"Goodbye Ahbba, Hello Jerk"

"Love at first flight"

As I wait for the last bus to come, I thought of where to go...

I guess I really dont have a place to go, or anyone to  reach out to.

"why am I sucha loser? Should I just go back home and forget all about this, pretend it never happened and just listen to Ahhba?" I thought over and over again, but I cant seem to make up my mind.

Then my phong ranged "IYAH by BOYFRIEND" my train of thoughts stopped. I jumped a little and look at my phone.

"Omma?" I was confused, She never calls me, we usually text or email each other. 

"ohh Omma?" I answered as I walk towards the far seat in the back of the bus.

We talked for about an hour, I told her everything, I told her what happened but she end it up telling me to go back home and apologize to Ahbba ect. I told her "okay"

But I dont think I want that... I've decided to go to Korean; where Omma lives, I didnt wanna tell her but it can be consider as a surprise right? Ever since my family got separated, Ahbba once told me to follow my heart if one day I have no idea wht to do or where to go, so  I want to follow my heart and do what i think is best for me... Im going to listen to him once again.

I took a look at my watch and it said 1 a.m.

There was no more taxi, no more bus, no more people....no nothing.

My only option is to walk there... 

"AISHHH why ! " I thought to myself, but i did not give up, I kept walking...

I finally reached the stupid airport, its now 2:30 pm. 

It took me an hour and something mminute to get here. AISHH!!

"tat was a long walk" I thought quietly to myself as i sit on one of the chair and try to catch my breath.

I went and bought my ticket. The lady asked if I was 18 or over,

"no, but  im actually  turning 18 on April 24. sooo can you pleaseeee make an exception" I beg the lady.

Right now is March so she accepted it and let me buy my ticket.

"THANK YOU! THANK YOU!" I said happily as i jump up and down.

I took out my master credit card and slide it.

I know Ahbba will find out. But its fine, I kinda want him to know where Im at, I dont want him to worry too much about me.

The lady told me, ima have to wait til 5. The plane gets out at 5 a.m.  in the morning.

So then i decided to go buy a new outfit. The one im wearing right now was making me smell and sweat a lot due to the 2 mile walk.

I walked in a mini shop around the corner and bought a whole new outift. 



"Can you please throw this outfit out or something." I told the lady tat worked there.

"yes, of course." she took the dirty clothes and handed me the recet,

It was around the hundred area but Ahbba will never  get mad at me. He was the one who gave me the credit card! "HEHE"

I went back to the airport and waited as the time past by.

"5 a.m. plane to korea fly in 30 minutes." Some lady annouced,

I shot up from my seat and head towards the interance.

"please take ur seats, we are taking off in 5 minutes"one of the flight attendant annouced as i sat down on my seat which was  next to an over sized guy, He was sleeping and snoring and everything! it was gross and he seemed sick too! A running nose, tissue boxes all stuffed in his little bag...

"i cant, i do not want to be sick" i thought to myself.

5 minutes pasted and  the plane was already flying high in the sky,  one of the flight attendant lady walked by and asked if i want to be seated in the first class area since there was one empty seat and she felt bad for me. 

I was so fascinated and amazed, I too want to be like her,  I want to help people out on the plane, I want to give people food just like her! i thanked her over and over again. 

"Your welcome, but can you do me a favor and just please do not disrupted those 6 gentlemen over there" She pointed over to these 6 guys with different shades of hair color and were all wearing black. 5 of them were sleeping, one head on another. The 6th one was playing on his ipad and eating grapes at the same time. 

"uhh Ill try not to, they look prettI busy to me" The flight attendant lady giggled and handed me a glass of water.

"thank you" 

With that being said, She went back to do her job.

(2 hours has pasted)

It was getting cold as we go higher and higher, I did not have a jacket on so all i did was cuddle with myself.

I slowly closed my eyes and try to sleep.

"Here, you seem cold" Some one said as i felt a leather jacket against my skin.

I quickly open my eyes and found one of the 6 guys in front of me.

The one that was awake.

"ohhh, uh t-thank you" I stuttered as I rub my tire eyes

.I sat up and lay my back against the chair. 

"ur welcome" he said as he walk away but turn back and gave me one of these:


He went back to his seat which was across from mine.

"oh... what the heck, " I thought to myself as I gave one of my hair flip which means "IM NOT INTERESTED" 

but he's pretty cute...

(morning came)

"hey.. you!" The guy poked my cheeks to wake me up.

I lazily opened my eyes and looked at who it was.

"WHAT?" i answered in an annoyed tone.

I thought he wanted his jacket back.

"We're here" He chuckled.

I was now fully awake, everyone was gone, 5 of the guys were gone expect him. 

He gave me smile and walked off.

He turned back again and gave me :

"Who does he think he is, how annoying!" 

"GOODBYE" i shout out but he was too far to hear it.

"oh he forgot his jacket" I quickly ran after him, but when i got out , there were millions of people screaming and shouting names, It got me freaked out a little.

"what is going on, wht is happening here. OMG!" I asked myself as i try to walk through the crowd. 

I searched for him but he was no where to be found. So I ended up taking it with me.

              *KNOCK KNOCK*

I gently knock on the front door.

This place have never changed, ever since I left, its been the same til now. 

I miss it, I miss it a lot....


           HEY SUBBIES! hope u guys enjoy this chapter! if not, then OH WELLS! maybe next chapter will be better?

                                                                but thank you for reading ^^  PPYONG


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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely