
13 Elements


Memories striked him like bullets from a machine gun. Ryeowook started to tear as those horrible nightmares plurged into his mind just as fast as fear. "UMMA!" He shouted, hoping that his mother or someone who save him from the fear he had now, but nothing came, instead he felt himself being pulled by a creature. Before he could scream, a warm hand grabbed him and the creatures fled away when they saw the flaming hand. Yesung punched all the monsters away as he grabbed Ryeowook back to his embrace. "It's okay.... I am here, dont be scared now.. okay? Like i told you just now, whatever frightened you, i will burn them." Yesung smirked and to Ryeowook's horror, the monsters were burning up and running out of the house. "YESUNG, EUNHYUK, RYEOWOOK?!" Leeteuk's screams brought the three of them to him. "What the hell happened?" Leeteuk asked as he scanned around the house. "The monsters came in suddenly when i was watching the TV show, how annoying, sorry about the mess, me and Yesung will clear it.." Eunhyuk apologised as he rubbed his brusied arm. "No no, is okay." Sungmin said as he received Ryeowook from a tired Yesung. He had used up his energy fighting the monsters in order to save Ryeowook. "Yesung hyung!" Ryeowook shirked when Yesung passed out after handling Ryeowook over. "He is just tired, i guessed." Leeteuk sighed as he picked Yesung up and carried him up to his room. 
"Will he be alright? He saved me... he must be tired and and...." Ryeowook trailed off into sobs. Eunhyuk looked at him and placed a hand on his shoulders. "Ryeowook, you spark his powers, you must have meant something to my brother, he didnt even come and save me, but instead he went for you." Eunhyuk smirked, knowing exactly what is going on in his brother's mind. "I was scared...." Ryeowook admitted as he closed his eyes. "I know... you had a similar experience?" Eunhyuk asked. "Yes, he did, he was kidnapped by the dark force once when he was younger, he has never gotten over it until now, with all these happening again, i am afraid that he would be back like how he was when we saved him." Sungmin said when Ryeowook fell asleep. "Kidnapped? He doesnt have powers, what benefits will he give to them?" Eunhyuk asked. "Well, that is one of a mystery that Leeteuk hyung and I can't solved. It took him two years to start talking after the incident, that makes me and Leeteuk hyung super protective over him. I am so glad that you and Yesung had protected him when he was in fear." Sungmin smiled. "Well, we kinda of promise him, we will protect him. But Sungmin, don't underestimate Ryeowook's power. I am sure when the time comes, his power would be explosive." Eunhyuk grinned. "What makes you say that?" Sungmin asked in confusion. "Well, every two elements connects and enhance each other element. Yesung is an element of fire, i had never seen his powers so great before in my entire life, but when he was holding on to Ryeowook and attacking, his power enhanced by triple and it scared the creatures off. So i conclude that Ryeowook's existance is what that sparks Yesung's power." Eunhyuk recalled. "Really? I never knew Ryeowook could do that!" Sungmin exclaimed. "Neither could I, he seemed so small and an easy target for anyone but when he screamed just now, the atmosphere began to change and some of the monsters fled." Eunhyuk pointed out. "You mean... Ryeowook is being to have his powers?" Sungmin asked. "No, that is not what i meant, i mean there is something about him that just doesnt seemed so small." Eunhyuk explained. "Well, he is my brother after all, and i've healed your inner energy, you should feel more energy in you by now." Sungmin smiled. "Whoah thankyou, i owed you one, but you should heal Yesung hyung instead, afterall, he protected Ryeowook." Eunhyuk laughed. "Leeteuk hyung will take care of that!" Sungmin said he looked up to his brother's bedroom. 
"Are you okay?" Leeteuk asked when Yesung opened his eyes. "Yeah, i guessed so, i am just tired, like i am ripped off my energy." Yesung rubbed his temper as he slowly sat up with the help of Leeteuk. "Sungmin and Eunhyuk had told me what happened. Thankyou for protecting Ryeowook... and.. hmm... Eunhyuk said that you had something for my brother?" Leeteuk asked softly. "Tsk that Eunhyuk, erm... i supposed so, when i first held him, i felt that his energy was warm and it enhanced my powers by a lot. I dont know what that means, but dont ever worry, i will not hurt that cutie pie. i doubt he understood what was going on though." Yesung coughed. "I know... help him through okay? I mean... Ryeowook wasnt good with strangers and i am quite surprised that he could rely on you when you protected him." Leeteuk nodded at his words. "Did Ryeowook had a past or something? He seemed to freaked out when i first grabbed his arms and when the pests touched him." Yesung asked. "Deh... he was kidnapped before, and that incident scared him for life. He wouldn't talk to ask for two years and would cry and scream in his dreams. It was until recently that he regain his courage. So that explains will we are very protective of him and why he is so pampered too." Leeteuk sighed. "Hmmm.. i see i see. By the way, his powers are amazing." Yesung smiled. "His powers?" Leeteuk asked in confusion. "Yes, he doesnt have visible powers like we do yet, but his fear triggered his defensive self, his screams waved off the creatures. His power wiuld be explosive when he discovered it himself." Yesung nodded. "Really? Wow..." Leeteuk was shocked at what he had heard. "I need to see it someday.." Leeteuk said softly. "Well, i could help you with that, my dad taught us how to see powers and train them out when he was alived." Yesung said. "I am sorry about your father..." Leeteuk apologies. "Hey, it's okay, Eunhyuk and I are proud of him, his death was what that made both of us promised to help others around us. We wante dto take revenge against the dark ones at first, but we find it pointless. There is nothing to bring him back even if we killed the dark ones away." Yesung said. "I am amazed by your maturity." Leeteuk said. "You dont have to be so formal." Yesung laughed along with Leeteuk. 
just a short update ~~~~ ^^
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naznew #1
Chapter 16:, please update this story... Please don't abandon it.....
Chapter 16: Pls updated soon it's killing meeeeeee.......
Chapter 16: Update soon pls!
ELF154ever #4
Chapter 16: This story is amazingly amazing! Do continue authornim!
Meliaaa #5
Chapter 16: I can't even...
It's like the best story ever
Mix of SuJu and Avatar The Last Airbender!
My 2 most favourite things ever!
Ps. I've read all your fanfics, they were amazing, sorry for not-commenting them earlier ^^
Thanks for such amazing fanfics, waiting for update ^^
Sorry for weak english :P
SuJubiased888 #6
Chapter 16: Love this story. Can't wait for another update. I will keep looking out for one.
<3 =)
shane9 #7
Chapter 16: Ryeowook has mind control?wow!He's becoming more powerful.Thanks for the update!
Chapter 16: Electricity and mind control. Wow! An awesome combination power. The man that kidnapped Ryeowook, he knew about Ryeowook potential power right?
Thanks for updating..
shane9 #9
please update soon!
Chapter 15: chebal