Beautiful Nightmare

Once Bitten, Twice Shy


Back in his room, Woohyun curled up in his bed. He felt depressed. He purposely avoided the crosswalk where he normally met Yoona, and bee-lined for home right after school let out.
He glanced out the window as night began to fall. He wondered if she came home already, but he couldn't bring himself to even spy out the window.
Letting her decide between him or Hoya was best in this situation. He knew that. But, it made him sad.
Because he completely believed that she would choose Hoya.
There was no comparison, he told himself. Whenever Woohyun was with her, she was quiet, frowning maybe. Granting him the occasional smile, but otherwise, she seemed uncomfortable.
Not like how she was when he saw her with Hoya. All smiles, relaxed, laughing even.
That's why he avoided her. He could see it coming-- her telling him that she would choose his brother over him. Dashing all his hopes at a beautiful relationship with her. And worst, her asking if they could still be friends. The thought of rejection, of losing her, made him ache with pain.
Tears seeped from his eyes, falling onto his pillow, and he cursed himself for falling in love with Yoona. He threw the blankets over his head and hoped sleep would provide him an escape.
Woohyun stared, wide-eyed, as Yoona stood before him, searching for the words.
"Woohyun, I like you."
He could feel his heart soar. The skin all over his body seemed to crawl with excitement.
Then, slowly, she leaned in, reached up, and took his lips into hers. His eyes bugged out as she moved against him, and then he let his eyes fall shut. He fell into the kiss, moving closer and wrapping his arms tightly around her.
Her small hands grabbed him by the scruff of his shirt, pulling him closer, until he could feel the curve of her body against his. He felt her smiling against him, and he smiled back. Then, her tongue darted forward, his lower lip gently.
It set him on edge.
He looked about for a second, and recognized the small white bed and flower rug. They were in her room.
She won back his attention by wrapping her arms around his neck and lifting one leg to wrap around his body. She was so warm that his body felt ready to explode. She kept pulling him, moving them closer to the bed, and he finally took the hint.
He lifted her up, hugging her body to his, and then lowered her gently onto the bed. Their lips never broke apart. He lowered himself gently onto her as she unclasp the top button of his shirt.
"Woohyun, I like you." She spoke against his lips. But he was so excited and in the moment that he didn't say anything back. Her hands crawled down his chest, loosening each button, as he let his own hands roam from her smooth face, to her shoulders, to the curve of her hips, and back again. She arched her body, pushing herself against him as they kissed.
"Woohyun, I like you," she repeated when he released her lips. He kissed her jaw, tracing down to the crook of her neck. She'd finished ing his shirt and let her hands slide down his sculpted chest and abs, towards his waist.
"Woohyun, say that you like me back." She whispered into his ear, setting his body on fire. As he worked on her neck, she took his earlobe into , letting her tongue slide over and around it. She felt so warm on his ear.
"Woohyun, say that you like me back!" She spoke louder, more seriously, but Woohyun still didn't respond.
Somehow, he couldn't. Something was wrong.
He stopped and looked deep into her eyes. She stared back, willing him to speak, but even when he opened his mouth, no sounds came out. Her hands reached up to his chest, and began to push him away.
"Woohyun, why won't you say it?" She started to cry, but Woohyun was frozen. He tried to move his mouth, but it felt paralyzed. Suddenly, they were standing apart, and she was reaching towards him, tears spilling from her eyes. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out.
"Woohyun..." Suddenly, he was back in his room, looking at her from his window. This time, she was looking back, a sad frown on her face. He tried to call out to her, tell her to come back. But no words came out. Then, without turning to look away, she pulled the blinds closed and, for once, he couldn't see her.
Woohyun woke up in a cold sweat. Daylight shown brightly through his window, but he didn't care. He buried his face into his pillow, wishing to bring Yoona back, if only in his dreams.
It's amazing what we can convince ourselves is real. Overanalyzing and making assumptions-- serious banes to my existence.
Also, I have amazing respect for people who write .
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Chapter 23: Aw, poor Woohyun. My heart wrenches for him. He fell in love with Yoona first. But, I have to admit that Hoya really deserves to be with her because he was the one who took his chance with courage. Another nice story, author-nim :).
Chapter 23: Awwww. Poor Woo. He found her first. Hoya is really lucky. But it's okay. I mean, she couldn't just dump Hoya. Great story. Gives out a lesson.
Chapter 23: No sequel is it?
omg this story srsly... made me cried >____<
Chapter 23: KYAHHH they really fit each other <3
I'm really happy with the ending but I just hope Woohyun will be happy too :'
akared #6
Chapter 23: Woohyun just too late..
Hoya deserves Yoona..
I'm happy but not so happy..(regretting the way Woohyun avoiding himself...)
Never mind, your story is awesome!
Love it!
akared #7
Chapter 12: no!!!! don't say that Woohyun let Hoya to have the girl without knowing her feelings.??
akared #8
Chapter 11: that's the different between friend and love..
but both of them are making our life complete!
akared #9
Chapter 9: woohyunnie!!!!
poor him...omo...