What Love Is

Once Bitten, Twice Shy


Yoona took a deep breath and approached tentatively. "Hi, Woohyun."
He surprised her by flashing his trademark greasy smile. "Yoona! Hey!" He turned to take her side, motioning for them to walk home together.
Yoona was confused. He acted like nothing had changed. Like the past few weeks, with him ignoring her and avoiding her, didn't happen.
She frowned hard.
"How... how are you?" he offered, smiling at her.
"We never did hang out that one weekend. Maybe we should make up for that this weekend?"
"Well, no... I'll probably be with Hoya." She emphasized his name, watching Woohyun's reaction.
Woohyun blinked, but seemingly waved it off. "Damn, there's not even a Farmers' Market today that we could walk around, huh?" He chuckled.
Woohyun began talking about different things, but Yoona listened cautiously. Why was he acting so casually, like he didn't abandon her? Like he didn't leave her hanging? It irked her.
After a while, Yoona had had enough. She stopped and wheeled at him.
"Woohyun, what are you playing at?" she demanded.
Woohyun blinked, then started. "Nothing, I'm just walking you home--"
"Yah! Do you think I'm an idiot??"
He blinked again. "Fine. I... I have something I've been meaning to tell you."
She waited, arms crossed. Here was the moment. When they would finally air out all their dirty laundry and say what they needed to say.
"First, I'm sorry." He hung his head. "I shouldn't have avoided you like I did."
"You're right. You shouldn't have."
"But you have to understand... You seemed so happy with Hoya. I didn't want to keep you from being happy."
"No, that's not right... you stopped talking to me before I started dating Hoya. My being with Hoya had nothing to do with you leaving me like that!" She clenched her fists as she relived her past pain. She felt herself getting ready to erupt. "Why, Woohyun? Why did you leave me?"
"Because... because..." Woohyun searched for the words. "Because I saw you with him! I saw the way he made you laugh! It's like you never gave me a chance!! It's not my fault that you never smiled at me. Never gave me a reason to think that I had a shot."
"Mwo?? So it's my fault? You were the one who said you would be there for me! Don't you remember??" She lowered her voice, trying to contain her growing anger. "You know, I waited for you for hours. Every day."
He blinked at her, surprised. "Mwo?"
"I waited. By our crosswalk. Hoya confessed to me, but I didn't accept him." She stared him in the eye. "I wanted to talk to you first."
"Really? But...why?"
"Are you seriously making me do this??" She frowned hard. "Fine! I'll confess first! I liked you, Woohyun. I liked you a lot!"
Something inside of him swelled with happiness. "But... Hoya..."
"I know! Hoya liked me, but back then, I would have chosen you!" She poked him hard in the chest. "But you ignored me!! I was so ready to tell you, but you never showed up!" She felt the sting of tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry. I... had no idea--"
"Why, Woohyun?! Why couldn't you have just said something?? Do you know what we could have become? Do you see what we could've been right now??"
Woohyun leaned closer. "No, but Yoona. I'm sorry. I know I messed up, but we could... We could still..."
She scoffed. "We could still what? What, Woohyun??"
He spoke softly, staring deep into her eyes. "We could still be together. Nothing's over. If you'll just accept me." He leaned in, as if he meant to hold her.
But she pushed away. "Are you crazy?! NO!" Tears streamed down her eyes. "I can't choose you. You abandoned me, and it's done! It's finished!"
She reached into her pocket, and transferred its contents to his hand. Then, she backed away from him. "I choose Hoya."
Then, she ran down the street. Woohyun watched, rooted in his spot, stunned by what had just happened. In his hand, he felt the weight of the familiar magnetic heart phone charm. He looked down at it, his eyes filling with tears.
His heart broke. But deep down, he knew that he had no one to blame but his cowardly self.
Yoona banged hard on the front door. She didn't care if she was being annoying, or entering where she wasn't welcome. There was something she needed to do.
Luckily, Dongwoo was the one to open the door. His eyes bugged out when he saw her.
"Dongwoo! Please... where's Hoya?"
He eyed her tearful face, and then pointed to the stairs.
"Kumawo." She raced up the stairs, and without knocking, burst through his door.
He was sitting at his desk, staring at his phone. It was the picture that he stole of her, that first time she gave him her number. When he looked up and met her eyes, she felt a new wave of tears stream down her face.
"Hoya," she said breathlessly. "I love you."
He froze, and she ran to him, jumping onto his chair to kneel across his lap and hug him. She buried her face into his warm neck.
"Hoya, I love you." Her muffled lips moved against his skin, and her body shuddered as she cried.
Hoya felt his heart swell with happiness. He couldn't believe what she was saying. Slowly, he lifted his arms up to hold her to him.
"Hoya, I love you." He held her tightly as she turned to kiss him passionately, tears falling from her cheeks to his.
He kissed back, softly but with all the love in his heart. He almost couldn't believe it, but this was really happening. This was real, and he'd never felt more alive.
Then he spoke into her ear, saying the words that she needed. The words that he would repeat to her every day, every minute if he could. If it meant that she would never forget.
"I love you. I'll always be here for you. Always."
Yoona felt herself melt into him. Her heart was ready to explode. When she finally calmed down, she leaned back to look at Hoya.
He offered her a wide grin, and in it, she saw a beautiful future spent by his side. A happy future. Comfortable and warm, just like his hugs.
She wiped her tears away and smiled back, leaning into his lips once more.
If you've stayed with me 'til the end, then KUMAWO!! This is the most fun I've ever had writing, and I'm glad I got to share it with you beautiful readers :) :)
There will be one more update: an epilogue, and a snippet of my next fanfic. If you'd like to see more Woohyun, then please check it out!!
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU AGAIN!! May we all someday find our Hoyas kekekeke :P
Love, Kinsei
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Chapter 23: Aw, poor Woohyun. My heart wrenches for him. He fell in love with Yoona first. But, I have to admit that Hoya really deserves to be with her because he was the one who took his chance with courage. Another nice story, author-nim :).
Chapter 23: Awwww. Poor Woo. He found her first. Hoya is really lucky. But it's okay. I mean, she couldn't just dump Hoya. Great story. Gives out a lesson.
Chapter 23: No sequel is it?
omg this story srsly... made me cried >____<
Chapter 23: KYAHHH they really fit each other <3
I'm really happy with the ending but I just hope Woohyun will be happy too :'
akared #6
Chapter 23: Woohyun just too late..
Hoya deserves Yoona..
I'm happy but not so happy..(regretting the way Woohyun avoiding himself...)
Never mind, your story is awesome!
Love it!
akared #7
Chapter 12: no!!!! don't say that Woohyun let Hoya to have the girl without knowing her feelings.??
akared #8
Chapter 11: that's the different between friend and love..
but both of them are making our life complete!
akared #9
Chapter 9: woohyunnie!!!!
poor him...omo...