"The end of all I had"

"Love at first flight"
I stood up as the crowd goes wild. 
All the students next to me jump up and down as they all throw their hats in the air.
As i got off the stage, i search for ahbba but he was no where to be found. 

"Dang who gave you all those roses?" A fimilar voice said behind me, 
I turned to see who it was..."Those guys over there, they're your type" I said as i pointed to these guys that were standing in a group.
"here" I handed the roses to Lily.
She gave me a weird look with her eyebrows up.
"I dont want it, and i cant be seen with these, you know.....my ahbba."
She laughed and took them.
"Lets go out to eat, this is probably gonna be the last time i  get to see you." We both frown and walked in for a hug.
"Dont say that lily, You're my only bestfriend. We will definaatly see each other after this." Ipulled away and look her in the eyes..."promise me, you wont forget about me and our friendship." I point my pinky at her, and she looked at me for a while then smiled. 
"Ne! thats yes in your language right?" Lily questioned as she pull her pinky out and cross it with mine. 
"ne unni" I nodded as we both laughed.
Then all  a suddenm someone  tapped my shoulder.
"CONGRATULATIONS." Ahbba handed me some roses.
"AHBBA!" I screamed as i run in for a hug.
"gomawo" I smiled.
Then all his body guards smile happily next to him, one by one they each gave me a little something.
"congratulations princess" "congratulation miss" "congratulation, your finally a woman" 
They all said over and over again. 
I was piled with flowers and gifts when they were finally done.
"Gomawo everyone." 
"lets go" Ahbba grabbed for my hand yet i didnt move.
"can i go eat  with my friend?" I stood there as he gave lily a death stare.
"this is lily, remember i told you about her once?" 
"Ohhhh" He streached the word and finally gave her a friendly smile.
"yes, you may, she seems like a smart girl." by this, he meant "she will not do drugs, party like wild animals, drink,smoke, have with random guys, and all these bad things" 
"okay, understood ahhba" 
"Your ahbba is so overprotective." Lily sigh as we both got in her car.
"Yes, I know... but he loves me very much." I smiled even though inside me, I kinda wish he wasnt that over protective of me, im 17 and i kno wht im doing.
We finally reached the restaruant and got out.
"Where is your boyfriend lily?" I asked as we wait for our noodles.
"Ohhh that... we broke up last night. I cnt be in a reltionship girl, Im going away for college in a new state, I cant have a long distance relationship, I just cant." Her eyes were filled with tears.
"Oh.. I understand lily, but dont you trust him? does he trust you? If you guys trust each other, things wouldnt be like this," I try to comform her as much as i possibly can, even though i know NOTHING about relationships.
She started crying really hard.Everyone was looking at us, but for some reason, i didnt want her to stop. She should let it all out, Its better now than later.
"its okay, everything will be alright, i heard theres many cute guys at the college your going to." I held her hand cross the take and said all these things trying to make her feel better"
"its going to be alright," I said one last time.
"our food is here!" 
She shot up and sat properly in her seat.
"lets eat" she said as she whip away the fallen tears on her cheeks.
"that was easy" I thought to myself. 
As we eat our noodles, lily went on and on about her relationship.
All i said was "oh" "oh go on" and i laughed a lot. She didnt except any advice from me because she knwos, i have never experienced anything so i dont know . 
After a while, she started drinking as she goes on and on. I told her to stop because i cant drive but then she didnt listen. I didnt know what to do so i called Ahbba.
He came in on time. It was fast. Lily was dead asleep on the table.
We dropped  her off and then left home.
"You may not see Lily again" Ahbba stated as he walk up the stiars to his room.
"But... AHHBA!!!" I shouted yet he didnt bother to look back at me.
Me and Lily still text and webcam but we didnt see each other after that day.                                                                           

                                Thank you for reading chapter 1 of "love at first flight"


                                This is just the beginning, so its kinda boring! mianhe.


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ilabya21 #1
aliicia21 #2
Chapter 15: hahaha it shocked me to see gikwang! omo! I'm still surprised! :D
huuuuuu I want them to be together again~~ :'(
Chapter 15: I thought the dream was real! Omg, how sad!! I would hecka cry!! But, I wouldn't too because of her reason haah. XD I like it!! Update soon! & don't make me wait LOOONNNGGG this time. -.-
Chapter 15: I REALLY THOUGHT YOUNGMIN WAS THERE!!!! BUT NOOO!! IT WAS ONLY JUST A DREAM! IT WAS A SURPRISE WHEN I READ THAT GIKWANG WAS IN YOUR STORY. but then I was weak when you said "Why is he still talking to me"hahah
Chapter 14: cant wait for update!!!! so gooooooooood!
Chapter 14: update soon ><
Chapter 14: O_O I HAVE NO IDEA YOU WROTE LIKE THIS. My innocent. My oh so innocent mind, TTT_TTT
Chapter 14: OH LAWDD!!!
WHY ARE YOU SO MEAN!?!?!? HAHHAHA.^^^(1st gif)
and DANGG!! Yall getting physical!!! hahah.
<33 Why can't Youngmin come with you!!! UGH!!!
This story is to much for my heart!
Update soon!
aliicia21 #9
Chapter 13: Omoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo <3333333333333333333333333333333333333333333
aliicia21 #10
Chapter 12: Yaaaaaaay sorry for not reading this till now! Omooo every day I'm getting more and more jelous of grace. That breakfast was so lovely