Too Clumsy For You

I woke up the next morning earlier than I should have. It was 5 in the morning. "I don't wanna go to school," I said to myself as  groaned and rolled from bed. "I'm not going," I said and walked downstairs to get something to eat.

"Goodmorning hun. Are you okay? You don't have to go to school today, I think it'd be best if you didn't" Yubin exclaimed as I sat down. "I wasn't gonna go anyway." I replied sighing. It was as if I could still feel that man's tight grip holding onto my small wrists.

"Okay baby. I can stay here with you and take off of work you know." Yubin sounded worried. "No, it's okay. Thanks though." I assured her and rested my chin on my arms. I sounded completely emotionless and I, along with Yubin knew it.

"Did you call your mom?" Yubin asked me worriedly. "Don't want to talk about it," I told her and tried not to think about it. "Okay darling. Want me to get you something for breakfast."  Yubin put her hand on my shoulder. "Sure. I don't care what you get me. Thanks." I said.

Taemin got downstairs about an hour later, so at around 6:00. "You okay?" He whispered sitting next to me. I simply shrugged and bit my lip. Taemin rested his head in the crook of my neck. Yes, it fit perfectly. I couldn't help but smile. I only smiled the slightest bit though. I sighed and lightly pshed his head from my neck.

He looked at me worriedly and pouted. I didn't want to deal with his aegyo right now so I turned away. He grabbed my shoulders and turned me back toward him. He pecked my lips and my face scrunched up. "Are you going to school?" He asked. "No." I said trying to not look into his eyes.

"Then I'm not either. I don't want to leave you alone." He replied smiling a little. "Do whatever you like." I got up from the table and went into the living room. Yubin came back from getting my breakfast. "Taemin you should be getting ready." She scolded him. "I don't feel good though" Taemin whined. "Okay baby. I'm gonna make you some seaweed soup okay." She said and when she walked away Taemin made a gaging gesture. "What. Is it nasty?" I whispered plainly. Taemin nodded fastly.

"Hey.. where's Taesun?" I asked looking around the room. "He always leaves early to study. Lame self" Taemin explained shaking his head. "Here's your breakfast Sun Hwa. And your seaweed soup Taemin. I know how much you love it." She told him. He smiled unsure and started eating it.

Once she left all the soup spilled from his mouth and he wipped his mouth with his shirt. I giggled a bit and shook my head. "Okay my darlings. I'm leaving. Love you both. Be.Safe." Se told us and giving us a kiss on the foreheads before leaving. She looked hesitant as she was reaching for the doornob but she left.

"Is that really that bad?" I asked Taemin pointing to the soup and raising my eyebrows. "Try it," He told be holding up a spoonful of it for me. I tried it yes. I spit it out. "Wait.. didn't you spit soup into this!?" I yelled. Taemin's eyes grew wide and I could tell he was holding back a laugh.

"You Idiot!" I shouted hitting him in his arm repeatedly. "ew ew ew ew ew ew eww!" I said whining loudly. "I'm sorry," He told me hugging me. "Whatever."

"Ugh Taemin-ah. I don't feel well," I said to him holding my stomach and puffing out my cheeks. "You don't look well either. And your face looks.. puffy." Taemin explained. "What!?" I yelled holding my cheeks. "You're still cute though," Taemin assured me. "Shuddup." I rolled my eyes.

"Are you allergic to anything?" Taemin asked me. "Not that I know of," I replied. Then I suddenly felt a churning in my stomach. I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom. I made it literally just in time. I threw up everything I ate that morning. I only threw up once though thank god. Taemin was rubbing my back and holding up my hair.

"Eww.." I groaned and sat on the floor. "Here," Taemin handed me a glass of water and sat across from me on the edge of the bathtub. "We should take you to the doctor." Taemin tried to convince me. "No. I'm not going outside." I scoffed and drank some more water. "You can't stay inside the rest of your life jagiya." He told me.

Instead of telling him off for calling me "Jagiya," I just stayd silent and shrugged my shoulders. Taemin sighed and began to drag me out of the bathroom. "Yah! Lee Taemin don't touch me!" I screamed attempting to stop my feet from dragging on the wooden floor.

I gave up, knowing he wasn't going to stop and we got in Taesun's car and he drove me to the doctor. I wasn't very comfortable being outside of the house either. "You feeling better?" Taemin asked. I refused to answer. He made me go outside and he was dragging me throughout the house and I didn't feel well. He sighed and just continued to drive.

We got to the doctor 10 minutes later and I dragged myself behind Taemin as I was still upset with him. As Taemin set up my appointment, I sat in the waiting room. Taemin came in and said the doctor is ready for me. Taemin and I walked in and the doctor did some tests and all the other stuff they usually do.

"So.. Sun Hwa. After all the test result coming back, we found out that you're allergic to seaweed. "That's the dumbest thing I've heard all day." Taemin mummbled. I smacked him upside the head and rolled my eyes. The doctor laughed and she told us we were a cute couple. We both smiled shyly and scooted away from each other a bit uncomfortable. "You're gonna have to stay in the hospital for a few days until you get better though." Dr.Gong told me. I sighed. How can life get any worse?!

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Chapter 21: Great story Update soon ^^
Chapter 22: Take ask the time you need~
shoelaceuu #3
Chapter 21: T_T Taemin is so unf!!! ^^
shoelaceuu #4
Chapter 20: Noooo~ DON'T GO TO YOUR MOM
Chapter 1: I have read chapter one <3
Thanks for suggestion, see you on quotev
Egg-yeols0911 #7
Awwwww!! Characters are so cute :3 but taemin, sorry, I meant TEAMAN hates Sun Hwa. Anyways, I'll be looking forward to this story!! ^.^ keep up the good work!
carla23 #8
Chapter 17: Ouwwi taeminie.. so cute...
Please upudate soon
kpopspotlight10 #9
Chapter 17: Awww how sweet!!! I love this, u haven't been updating for awhile please do!!!