what are you waiting for?!

YAY! finally I can update this story, sorry for making you guys wait for a long time , thanks for the wonderful comments, subscriber and votes.. I love you all ^^


Jiyeon’s POV

Why he kissed me? I mumbled looking myself in the bathroom’s mirror in front of me, I can’t sleep because of what happened last night..really why did he do that? And why I’m blushing like mad right now? I shook my head “andwae Park Jiyeon you’re just hallucinating, you don’t even see him when you feel the kiss” I talked to myself again, but why it feels so real? Aaaarrrgghh my head hurts now.  I drowned myself in the bath tub and drowned my head, I just can’t think right now, should I ask him or not about the kiss, but what if I’m really hallucinating? No, I won’t ask about it, andwe just pretend last night was never happened, I talked in my head as i played with the bubbles.

 “Yah Park Jiyeon, are you done, what took you so long?” Damn, that Kim Myungsoo really shocked the hell out of me, why he must come at the wrong time like this? I don’t know if I can face him right now

“yah! What do you want?” I shouted

“our flight is 11.30 and now is 9.30, we don’t even have our breakfast yet and you’re still at the bathroom acting like you’re in a spa resort.” He whined and I can hear him walked off I gritted my teeth, why he could be so cool after what he did to me last night, like there’s nothing happened.

 I raised my body from the bath tub and take a fast shower.  I wrapped my body with a bathrobes and come out. Thank God Myungsoo is already gone.

“here you are, slow, put your clothes on and have some breakfast” this Kim Myungsoo man really shocked me out and he just stand behind me leaning his shoulder on the wall and folding his hands looking bored waiting for me.  I just rolled my eyes and leave him not wanting to have more conversation with him, I’m just not ready I guest.


Myungsoo’s POV

I took a bath earlier than Jiyeon this morning, actually I really can’t sleep peacefully because what happened last night and why I kissed her? There must be something wrong with my head, thank God she’s asleep last night so she won’t realized what had happened and how should I face her? I feel guilty for stealing her first kiss, it supposed to come from someone she loves, but she got it from me instead. I sighed as I think about it, I’m really sorry for her and I hope she never knew about the kiss.

“here you are, slow, put your clothes on and have some breakfast” I said to her while leaning my shoulders on the wall, I should act like there’s nothing happened and act like usual so she won’t feel curious, but why she didn’t talk to me at all? Did she know something? Ahh aniyaa she didn’t know about it, just keep calm Kim Myungsoo.

After she left I just realized something weird, her foot, yeah her foot, she can walk properly, so she didn’t twist her ankle yesterday right? Yah park jiyeon are you making fun of me? Made me to carry you yesterday, this girl jjinja.


No One’s POV

Both of jiyeon and myungsoo having breakfast together while Jiyeon still keep quiet and Myungsoo didn’t really know what to do since usually it’s Jiyeon who always have much of things to say.

“ehm, so what time we’ll get out from here?”Jiyeon asked broke the silence

“eoh? 10.30” Myungsoo answered while staring at his watch

“cool, so we have 15 minutes more” Myungsoo just nodded

“by the way, could you bring the orange juice from the fridge?”Myungsoo asked Jiyeon

“why you don’t get it by youself?”  Jiyeon frowned lazily

“the fridge is not far from you, that’s why I’m asking for your help” Myungsoo start glaring Jiyeon.

“tsk”  Jiyeon whined as he walked to the fridge and stomped her feet.

“ah I see, your ankle is fully recovered huh?” Myungsoo teased

“what ankle?” as Jiyeon walked back to the table still frowning

“so, you don’t twisted your ankle yesterday huh? Liar”  Myungsoo put a victory vibe on his face while jiyeon bite her lips, BUSTED.

“what? Neon geotjimalsaengiyaa” Myungsoo pursed his lips.

“bwo? I’m not a liar, I’m just smart enough to fool you, babo!”

“Ya, jugullae (wanna die)?” Myungsoo sent her his death glare, makes Jiyeon shiver.

“ha..haaa.. ani aniii..”Jiyeon said as she waved her hands, defeated “igoo..mokgoo..mokgooo” Jiyeon placed more pancakes on Myungsoo’s plates, makes him chuckled looking at his best friend cute face when she’s afraid.



“ya! Bring your own bag can’t you?” Jiyeon shouted to the bossy myungsoo who already walked out from the gate leaving her with his bag. Fortunately there’s Yang Ahjussi who helped her to bring the luggage.

“issh I hate you!”Jiyeon punched Myungsoo’s shoulder as she took a seat beside Myungsoo. He just smirked.

“Yang ahjussi can you drop me down to Kim’s company? I need to see my brother” Myungsoo said

“yes young master” Yang Ahjusii nodded.

“but Yang Ahjussi please take us to Myungsoo’s apartment first”

“bwo? What for?”

“I forgot that I left something in your room”

“what’s that?”

“Kai’s jacket”

“he lend you his jacket?”  Jiyeon nodded “nice trick, playboy” Myungsoo muttered and feel uneasy

 “playboy?” Jiyeon asked Myungsoo.

“I warned you not to close to him or you’ll regret it”

“wae? Why should I? he’s nice enough to lend me his jacket while I’m sick” Jiyeon put her tongue out. Myungsoo just sighed.



One day later,

To: Kai

meet me at the canteen, now ppalli ppaliii :p -Jiyeon-

From: Kai

I’m on way

Jiyeon smiled as she received the the text message, she’s wait for Kai while munching her chocolate bar, listening to Infinite’s new song MAN IN LOVE and look around looking for one scene, there her best friend and Naeun chit-chatting together more look like a couple, she wants to greet them but something held her, she don’t wanna bother their time together, she shooked her head and suddenly someone pulled her earphone off of her ears, it was Kai.  Jiyeon smiled to him.

“so, missing me that much huh?” Kai

“you wish!” Jiyeon rolled her eyes

“so you don’t miss me, ouch that hurts” Kai said as he put his palm on his left chest.  Jiyeon chuckled at his action.

“err don’t be that cheesy”

“so? What makes you “ppalli”ing me to come here?”

“I just wanna say thank you and return this” Jiyeon give Kai’s jacket back to him

“just that?” Kai made disappointed face, Jiyeon just nod her head. “you have to give some reward because I can’t use this  jacket for more than 3 days” Kai said as he tapped his fingers to the table make an intense stare right through Jiyeon eyes, made her heart uneasy but she won’t lose, so she stare back to Kai.

“fine! What kind of reward?”

“go with me to shopping mall” Kai said

“shopping mall?” Jiyeon laughed

“wae? Is there something wrong?” Kai asked

“aniya, it’s just weird that you’re asking me to go with you….shopping” Jiyeon smiled “you’re not going to ask me for a style advice there, right? Because I’m not really good with it, Myungsoo does!” Jiyeon chuckled.

“Myungsoo again?” Kai said to himself and rolled his eyes “stle advice? NO! but of course I will ask you opinion about what I would buy” Kai winked and drag Jiyeon out of the canteen.




“so how about this idea?” Naeun asked Myungsoo who didn’t give his 100% attention to what Naeun said. His attention disturbed by Kai and Jiyeon closeness, he don’t like how close Kai to Jiyeon even though she only knows him less than 2 weeks.

“Myungsoo-ah?” Naeun snapped Myungsoo back to reality.

“ah? sorry, can you explain it one more time”Myungsoo smiled guilty to Naeun.



Kai and Jiyeon went to the biggest shopping mall in town

“so here we go, ready?” Kai said as he hold Jiyeon’s hand entering one many branded boutique there.  Lots of people look at them and thought that they’re a match couple because of what they’re wearing that day, Kai wears a maroon t-shirt, blue jacket and a pair of jeans and black converse while Jiyeon wears blue floral dress and covered it with maroon cardigan and wearing black converse too, and tying her hair to a ponytail.

“how about this?” Kai put a black & white plaid shirt to his like-a-model body

Jiyeon pursed her lip and shook her head.

“try this!” Jiyeon throw a blue a black-long sleeve t-shirt “and this” and she choose him a red plaid long-sleeve shirt. Kai immediately wears them one by one and showing it to her.

“nice” Jiyeon made an ok finger. Kai smiled “well anyway, your taste isn’t bad at all” he said as he pay the clothes.

They end up for 3 hours shopping and eat at the Italian restaurant since Jiyeon wanting to eat pasta so much, they’re chatting happily there when Kai got a cll from his mother.

“where are you Jongin-ah?”

“I’m at the shopping mall”

“woah, I see..you don’t have much clothes when you came here, so what time will you go home?”

“not less than one hour from now, but I have to take Jiyeon back to her house first” Kai said as he looked to Jiyeon who paid all attention to her 3rd plate pasta.

“aeeuuh so You’re with Jiyeon huh?” his mom voice teasing him

“aigo eomma, don’t give me that voice”

“heol, araaa araa I’ll hang it up” his mom chuckled. Kai just smiled.



“thank you for today” Kai said as he put his helmet on his lap

“no, it’s me..thank you for today” Jiyeon giggled “for treat me that delicious pasta”

“anytime, okay I gotta go”  Kai said and Jiyeon nodded “send my love to pretty ahjumma” Kai nod his head and smiled.



“aaaaaaah my comfy bed!!!” Jiyeon slammed herself to the bed immediately, too tired of taking off her shoes, she doze off to sleep

-4 hours later-

Someone sneak in to her room watching her sleeping soundly

“tch, this dirty girl” the person shooked his head “you must be very tired” he patted her head, put the blanket and turn off the light and then he put himself in to the bed and sleep beside her.


-7 in the morning-

Jiyeon felt something poked her back and it feels someone sleep behind her, it is someone’s back. It feels warm and very big compared to her size, Jiyeon immediately stood up to see the person beside her wearing a black hoodie, suddenly the person woke up too and face her still wearing a hoodie covering his face, when Jiyeon saw him…

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH……..” Jiyeon screamed as loud as possible and the man also follow her scream.

“YAH!! YOU………………………………………………..”

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Ydvvfjkch #1
Chapter 10: Myungeun ❤️❤️❤️
Kaieun ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
amiraazharuddin #2
Chapter 12: Update soon please !!!
Anuka_bolor #3
Chapter 12: Kai yeon is great
1year_already #4
Chapter 12: Great story authornim
Update soon please :D
mywhstar #5
Chapter 12: KaiYeon is so cute! *-* <3 I love it ~ hehehe
Chapter 12: update soon pleaseee
myungyeon or kaiyeon its okay ^^
niiyeon #7
Chapter 12: huhuhu i like this chapter very much..
you made me cant pick, kaiyeon or myungyeon ;n; i like how kai-yeon-kai's mom interaction.. but i still like myungyeon orz
amiraazharuddin #8
Chapter 12: Kaiyeonnnnnnnnn ! Cute couple but myungyeon cute also . Update soon ! :)
please update soon authornim
Retsel_ #10
Chapter 12: awww... myungsoo is totally jealous..
kaiyeon so funny^^
update soon. !!!!♥