
Once Bitten, Twice Shy


Hoya was zoning out during lecture again. It had been more than a week since he confessed to Yoona, and he was dying to hear her answer. But, he didn't want to press her.
As the teacher droned on, he glanced at the girl sitting next to him. She was doodling as usual, her nose crinkling in thought as she scribbled.
He smiled and then sighed contentedly. In any case, he was happy that she was by his side.
He propped his elbow on the table and held his head, staring out the window and daydreaming about Yoona's lips. Suddenly, he felt a paper push against his elbow.
He glanced over. Yoona held a paper towards him. On it, she drew a simple stick figure drawing of a girl and a boy.
He watched as she took it back, and drew a bouquet of flowers between them, and smiles on each of their faces. She peeked up to smile at him, and he frowned. What is she getting at?, he wondered.
He kept watching, and next, she etched in a heart above them. His eyes grew wide. Could it be??
She made sure he was watching, and then drew a question mark into the heart. Then, she wrote names beneath the girl and boy.
Yoona. Hoya.
She turned again to smile at him, and for a moment he was stunned. He couldn't believe what she had drawn. But there it was. His heart thudded excitedly.
Then, in a flash, he leaned forward and took her lips into his.
"HOWON!!" the teacher roared. The whole class turned to look as he slowly released her. She was wide-eyed and shocked, but he was grinning from ear to ear.
"To the principal's office!" the teacher ordered. The students began to buzz with gossip, but neither Yoona nor Hoya paid any mind. They only saw each other. She watched him as he walked coolly out of the classroom, but not before he shot her one last smile.
At lunch, it seemed that everyone in the cafeteria was buzzing with the hot gossip.
"Yah, why is it so noisy in here??" Sungyeol complained. He and Myungsoo were leaning with their heads on the table, trying to get some shut-eye between classes.
Suddenly, Dongwoo ran up to the table, panting excitedly and taking a seat. The boys looked at him curiously, waiting for him to explain. He took a big swig of water from his bottle before he spoke.
"Yah, did you guys hear about Hoya??"
"No," Sungjong responded. "What happened?" Everyone moved forward, anxious for Dongwoo's story. Even Woohyun broke from his sad reverie, turning to listen.
"He is in so much trouble!!"
Sunggyu perked up. "My Hoya? Yah! Why??"
Dongwoo caught his breath, and then launched into the story. "Word has been going around that he's in the principal's office right now. They're saying that, in class, right in the middle of class, he kissed someone!!"
The boys gasped. "What?? A girl?" Sungyeol asked.
Myungsoo bonked him on the head. "Of course it's a girl! Are you crazy?"
"Who was it," Woohyun asked. Sunggyu looked at him and noticed that he seemed a little pale.
"I guess it's some quiet girl. Yuki or something? She's supposed to be like an 'ice princess'," Dongwoo said, making quotation marks with his hands.
The boys started talking excitedly among themselves, wondering who the girl was and if Hoya really did it. Woohyun, though, sank into his chair, clenching his fists and keeping his head down so no one could see his eyes.
Meanwhile, Yoona stayed in class for lunch again. She was organizing her desk, trying not to think about Hoya, and was doing an awful job at it.
On the one hand, she was annoyed at how public he was. What he did was so bold!
On the other, his lips were so soft, pushing against hers with just the right amount of force. Thinking about it made her blush hard. She pushed away from her desk and went to the window to look out.
The sky is so blue today, she thought. Then, she closed her eyes and smiled, letting herself relive the moment of her first kiss with Hoya. Just this once, she told herself. Her heart thudded faintly in her chest.
"Yah, missing me already?"
She jumped and turned. Hoya was leaning against the doorframe and staring at her with a smile. His uniform was a little ruffled, like he'd just gotten his corporal punishment.
She watched curiously as he approached. His cool walk showed off his athleticism and dancer's grace. When he got near, she remembered to be mad, and punched him in the arm.
"Yah! Why did you do that!" She kept punching him, and he leaned away, but was still all smiles. "So embarrassing! I just wanted to accept you! I didn't want you to go so far as to kiss me like that--"
But, as she threw another punch, he caught it and used her force to pull her close. He held her face just inches away from his and stared into her wide eyes. She gazed at his face, from his shining eyes to his full lips.
"Aww, Yoona. Are you really saying that you wished I didn't kiss you?" he growled.
She her lips. "Yes."
"Well... I guess in that moment, I couldn't really do it right." He ran his thumb across her jawline, pulled her close, and kissed her softly and fully. She melted into him, relishing the feeling of his lips moving across hers.
He released with a smile, leaving her wishing that he didn't.
"There. Was that better?" he asked playfully.
She shook her head. "Too short." Then she leaned into his lips once more.
♬ 'Cuz you are my...Special... Special... Special, Special, Special Girl 
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Chapter 23: Aw, poor Woohyun. My heart wrenches for him. He fell in love with Yoona first. But, I have to admit that Hoya really deserves to be with her because he was the one who took his chance with courage. Another nice story, author-nim :).
Chapter 23: Awwww. Poor Woo. He found her first. Hoya is really lucky. But it's okay. I mean, she couldn't just dump Hoya. Great story. Gives out a lesson.
Chapter 23: No sequel is it?
omg this story srsly... made me cried >____<
Chapter 23: KYAHHH they really fit each other <3
I'm really happy with the ending but I just hope Woohyun will be happy too :'
akared #6
Chapter 23: Woohyun just too late..
Hoya deserves Yoona..
I'm happy but not so happy..(regretting the way Woohyun avoiding himself...)
Never mind, your story is awesome!
Love it!
akared #7
Chapter 12: no!!!! don't say that Woohyun let Hoya to have the girl without knowing her feelings.??
akared #8
Chapter 11: that's the different between friend and love..
but both of them are making our life complete!
akared #9
Chapter 9: woohyunnie!!!!
poor him...omo...