"Living with boyfriend"

"Love at first flight"

"Is he kidding about the sleeping thing" I thought to myself.

"Grace-ah, do you wanna sleep with youngmin?" Minwoo asked.

They both turn their attention to me.

"I rather sleep on the floor" 

Minwoo was shocked at what I just said.


"what?" I questioned.

Youngmin was just there giving me an ugly face with his arms crossed.

"this is a first" Minwoo said.

"what is?" I was confused, did I say something wrong?

"Every girl would die to be in ur place, you are not normal" Youngmin  told me.

"Oh really? Im kinda glad" I gave him a smile, the ugly kind.

He quickly uncross his arms and gave me a mean look.

But I knew, instead of him hes just like:

"okay, okay... you can sleep on my bed and ill sleep with youngmin" minwoo came in btween youngmin and I.

"that sounds nice." I smiled as I grab my suit case and rolled it next to minwoo's bed.

"I was kidding, no one wants to sleep with you" youngmin shouted as I past by.

(next morning)

I lazily open my eyes and sit up on the bed.

As I look around the room, Minwoo and Youngmin was no where to be found, and its only 6:30 in the morning.

They must have a lot to do today.

I went to wash up and showered.

As I was done taking a shower, I wrapped my white towel around my body and tie my wet hair into a bun so it wont be in the way.

I got out of the shower as I heard foot steps towards the bathroom.

I quickly held onto my towel tat was around my body tightly and look at  the door knob.

The bathroom door does not have a freaking lock on it.

"WHAT THE " I qickly ran over to the door to block it.

I took my first step and BAM!!!! 


Due to the wet floor, I slip all the way to the door.

"what are you doing?" youngmin asked with a confused face.

"oh uh.... nothing" It was so embarrassing, and I can freaking get up...

"AISHHHH" i sigh loudly.

"here" he said as he offer me his right hand.

I reached for it, our hands touched. 

He quickly pull me up, because he was so strong... Our chest touched. 

Our face were only a couple inches away from each others.

We both did not blink.

His eyes are beautiful..........BUT HES SUCHA JERK.

I came back and pull away quickly.

He loudly cleared his throat and walk in the bathroom as I walk out.

As I quickly slip into these pieces,

Youngmin open the bathroom door.

"Why are you here and not minwoo?" I asked him nicely.

"Im not feeling well"  He said as he sit on his bed..

"ohh.. are you okay?" I questioned... I decided to be nice to him because hes sick.

"my head hurts" he lay down and closed his eyes.

I got up from my bed and went to him, I took a deep breath and felt his head.

He quickly grab my hand, not moving it away from his head "wht are you doing" 

I jumped a little and pull my hand back.

His eyes opened and look into mine.

we stayed like that for a long while.

"ummm" I finally said after a while...

"wait here" 

I came back with a bowl of warm water and a small white cloth.

I dip the cloth in the water and squeeze the water out.

I remove his bangs out of his face and place the warm cloth on his forehead.

His eyes were on me.

"ya, is there something on my face?" 

"ani, I just notice, ur very cute" he touched my cheek.

"OUCH" he quickly pull his hand away from my face. 

"why would you pinch me" he said loudly.

"why would you touch my face" i said calmly as a smile secretly appeared on my face without me knowing it.

A warmth spreads through my body, my face is now heated.

"why am i feeling this way... wht does this mean" I questioned myself.

After a while,  he finally fell asleep.


As he rest peacefully, I sit on the edge of the bed and look at him.

As I observe his face, I notice he doesnt look like kwangmin after all... why is he so innocent and i cant believe im saying this but hes so adorable and just so pretty looking.... but why so rude?

"ohh what are you doing" Minwoo popped out of no where and asked.

"oh uhhh" I quickly got up from the bed and rub my neck.

"is youngmin okay?" He decided to change the subject just so it wont be awkward.

"oh ne, but i think he should take some medicine just in case, do you guys have any?"  

"aniya... I cant go buy it because 2moro is going to be as busy as today..." he was debating if he should go now or-

"I'll go buy it."

As I left the dorm, I walked to a near by convenience store,

As I walk in, these group of girls were looking at me as they gossip. 

"is that the girl with youngmin oppa?" 

"she look JUST like that "

"i think it is her" one of the girl said loud enough for me to hear.

"BWOH? WHO ARE THEY TO CALL ME A " I turn around and found this girl walking towards me.

 She looks mad.


                                                HI subbies, this is my double update,

                      I wanted to get to the cute scenes so yeah! HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED ^^ 

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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely