My Competition

My Competition


The punching bag bounced back at his face, but Minho punched it harder to make it swing up and hit the ceiling.

He could feel the layer of sweat that caused his shirt to cling to his skin.

His heart beat pounded in his ears, and his breath fell out of his mouth in ragged heaps. His muscles ached and groaned with every swift punch and kick he sent out, and yet he told himself that he was not tired. Because the anger was still a raging fire, and it fumed in his chest and scorched his fists. It set his stomach acid to a dangerous boil, and he wanted to scream out in rage, to cry to the whole worl and let it know that he was completely pissed off.

Each time the heavy red bag came swinging back at him, all he saw was a pretty litte blonde face, with a devilish smile that spat terrible words...

and he punch the living out of it. His fist connected with the rough material, and he could only picture the face snapping away from, the full force of his blow sending that frail body to the floor.

The taste of satisfaction was faint in his mouth, so therefore he was not done here. Not until his body broke down and quit, not until he felt like his lungs would cave in. Only then would be be satisfied.

He paused only for a second, to check the time on his phone.

It wasn't even late yet, he could stay for another three hours.

With that he placed his focus back on the red bag, it seemed to taunt him, to ask him for his best shot. The blonde face appeared again, but then in Minho's mind, a new image followed...

It was Onew, in Minho's hoodie. The moment he had walked crawled in to their bed. That look on his face. The one of defeat, and pain, and guilt. The way his pout stated that he was having a hard time, that way his body automatically curled in to itself to brace the pain that was still to come...

the way his face crumpled as more tears ran down his cheeks.

And the cries that escaped his mouth, the pure sobs and wailing that completely tore Minho in half.

“I'm going to beat the out of you.” Minho hissed at the red bag, and let out a scream of rage as his leg lifted and sent a powerful round kick.

He wasn't done yet. Not even close.

~ ~ ~

When Key arrived at his apartment, Onew suddenly asked himself why he was doing this again. Seeing the diva sent a foul taste in his mouth. The memories of the harsh words aimed at him screamed through his head, the murderous glare. And when Jonghyun walked in through the door after him, Onew felt the betrayal embed itself on his skin, because that man had done nothing to stop the other from hurting him.

And he had the thought of cussing them both out and letting Minho kill them, for their own good of course.

But then he caught Key's look. When their eyes had met, it was Key who looked away first. And with that split second of eye contact, Onew felt sorry for him. He saw the hopefulness in those eyes, and he saw the guilt wash over his body in waves. And most of all he saw Key's longing, for what Onew wasn't quite sure.

But he decided he might as well figure it out.

“You can have a seat.” Onew motioned to the small table that he and Minho usually ate at. With a polite nod, Key took a seat at one of the simple white chairs, not letting himself lean all the way back on to the chair, he sat up right and with his feet planted securely in front of him. He was nervous.

“You can leave.” Onew ordered the short male, that gave him a shocked look.

“What? Why!” Jonghyun was offended.

“I didn't call you to come over did I?” Onew upped a brow in question.

“Ya! Why can't I—“

“I called to talk to Key, Key is here, so what would I need you here for?” Onew made sure the knife he was cutting fruit with was in plain sight, the shorter male eyed it with an annoyed glare. But with a loud huff he sped-walked to his boyfriend for a peck goodbye and stormed out of the apartment.

Onew didn't even flinch as his front door was slammed shut. He didn't look at the timid blonde that sat at the table, he couldn't for the time being. Too many emotions running through his head.

So he quickly picked up the plate of fruits he had assembled and not-so-gently tossed the plate in front of his former friend. Who with out a doubt jumped slightly at the clatter of the disk against the wood.

When Key idly stared at the fruits in front of him, Onew sighed heavily and threw a fork his way, and when the diva still sat there dumbfounded, Onew had no choice but to speak to him.

“Its fruit Kibum, not poison.” Onew rolled his eyes.

Inside, Key felt a speck of disappointment flicker across his heart. Onew was calling him Kibum, his proper name. Not the name that signified they were friends, his proper name. Damn he had really screwed up this time.

So he had to say the first thing that should be said first. It was important, and it was of course how Key really felt.

“Onew, I'm so sorry.” Key whispered, his voice was a little shaky, but not too obvious. He flinched again as Onew made an abrupt movement. Then he felt like a fool as Onew went to grab a fork for himself and stabbed it in to a piece of melon.

“Well if you're not going to eat, I will.” Onew pouted and stuffed his mouth with the sweet piece. Key ignored this, he had known Onew long enough to know he had heard Key perfectly fine, but he was going to avoid the problem for a little while longer. Onew cried very easily.

With that thought, Key decided to continue on.

“I had no right to say those things. I know I hurt you.” Key watched as Onew thoughtfully chewed on the fruit in his mouth, savoring the taste, his eyes never meeting the younger's.

“I know I wronged you, I know my relationship was ed up, and I should never have involved yours for my benefit. I'm sorry.” Key was speaking with more boldness now. After all the knife Onew had been using was back in the kitchen, so there was no real immediate threat at the table.

“Onew?” Key called after some time of silence. The only words Onew had spoken to Key were about him eating the damn fruit before it goes bad, and had continually ignored him.

“Onew, please talk to me.” Key asked with a small plea in his voice, he had admitted it last night to himself, that he missed his friend. The words of finality when Onew had told him they weren't friends anymore had made Key realize the friendship he would be lacking. He didn't want to lose this friend. Onew was a friend worth keeping.

“I will, once you eat some fruit.” Onew state simply. He could see Key's sour face out of the corner of his eye. Well he had spent time cutting all the fruit up all pretty and . And he wasn't going to be able to eat it all so...yeah.

“Aish. Fine.” Key snatched up the fork in front of him and picked up a piece of watermelon. It fell in to his mouth and he chewed with dramatized movements to make Onew see that he was indeed eating the stupid fruit.

Onew clicked his tongue, thinking how to start this conversation. Well since he already had Key on the defense...

“You know I should let Minho kill you.” he spat, and enjoyed Key cowering just a bit.

“But my conscience won't let me. It's as simple as this, I am going to forgive you. But that doesn't make us friends again. That means that we are okay, for now. It means don't call me to go shopping, I don't want to hear about your Dino man problems, you are not aloud to come over anymore and watch movies with me, I will never tell you another secret, and you can only call me Hyung.” he had been planning that little speech of his while slicing the watermelon specifically, he knew how much Key liked watermelon. It was hard for him to say though. The sorrow was rising in the back of his throat. Key had been an important friend, and only to himself would he admit how much he would miss the annoying glitter bomb. Key was the one to urge Onew in to dating Minho, the one who he could to when he actually had things to about. He was the one who would react overly big when Onew needed someone to react overly big. He was trustworthy with the important things, and he had always been good about standing up for Onew when the time had come.

Onew couldn't lie and say it was easy for him to disconnect himself from this person altogether. But this person had betrayed his trust, and he wasn't open to getting hurt again.

Key on the other hand was chocking back tears. Every word out of Onew's mouth was pushing him over the edge and hurting him.

The separation was ripping his heart open, and the crying and begging was trying to push out past his quivering lips. He wanted to grab Onew and hug him, plea with him to not do this. That he was so sorry and he promised he was fixing things. He didn't want to live and just be polite with Onew. He wanted to continue to have shopping dates, he needed someone with a level head to listen to his rants, he needed this steady rock to keep this fireball from running everywhere.

It was true that Key was only realizing this now, as he was losing it.

“I'm going to do my best to not let Minho tear you to shreds, but I can't promise anything.” Onew shrugged. He didn't meet Key's eyes though, it would be too overwhelming.

The small sniffles though caught his attention, and he looked up in surprise. The tears were soflty gliding down Key's face, the pain evident on his face.

“P-p-please d-don't O-onew.” Key's voice was wavering immensely as he tried to talk through his gasping. Onew ignored his throat clenching.

“What else do you want me to do? You have problems Key, and I don't feel like letting you hurt me again.” Onew defended.

“I-I'm s-s-sorry! P-p-please!” Key was sobbing out loud now, no more trying to hold back, if this was his last and only shot at saving their friendship he would have to give it his all. He lunged forward and wrapped the older in his arms tightly, Onew made no move to push him away, so he nuzzled his face in to the man's neck and sobbed hard. He let his sobs vibrate in to the older's shoulder, only asking for him to not separate them, to not end this friendship, to please please please not do this.

“You're the only friend I have left!” Key cried. Onew felt the tears escaping his eyes damnit!

“I'm sorry! I shouldn't have ever said that! I shouldn't have done what I did! I was so stuck in my ego! But Onew please don't do this! I need you! You're the only true friend that has stuck by my side!” Key pulled back to look in to the older's eyes. He could only slightly see the walls of defense crumbling, this was his chance.

Indeed Onew's walls were falling down. It would be so easy to give in and hug Key back.

All the tears were dried in Key's eyes, he was a bit more calm, and he stated his words carefully and with thought behind them.

“I'm sorry it took me this long to realize you're my best friend.” the words tugged at Onew with so much force. Key was his best friend. He didn't want to lose his best friend.

He knew that this would lead to him forgiving the diva. They had been friends too long to end it like this. He knew his subconscious part of his mind had already hoped to find a way for them to be friends again, had been hoping for Key to say the right thing. And he had.

He happily decided he didn't need to separate from Key after all.

“And I am so so so sorry for hurting you. I promise I'm fixing my problems! I swear it! I will do anything, don't end our friendship.” Key full on begged. He needed to keep Onew as his friend.

“You want me to really forgive you?” Onew asked. Key nodded with hope. Sure he had decided to forgive the younger, but not with out a little fun first...

“You want to stay as my friend?” another urgent nod.

“Then I'm going to need more time.” Onew's voice cracked. He gently pushed the younger away.

“If you want to be my friend, don't do stupid to me,” Key nodded with wide eyes, listening attentively, “ and you should call before you come over,” Onew felt a sense of relief as he went on, “and don't stare at Minho too long. I know he's handsome and all, but he is mine.” another curt nod. Onew couldn't help but smirk at Key's face as he had a concentrated and determined look about him. And now time for the fun part.

“and I want my headphones back.” Onew added. While he was at it, why not?

“Of course.” Key bit his lip in anticipation of the next words out of Onew's mouth.

“and I want your family's secret chicken soup recipe.” he challenged. Key's mouth fell open. A small gasp escaping his lips as Onew's smirk grew in place. If there was anytime, now was the time. He had been trying to convince Key for that recipe for years.

“Wh-no-I mean-Onew that's my family recipe! It's a secret!” Key was flabbergasted.

“Then get out.” Onew pointed at the door behind he diva.

“WAIT! Well...could...Ya! This is not fair!” Key stomped his foot on the floor.


Well it was safe to say they were past the dramatic phase of pain and guilt and tears.


“I'm pretty sure it's fair. You made me cry, you give me your soup recipe.” Onew shrugged and delightfully sat back down in his chair. Like a boss he tossed a fruit in his mouth, crossed his arms and waited.

“That recipe has been in my family for—“

“Twelve generations. I know.” Onew smiled just a bit. Key pouted, they really were best friends.

The two sat in the silence for a moment. Key was realizing that he had Onew back as his friend, and he silently pledged to do all he could to never put their friendship in harms way again. Not over some silly bet that had ended up hurting everyone. A silly bet...

“So are we okay then?” Key asked, a small smile ghosting his lips.

“Hmm...only if you give me the soup rec—“


“We're perfect.” Onew fully smiled, and Key smiled right back. With out hesitation Onew stood up and let the younger wrap his skinny arms around the elder and squeal in glee. Onew calmly hugged him back, sending pats of confirmation on the younger's back.

“So!” Key smiled brightly at his 'best' friend.

“So.” Onew rolled his eyes with the smile still plastered on his face, “teach me how to make that soup.”

“With one condition.” Key held up a finger and peirced his lips. His confidence back in full swing.

“What?” Onew now happily chewed on another piece of fruit.

“Let's make a bet.” Key smirked.

Onew stared at him, completely lost.

“Wait, what?” Onew asked, not sure if he heard the younger one correctly.

“Let's make a bet.” Key said again, this time followed by sweet watermelon. God he loved watermelon.

Onew pierced his eyes at the younger, maybe he really had bed hearing...

“Didn't we just get over a huge fight because of a bet?” Onew had to make sure.


“and you want to set up another one?”


“This isn't funny.”

“It's not suppose to be.” the ending word sending Key's lips back in to a bright smile. Onew was lost. Completely and utterly lost. Like on a deserted island with no clothes on lost.

“But, this time, I want to make the bet fun, not all...tension like.”

“Key, we shouldn't do this all over again.”

“Then no recipe.” Key stated with a hand on his hip. Onew still looked reluctant.

“Onew, I promise, it's a very innocent bet. No relationships and emotions involved in anyway. I promise.” Key even did a little salute for reassurance.

Why did Onew feel like this was dejavu?

“Swear?” Onew asked. He didn't feel any immediate threat, or a reason to panic...

“Solemly.” Key smiled wider if it was possible, “I'm not Jong, I think things through first!” Key giggled. That was a good point.

A heavy sigh, as Onew hoped he wouldn't regret this, but he had a feeling there really was no need this time. That everything was going to work out for the better.

“Fine. What's the bet?”

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Chapter 14: Loved this story!!! I needed more Onho in my life :P thank you!!
Chapter 14: I had just saw this story and I really do love it a lot.. I love how you managed to make me have lots of OnHo feels. Hehe.. Thanks for a wonderful read..
whovian #3
Chapter 14: I've had OnHo feels lately and this helped satiate the hunger and thirst. This was like perfectly executed crack; and it was very enjoyable!
Chapter 14: Amazing
Chapter 14: Poor chicken-less Onew :( LOL

this story was so funny! So much tension caused over a little bet!
Chapter 14: Wow just finish reading this fic...that was amazing, good job girl...

Three days just did ?? Wow couple...huhu but ONHO JUST SO CUTE, I CAN'T...

Onew without chickens ?? What is life...kkk~

You did well authornim~ I like this fic, I'm still craving for OnHo/Minew's fic tho, coz they're just so cute~ and their sweet moments recently just make me crave for more...
Kyumin4Evers #7
Chapter 14: Just re-read this fic again and fallen completely in love with it all over again hehe this story has been absolutely amazing! Beautifully written! Couldn't get enought of it >_< really enjoyed each and every one of the chapters! I especially love how minho is so possessive of onew and won't let anyone hurt his precious dubu! <3
menolly1019 #8
Chapter 14: No, it isn't over. It can't be over if Jinki isn't allowed chicken. That just isn't okay. Never!
Chapter 14: Muhehehee i really enjoyed it! The plot is really nice. Waaahhh!! And the is sooo yummy.. I love it xD i really can imagine seeing minho and onew be a this kind of lovers in real life :p