"Love at first flight"

After Hyungseong gave me a tour of his room. He told me he want me to meet the members before I go back to the US.

"ohhh aniya, its okay." 

"waeyo?" He asked with a confused face, I guess there are millions of girls that would love to meet them, and im here rejecting it.

"I want to get comfortable here first, and then meet them." I said as I fake a soft smile.

"Its okay, they come here often, so you will meet them soon." he said as he unpack the clothes in his backpack.

"bwoh?? oh no." I thought to myself, but i remain calm.

I honestly dont want to see that guy again, but I still have his jacket, aishh.


(1 week past)

"OMMA!!!" I scream at the top of my lungs!

"NE, WHT HAPPENED" she came running down to room like its the end of the world.

"are you okay? wht happened? -"She felt my forehead and gave me a worried look.

"Im fine omma, but look" I giggled as i point to the computer screen.

"I got accepted, Omma!!! I have a job now! My dreams are finally coming true" I shouted as omma gave me a face i cant describe.

"wayeo?" I was confused, shes suppose to be happy with me. 

"i dnt think i want you to work as a flight attendant Grace, Its too dangerous." She comments as she sit next to me.

She began to rub my back and hug me tightly. I know this is why you came over here but I agree with you Ahbba.

"OMMA! please just let me try! JEBAL" I beg her as tears slowly starts to form. It began hard to breath.

(im like)


"Grace-ah" she sigh. She turn to face me, as she look into my eyes, she knew... I really want to try, I really want this job. It was hard to get and now that i got it, I really want to do it. Even just once, I am willing to give up anything for it.

"alright" she let out a harass sigh.

My tears quickly itself back in my eyes


"ne, you can try " She stated.

I shoot up from my steat and started jumping up and down!

I was very happy and excited!  I  just cant believe it.



(2 weeks past)

"oppa, Today is my first day at work, can u please drive me there?" I opened Hyungseong's door and asked nicely.

He stopped playing  the guitar and turn my direction.

"jebal oppa, i dont know where it is yet." I beg him some more.

"Ne, ne of course I can take you." He gave me one of his "smile" and got up.

"Omma, ill be home around 8 today, were just having meetings ect." I shout out to omma as I open the front door.

"ne, be careful" she warned me and Oppa.

As Hyingseong Oppa drive, I sit next to him and play games on my ipod.

"Grace-ah, the boyfriends are coming over at 7 tonight" She said out of no where.

my game of "fun run" ended  just in time.

"BWOH?" I looked at him with a worry expression.

"Ne, Were going to be having dinner with Omma and Ahbba, so call me when ur out of work, Ill come pick you up and you can finally meet the BOYFRIEND" He said.

We stopped at a red light.


"just call okay?" He turn to me.

"uh ohh" I nodded, but inside, I knew i didnt want to.

"What if that guy remembers me? NO he wont. Its been like 3 weeks. He shouldnt. Should I return his jacket to him? Wht if-"

"Grace-ah" Hyungseong oppa shook my shoulder as my train of thoughts stopped.

"oh yeah??" I came back to reality and turn to him.

"we're here." He laughed.

I took a look around and there it was, my company."Ohhh, gomawo oppa" I quickly got out of the car and bow to him" 

I watch him as the car go farther and farther away from me.

"aishhh, first day... FIGHTING" I told myself. 


(after work) 

The meeting ended up early. Its now 6:50 at night. Its starting to get chilly, so I called oppa.

"oh oppa, please come pick me up.... ne, hurry!" I shouted in the phone.


(10 minutes pasted)

"lets go" Hyungseong oppa shout out to me.

"ohh" I quickly rush over to him and got in the car.

We drove off...

"are you excited?" he asked me out of no where.


"boyfriend's coming over, remember?" He reminded me.

"OH " I told myself.

I should have never called.

ASIHHHH..."uh ne oppa" I faked a smile.

(once we arrived)

As I got to the front porch, I took a deep breath and release it slowly.

Hyungseong open the door and expect me to go in first.

I bow to him as I walk in.

"HELLO!!!" some guy popped out of no where and shouted in my ears! I jumped a litte but inside im just like :

"OMO, im sorry, I thought it was hyun."He let out a loud laugh

"HI, Im minwoo, no minwoo" he did not stop laughing at me.

"Hi, Im Grace!!" I walked away and enter the living room.

"Hello, Im kwangmin, Yo kwangmin" he was sitting on the dinner table listening to music as he wait patiently for his food.

"OMGGG, HE LOOK JUST LIKE THE GUY FROM THE PLANE, OMO" I thought to myself as I back away from him.

" oh Im so-" I was about to apologize but as I turn to see who's foot I stepped on, "DIDNT I JUST MET YOU?" i thought to myself,

He look just  like kwangmin... WHAT? I turned back and forth to kwangmin and the guy.

"HI, Im youngmin, I believe we've meet before."He laughed.

"omo, im going crazy" 

"Thats my twin Kwangmin, Im Youngmin, remember me?" he questioned but all i did was stare at him.

"ya" He shook my shoulders.

I finally came back"ohhh okays" I nodded.

He gave me a wink and went back to drinking his milktea.

"what the..." I thought yet i just took a deep breath and try to remain calm.

"Hi im Jeongmin." 

I bow and smiled.

"here is ur pizza," one of the member said to kwangmin as Jeongmin sat across the table playing on his ipad.

"oh hi, im the leader of boyfriend, Donghyun, you may call me oppa." He then gave me a friendly smile.

I did the same as I bow.

"Were going to have dinner (pizza) together, Grace-ah, go change and come down." Omma popped out of the bathroom and commanded.

"Ne" I realized theres nothing to be scared of, theyre very cute and chill. 


         Here is chapter 5, hope you guys enjoy as much as i enjoy writing it. Its not the best but there is more coming! 

                              So keep up with me and comment ur thoughts,likes,dislikes, ect ^^

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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely