Too Clumsy For You

"Get her out!" Taemin screamed which set me off. "Umm I'm going to go out for a little while...I'll be back later." I said keeping my head down to hide that I was soon to cry. I rished from the room. "Thank god she's gone." Taemin said laughing which caused me to run out. "Taemin-ah! You should be ashamed of yourself I KNOW I taught you way better then that! Go to your room right now and don't come out for the rest of the night!!" I could hear Taemin's mom hollar. I stayed out for a while....5 hours actually. It was now midnight and I was sitting on a bench at a nearby park.

I sighed and got out my phone. "Aish...it's midnight. I really don't want to go back to the place I need to call home." I said to myself. I decided to call my mom and discuss things with her. "Hello?" She answered. "OMMA!" I screamed. "Oh, Baby I'm so sorry." My mom said back. "I have to live with a guy from my school who hates me more than life itself and-and-and-and I can't do it anymore mommy!! Come back! I hate this!!" I screamed as loud as I could at her. I began to cry harder than I ever have in my entire life.

"I can't come back yet. If I was able to stay here I never would have left." My mother sighed and I could tell she was crying too. "Fine...I hate you mom! What kind of mom are you?! Abandoning her kid like this. Just never come back okay. I'll be fine on my own." I said and hung up. My mother began calling again and I smashed my phone onto the ground. I groaned and picked up my phone still bawling. Suddenly an unknown caller called. I answered. "Hello." I said hiding that I was crying. "Are you okay?! Where are you!? Let me come pick you up okay!!" It was Taemin's mother. "Oh..aniyo. It's fine, I'm fine. I'm almost there anyway." I explained to her. "You sure?" She asked me worried. "Yes I'm sure." I sighed and hung up.

I arrived home and Taemin's mom brought me into a huge, way too tight hug. I rolled my eyes and just let my arms dangle. "Get some sleep. I know you must be tired." She said and smiled at me. "I'm sorry about Taemin's behavior. I can assure you it shouldn't happen again." She sighed. "Yup okay. Goodnight." I said walking upstairs. I got into my room and my light. I saw my phone screen and it definetly looked better in the dark. I sighed and set it on the dresser right next to me. "You know how worried my mom was right? You should apologize to her." Said a voice and I looked up to see an angry Lee Taemin sitting on my bed.

I stayed quiet and glued to my spot. I just intensely stared at him. "Hello...I know you hear me. Idiot." He scoffed and crossed his arms. Still, silence was all the came from me. I steped closer to him. He stood up and was only an inch from my face. I grabbed his arm and pushed him to the ground. "Yah! What was that for!?" Taemin screamed. "Get....out....now" was all I could say as I pointed to the door staring at the floor. Taemin rolled his eyes and stormed out and I could hear his door slam. I could hear him saying curse words in his room. Even some words I'd never heard in my life. "My phone." I cried to myself. "I don't have any money to get a new one." I whined and slammed it to the dresser. Wrong idea; the screen cracked even more. "Kill me now." I said loud enough for anyone in a room on either side of me ould hear. "WILL DO!" I heard Taemin scream. Why does he hate me so much I thought as I turned off the light and went to sleep.


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Chapter 21: Great story Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: Take ask the time you need~
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 21: T_T Taemin is so unf!!! ^^
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 20: Noooo~ DON'T GO TO YOUR MOM
Chapter 1: I have read chapter one <3
Thanks for suggestion, see you on quotev
Egg-yeols0911 #7
Awwwww!! Characters are so cute :3 but taemin, sorry, I meant TEAMAN hates Sun Hwa. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to this story!! ^.^ keep up the good work!
carla23 #8
Chapter 17: Ouwwi taeminie.. so cute...
Please upudate soon
kpopspotlight10 #9
Chapter 17: Awww how sweet!!! I love this, u haven't been updating for awhile please do!!!