My Competition

My Competition


His heart was pounding in to his ears. He wasn't sure if he was saying the words correctly, but he must have been saying something coherent. His lips were moving, he could feel them doing so. His mind was having thoughts behind the movements, he could remember them. But was this all coming out right? Was he suppose to be feeling this guilty?

He took a deep breath to calm down. Now all he could hear was his pulse in his ears, he knew they were red. Not with cute embarrassment, but because he was flustered and terrified at the same time.

It had taken him about half an hour to get everything out. At first Minho had thrown him questioning looks of confusion. But then it had started to connect. It seemed with every sentence Minho's body became more incapable of movement. His face muscled were totally frozen. And for the first time since they had begun dating, Onew had no clue of what emotions and thoughts were running through Minho's head. Usually he at least had an idea, a hint. But now, nothing. He was the statue of a god and his eyes weren't even looking at Onew now. They were definitely looking beyond him.

Minho was processing all of what he had just heard. He wasn't exactly mad, no that wasn't it.

But he wasn't happy either.

He was more or so disappointed in his lover. He really wished that Onew had just told him about the whole thing, let him in on it. It was a little annoying that he had been the only one out of the loop. That his best friend and his lover had been planning things behind his back. But he could see the reasons behind it. Onew was jealous, just as jealous as Minho would have been if he heard someone was trying to seduce the older man. Although he probably would have thrown some punches than created a sneak attack. He concluded that he really didn't like the fact that Onew hadn't trusted Minho enough to tell him, that he thought that the bet had to be won so he wouldn't sleep with Key. Didn't Onew trust Minho? Didn't he know how crazy he was about him?

So he wasn't angry, not completely annoyed, but mostly disappointed. But more so, he was overwhelmingly relieved.

“So...yeah...thats it.” Onew finished. His heart thrumming was slowly and steadily becoming more distant, as it was being chased out by the anxiety that was filling his stomach. Was Minho supremely angry at him? Was he going to hate him forever? Was this the end of their relationship?!

“M-minho?” Onew whispered, his hand dared to reach out toward his lover. It didn't make it all the way. Just as his fingertips brushed Minho's white sleeve, a hand came out swiftly. He made a sort of choke sound as Minho grabbed his hand and pressed it to his lips firmly. All Onew could do was watch with wide shocked eyes as his young lover's lips firmly but softly pressed themselves in to Onew's knuckles for several minutes. Minho's brow was furrowed, his eyes closed. It made Onew's spine tingle the way warm breath rushed over his skin up to his elbow. Minho was just so relieved.

When the younger finally opened his eyes and let out a heavy sigh, Onew found him self letting go of a breath he didn't know he had been holding. Then he chocked on the oxygen again almost immediately as dark eyes shot up to meet his gaze.

“Lee Jinki.” Minho's voice was deep. Oh dear baby jesus that meant he was serious.

“I'm-I'm sorry Min—“ the dark haired prince's lips were pressed on to his so fast he was pretty sure he had swallowed the carbon dioxide his lover had breathed out. Now it was his turn to be a statue. Minho was kissing him, with such force and such passion it was making Onew dizzy. his eyes were wide open and he couldn't even see straight.

Minho let go with a gasp, and...smiled?!

He was just so relieved.

Onew was still a shocked statue as the younger boy pulled him in to a tight embrace, swinging their bodies from side to side with what seemed to be happiness. Onew's heart was warming up as Minho pulled back with a full grin on his face.

“So...your...happy?” Onew deciphered. The grin disappeared almost instantly and was replaced with a slight smirk.

“Not exactly.” Minho nodded to himself. Still a bit annoyed, and dissapointed. Mostly relieved.

“Then why did you just—“

“I'm relieved.” Minho sighed heavily and without looking, pulled Onew in to his arms, resting his head on top of the older's hair.

“I thought it was more of a serious matter!,” the younger absent-mindedly played with the brown hair by twirling it with his fingers,Onew was now clueless. What did this guy have to feel relieved about? Hadn't Onew basically lied to him?

“I thought you were cheating on me or something.”

“What?!” Onew pushed away quickly with out thinking and stared at his lover with a horrified expression. How could Minho think he was cheating on him, handsome perfect Minho? Crazy person.

“How could I cheat on you? You are like...perfect. It's scientifically two protons Minho. Not going to happen. Now I got lucky here, I was an electron who just happened to pass by this totally willing and positive proton—don't smile at my word play—and the proton decided me, the lame electron was cute or something. I got lucky Minho. There is no way I'm going to ruin my luck!” Onew felt like he had gotten his point across. Minho felt touched at his dork's words. Only he would describe their relationship in such a way. But Minho of course thought of it differently. He felt like Onew was the nucleus. Full of positivity and neutralism. And he was the electron, completely drawn to him and never wanting to leave his side.

A bear hug was in need for this situation Minho decided, and roughly pulled his lover in to his arms. He made sure to remove all breath from his system. Onew couldn't deny that it was cutest in the world. This younger but taller man pouncing him and snuggling his head in to Onew's chest. He even made little noises of glee to help the affect.

“Your such a silly-dork. And I love you for it.” Onew ignored his cheeks flushing at Minho's words.

“Why are you cheesier than a mac'n'cheese?” the older tried to look like he wasn't completely flustered at the heart melting words. Minho propped his chin on his lovers chest to look him in the eye, all warmness and smiles.

“I'm cheesier than mac'n'cheese because your loving warmth melts me Onew.” oh he was such a cheese romantic.

“Oh god really?” Onew scowled at Minho's attempt to in to insanity. But he was happy inside. He and Minho hadn't talked like this in forever. Just talking about nonsense and making cute lines up that would make a romance novelist cringe in disgust. They had spent the first day of Minho's return almost having , argueing, and crying. Onew needed some lovey-dovish words. And wasn't Minho just perfect for it?

“How could you be so stupid to think I was cheating? I mean what led to that idea?” Onew asked straightforward. He couldn't recall any of his actions even hinting that he might even have feelings for someone else.

“In my defense, I thought you were cheating on me because, A. you don't know how hot you are in a hoodie and boxers. So you obivously don't know how other people can be attracted to you. B. you don't know how damn edible you look in a knitted sweater. Exaclty why I wanted to murder Jong when he danced with you. Although now I now he was just being a prick...C. you don't know how damn good you taste in my mouth. I think you know what I mean there huh? And D. Jonghyun teased me while I was in America about you ing or something.” Minho chuckled to himself. Onew gulped. A bit at option C because he was recalling their almost in the kitchen the night before. And he was terrified at option D.

“He's an idiot I know.” Minho continued, not noticing Onew's small stare of panic.

“He tried to tell me that Key had told him that you were ing almost everyday in absence of me. I knew it was ridiculous, because I know that you know that I hate you touching yourself. But I said...” Onew hoped he didn't notice how his brow was breaking out in sweat. It was a fact he knew, that Minho didn't like him touching himself when he wasn't there. It made Minho actually jealous that Minho himself wasn't the one giving Onew pleasure. He didn't care if it was just a quick hand-job, a toy, a movie. Nothing. He glared at Onew the last time he'd been caught doing it, Minho's murderous words,

"What am I not good enough? Let me remind you of how good I am." and he'd taken the next three days off of work just to show Onew how good he was.

It wasn't like Onew just touched himself all the time. Only in Minho's absence. Only when Minho was gone for more than one night did Onew look to these methods of pleasure. He tried to explain to Minho that he pictured his lover the whole time, that he should be flattered that Onew jacked off to his image in his mind, but Minho was hearing none of it. If it wasn't Minho, it wasn't aloud.

Well Minho's latest business trip had been all of three weeks. He tried his best to hold back. Done everything to not have one single dirty thought about Minho that would get him excited in the least bit. Onew hadn't lasted three days without his lover.

And now he was totally regretting going shopping with Key during the second week and having that conversation of and toys. He thought it had been one of those conversations that would be kept between them. That so wasn't the case.

“ ...and So in the end I thought when Jong said you were getting pleasure and satisfaction elsewhere, I basically was trying to figure out who you were sleeping with for bit. Because I knew you wouldn't be touching yourself, right Onew?” Minho's eyes met with his. In total trust. And about a half second later a gallon of suspicion came pouring to him.

Onew couldn't of been...

he specifically told Onew not too...

He felt the flare of his competitiveness rise up. He was suppose to be the only thing to make Onew feel good.

“Onew? You weren't actually touching yourself while I was gone were you?” Minho's gaze turned from loving and caring to lust and anger. What a hot and scary combination.

Onew tried to breath when he felt hands gliding down his sides, and fingers slipping under the jersey he wore. Before the finger got any further, he blurted out the one sentence he knew he shouldn't have. It was he one part of the story he had left out because he didn't want Minho to freak out and kill someone. But he hey, happens.

“Key and Jonghyun were the ones that made me cry.” he heard himself say. He mentally said sorry to Jonghyun, not so much Key. But it was going to be a terrible death for them, he knew.

Minho's mind went blank for a bout three seconds. His fingers stopped moving, his brain started to take in the words.

Key and Jonghyun were the ones that made Onew cry.

Jonghyun, his best friend, and Key, Jonghyun's lover, were the ones who cause Onew, his lover, to cry.

Usually when Minho got mad, it started out at a small flame, and slowly people's comments or actions would fee the flame and then he would burst.

But when it came to Onew, the flame was already a forest fire, and he was literally ready to kill someone.

“Who made you cry?” their was definitely a growl in there, it rumbled from Minho's chest with rage. Onew could feel the younger's shallow breaths as he tried to contain himself.

“Well it was mostly Key. He um...said some things to me. Really mean things. I partly blame Jonghyun also, he was the one who convinced me to even go in to this bet.” Onew wasn't sure when he had become so devious, but it was too late to go back on his words now even if a small part of him regretted them. Evilly he thought maybe this was what Key actually needed. A good whooping to put him in his place.

Minho was seething, his fingers gripping on to the couch cushions with no mercy.

“Their barbeque is tomorrow right?” Minho asked. His jaw was clenched, his face was turning a bit pink. No one got to hurt his Onew. No one was suppose to hurt him and make him cry in to Minho's arms for half the night. Anyone who hurt Onew was going to feel pain ten times as worse. Minho had no mercy or a conscious when it came to protecting his lover.

He was probably more angrier than usual because it was his ing best friend who had stood by as some diva had hurt Onew.

Abruptly he stood up off of the couch. Leaving a terrified Onew laying there, watching his lover pace back and forth in their living room.

He could almost see the steam rising from Minho's head. His fists were clenched, his jaw was hardened, even his walking seemed stiff.


“Who the does that little blonde think he is?” Minho roared. His hand came slamming down on one of the kitchen counters. That action wasn't enough to get all his anger out though. Of course not. Minho needed to hit someone.

“You didn't answer my question. Their barbeque is tomorrow right?” Onew jumped at Minho's sudden shift in gaze from the floor to his face.

“Y-yes. Its tomorrow. At noon.” Onew answered in a whisper. Oh .

“Good. I can humiliate that just like he did to you. the bet. them. all of this.” Minho usually didn't curse this much.

“I'm going to the gym Love, I'll be back later.” Minho stormed in to their bedroom. From the couch Onew could make out Minho's quick figure as it darted back and forth in the room. Tearing off clothes and yanking on new ones. When he emerged he was in a pair of sweats and a loose shirt. His sneakers on, his hair pulled out of his face.

“Minho?” Onew wasn't even sure why he was calling for the younger man. He wasn't even sure what he would say if Minho actually answered him.

“I'll have my cell. Call me if you need anything. I'll be home in time for dinner.” Minho quickly stepped over to the couch and kissed Onew with speed.

“I love you Onew. And no one is going to get away with hurting you.” Minho stated and placed a last kiss.

He didn't look back to see his lover's face of fear. Onew probably thought he was going to kill them now. No he wasn't. Now he was going to the gym to blow off the present steam. Plus it wouldn't hurt to be extra fit for tomorrow. Because it was tomorrow when he would be able to punch Key right in his pretty little face. When he would be able to cause major brain damage to Jong. More than what was already present that was. He slammed the door behind him and clomped down the stairs. Tomorrow he would get revenge in the name of his lover.

He was going to ing murder Key.


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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p