Me?” Onew asked in a higher tone. Minho's eyes pierced.

“Yes you milk thighs. Where were you? You didn't even leave a note or text me.” Minho pointed out. There was silence on the other end. He could hear Onew's breathing steady though...



“Where were you?” Minho couldn't help but remember what Jong had texted him yesterday about Onew receiving more pleasure from other sources...his jaw tensed in a new batch of annoyance with a drop of jealousy.

“I was just shopping.” Onew answered finally.

“What were you shopping for?”

“I just wanted...I just wanted to look good when you came home. That's all.” Onew's voice was quiet and sad. Well at least Minho knew he was telling the truth. And the truth was a little touching and cute...and y.

“Mmm what'd you buy?” Minho liked the sound of Onew's rapid breathing on the other end.

“N-n-nothing you ert! I'm almost home. Love you. Bye.” Onew hung up abruptly. Minho smirked and put his phone away. Onew was almost home.

His just twitched at the thought of finally seeing Onew.

“Ha! How could chicken boy be getting more pleasure from his hand than me?” he chuckled. Just with his voice he made Onew stir. Jong was ridiculous. Minho made a mental note to stop listening to Jong and his stupid teasing.

His phone rang again, but this time it was

“Mr. Choi speaking.” he answered all business like.

“Oh good Mr. Choi you made it back safely!” his boss had called him. That was just ing awesome. Minho already knew what was coming his way.

“Yes sir I did I just arrived home.”

“Excellent. Well I'm sorry to ask you this,” no he wasn't that prick, “but I was hoping you could stop by the office mighty fast. Me and the boys need to hear a full scale report quickly. Do you mind?” what like Minho could say no?

“Of course sir, I'm on my way.” Minho replied.

“See you soon.” the line clicked. Well wasn't this just the best day of his life. Even more annoyed than before he grabbed his jacket and keys. He made sure to slam the front door on his way out.

Fine so he would have to put off seeing Onew for maybe another hour. Fine. Just ing dandy. But he swore the minute he stepped foot in to their apartment, he was going to get exactly what he wanted. No if's and's or but's.

When he started his car he quickly called Onew and pulled out of his parking space.

“Hello?” Onew answered. Minho didn't even have time to try and make his voice sound y or alluring. He just needed to get his point across.

“I have to stop by the office really quick. So you'll be home before me.” Minho stated.

“Oh, okay then.” it made him a little happy that Onew sounded disappointed.

“I shouldn't be home any later than eight.”

“Okay. So you want me to make you dinner?” geesh another reason to love Onew...

“No.” Minho answered honestly.


“I want you in our bed when I get home. And that is final.” Minho just let his words flow out and ignored the hitch in Onew's voice. He was going to go to his office, fill out a stupid report, make small talk and then rush home. He really didn't know how much longer he was going to last. He could feel his sanity unraveling at his fingertips.

“Onew? Did you hear me?” Minho checked in on the hyperventilating voice.

“Hm? Sorry could you repeat that?” he could not turn this car around. There was just no way.

“I said, when I get home this time, I want you, with no clothes on, in our bed. Be ready for me. No excuses. If you're not in that bed Onew,” he took a moment to breath, “ so help me god I will you wherever you stand when I see you. “ he really did not want to go to his office. He really just did not.

But he needed to make a living right? It would only be an hour, he told himself. Maybe two. He had been without Onew for three weeks...he could last two more hours he told himself.

“O-o-okay.” Onew stammered like a person with no tongue.

“Love you. Bye.”Minho hung up and pressed down on the gas to make sure his car accelerated to its full potential.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Onew gasped as Minho hung up. God damnit he should never have met Jonghyun! If he had never agreed to the stupid bed Onew would have been totally by what Minho had just said. He hadn't even 'said' it, he had more like 'moaned' it in to Onew's ear.

And a small part of Onew was...

but for the sake of the bet...

he was ing scared.

“Oh my life.” he groaned and zoomed forward to their apartment.

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p