"Love at first flight"


                                       1 week has past, only 2 more to go but sadly, things werent as planned....

                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


As the girl walk towards me, her hand fold into a fist.... 

"wht is this about" i thought to myself as my heart drop. I was very scared, I had to admit.

"are you the girl with Youngmin Oppa?" She asked with a serious look apon her face, shes pretty and cute but have so much anger....

"bowh? what are you talking about?"  

She quickly pull her iphone from her purpse and shoved it in  my face.

"LOOK! IS THIS YOU OR NOT" she said loudly, everyone stopped and turn their attention to me, tat includs the group of girls behind her too.

My heart dropped, the pictures that was on her phone was youngmin and I. 

 It looked like we were about to kiss. Its so cute, I thought to myself as a smile appear on my face. My eyes were still glued on to the picture,

"why are you smiling, is this really you?" The girl pulled back her iphone and shoots me the look of death,

"oh u-uh ani" I shook my head and walked away. I quckily went and grabbed the things I needa.  As I wait in line to pay for it...

"shes probably lying! I know its that , she just dont want us to know" a new girl said to the rest.

"why are they doing this to me! OMG!!! AISHHHH" I rush the cashier and grabbed the bag of medicine.

I opened the door and left.

"YA! WAIT!" a voice called out to me, it was a girl.

"oh no!" I started doing my regular speed walk.

"ya! i said stop you " As I continue to walk as fast as I possibly can, a hand reach out for my shoulder and pull me hard.

"ouch" I pull my shoulder away and saw her face, it was one of the girl in the group eariler.

"honey, ur mistaken me as that beautiful lady, as you can see, I am not as pretty and fabulous as that." I lied to convinced her, I certanily do not want any trouble.

she took a quick glare at her phone and back at me.

I thought she bought it, I was smiling of relieved.






A hand fly across my face.

It hurt more than how ahbba slapped me that one other time. 





I came back to reality and gave her a death stare.

"whats wrong? u wanna run to Youngmin oppa and cry to him?" she said in a rude manner,

I walked off with my right hand still holding onto my right cheek. I felt as if blood was boiling inside me.

" i cant, i just cant." I told myself as i turn around and walk back to her.

she was now with her group of friends laughing. 

"THIS IS WHY YOUNMIN OPPA CHOOSE ME, AND NOT YOU RANDOM GIRLS WITH SOME MENTAL DISORDER" I told em as they all shut the up and turn to me with; blind expressions and some ever shocked that i admit i was tat person with youngmin, and some were just standing there dumb founded.

I then walked off yet I wished I should have done more painful....



or maybe even this.



After that was over, I finally got back to the dorm, Youngmin was resting peacefully on his bed meanwhile minwoo took his bed back, where am i gonna sleep tonight? I sigh heavily 

I went over to youngmin and sit on the edge of the bed.

Feeling my cheek once again, I thought of ahbba... I miss him....

"mmm can I have some water" Youngmin slowly move around the bed and asked with both eyes still close, 

His voice says it all, hes not in good condition.

"ohh, ne" I grabbed the water bottle tat was inside our small fridge.

I poured it into a glass cup and walked it over to him.

"here" I hand him the cup of water.

"ya, wake up... I have ur water here" I shook his arm, he remain slient and asleep.

"are you kidding me." I sigh.

As I was about to get up from the edge of the bed, a warm hand grab onto my wrist making me to stop.

"i need tat" he said in a soft voice.

I hand him the cup of water and took out the medicine tat was in the bag.

"here" I lift up my head and saw him, his eyes were glued to my face.

"bwoh ?" He move close to me and touched my right cheek.

"why is it so red?" He asked with worried eyes.

I cant help but look at him as he concentrate on my cheek.

His eyes roll back at me and saw me looking at him.

"ahme" I cleared my throat as I pull back and hand him the 2 pills with my head down.

I drop the pills onto his palm, he threw it inside his mouth and swallowed it.

I lift up my head and give him a soft smile. He did the same in return.

A nock was heard from the door.

Then it opened. 

"YOUNGMIN, GRACE....LETS GO HAVE  A TALK" Oppa's manager said to both of us as our smile fade away slowly.

"uh ne" Youngmin reply as he remove the warm blanket off his lap and stood up.

We both follow him to his office.

"tell me, wht is THIS" he turned his computer screen to face us.

He sit back in his seat with his arms crossed.

Youngmin's eyes widen as he saw the picture of us on the internet.

I wasnt suprised, He looked at me with a shocked face. 

"This is world wide, how are you not shocked?" he asked me in a worried tone. 

I can tell he was scared, scared of wht is coming his way....

"what am I going to do?Is anything going to happen to her?" He asked the manager.

I jumped a little at his question, I thought he was worry about himself and his future.... but no, hes actually worried about me.

A smile appear on my face as I look at him, he look really worried.

"ya! wht are we gonna do" he shook my arms. 

The manager gave us a weird stare. 

"okay, because youngmin is one of my favorites, I'll let it slide." 

There was a long paused, 

Im sure he was thinking of wht we should do.

"how about this, You guys should go away for a while. I do not want u guys to pretend to date or anything like that, tat kind of thing is useless. Just go somewhere far for a while. Just until this is cleared up." He told us. 

Our face expression were priceless, we didnt know wht to do or say.

"uh..." we both said at the same time.

He turn to face me and i did the same, our eyes met for a second and then back to the manager.

"uh, i dont think we should-" 

"ARE YOU SAYING U WANT TO DATE YOUNGMIN" without letting me finish my sentence, he cut me off.

I just sat there like an idiot, maybe i shouldnt have said that.

I slowly took a quick glance over at youngmin.

He was smiling at me.

"AISHHHH" I sigh as I got back to my spot with my head down.

"so I guess we're gonna have to do this" he said as he sigh heavily.

we both bow to the manager and then walked out the door.


Hyunseong oppa was outside the door this while time.

"oh hyun, so i guess we dont have to explain after all." Youngmin giggled but I knew he was just trying to play it off... he know this is serious.
"youngmin, because ur my favorite, just take care of Grace and everything between us will remain the same." Oppa gave us both a weak smile.
"ne hyun, gomawo for understanding... i didnt mean for this to happen in any way" Youngmin explained himself. 
"ne" Hyunseong oppa understood us.
I was very happy with hyunseong's reaction to all this. I knew omma will probably freak out though.
(the next day)
"gomawo oppa, please take care of urself and tell omma I will come back soon" I walked in for a long hug.
"come on Grace, we have to go" Youngmin rushed me.
Youngmin and I stand on the escalator as we both weave goodbye to hyunseong oppa and the rest of the memebers.
"why are you wearing that, its going to be very hot in hawaii" youngmin told me as we were seated in the plane.
Casual Hooded Fur Collar Long Sleeves Batwing Loose Fit Irregular Design Woolen Blend Sweater For Women


"I can always change" I argued back.

"ne, just dont make me look bad" 

"AISHHH" rolling my eyes.



I wanted to let him now how happy he should be because im doing this with him, but i rather just shut up now since my opinions doesnt seem to carry much weight.

Now that the plane is up high with the clouds, I start feeling sick to my tummy.

"is it because i ate sushi earlier" I asked myself.

All a sudden, i felt as if theres something coming up.... then went down again.... its coming out again.

As I turn to youngmin,

"ya, I think Ima -" 

"YA!!!!!" he screamed as he qucikly got up from his seat and rush to the bathroom due to the throw up on his shirt.

I followed him.

"open the door, theres more comming" I rudely bang on the bathroom door,

He finally opened the door and let me in, 

closing the door behind me, I went straight to the toilet, not paying much attention to him.

5 minutes pasted.

I was finally done, and yes it was the bad sushi! There was tiny pieced of rice and seaweed.

"ya! never throw up on me again or else-" 

I looked up at him.... bam! it was all , he was shirtless. He is so freaking skinny, barely any meat.

"YA!!!!!" I screamed as I blook my both my eyes with my hands.

I know hes just like :



BUT im not like his fan, I cant be like all  like 




I uncovered my face a little and took a little peek.




He is now fully dressed.

He stared at me for a long time. 




"why would u throw up on my new shirt?" he said with anger in his voice.

"it was an accident! you were the one that bought me sushi." I protested.




He gave me a soft smile and rub the back of his neck.

"ahhhh i see" he said with embarrassment.

There was a long pause, then i looked around and realized we were both together, alone inside a tiny bathroom all squished up. So he opened the door and lead the way as I follow.

we went back to our seats and decide to end it here.


                                    FLASH BACK CONTINUES -------> CLICK NEXT ^^


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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely