Step 05: Give Gifts

Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing

step five: give gifts

Luhan had begged for Kris, Yixing, and Tao to take him to the mall--although why beg? He was the second eldest. He didn't need to beg, a command should do the job. But he ended up begging them to go.

It took him about three hours to get Kris on board. Tao agreed immediately, and Yixing insisted that he would go if Kris did. The only reason Kris actually agreed, was because Luhan really had a way with blackmail.

"Yixing, what do you think Minseok will like?" He asked, scanning through the shelves of stuff.

"Why don't you ask Tao?" Yixing asked back.

That was the thing. He would normally ask Tao, however the mentioned boy had ran off to a Gucci store, and he was stuck with Kris and Yixing. Who were starting at each other, mentally communicating.

'Watch, he's going to get that doll,'

'He's not that lame, Kris. He's gonna get that one.'

Kris raised an eyebrow once he read Yixing's lips.

'Wanna bet?'

'Yes. Two hundred.'

Kris choked on his coffee, and gained himself a weird look from Luhan.

Yixing glanced at the elder expectantly. Kris nodded, mouthing back a quick response.

'Fine, two hundred. That's asking for a lot.’

Yixing smiled. ‘I know,’

Luhan turned to Kris and Yixing in time for them to stop talking to each other. He held the two dolls that Kris and Yixing were talking about before. Yixing turned, giving Kris a pointed look.

“Which looks cuter, Kris? Yixing?”

Obviously, Kris and Yixing picked their respective choices accordingly to what they chose for their bets. Luhan looked at the dolls for a moment. He studied the bun one, which Kris selected; and the glanced at the deer one, which Yixing had chosen. Firmly believing that Yixing had the better taste, Luhan was about to put the bun stuffed toy down.

“Wait! Why don’t you just get both?” Kris asked desperately, not wanting to give Yixing two hundred dollars.

“Both...?” Luhan repeated.

“Our money is not limitless, Wufan,” Yixing chided. “He gets whichever one he wants,”

A grin was plastered on Yixing’s face, and Kris scowled.

“I’m just going to get the deer, Wufan,” Luhan nodded. “Yixing’s right. Our money isn’t limitless,”

As he walked off to pay for the doll, Yixing nudged Kris.

“Our money isn’t limitless, but I have my sources for more money,” Yixing smirked, holding out his hand.

Kris grudgingly shoved two bills into it, and Yixing smiled, kissing the elder on the cheek and leaving the store to find Tao. His face heated up, and Kris stalked over to Luhan, willing his blush to go away.

Needless to say, the quartet returned home later that night, and Luhan whisked Minseok away to his own room. Entering Minseok’s room, Luhan felt a bit awkward, but he smiled cutely, and handed the bag to the elder boy.

“This is for you,” he blushed.

Minseok looked at the bag, and then smiled lightly. “Thank you, but you didn’t need to get me anything,”

“I wanted to,” Luhan replied, slipping out of the room in embarrassment.

Minseok looked at the deer plush toy, and then placed it onto his night stand, smiling at it.

Plan five; you know, Luhan. You probably would have passed if you stayed to see his reaction. But you didn’t. So doesn’t that ?

author's comments

Snakry narrator ftw!~ hehhe

He's getting better. But trust me. It's not going to last. xDD

P.S. Where are you all coming from? ;~; so many subbies.

So grateful.


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You guys will /love/ chapter 13. I promise. xD [Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing]


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11 streak #1
Chapter 12: Lmao luhan where's your common sense at? XD
Chapter 17: this story was so lovely, really
but i feel.bad that i'm three years later oh well
Chapter 12: lmao lu drawing minseok and he making out
he is so wild!
Chapter 11: that poem doe
lu is so sweetly dumb tbh
Chapter 10: kris is so sassy wow he wanted both money and kiss ha, ha, nice try
on the other, boy, get yourself together, why so many fails?... :c
Chapter 9: on a scale of 1 to 9001... luhan is a 9002 haha
lay was so cute doe
Chapter 8: can i say thay i just adore the weird relationship between lay and kris? it's basically based ln money and mocking haha
Chapter 7: uhh i experienced a strong secondhand embarrasent when lu opened his closet ha..ha...
for realz now, lu, c'mon, just do it manly!!
Chapter 6: only god knows how much i squealed when lay gave kris a kiss uu-hhu
also, aw, c'mon minnie, just show some affection to lu :c
Chapter 5: omg i love kris and tao's interactions haha they're so hilarious