New Love

13 Elements


Ryeowook was shocked. He did not know how to react to the situation. He was shocked at Yesung's sudden confession and action. There was this warm feeling inside of him when Yesung gently kissed him on his lips. He blushed as he pulled away hurriedly after a few seconds. Yesung looked at him and smiled at his cute reaction, well, he found it cute that Ryeowook pulled away hurriedly. "Hyung.... I am only 15 years old....." Ryeowook looked down at his lap shyly, unable to keep his head up because he knew he was blushing. "Silly boy, i know how old you are, but that doesn't mean that we can't be in a relationship.. right?" Yesung asked gently as he played with Ryeowook's hair, loving how Ryeowook purred at the touch and comfort. "I don't know what are you talking about, what relationship..." Ryeowook blushed even more at Yesung's question and looked away shyly. 
"I like you Ryeowook and i am pretty sure you knew that, i love spending time with you and I would love to do that even more than what i can now. I want to hold you to sleep and wake up knowing that you are with me. I want to be there for you and pamper you like how your brothers did. Ryeowookie ah... do you know that when I knew that you were hurt, my heart almost dropped out of my mouth. I am not kidding and I think i had fallen in love wih you ever since we first encountered the monsters that broke through your house two weeks ago though." Yesung recalled as he looked at the younger boy shifting uncomfortably on his lap. " parents and hyungs will not allow this..." Ryeowook spoke softly as he tried to get away from Yesung but there was too much pain in his body that he hissed in pain when he wanted to move away. "Ryeowookie, i will talk to them and make them allow this, if you are willing to get together with me." Yesung smiled. "Would you do that for me? " Ryeowook asked shyly, smiling to himself a little, as he blushed hard at Yesung's confession. He knew that at the moment that he too, was in love with the other. "Anything for you." Came Yesung's reply as he nodded and smiled when Ryeowook looked up and mastered his courage to give his hyung, or new found lover, a peck on his cheek. "I like being with you too hyung..." He whispered shyly after hiding his face in Yesung's chest as the other just smiled and smiled like an idiot. 
Leeteuk stood at the hallway just outside Ryeowook's room and smiled. He had overheard what the two had been talking about and was truely happy for his youngest brother. He smiled as he walked in silently, after making sure Ryeowook was asleep. "Hey, i was wondering if you would like to... you know... switch rooms with me. Because i... need to like discuss things with Sungmin, I know Donghae and you had swaped rooms... so?" Leeteuk asked as he went in. "So you meant I can stay in this room with this lovely kid?" Yesung smiled as he looked up from staring at Ryeowook to the approaching Leeteuk. "Yes, and don't worry, my parents aint against relationships, i am sure they would be pretty happy to know that Ryeowookie had gotten someone whom will love, protect and take care of him." Leeteuk smiled at a blushing Yesung. "Well... that was fast... WAIT. How did you know? .... oh... err... have you been listening to us?" Yesung scratched his hair.
"Not really, i just happened to hear you two. Anyways, Sungmin and I treasured Ryeowook alot, we pampered him alot, we love him, so just in case, if we ever catch you bullying him or making him cry, i swear we will show no mercy to you." Leeteuk said. "Well, i wouldn't hurt him even the tiniest bit, I guessed love at first sight does exist though, you don't have worry about that. I will sure do take note and beware thanks to your threat." Yesung laughed. "Well ~ Don't mention it, and I am done clearing my stuff. Have some sleep, we had a long day." Leeteuk said and left the room. "Ryeowookie, did you hear that, your big brother just said that we can be together.." Yesung smiled as he traced Ryeowook's jawline and hopped in beside him and hugged him. He groaned when he felt a buzz in his pocket. Did he forget to take out his phone yet again? He mentally scolded himself as he read the message on the mobile. Leeteuk had just sent him a message reminding him that Ryeowook would wake up to random nightmares and the way to let him calm down was to sing him to sleep or to let him have a cup of warm milk which Leeteuk had prepared and left in the kitchen, just in case. Yesung replied the text gratefully and placed his phone on the drawer just beside the bed.
Yesung woke up due to the slight movement beside him. He groaned as he tried to move himself but his eyes shot open when he heard soft sobs. Ryeowook was clenching on to the mattress tightly and sweating as he tossed slightly around. His beautiful browns were neated together and his lips were trembling softly. Yesung remembered Leeteuk's message just now and felt the need to wake the boy up. He shook Ryeowook violently when his callings didnt help. Ryeowook shot up from his sleep when Yesung pulled him up from the bed. He broke into sobs as he hugged him knees to himself. "Hey, it's okay, it's just a nightmare. No one is here to take you away, besides you have powers now right? They will be even afraid to come to you, or else i will fly them alive." Yesung comforted him. Realizing that Ryeowook was not responding to him, he stood up and ran from the kitchen to grab the milk the Leeteuk had prepared. He re-heated it and made a dash back to the younger boy. "Here, have some milk." He saisd as he handed over the cup, and to his surprise, Ryeowook took it and drank it down fast before hugging himself again. 
Yesung made sure that the cup was placed safetly on the table, before he hugged the trembling boy. He didn't know what came across his mind as he started to craddle him and started to sing.Ryeowook widen his eyes when he heard Yesung's voice. He blinked to make sure that he wasn't dreaming and that his important person had an amzing voice and it was so heavenly that Ryeowook forget about his nightmare and leaned in closer to enjoy the song. When Yesung had finished his song, Ryeowook pouted and asked him to sing it again. It was then, that Yesung knew, the boy was no longer afraid of his nightmare. Ryeowook smiled as Yesung started to sing again. It had been a long time ever since he felt warm and free, not afraid of anything. He knew that Yesung wasn't lyting about protecting him, because he had been there to experience it when the dark ones were here and how Yesung always protected him even if it means letting himself being hurt by the attacks by shielding Ryeowook.
"Yesung hyung...." Ryeowook mumbled when Yesung once again finished his song. "Yes darling?" Yesung smiled and chuckled at Ryeowook's jumpy reaction when he heard the dressing. "What darling....." Ryeowook whispered. "Well, your big brother said that we could be together, so we are together now and i can call you darling." Yesung smiled as he laid back down on the bed, pulling Ryeowook with him. "He did?" Ryeowook asked in alarm. "Yes, he did. He spyed on us." Yesung yawned. "Oh..." Ryeowook answered. "Oh?" Yesung frowned. "No one said about getting together with you. Good night." Ryeowook said as he pulled his blanket up and covered himself as he hid his face under it as well. Yesung smiled as he hummed back in respond. He was tired after the long day they had after all. He smiled and leaned in, putting his arm over the other's body and hugging him tight when he felt Ryeowook's arms going around his waist and hugging him timidly. Yesung smiled to himself, he could get used to this. That night, he couldn't stop smiling as he drifted into deep slumber with his new lover.
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naznew #1
Chapter 16:, please update this story... Please don't abandon it.....
Chapter 16: Pls updated soon it's killing meeeeeee.......
Chapter 16: Update soon pls!
ELF154ever #4
Chapter 16: This story is amazingly amazing! Do continue authornim!
Meliaaa #5
Chapter 16: I can't even...
It's like the best story ever
Mix of SuJu and Avatar The Last Airbender!
My 2 most favourite things ever!
Ps. I've read all your fanfics, they were amazing, sorry for not-commenting them earlier ^^
Thanks for such amazing fanfics, waiting for update ^^
Sorry for weak english :P
SuJubiased888 #6
Chapter 16: Love this story. Can't wait for another update. I will keep looking out for one.
<3 =)
shane9 #7
Chapter 16: Ryeowook has mind control?wow!He's becoming more powerful.Thanks for the update!
Chapter 16: Electricity and mind control. Wow! An awesome combination power. The man that kidnapped Ryeowook, he knew about Ryeowook potential power right?
Thanks for updating..
shane9 #9
please update soon!
Chapter 15: chebal