"our feelings" began

"Love at first flight"

"Its been 2 weeks since we've been here."

"wake up" A loud bang on my door was heard.

Pulling my blanket to cover my whole body, 

"ya! wake up! I made breakfast" a fimilar voice said.

As I turn to the opposite side, he grab onto my blanket and pull it off.

"Im cold" I said in a sleepy yet annoyed tone.

"lets go eat" 

I lazily sat up on my bed and scratch my head. 

 Because My hair is super messy, I braid it into a messy side braid.



Then I headed down stair.

"taddah" youngmin open his arms wide, showing off the food he just made.

I was so shocked.... It actually look good.

There was :







" this looks good, but well see" I commented with a soft smile, knowing its going to be delicous.

" its great " He protested.

"NE, NE" 




"you have to do dishes" Youngmin said as he got up from his seat and walk out of the kitchen.

"bwoh?" I said with a mouth full of declious food.

"lalalalala" He pretend not to hear the words tat were coming out from my mouth.

"AISHHHH" yet I just continue to enjoy the food by  myself.

After i did the dishes. I went up and changed into.





As I walk out the door and onto the sand. 

Youngmin was found laying on the soft sand as he listen to music.

"ya"  I shouted towards him but he did not answer.

"YAAAAA" I pull his earphongs off his right ear and scream into his ear.

"lets go walk around" 

He gave me a confused look.


"oh uh.... ani" He got up from the sand and we start to walk side by side.

we walk in silence for a while, a good silence. At least I think so.

youmgmin takes my hand like its the most natural thing in the world to him.

Then seconds later, he lace his fingers through mine.

I stopped walking and turn to face him.

"bwoh?" He questioned, asking as if he didnt know why I stopped.

I took my shades off and gave him a mean look.

He laughed but did not let go.

"lets go" he said as he start to run as I follow, I had no choice, his fingers are long and warm and strong. I couldnt let go but the really scary thing is  that it feels totally natural to me too. Exciting and majorly nerve-racking but natural. I really like it.

He finally stopped after a while, we both sat on the warm sand as we stare at the waves.

"OH!" I said excitingly 


"There are so many shell here." i said as I pick one up and stare at it as if its the most beautiful thing in the world.

"you are so girly" Youngmin said as he let out a short laugh.


I am so not girly. how can anyone say im girly....aishhhh! NO.

"im so not girly!" I said once more but he did not care to listen.

he close his eyes and lay back on the sand. Just breathing in the fresh air.

"ive never felt this free"  he said out of the blue.

"ne?" I took my eyes off the pretty shell and trun to him.

He did not say anything after tat. I turn back to looking for some more shell.

"ya!!!" I was shocked. He pull me back to lay down with him.

"could have just asked nicely, dont have to be all harsh on me" I said expecting him to laugh but he did not.

"mainhe" he said in a sad tone.

"is everything alright?" I faced him but he did not open his eyes.

still listening to his music, he let out a loud sigh.

"here" he said as he hand me the right side of the earphone.

"A! this song is just for you. you know this is it. drop this.......jakku wae non oshi jaga jyotta tudol gorgo tto tudol goryo"the song began.

After a while, I look over to him, he's singing along, lipsinging.

"nan niga jeil jowa niga jeil yeppo" the song continue.

"OMO! I LOVE THIS PART" I shouted as I am now super excited.

"wht is this song call?" I questioned.

He face me and smiled.

"I like you best" 

He blinked twice and put his hand on top of mine.


"its call i like you best by beast...." there was a long paused.

"and I think I like you Grace-ah" he said with a serious face.

"you THINK? oh okays" I laugh as I  got up and brush the sand off my .

As I was all ready to walk off, he reached for my wrist and pull me back.


"i really do think i like you, Grace-ah" he now said in a sad tone, which makes me believe him more this time.


"ne, I dont know how it happened... the past 2 weeks have been the best  for me since ive debeted. I believe its because of you, if ur not here with me.... I dont think i will ever be here feeling this way,"

"what do you feel ?" I asked as we both face each other.

"I dont know.... all i know is, i need you by my side. You make me complete, each time i see you, I feel as if ur the other half of me. I dont ever want you to go away. I need you here with me. please stay here with me til the end..... what do you feel about me?" he now grab onto my hand, and I can feel him shake.


" I....I hate you."




"I hate how you're so mean to me at one point then later, u become a totally new person, the gentle kind. I hate the fact you dont know how i feel, but wht i hate most is.... that I cant help but like you more and more as the time go by." I put my head down,  trying hard to keep my tears in.

He then touch my chin and lift my head up to look at him.

"so you offically like me huh?" he gave me the soft attractive smile i love seeing.



I did the same in return... he touched my cheeks, ripping away my fallen tears.

"why did i cry?" I held onto his hand that was on my cheeks and let out a small laugh.

"ahahahaha, your adorable" he let out a loud laugh.



He let go of my face and walked in for a hug.

The sun is now setting..... its so beautiful, Im glad he hugged me at the right time. This is totally romantic. I will remember this forever!



"I know this is too fast for me to fall for you but Grace-ya, the past 2 weeks Ive been here with you is been the bestest time I've ever spend with anyone. I know I can be mean to you and I understand when ur mean to me too but over all, I love everything about you.... ur cuteness, ur adorable self that makes my heart flip over and over again, i- " I pull away from the hug and tip-top up to his level and move close to his lips, our forehead touched.  My heart began to beat fast. 

"I know" I tilt my head to the right and kiss his lips softly.

He kissed me back as I felt his hands lace around my waist and squeeze me tight.

My arms wrapping around his neck, turning my head to the opposite side and began to bite his lower lip. I can feel him grinning, then pull away "mwahhhh" one last full kiss. 

"ur not bad" he laughed.

"so are you-" before i can get any more words out, he pull me close into a hug. And then i feel it, just the softest most romantic kiss, right next to my ear.


                                                           *************************GRACE POV**************************

I know this  is pretty fast for me to fall for him but this is actually my first time liking a guy.

at first i was very afraid i was gonna end up falling for him. Each night i tell myself not to think of him more than just a friend 

but each time i see him, which is.... morning,afternoon,night, basically 24/7. I feel like i dont need anything else but him.

just him, he makes me happy,mad,angry,annoyed.... almost all the feelings anyone can possiblly feel.

Each time im around him, i dont have that feeling of being scared, i feel so protected. he is all i need by my side.

At first i didnt want to let him no ANYTHING but today, he finally pour out his feelings to me, i was also ready to tell him mine.


                                                                 ***************************** P.S.*******************************

                    NE, THEY HAVE FALLEN FOR EACH OTHER ALREADY^^ i didnt want to write out allllllllllll the details so i just jumped up to the interesting parts...hope you guys dont mind. if you really wanna know wht happened the last 2 weeks, just comment below and let me no, i might be able to do flash backs but idk well see^^btw , THANK YOU FOR READING! THIS CHAPPIE IS PRETTY LONG! MIANHE IF U GUYS DONT LIKE IT LONG... HEHE^^

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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely