
13 Elements


Yesung hugged Ryeowook tighter in his arms as both of them hid down in the basement while the rest were fighting the creatures that broke into the house. Ryeowook screamed in fear when a loud thud caused the door to open and the creatures came towards them. Yesung had used up all his enegry to protect Ryeowook from the creatures in the previous hour and was completely drained out by the time Leeteuk and the rest returned from hunting for their parents. The creature smirk as he walked towards the couple and raised his sword ready to attack. However, a spark of lightning shot him before he could move. Ryeowook sniffed as he looked at his hands, wondering where did he get all these powers from. His determination to protect his drained out hyung had sparked his strong powers out from his shell. Yesung hugged Ryeowook tightly as Ryeowook stood in front of him and attacked the coming creatures. "Be careful... please." Yesung told Ryeowook as he struggled out of Yesung's hold and hit the creatures in the chest, sending them flying back up to the living room. Yesung looked at his little lover with shocked. He knew Ryeowook had potential but he didn't expect Ryeowook to be this strong. 
Leeteuk yelped when he saw the creatures running up from the basement, he was worried about the safety of the couple. But hang on... why are the creatures running away instead? He moved forward and wanted to investigate the screen to be stop by a creature being thrown onto a wall. The next thing he saw was Ryeowook throwing one of the creatures against the wall in anger. The rest of them froze at their spot and stared at Ryeowook. "He is the one we are looking for." They heard someone talking and immediately, Leeteuk ran towards Ryeowook and picked him up into his embrace. No one, no one is gonna take his brother away. Never ever. "Hand him over and no one gets hurt." The voice threatened but Leeteuk showed no intention of responding to the mysterious voice. "Well then, get him!" The voice spoke with anger and irritation of being ignored. Before they could even react, a strong yet sudden flame caused the creatures to melt and retreated out of the house. The voice screamed in pain and disappeared within seconds, swearing he will be back. 
Leeteuk looked at Ryeowook who was panting heavily and at Yesung who barely had strength to stand on his own at the counter. "Are you okay?" He asked Yesung. Hyukjae had ran forward and helped his hyung. "I ... just.. need... rest." He mumbled as he collasped into his brother's arm. "Bring him to me." Sungmin suggested and Hyukjae supported Yesung with Heechul's help to Sungmin who sat down and held on to his hand, healing himself and also Yesung. Ryeowook fell numb into Leeteuk's arms. "Is he okay?" Donghae asked as he helped Leeteuk moved the latter on to the cushion. "I guessed he had overdone himself... Let him rest abit. Call me when he wakes up." Leeteuk said as he brushed off the dirt on his brother's face. "Hyukjae, Donghae, I need you two to take care of Ryeowook, Sungmin and Yesung for me. I have something to discuss with Heechul." Leeteuk said and then left the living room together with the whining diva.
"I wonder if he would be tired healing himself and Yesung hyung.." Donghae said as he looked worriedly at Sungmin. "Huh?" Hyukjae mumbled. "I mean... he had been fighting too, it takes alot of energy to heal someone and he had used up all his strength just now... I am just afraid... what if he collasped?" Donghae sighed as he starred at Sungmin. So he likes Sungmin.. I mean isn't obvious? Hyukjae thought to himself. "I am sure he would be fine...." He mumbled as he went to sit beside Ryeowook, playing with the latter's hair as he sank himself into his own dreamland, a place where Sungmin doesn't exist. Just as he was about to enter his wonderful world, a voice rang through his head. "Hyukjae!!!" He groaned when he felt himself being shook roughly. "What is it,Donghae?" He opened his eyes and looked at his whining friend. "If you go to sleep, then what am I suppose to do?" Donghae pouted. "But I am tired." Hyukjae protested. "Let's rest after Sungminnie wakes up okay?" Donghae asked. Sungminnie huh... Hyukjae sighed, no wonder how much he wanted to reject, he couldn't resist Donghae's pleads. "Fine." He said and Donghae hugged him tightly. 
Yesung woke up about three hours later and happened to hear the rest talking about the voice wanting to take Ryeowook away when he was half awake. He sat upslowly and looked around for his baby and heaved a sign of relief when he saw him in Heechul's arms. "He is fine, how are you feeling?" Sungmin asked as he passed Yesung a cup of hot chocolate. "I am fine, thanks to your healing powers. Thankyou." Yesung smiled and bowed slightly. "So what about the voice?" Yesung asked Sungmin after he drank the hot chocolate. "Well, Leeteuk hyung and Heechul hyung concluded that the voice had some connections with the kidnapping case that happened about 2 years ago." Sungmin explained. "You mean, their attack of this attack was to find Ryeowook?" Yesung asked in alarm.
"Partly, but there are still many unsolved questions and we are not 100% sure that these two cases are connected. All I know now, is that we need to be extra alert at all times. And thankyou, because of your strong love towards him, your joint powers created a reflective force and that's how you were able to release your flames even you had no energy left. That strength is love. Ryeowookie must have loved you alot too for the powers to recongnise each other. Donghae was right from the start, you two are heavenly matched." Sungmin said and giggled like a primary school kid. Yesung could only smile widely at what he was told. He walked towards Heechul and reached out to carry his little boyfriend. "Good morning sunshine." Yesung laughed when Ryeowook slowly opened his eyes and whined at the tiredness he was feeling. "I wanna sleep moreeeeee~~~~" Ryeowook yawned as he moved himself and rested on Yesung's chest. "What a kid." Heechul snorted. "Cute kid." Yesung corrected him and everyone coughed. 
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naznew #1
Chapter 16:, please update this story... Please don't abandon it.....
Chapter 16: Pls updated soon it's killing meeeeeee.......
Chapter 16: Update soon pls!
ELF154ever #4
Chapter 16: This story is amazingly amazing! Do continue authornim!
Meliaaa #5
Chapter 16: I can't even...
It's like the best story ever
Mix of SuJu and Avatar The Last Airbender!
My 2 most favourite things ever!
Ps. I've read all your fanfics, they were amazing, sorry for not-commenting them earlier ^^
Thanks for such amazing fanfics, waiting for update ^^
Sorry for weak english :P
SuJubiased888 #6
Chapter 16: Love this story. Can't wait for another update. I will keep looking out for one.
<3 =)
shane9 #7
Chapter 16: Ryeowook has mind control?wow!He's becoming more powerful.Thanks for the update!
Chapter 16: Electricity and mind control. Wow! An awesome combination power. The man that kidnapped Ryeowook, he knew about Ryeowook potential power right?
Thanks for updating..
shane9 #9
please update soon!
Chapter 15: chebal