My Competition

My Competition


When Minho came to consciousness he could feel the blaring light on his eyes. It was so bright and strong he could see the pink of his eyelids. But it wasn't a terrible way to wake up either. As he had the thoughts of how annoying the light was, he also had the question of why had even left the blinds open if he didn't like it so much? Of course that led to the thought of his special someone who thought it was a great idea to leave the blinds open. Onew liked to wake up to sunshine in the morning. And because Onew so dearly loved it, Minho simply followed suit. It wasn't going to kill him or anything. Speaking of Onew...

Minho shifted under the warm sheets to turn over. His lover was laying very still. His hair askew and pushed out of his eyes. His nose was oily and his face was extra pale. Right under his eyes the skin was an irritated pink from the tears of last night. He was just perfect like this. Minho noticed that Onew's lips were slightly open. So he was awake then. He was in deep thought, but awake none the less. With a sigh Minho pulled the pale older man in to his arms. As expected Onew snuggled in and grabbed at Minho's back to make sure he was firmly attached. If anything, Onew had missed this the most. Waking up to this. The sunlight was great and everything, but nothing beat Minho and the way he smelled in the morning. It was like fresh laundry. Minho always for some reason smelled like a perfectly clean laundry sheet in the mornings. And he loved that scent. He dug his nose in to the taller man's shoulder and inhaled with all his might. He had really missed this, and it hurt just thinking that somehow he had survived for three weeks with out it.

And it hurt even more to think that Key wanted to wake up to this.

The thoughts of last night poured in to Onew's mind like boiling water and made him tense up. It was painful to remember it now. The cursing, the glaring, and the betrayal were scribbled over Onew's brain. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't erase them.

Sure he had gotten a little jealous when another person had claimed Minho, had openly said they wanted Minho. Yes he had been jealous when the person had questioned his relationship. Yes it had hurt even more that it was a person who was suppose to be his friend. Key and Onew were not best friends, but friends none the less. Onew had been there for Key when Jonghyun had brought tears. They had gossiped together, laughed together, and supported each other through their relationships. How could Key go and do that to Onew? How?

It bugged him even most that Key had the balls to even say that to him. And the frightening words still echoed in his ears now.

Your scared! Your scared that Minho might actually want me!

Like a stab to his gut.

You, Lee Jinki are afraid that Choi Minho would want to me over you!

Another stab, but to his heart. And it brought on a fresh batch of tears. With a small squeak he held Minho closer. The tears poured out stronger when Minho's arms tightened back. The whole time the two hadn't muttered a word. They didn't need to. Minho knew this. Onew just wanted to be held, to feel secure. And that was exactly what Minho would do until the tears went away. It was all he could do. All he could do was squeezed the tears away, and kiss the tears away. And of course he had to assure the tears that someone was there, willing to catch them.

“I'm here for you.” the whisper had Onew sobbing full on.

“I'm here for you and I love you Lee Jinki.” Minho stated the fact and if possible, held Onew closer and waited patiently for his lover to settle down.

~ ~ ~

He hadn't slept a wink. It was now eight o'clock in the ing morning and Key was still up. Partially because he had been down coffee like water since three am. But mostly because of the fight last night. Key was trying to back track. To go back and find the problem. Where had it all gone wrong? Where had he crossed the line?

The anger that had been aimed at Onew was put out like water over fire the instant he had gotten home. The moment his front door was slammed in Jonghyun's face all the rage and anger had dispersed. So quickly and smoothly. And suddenly Key found his apartment too quiet. Too empty. Too dark. And of course the tears he had been holding in came pouring out. He had literally fallen to his knees in the middle of his kitchen and held himself. Letting the pain escape by transportation of sobs and cries. And it made him cry harder that he had no clue what this pain was. None.

Until he had received a text. From Onew.



From: Chicken Boy

--How could you do that to me?

How could you say that to me?

You must really hate me.

After this stupid game, don't bother talking to me.

We're not friends.--


The anger had been pointed at Onew because he had told Key that he didn't want to talk to him anymore. The pain was pointed at Key because Onew didn't want to talk to him anymore. The sobbing was because it was all Key's fault and he knew it. He had created this situation. He had crossed a line that had a giant warning sign on it and a large gate to protect it. But Key being himself had taken down the sign and opened the gate anyways. And he had stepped all over that line and crossed it. What the was he thinking? He should have never used Minho to make this bet. He should never had made the bet. He should have never in his lifetime said those stupid words to his friend. Even he didn't believe them. But at the moment, Onew was hurting him. And so he had fought back with the only weapon he knew would hurt Onew right back. His self esteem. It was low, and Key knew it. It was centered around Minho, and Key knew it. And he used it. And he never should have.

Lamely he had come up with excuses through out the night.

“Because you were being attacked.” he had stated while lying in his bed wide awake. Sure he was attacked, only because he had attacked someone's relationship.

“Because he was being unfair.” he whispered while in the shower. He wasn't though, Key was the one being unfair not Onew. And after that he hadn't found a new excuse. It was eight o'clock in the morning and Key was still awake. The coffee in his mug was cold, his alarm was going off telling him to get up for the gym, but that was at 6:30 am. He was in his kitchen, sitting on top of his black marble center counter. Legs crossed, chin rested on both hands. His skin was dry, his eyes were faded and dark from the lack of sleep. A small gasp of breath was taken in as a new excuse finally came to mind. It was obvious!

“Because he was hurting you!” Key stood up on the counter top with his bright idea. There that was it! That was why he had to say such harsh words last night! Onew was saying hurtful things, what other choice did he have?

The excuse sunk in, soaked in to his brain. And new tears formed in his eyes. Yes, Onew was saying hurtful things but...

“he was speaking the truth.” Key melted back in to the counter top to hold himself. Onew had spoken truth, and right to his face. And damn it had hurt like hell to hear the truth. But there it was, right before him in plain words.

It's not my fault that you and Jonghyun have some kind of ed up relationship! Don't use other people to prove your sick love to each other! All your doing is hurting others and hurting each other.

Not only was his relationship ed up, Key thought...

“I'm ed up.” the words were like a noose that chocked him. He couldn't breath. He couldn't think beyond it. He was so ed up. And he was hurting so many people because of it.

“I'm so ed up!” he cried aloud. There it was, pulling at his throat and taking his ego down. All the way down and strangling it till it turned blue.

“! I'm so ed up! What the hell is wrong with me?!” Key felt the anger that bubbled slowly to the surface, and his fist hit the counter top with all his might. It hurt, but not as much as the realization that was happening in his heart at the moment. Key was ed up, and he had been hurting people because of it. He had hurt one of his friend because of it. He had hurt—

“Babe, what are you doing?” his head snapped up at Jonghyun's voice. His boyfriend was standing in his hallway, confused and staring at Key with wide eyes. Key didn't know what to say. He didn't know how to start. Because he was realizing now how much he must have hurt this person too. He was so hung up on trying to see how jealous he could make Jonghyun, he had probably hurt him in the process. More than ever before.

“Babe? Hello? Why are you sitting on your counter top ?” Jonghyun put his keys down on the small table near the door. He wasn't sure what he was seeing right now. Was Key trying out some new exercise he didn't know about? Had he gone crazy?

“Jonghyun.” Key spoke. He had to get this out, before he hurt this man more. Before it was too late.

“What?” Jonghyun wasn't use to Key even using his name like that. It was always 'Babe' and 'Jongie' and 'Dinoface'. He only ever used Jonghyun when he was mad. But Key didn't seem mad at the moment. He seemed...was that desperation on his face?

“Kim Jonghyun.” more tears blurred Key's vision, and his voice was bobbing up and down. But he needed to get this out.

“K-key just tell me.” Jonghyun whispered. It was making him itch already.

“Kim Jonghyun, I'm sorry.” the words were a new breath of fresh air. Key had been suffocating, and finally he could breath again.

After Key spoke the words, Jonghyun knew exactly what he meant. Exactly. Key had hurt him so much in the past and recently. He had hurt Key right back with out thinking. They were so use to hurting each other. And just with this simple apology that Jonghyun knew must have taken a lot of courage for Key to summon up, he forgave him. Just like that, Jonghyun wasn't harboring a grudge for his lover anymore. He couldn't. He cared about him too much to get revenge on him any longer.

With out hesitation he walked over to his trembling lover and hugged him. Key cried harder.

“I'm sorry too. Key I'm sorry.” Jonghyun held him closer, trying to take in just as much pain as Key was feeling.

“Jongie I feel so broken. It's all my fault, I don't want to feel like this anymore!” Key was letting it all out now. And it surprised Jonghyun. Actually he had never seen Key cry like this. Key was never this out there with his emotions.

“I don't want Onew to leave me, I don't want him to hate me!” Key pulled back and held Jonghyun's face in his hands. He needed to make sure this was clear.

“I'm sorry Jongie for doing that to you. I only want you. I promise.”

“Key I know—“

“No you don't because I've been trying to make you jealous the whole time we've been together and I shouldn't be doing that to you. I know I really ed up but, but,” it was getting harder to speak, the sobs were hard to talk over, but just this one last part and Key knew he would be okay just for a little while.

“Please don't leave me Jonghyun. You're so ing important to me. You're my loving irritating dumb kindhearted boyfriend. The best boyfriend I have ever had. Please I don't think I could bear it if I don't have you.” Key kissed him like the world was ending. Like they were going to die this very second. Because that was what it felt like. All this pain and sorrow and desperation that was mixing in his heart felt like it was going to kill Key that very second. He had already lost his friend, he couldn't lose Jonghyun too.

“I'm not leaving you idiot.” Jonghyun kissed Key back. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he liked the words of 'want' and 'promise' and 'best' that were coming out of Key's mouth. He liked feeling needed by this man who always acted tough and fierce. He felt like Key was finally able to express that he cared about him. Maybe they weren't going to fix their 'sick relationship' in this very moment, but hey. With the way Key was crying in Jonghyun's arms and confessing his emotions to him, this was a start.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Onew was taking a shower, so Minho had decided to go out to their kitchen and find something to eat. Quickly he threw together a plat of eggs and rice, adding a bit of salt just the way Onew liked. Minho sat down at their small kitchen table for two. He was still wondering about the reason for Onew's tears. It really did bug him.

He wanted to know exactly who had made him cry like that, and where were they. They were lucky Onew hadn't just given out their name immediately. He had done that once. After three months of being together, one day when Onew was stopping by to visit him, and he saw the redness in his eyes. He knew he had been crying. Minho was surprised in himself. The urge to protect have never been such a strong sense. But it fired up with just a small pout of defeat in Onew's face. When Minho had asked, Onew had told him without knowing the results. The results were Minho storming out of his office, down the hall to the idiot who had called Onew a 'pathetic ' and punched and kicked the man until he was satisfied. It was an eye for an eye in Minho's mind. It was urgent care for the stupid idiot.

He was kind of regretting that now. Because Onew knew exactly how he would react now. He wouldn't want Minho to get out of hand.

He looked up to see his lover's fresh and clean. One of Minho's old jerseys hanging to his mid thighs. A pair of dark blue boxers that stood out against his pale skin. With out a word, Onew climbed in to Minho's lap and rested his head on top of the taller man. Minho kissed the older man's neck, which was right in his face. He chuckled at the small bruises that were still visible under Onew's jawline. He had been a little rough and desperate in his office last night...he smiled with the feeling of lips placing themselves on top of Minho's head.

“Are you going to tell me now?” Minho asked. Again he felt Onew's head shake and a sort of sound of 'nuh-uh'.

“Fine. Eat before it gets cold.” Onew turned in Minho's lap and placed his lovers arms around his waist while he quietly ate his eggs and rice. All Minho could do was hold him. He laid his head on Onew's back and listened to his breath and his heartbeat. It was all he could do for this man for now. He wasn't going to tell Minho, not yet. But Minho would get it out of him. He was determined to.

When the pair was done with breakfast Onew simply pulled Minho to their living room and shoved him on to their couch. He didn't say a word. He just made Minho sit up in the corner of the couch the way he liked, and laid on top of him. Wrapping his arms around Minho's chest and snuggling his head under his chin. Minho the TV when Onew pointed at it, and he changed the channel until Onew nodded in to his chest with approval.

“You're such a baby sometimes.” Minho teased. The only response was a touch of lips to his collar bone. They watched some comedy show in silence. Onew would laugh every now and then.

“You know I'm going to figure out one way or another.” no answer, but he knew Onew was listening.

“So you might as well tell me now before I figure out.” Minho threatened. No answer, only Onew's grip tightening around his chest.

“I won't let you eat chicken for a month.” Onew sat up suddenly with wide eyes of shock. Minho couldn't help but smile. His lover was so perfect in so many ways. Carefully he sat up to sit face to face with Onew and placed a hand on his cheeks.

“Just tell me what happened.” Minho said yet again. He had been saying that their whole drive home in the limo. Onew had just kept sobbing then. But now he seemed much more calm. He could see the dilemma in Onew's face. He almost had the answer out of him.

“Please Onew? You're making me worry a lot here. Please just tell me?” Minho was on border line begging here. The pout was back, but it was a different one. A pout that said, 'why-do-you-have-to-make-me-want-to-tell-you-what-I-don't-want-to-tell-you?' Minho was going to hear the answer anytime soon now, he knew it.

With a heavy sigh, Onew finally spoke in what seemed like forever.

“I don't want you to be mad.” Onew spoke honestly. Minho sat quiet. He would sit and wait for Onew to fully say what he needed to.

“Look you can't get mad okay? I let my jealousy for you get the better of me.” Onew felt the anxiety building up. Would Minho be angry with him for the bet? For going along with it? Onew couldn't fully blame Jonghyun and Key either. Onew had played along just as much. Even started a new bet.

“I—you see—Minho there's something I have to tell you.” the words were stones that fell to the bottom of Minho's stomach. He wasn't sure whether to be scared or not.

“You know how you have been really...uh..ually frustrated for the last day and a half?” Minho nodded.

“and you know how just when it seemed that we almost...uh..did it? That something would interrupt us?” Minho grimaced. It had taken all his understanding and strength not to fire Taemin last night.

“well it wasn't just a coincidence.” Minho's mind went blank. What was Onew talking about?

“and I wasn't just out shopping yesterday when you came home.” god why did Minho's gazed have to bore hole in to his head?

“You see it was...” he had to say this already. It wasn't fair to Minho!

“It was part of a bet.” and just like that it seemed as though the sky was falling.  

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p