"Love at first flight"


(when morning came...)

I can feel the sunlight touching my skin. 
"why is this place so soft" I thought to myself....."wht? i dont remember sleeping with a pillow last night..."
I slowly open my eyes. 

and found myself laying on youngmin's chest.

He is still asleep, I look at him as he sleep, I realized he's totally adorable when hes sleeping and not saying much. why is he so cute.... with that face, that hair, those LIPS! 

I lay back onto his soft chest.

I dont know why Im doing this. probably because his chest is warm and soft, just the way I like it.

I closed my eyes once again and try to fall asleep.

He start to move..... 

"oh no! wht do I do???? hes awake and Im here sleeping on him! WHY DID I DO THIS" I complained inside my head.

I can feel him stretching his arms.

He sat up on the chair as he remove my head away from his chest.

I was pretending to be asleep. I didnt want it to be awkward. 

As he remove my head away from him, he lay me back on my own chair.

I can feel it! He's staring right at me, watching as I sleep.... I just can, 

This is not normal, I then pretend to wake up, following his steps...

Starts off with stretches and then slowly opening my eyes once again.

I gave a quick glance over at him but he was just laying back doing nothing but stare at the ceiling all innocent.

This says it all, he WAS looking at me as I slept. Why am I happy? BOWH!??!?!

I wanted to smack myself back to reality but all I did was kept smiling. MY cheeks were growing weak from smiling too long.

He finally turned my way and gave me a "WTF" look.

"are you okay?" He asked in a worried tone.

Maybe  I was being too creepy so he noticed.

"OH uhhh ne, Im just hungry and tired." I pretend to yawn.

He stood up from his seat and went to the back of the plane. 

I guess hes going to the bathroom.... As he was gone, I look out through the tiny window. I feel like a godess up here.

I can see all the white clouds and the whole ocean, It was so pretty. Everything feels so nice by just looking at it from here.


I jumped a little as i turn to see who tapped my shoulder.

"ya! u starled me" 

He let out a soft and cute laugh. 

"here, since u said u were hungry." He row the table from the side of my seat creating a table to put my food on top of it.

He took the nicely folded napkin on the "table" and unfold it.

My heart does an instant flip-flop in my chest as he tuck it in my shirt for me.

Why am I feeling this way.... my cheeks begin to heat up,

I did not move.

why is he so gentle today.... so nice, way too nice. wht is wrong? This is so weird but i did not want it to end.

After we both finished the breakfast, I was getting tired of just sitting on this stupid plane for so long.

Its been 1 day since we been up here. I need some fresh air!

"youngmin-ah, how much longer?" I asked him.

He unplug his head phones and gave me a "what" face.

"HOW MUCH LONGERRR!!!!" I whined louder this time.

I feel like a little kid but I didnt care! I can not stand it anymore! My was starting to get numb from this freaking chair.

"24 more hours." He look away from his watch and turn to me.

"UGHHHHH" I let out a little sigh, then realized it was loud enough.

"ya, ur not a little kid anymore" He commented then plug his head phones back on.

"YA!" I pull it out of his ears.

"what?" I can tell, he is now very annoyed with my sudden actions.

"wht do you want me to do?" 

"talk with me" All a sudden those words slip out of my mouth without realizing wht it was me saying those words.

"fine, fine." he sigh and turn his attention to me.

Im glad I actually said those words.

"so why did you join the band BOYFRIEND?" 

"At first I wanted to become something related to science because I enjoyed science but then I got into music as My Ahhba and I listen to old korean songs together... I start to become interesting in it and now Im here following my dreams." He said with pride as he smile at me. I can tell he werent lying. 

"ohhh thats sucha nice....." I stay quiet trying to think of a word to fill in the blank.

"ne, ne I know" he laughed.

I geuss he understood.

The time past by fast. It was now 7 PM and we are still talking... mostly me asking the questions and him answering it.

"how come Kwangmin and you are so different? even though u guys are really twins?" I asked as I turn my body facing him.

There was a long, I mean LONGGGG pause. He was quiet, just having his head down trying to think of something. 

"I dont know either, I ask myself that question a lot but I can never figure out why.... I -" Youngmin lift his head up and turn to me.


                                          **************YOUNGMIN POV*****************

                   wow! I wanted to pour my true feelings to her about my own little brother but this is how she treats me.

                                             why would she fall asleep on me like this. she is just rude...

                             "aishhhhh" I sigh but for some reason, I can not manage to get mad at her.

                        I lay her back on the seat and cover her body with the extra blanket i brougnt along.

                                           why does she make my heart beat each time I lay eyes on her,  why am I feeling this way?

               This is all new to me, Ive been with many many girls before, even kissing em doesnt make me feel THIS.

                                        Even though its a werid feeling, I can not seem to get my eyes off her.

                                 She look so innocent and just peacful as she sleep, which some how make me feel so at ease.

        I like this feeling, just sittin here watching her sleep next to me like theres no tomorrow. I never want this moment to end.

                                 I move closer and close to her without even blinking once. I gently touch her left cheek.

                  As my hand lay upon her pale skin, she start to move a little but did not turn away from me. I felt her cheeks more.

                                                      It so smooth and soft, i wanted to pinch it so badly.

                                         but I manage to stoped myself, instead I move a little closer.... my nose touch her cheek.

                                                  my lips all a sudden ended up on her cheek as my eyes close slowly.

                             She start to move.... Backing away fast, I felt my cheeks heating up.

                                                         "waeyo?" I questioned myself...."why did i do that?"      

                                     After a while, I took my phone out and began to play a game of "fun run"

                                                         "ASIHHHHH" 4th place??? "this is bull."

                        I glanced over at Grace, she is peacfully sleeping as she breath softly through her nose

                                                                           "why is she so adorable"

                                                  As I go through my phone, I past by the camera app

                                           Without knowing wht i was doing, I start to take pictures of her,

                                as I go through them there was oh i dont know about  123456746798 pictures of her. 

                                                         From every angle, she just look cuter and cuter.

                                                                   I dont think I can resist her beauty.

                                                                                NO ONE CAN.       

                                                   **************YOUNGMIN POV ENDS*****************


"ya! wake up, were finally here" Youngmin shook my shoulder excitingly.

I move slowly and rub my eyes.

trying to get them to open... the first thing I saw was him, his happy smile. It brighten my morning. 

I gave a little soft smile in return.

"lets go!" he grabbed for our bags above the seats and grab for my hand.

Dragging me out of the plane, we both put on our sunglasses and hats.

Moments later, we arrived at the private island his mangager planned for us

















EVERYTHING was just so perfect! I cant believe my eyes! I  took off my shades and rub my eyes just in case i was dreaming.

"its so pretty" I complianted the place.

"no kidding" Youngmin was wowed with this place also, 

"the best part is, we get to have it to all ourselves." He turn to me and gave me one of those soft yet very attractive smile.

I cant help but stare.



I just cant resist, I mean who can.... I see why his fans are obsessed with him.


We got settled down in the only house on the island, its very nice  inside, I cant believe im going to be living here for at least a month with him. I hope nothing goes wrong, or he doesnt go insane and do stupid stuff. I took a deep breath- doing my best  to think only good thoughts about this But than again im sure youngmin's probably thinking the same about me.


We have separate rooms, his is right next to mine just in case something goes wrong. He is there to help. 

               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FLASH BACK ENDS HERE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


So right now I am currently here just with him alone, its very boring.

I really want to go home to omma but I cant right at this moment...Im sure Hyunseong oppa will explain everything to omma.

She will understand, she must undersand. I really dont want to be here either. Dont want to be here with Youngmin.

Im afriad....



  Here is another double update! I didnt want to make chappie 9 tooooo long soooo yeahhh!!!

 Hope you guyes enjoyed anyways! and chappie 11 and so on will let you know her so call "fear" ^^

gomawo for reading ^^ 



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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely