The Other Side of the Window

Once Bitten, Twice Shy


Once inside his room, Yoona released Hoya's hand as he shut the door. She felt so stunned--she had no idea that Woohyun and Hoya were related. Brothers, even. She tried to piece her words together as Hoya waited patiently.
"You... you're Woohyun's... brother?"
Hoya nodded.
On seeing Woohyun again, she was a mess of emotions. Part of her wanted to cry because he so suddenly stopped talking to her, right after she decided to confess to him. Part of her wanted to punch him because he had abandoned her with no explanation. Part of her wanted to ask him sincerely what the problem was.
And a small part of her... a tiny part, but still... a small part of her still wanted to confess to him.
In the past, she had been so ready to give him her heart. If only he would have said something!
But no, she stopped herself. She was happy with Hoya. Between the two of them, it was Hoya who said something. Hoya, who held her when she hurt. And Hoya, who now stood before her, waiting for her to say something.
"I... I know Woohyun."
Hoya nodded slowly while she kept struggling to process her thoughts. She decided not to tell Hoya that she liked Woohyun before him. She wondered if each knew that the other spent time with her.
But there was so much to think about that she clenched her fists in frustration. The situation felt too much for her to handle, and she felt the sting of tears in her eyes. She didn't want Hoya to see, so she turned to look out the window.
Hoya was still, watching her reaction and ready to comfort her if she needed.
Yoona breathed deeply, trying to get herself together. Admire the view, she told herself, trying to get her mind off the situation. Just breath and admire the view. What a pretty view, looking down at all the houses.
Then, something caught her eye and sent chills down her spine. One of the houses had a wide window, with the blinds pulled open. And there, she saw clearly a simple room with a white bed. Flower rug. Small teddy bear with a 'Be Mine' heart propped on the shelf.
Her room.
Memories came flooding back to her... the time that Woohyun nailed her situation on the head, predicted that she had evil twin sisters, that she didn't have a cat. And, the time that Hoya complimented her hoodie, and knew that she cuddled with that teddy bear every night.
She suddenly remembered where she was. Hoya's room. And next door, Woohyun's room, no doubt with another window.
Without turning to look at Hoya, she spoke in a low voice.
"You could see into my room," she said, more as a statement then a question.
Hoya tensed. He was so focused on giving her time to think that he didn't realize she was staring right into her room.
She repeated in a low voice. "You could see into my room from here."
Hoya didn't know what to say. "Oh."
"Have you been watching me?" She wrapped her arms around herself, as if to hold herself together. The whole situation was quickly becoming too much for her.
"Have you been... watching me?!" Suddenly, she wheeled toward Hoya with fire in her eyes. She looked ready to erupt, and she did.
"You liked that hoodie that I'd never worn before!! You knew I cuddled with the teddy bear you gave me!! And Woohyun! Your brother! He knew too! He knew... he knew everything." She seethed, fists clenched, and Hoya didn't know what to do, so he held still and searched for words.
"I... I can explain--"
But in a huff, she flew out of his room. He went after her.
"Yoona! Wait, please! YOONA!" He froze in the hallway and watched as she ran down the stairs and bolted out of the house, slamming the front door behind her.
Woohyun's door creaked open as he peeked out into the hall, curious from all the noise. Hoya looked up, locking eyes with Woohyun.
It was all revealed. She finally knew their secret.
Both stared, waiting for the other to act.
Yoona ran out into the street, letting the cool air wash over her bleary face. She didn't know what to think about anything anymore. All she wanted was to leave. Get out of this weird situation.
She ran back into her house, blowing past the evil twins on their way out. They were surprised but she just yelled back at them. "Out of my way, I don't have time for your right now!" Then, she barricaded herself in her room.
She felt so . Exposed. And more than that, somehow... manipulated? Duped? She didn't want to come between brothers like she had. And, she definitely did not like the idea that both boys could know and see everything about her, whereas she obviously knew nothing about them. She didn't even know they were each other's brother.
I shouldn't have trusted them, she thought. I shouldn't have trusted anyone.
How could I be so stupid?
She dug out her old suitcase, trying to see through the swamp in her eyes, and started throwing things into it. Books. Clothes. Toothbrush. Then in her haste, she remembered.
She went to her window and looked up. There, facing her, was Hoya and Woohyun's house. She could even see in their windows the faint outline of their furniture. All this time, they saw me, she thought. She shivered with the feeling of being watched, and she quickly drew the blinds.
Then, she got back to packing. She didn't know where she would go, but in the moment, she didn't even care.
In her flurry of movement, she didn't hear the rap of knuckles on her front door downstairs.
I'm thinking of writing an alternate ending for the person not at the door. I kind of want to see how that would play out.
But yes, the secret is out. What would you do if you were Yoona, and found out you had been watched this whole time? How should she handle it? Leave your comments in the doobleedoo below!!
Thanks again for reading, and tune in next time! :)
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Chapter 23: Aw, poor Woohyun. My heart wrenches for him. He fell in love with Yoona first. But, I have to admit that Hoya really deserves to be with her because he was the one who took his chance with courage. Another nice story, author-nim :).
Chapter 23: Awwww. Poor Woo. He found her first. Hoya is really lucky. But it's okay. I mean, she couldn't just dump Hoya. Great story. Gives out a lesson.
Chapter 23: No sequel is it?
omg this story srsly... made me cried >____<
Chapter 23: KYAHHH they really fit each other <3
I'm really happy with the ending but I just hope Woohyun will be happy too :'
akared #6
Chapter 23: Woohyun just too late..
Hoya deserves Yoona..
I'm happy but not so happy..(regretting the way Woohyun avoiding himself...)
Never mind, your story is awesome!
Love it!
akared #7
Chapter 12: no!!!! don't say that Woohyun let Hoya to have the girl without knowing her feelings.??
akared #8
Chapter 11: that's the different between friend and love..
but both of them are making our life complete!
akared #9
Chapter 9: woohyunnie!!!!
poor him...omo...