My Competition

My Competition


It became apparent to Minho that Onew was hiding something.

The second Minho had recalled how many drinks he had consumed, he had immediately spotted the small ounce of panic in his lover's eyes. Had he mentioned it? Of course not. He let Onew think that his little secret was hidden so well.

Not that Minho knew what that secret was just yet. The problem was that part of his memory was still out, a smaller portion of it was cloudy and mixed up. But most was just black and non existent. Like missing pieces to a puzzle. He just couldn't make out the picture all the way. It was frustrating. And after Onew's small shift in gaze at the Minho's remembrance, he knew it was planned. That his memory loss was not an accident due to getting a little buzzed. It wasn't even possible to lose your memory that fast!

Minho had pondered on this all through the shower. After he had scrubbed his body to satisfaction, he had grown more frustrated with absolutely no memory coming back.

That was until he had seen his green body wash. It was a light, almost clear green gel...

and then the images had coming flying in to his head faster than sound.

And the fact just popped up in to his head. Like a new fact that had been taught to a kindergartener.

He had drank 6 glasses of wine. He could now see himself as he had sipped the first two, and chugged the last four. He remembered how it had felt. The wine creeping up on him, tasting so refreshing and sweet. And then he his body had warmed up...

and along came more memories.

Kissing Onew, groping him, carrying him...

and then there was a black spot.

And then...he had laid Onew on the bed, and Onew had his arms wrapped around him but...


That was it. He had managed to get about thirteen pieces to a thousand piece puzzle. Fantastic.

After he had given up, and gone out to tell Onew the great news that he had regained some facts from the night before, that was when he saw it.

It wasn't only the way Onew's eyes shifted, it was the way his face muscles stiffened and spazzed in to an automatic smile. It was like his cheek muscles would rise and freeze. Not knowing what else to do.

And that's when Minho had known. Something was up, there was a reason he could not remember, and it was something that Onew was not telling him. Fine. He could have it his way. Minho would find out sooner or later. He always did.

~ ~ ~

Onew felt the tension rolling off Minho when he emerged from their bedroom. He was dressed more casually, in a pair of jeans and relaxed shirt. As always he looked handsome, but the look in his eyes sent Onew rigid. They were accusing him of something.

Oh .

Had he remembered it all? Was he going to be taken right here and now, (he couldn't lie and say it didn't excite him a little at the image of Minho roughly ing in to him right on their dining table or on the living room carpet) and in front of Taemin?

But with a sigh of relief, Minho placed a smile on his lips and said that they should get going. Onew let out a sigh and grabbed his wallet and phone, Taemin headed out first. Just as the young assistant left down the hallway, Minho didn't hesitate to grab his lover from behind, mischievously the older man's neck and making him help at a sharp nip to his ear.

“I know you're hiding something my lover.” Onew shuddered at both the words and the long his skin endured after wards.

“Don't think I won't find out.”

~ ~ ~

He hated this feeling. That scary and uncomfortable feeling of someone staring at you.

And it didn't help when someone was actually staring at you. The moment Minho had slid into the small company care next to Onew, he had not taken his eyes off of the scared man. He just needed to stay quiet and stay calm. If anything suddenly happened, he would do what he was taught in the third grade. Stop. Drop. And roll.

It made sense in a way, Minho's charisma was flaming like fire.

“What are you thinking about?” Minho suddenly asked. Onew gave him a questioning gaze.

“You have that look on you face, that nerdy one you get sometimes.” Minho's gently smile lingered for a moment. And Onew absolutely adored that smile.

“Just that you are a fire.” Onew shrugged, “and that too avoid your flaming charisma I should stop and roll.” Minho loved his dork.

“Lover, its strop, drop, and then roll.” why did this feeling have a familiar twinge to it?

“Whatever Lover. Same thing.” Onew spat back, only a tiny bit irritated.

“No. Lover. It goes stop. Drop. And then roll. Isn't that how they teach kids?”

“Well. Lover. We are not kids. We are damn adults. I think we all know that in order to roll on the ground, you have to drop to the ground. Therefore, I can just say stop and roll. Because obviously I am a full grown man who knows how to get on the floor and roll around to get annoying flames to go away. I don't need a little kid chant to know that.” Onew's eyes became small slits as he glared at his lover. He always did this, picked little bickers about small things. Because god forbid that Minho was wrong about something.

And then it happened again, something clicked in Minho's brain and a few more puzzle pieces were put in place.

“You had wine also, but you remember everything...” Minho slowly said the words. His eyes staring off in to the distance as the pieces slowly fitted in to the bigger picture.

“and you convinced me not to beat up Key last night.” his jaw set in place. Ah so that was why he had no want or need to beat the diva today. He eyed Onew, who was trying to act like something was very pretty outside. Not.

“You convinced me not to beat up Key because you two made up, and I'm guessing you assume I won't now because I have to stick to my promise. Correct?” Minho summed up one part of the equation. Onew was now focused on the non-existent lint on his shirt.

“Fine. I won't beat up Key. Happy?” Onew nodded while looking at his fingers in great interest.

“But there is something that I'm remembering but not understanding...”

he watched in delight as his lover bit his bottom lip, nervous of course.

“you had wine also, and yet I was the only one to lose my memory. I don't have a low-tolerance for alcohol. You do. “ the car stopped letting them know that they had arrived at Jonghyun's town house.

Minho leaned in to his lover's ear and once again and bit the lobe, making the older gasp.

“I'll figure it out Onew, and when I do, I'm going to have my way.”

the couple stepped out of the car and happily greeted other guests as they entered the lavish home. But Minho kept a close eye on his lover. There seemed to be just one more piece to the whole thing...Minho could feel it. It was like he had the last piece but somehow it just wasn't fitting in to place. No matter how he looked at it he couldn't understand why he had the urge to literally take Onew in front of the whole party to prove something...

Oh well. He would figure it out later, because here came the couple of the hour. And Minho had promised not to hit Key. So he would of course keep his promise.

~ ~ ~

Onew was all too happy to exit the death vehicle. It was getting too close now. Either Minho would figure out the last bit of last night's conversation, or Onew was going to win the bet. God it was so close! And this time he really did genuinely want to win the bet. Only a few more hours! He just had to wait for Jonghyun and his boss to say the thanks to the crowd, and give a toast. Then he and Minho could go home, rough , and call it a day! Plan set!

If he won, two things happened: he got to mess up Key's image in any way possible (he planned on doing his make up clown style) and he got Key's famous fried chicken recipe. The recipe that had been in Key's family for over 15 generations! The recipe that had changed Onew's life! The one that he would have no regrets if he went to jail for killing Key if it meant one moment to read that secret recipe! His mouth just watered at the thought.

If he lost: Onew had to live with out chicken for a whole year. A whole ing year. No chicken soup, no fried chicken, no chicken flavored ramen, nothing.

Maybe Key was the devil...

“Onew! You came!” he heard the familiar cry headed in his direction. Sure enough Key was model-walking toward the older man with a bright smile on his face. The best friends shared a small moment of 'how are you's and 'so happy to be here's. And then Key eyed the taller man right behind Onew. The tall dark and handsome man that was firing lasers in to Key's brain.

“Minho.” Key cautiously said the name in attempt to say hello with just a small bit of attitude. Not enough for Minho to reach over Onew and strangle Key, but just enough for Minho to scowl in response.

“Key.” Minho nodded, showing no signs of homicidal thoughts. Well that was good.

“So...” Onew cut through the two glaring at each other. Was it hot already? Wasn't the hottest time of the day 2pm? It was only like noon or something...

“Hey! My favorite couple!” a very happy Jonghyun was skipping over to the glare fest. Of course Jonghyun wouldn't know that. And just as he reached the other couple, it was then that Onew realized Minho really was going to keep his promise. He wasn't going to beat up Key. Nope. He wasn't going to lay a finger on the glitter-bomb's head. Jonghyun on the other hand, well there was no promise to stop him. And Onew realized this as Minho removed his lover from his path and in one smooth movement brought his fist plummeting in to Jonghyun's gut. Jonghyun let out a huff of air which was accompanied by a loud groan. When Jonghyun's head fell over his body and his arms clutched his stomach for protection, Minho let his other fist punch Jonghyun square in the jaw. Which sent the dino falling to the ground, a small bead of blood blooming from his lip. Satisfied, Minho straightened up and ignored the screeching of the diva who was threatening to 'squish you like the ugly frog you are!'.

“Calm down Key, I didn't kill him.” Minho retorted in a threatening tone, which had Key inching away just a bit to nurse his knocked out boyfriend.

“You might as well have! You ! Who attacks someone at their own party!” Key shot back as he adjusted Jonghyun's head so it lay in Key's lap. Small groans and mumbles left the cripples mouth, but not much was understood.

“Why are you so mean Minho? Did you have to punch him?! You could have just yelled like a normal person!” Key was still hissing and huffing as Minho linked his hand with Onew's and guided the older man away from the murder scene. With the last comment though Onew felt that he needed to defend his boyfriend, that was what a good lover would do right? He stopped Minho from tugging him away.

“You know Minho gets violent over me Key! Jonghyun shouldn't have stood by and let you attack me when you did!” Onew called back, not in a mean tone, just in a matter-a-fact tone.

“Oh shut up Onew!” Key pouted, being careful not to direct his anger at his best friend. His feline eyes glaring up at the tall prince who had a dark smirk in place.

“Meanie head.” Onew made a funny face. It worked. Key rolled his eyes in attempt not to laugh, but a small smile was placed at the corners of his lips. Onew looked up to his lover who was still basking in his satisfaction, and nudged the younger in his ribs.

When Minho threw him an accusing look Onew threw back his remember-technically-I-am-older-than-you look to which Minho tossed back his you-act-like-you're-still-in-high-school look and Onew had to show him the when-you-were-in-high-school-I-was-in-my-last-year-of-college look.


They had a lot of looks.


Minho sighed, and with gritted teeth he apologized to Key, saying that he obviously should have waited until the party was over for him to take a whack at Jonghyun. Key accepted it and asked if the couple would please make their way inside.

Onew thought all was in the clear now. He just had to stay a couple more hours, and he won the new bet. And this worst three days of his life would be over.

But of course not.

As they were passing by the injured reptile and the kitty cat, Minho felt the need to sneer one last remark at Key.

“You're boyfriends weak. Get a new one.” Minho teased. And to this, Key hissed back,


Go yourself!”


and just like that, the last puzzle piece was put in to place. It was the one thing that Minho couldn't remember from before. What Onew had confessed to him. About touching himself. About while Minho was away in America.

Minho stood still outside of the doorway of Jonghyun's' living room. Like a heavy stone that pulled Onew from his walking course and flying back in to his lover. Innocently Onew looked up with a questioning gaze.


And he met those eyes. And they had that look. That dark and lust filled look. And he realized how tense Minho's body was. His fingers were digging in to Onew's forearms, in attempt to not rip Onew's clothes off right then and there.


“Lee Jinki.” Minho growled. Onew's pupils shrunk in fear. Oh .


“We're going home. Now.” his lover was clinging to his last bit of sanity as he carefully let go of his boyfriend and held out his hand. An attempt to have manners, rather than throw the older man over his back and kidnap him. Onew regretted taking that hand, which was holding his fingers in a death grip.

Just as the couple turned to leave, Key came walking in with a drowsy Jonghyun.

“You're leaving already?” Key asked totally confused.

“He figured it out.” Onew whispered. His best friend made an 'Oh' face and then smirked.

“Guess I win. Bye Minho!” Key chirped and made way for the dark prince to take his y prisoner alive.

After Minho literally tossed Onew in to the company car and barked at Taemin to start driving, the younger man turned to his shocked lover. They glared at each other in silence for awhile. Minho with his accusing glare, Onew with his be-nice-to-me glare.


“How long did you last? I'm just curious.” the younger of them broke the silence. Minho's eyes were totally daring him to answer that question.


“ day.” Onew mumbled. Why did he feel so guilty about it? He was a guy. Guys did those kind of things. Especially when they were lacking a partner right? He watched as Minho's body tensed up at his answer.


“You know I don't like it when you do those sort of things. Not with out my permission.” Minho kept his voice low and steady.


“I know. But...but it was three weeks with out you Minho! Three! That's 21 days! Thats—“

“I know.” Minho cut him off. It wasn't like he hadn't counted the days with out his lover all by himself.


“Okay! So you must have done some stupid ing of your own right?”

“I never did.”

“Aaaagh you are such a goody-toe-shoes.” Onew muttered while his lover chuckled at his pouting face.

“You know what's going to happen when we get home right?” Minho asked, just to make sure they were on the same page. Onew had a tendency to be lost at the most random moments.

“Yes, but just try to be gentle. Like its great when its rough, but not when I'm so worn out I can't even piss right!”

“I promise. I'll only you hard enough to make the neighbors think you're being beaten.” Minho teased. Oh he wanted to play that game? Onew felt his devious side emerging again.


“Well its not like it wasn't worth it.” he mumbled to himself. Ah he was so going to regret this.

“What?” Minho asked, taking the bait.

“Pleasuring myself.” the words were thin knifes that pricked the back of Minho's jaw and set it into place. Onew ignored his lover's obvious reaction and continued on.

“I mean I think I just know myself better than anyone you know?” he could see Minho's eyes bugging out of their sockets. Ah his was going to be so sore tomorrow.

“I don't think anyone could satisfy me the way I do.” he mused, and that was the last button.

Minho literally pounced him, pushing the older man to lay down on the back seat and wasting no time to attach their lips together. He easily dominated and his tongue was making its way around Onew's mouth. Tasting and making sure its presence was known. The small moans that came from Onew only fueled him further, and he ripped Onew's shirt off.

“What did you just do?!” Onew protested and was ignored as Minho attacked his neck, leaving bite marks and wet kisses wherever he pleased.

“I really liked that shirt! Minho!” Onew whined enough for the younger man to grunt and back away.

“You, shut up. I will buy you a new one. Now be quiet, I'm trying to you.” he growled, and didn't even wait for a reply as he dove back in to his previous actions.

The car arrived to their house.

Minho dragged a shirtless Onew up to their apartment, but stopped to warn Taemin to not call, text, or go any where near him for the next 48 hours. He didn't care if a client was calling, if his boss was calling, or if aliens decided to make contact to earth and destroy it. 48 hours. Nothing.

And with that he took his lover up to their apartment, and made sure to slam their bedroom door shut, pushing Onew on to their bed.

“You think you don't need me? For you're satisfaction?” He panted, tugging his shirt off and ping his pants very quickly.

“Oh I'm the best baby. I'm going to make you feel so good.” Minho breathed as his boxers slid off, and Onew could look at Minho in all his glory.

“When it comes to your satisfaction. I'm going to win.” his boyfriend almost purred as his tone body hovered over Onew, his hot breath melting Onew from the inside out, their members gently rubbing together. God it had been three weeks!

“Ready?” Minho smirked?

Like he really need to ask that.

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p