Bubble Tea

My New Butler
"I want bubble tea." Kyuhyun spoke, a blunt statement to be honest. Bubble tea seemed to be the only thing Kyuhyun really wanted, as if he were happy with only a simple drink which was, in fact, quite common. The two had just left the clothing store after a little argument, which Heechul liked to think Kyuhyun started. Although, he had some sort of idea that is was actually himself. The butler insisted that he had bought too many clothes, Heechul denied it though and purchased basically everything. 
"I know, come on. There's a store selling them over there." Heechul replied, walking towards a little store which was almost unnoticeable, just at the end near the automatic doors. Kyuhyun shook his head, frowning lightly. He disliked how Heechul didn't wait for him at all, rather, walking off without a word. He sighed.
"You bought too many clothes." Kyuhyun started up again, Heechul only rolled his eyes at the words which he believed to be completely untrue. Sort of. Heechul had to admit, if it were for someone else, it may have been many clothes, but not for Kyuhyun.
"I didn't buy you too many clothes, since you have no clothes except for that tuxedo. This is basically your entire wardrobe. Clothes for you to sleep in, go out in, undergarments and so on." Heechul retorted, seeing the younger bite his lip from beside him. The elder smirked, seeing Kyuhyun crumble slightly.
"But..." Kyuhyun murmured, still wanting to argue but not finding anything to speak about. Heechul glanced back at him, giving a light glare but was non-threatening in Kyuhyun's eyes. He didn't really fear such trivial things. For example, an angry Heechul.
"Are you complaining that I'm wasting my time and money for you?" Heechul then asked, the question meant to make Kyuhyun feel guilty. And luckily, it did. He could see Kyuhyun look down, a light pout on the younger's lips.
"T-That's not it." Kyuhyun quickly stuttered, not wanting to seem ungrateful. He just didn't like people doing things for him, because he was never able to pay back the favour. How was it right for people to be 'nice' to Kyuhyun, give him things needed, when he never had anything to give back?
"Then quiet, and hold this, it's yours. I can't believe you made me carry your things, you're the butler here." Heechul spoke, handing Kyuhyun the multiple bags of clothing with an annoyed look. Kyuhyun gave a slight glare.
"But I never asked you to carry them!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, the elder glared back.
"Well you should have taken them off me!" Heechul retorted, annoyed. The argument was made of shouts and glares, but it didn't really make Heechul uncomfortable. Rather, it actually made the whole situation amusing. No butler of his had ever spoken back. But then again, Kyuhyun wasn't really like any of the others he had encountered.
"But-" Kyuhyun was cut off by Heechul's sigh, walking faster and ahead of the younger.
"You're too slow, come on." Heechul stated, only to receive a pout and glare from Kyuhyun. No one had ever had the guts to stand up to Heechul, afraid of his family status. Kyuhyun on the other hand didn't care, and didn't even really know.
"I'm not slow, you just started getting faster." Kyuhyun accused, Heechul trying to hide the little smile of his lips. Having that boy around was so troublesome, but he was so interesting Heechul honestly didn't mind.
"Wrong." Heechul said as he brushed it off, Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. The butler wasn't often around people, so he wasn't sure if it was normal or not to act so rudely. Kyuhyun was pretty sure it wasn't.
"Ah, you're so stressing." Kyuhyun whined, hands and arms feeling strained as they finally reached the bubble tea shop. Kyuhyun dropped the bags to the ground, he really didn't have any strength in his upper body.
"What flavour do you want?" Heechul asked, taking out his wallet in some sort of state of anticipation. Kyuhyun thought for a little, as he usually bought the cheapest drink they sold, so he really didn't have a flavour he liked. 
"Any works." Kyuhyun finally said after a couple seconds, Heechul not questioning the younger's choice as he went inside the store.
"Fine, wait here." Heechul stated simply as he walked, the butler sighing at those words.
"As if I have anywhere else to go." Kyuhyun retorted, causing Heechul feel something odd. Kyuhyun had nowhere else to go, and was going to have to stay with him. And from that thought, Heechul had a sudden rush of protectiveness. It was all Heechul was thinking about really as he bought two drinks of random flavours and came back out of the store.
"Here." Heechul spoke as he handed over the cold drink. Kyuhyun's eyes sparkled happily, quickly taking the drink from Heechul as he grinned.
"Thanks." Kyuhyun mumbled as he hurriedly stabbed in the straw and popped the top of it into his mouth.
"Bubble tea makes you that happy?" Heechul asked, bemused at the younger's happiness. Kyuhyun took a little sip, then stared back to the other.
"You don't have to need much to be happy. Simple things are the best things. No complications." Kyuhyun stated, it was a point of view Heechul had never really been introduced to. The elder thought, before giving a light smirk as he looked to the side.
"If you say so." Heechul muttered in a doubting tone, but not enough for Kyuhyun to become annoyed. Then without too much discussion, Heechul began walking away, Kyuhyun giving another pout as he quickly picked up the clothes and followed behind. That did annoy Kyuhyun. He huffed, continuing passed Heechul, and eventually overtaking him. Heechul stared, a little laugh escaping his lips before he heard two woman talking from the table. Heechul wasn't able to remember the last time he was so irritated.
"How could that man make his poor boyfriend carry everything?" Heechul heard a woman say, causing him to twitch. Heechul wasn't sure why it bothered him, but it clearly did. He didn't even continue walking, stopping as Kyuhyun simply continued ahead.
"It looks like his arms are going to fall off, poor him." The other lady continued on, Heechul wasn't sure why the whole thing seemed to make him hake.
"He's not my boyfriend." Heechul stated, turning to the woman. They seemed at first rather surprised that he had spoken to them, but quickly regained their composure. The woman with brown hair gave him a knowing look.
"He won't be if you continue to treat him in such a way." She said, causing Heechul to feel a little anger. 
"We're not in that type of relationship." Heechul then spoke, and with those words, the two gave a suspicious look. It were as if they had some sort of gift to see 'chemistry' between people. The other lady decided to continue the short conversation.
"But don't you want to be?" She questioned in a somewhat daring tone. And with that, Heechul froze. He felt annoyed that he had to think about that question, he felt confused as to why he had bothered to even consider such a suggestion. Heechul gulped, the strange anxiety in his stomach becoming noticed. He breathed.
"...Not really." Heechul finally answered in a somewhat unsure way, but tried not to notice. The women grinned, but before they could speak, there was a voice. Heechul turned, seeing Kyuhyun standing far away, almost by the automatic doors. With bags on the floor, he shouted. 
"Master, hurry up!" Kyuhyun exclaimed, a chill going down Heechul's spine. It was humiliating. With those words, shamelessly screamed, eyes had begun turning left, right and center. Heechul quickly felt his cheeks go red, looking down. Though he didn't usually care what people thought of him, a boy screaming the word 'master' at him was going to give a strange impression. Heechul sighed, the bubble tea gripped in his hand as he heard laughter from the women in front of him.
"You'll get there." They said in union, Heechul could only sigh. Kyuhyun really did not seem to feel any embarrassment for anything. Heechul did though, and it was something he was going to have to teach the other. Hedchul quickly walked towards Kyuhyun in a hurry and whacked him on the head. The butler let out a sound of pain before glaring. Heechul pretended not to notice and kept on walking out the doors.
"We really need to make some rules."


Okay, I'm back. Sorry, had some family issues that had to be cleared... A little depressed, didn't do that well on my mathematics test... Oh well, hopefully I can make up for it on the next one! >< How did you like this chapter? 

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Chapter 1: I already read this but now reading it again ^___^ Such interesting story Author-nim.
heechul top intersting new thing lol
MatokiWorldInvasion #3
Chapter 17: Nuuuuuu...
Chapter 17: Yea thx for the stories i hope whoever has these stories make it good ^^
Chapter 17: :c I understand! I wish you the best <3 Take care, and thank you for letting us read your stories!
Kpopandjrocklover567 #6
Chapter 14: Awwww this is cute :)
mrs_kyu #7
Chapter 13: There will be secrets right.??
Chapter 13: i like this chapter Plz update again
Chapter 13: Love it.....kyunnie so cute and heenim is kind....
mrs_kyu #10
Chapter 13: aah Great ..... thank you for the update :3