Side-story: TAOCHEN

Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing

Side-story: Taochen





"My adorable didi?"


That was Kim Jongdae, whining for Huang Zitao's attention, as the younger male seemed very irritated at the moment. The reason however, was unbeknownst by Jongdae. He just knew that Tao was pissed, and a pissed Tao was not fun to be around, yet Jongdae didn't seem to care.

"Ge, leave me alone," the ebony haired male answered.

Jongdae's eyes practically sparkled, and he didn't even comprehend what Tao had said. Not that he really bothered to try.

"You spoke!" Jongdae exclaimed.

Tao was so close to punching the older male out. No , he spoke. Why was he stuck with someone so stupid? Why did he feel attracted to someone so stupid?  It must be those 'romance candles' that Luhan had lit earlier to set the mood for Minseok and his romantic dinner. Apparently, they were supposed to enhance the attractions you felt to others.

The two youngest members of EXO-M sat in the living room, the lights shut off, and the only thing that illuminated the room was the large television. The four others had insisted that darkness set such a good mood for the 'romantic hours to come'.

"Zitao, do you hate me?"




"Huang Panda,"

You did not—


The Hell do you want?

"Taozi, talk to Chenchen," he whined. Tao turned, and finally gave Jongdae some acknowledgement.

"I don't feel like talking, what is it that you don't understand?" he questioned, glaring at the pleased looking elder.

"You spoke to me," Jongdae smiled, "I'm happy,"

"... you're so stupid," Tao retorted.

"Stupidly in love," he replied. Zitao did a double take.


"Stupidly in love," he repeated, a stupid grin plastered on his face. "You're so cute, Taozi,"

Tao blushed slightly, and he looked away from Jongdae. "I-I'm not c-cute..." he murmured.

"Yeah you are," Jongdae insisted. Tao smiled softly.

"Fine, whatever," he mumbled, shyly looking down at his feet. "So... what are you in love with?"

Jongdae's smile widened, "I'm in love with those cookies that Yixing gege made,"

Tao's expression dropped, and he got up, heading to his room. The ebony haired male slammed the door, and Jongdae stared in that direction.

"Did I say something wrong?"

Hours later, Jongdae found himself sitting on the edge of Tao's bed, the younger holding his hands, and desperately staring at him.

"Jongdae... I-I'm in love with someone," he said, his voice panicky/

Jongdae raised an eyebrow, ignoring the way that his cheeks tinted a light pink at Tao's words.

"... describe him to me," Jongdae opted to say.

Tao nodded, "He has this beautiful dark hair, and these strikingly wonderful eyes... he's so nice, and his body is just... indescribably amazing... he's just so perfect, and I'm madly in love with him,"

Jongdae blushed, and muttered under his breath while Tao sat there with a dreamy look in his eyes.

"T-tao... I... I feel the sa—,"

"Oh, Huang Zitao, why are you so beautiful?" Tao asked, the dreamy look still in his eyes. Jongdae cut himself off, and looked down at the sheets.


"You're in love with yourself?"

Tao nodded, and looked at Jongdae.

"Yeah, why do you look so disappointed?" Tao questioned. "It isn't like you're in love with me too,"

Jongdae paused, and glanced over at Tao, shyly.

"I like you, Tao," Jongdae said. "In a more than friends way,"

The younger was rendered utterly confused. He blinked at Jongdae.

"You like me? You're not trolling right now?"

Jongdae pouted slightly, but then nodded. "I don't always tro—!"

He was cut off as Tao pressed his lips against his own, arms snaking around his neck. Jongdae quickly responded to the kiss, his own arms sliding around Tao's waist. The younger pulled away, a glint in his eyes.

"Be my boyfriend?"

"Do I even need to answer?"

... and although the two youngest members of EXO-M were happy, and the whole group was coupled up; Tao and Jongdae didn't quite flaunt their relationship.

Yixing was pressed down onto the couch, giggling as Wufan straddled him, half , while peppering kisses down his neck, and on the sensitive skin; leaving marks. Luhan had Minseok in his lap, and they were making out. In the living room. Tao and Jongdae on the other hand...

"You guys are gross! You have rooms for a reason!" Tao exclaimed, throwing a pillow at Luhan and Minseok.

"And you're idols, not stars!" Jongdae added, throwing his own pillow at Wufan.

At the lack of response—save Wufan's flinching when the pillow hit him—,  Jongdae and Tao shared a look. They ran off to their respective rooms, and returned dressed as cops, holding little sticky tickets.

"You are charged five pints of ice cream for overuse of public displays of affection, and interrupting the flows of daily life," Jongdae declared, sticking the note to Luhan's cheek, making the two part, and glare at him.

"And duizhang is charged two Gucci bags for public , and ual harassment," Tao added, sticking the ticket to Wufan's arm.

Wufan pulled away immediately, "What? It is not harassment if he likes it!" He looked down almost desperately at his dazed lover, and kissed his lips, murmuring against them, "You love it, right, baby?"

Tao clicked his tongue, and turned away, hands linking with Jongdae. "Two bags, duizhang. Two bags,"

Author's Comments

... yeah. so. hi guys~ ^^
Yii's gonna miss you guys; but she has things to take care of.
We write very similarly anyways.

Most of her story ideas will be given to me~
And well; ^^ 

Hopefully I don't disappoint you guys.


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You guys will /love/ chapter 13. I promise. xD [Luhan's 15 Steps to Confessing]


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11 streak #1
Chapter 12: Lmao luhan where's your common sense at? XD
Chapter 17: this story was so lovely, really
but i feel.bad that i'm three years later oh well
Chapter 12: lmao lu drawing minseok and he making out
he is so wild!
Chapter 11: that poem doe
lu is so sweetly dumb tbh
Chapter 10: kris is so sassy wow he wanted both money and kiss ha, ha, nice try
on the other, boy, get yourself together, why so many fails?... :c
Chapter 9: on a scale of 1 to 9001... luhan is a 9002 haha
lay was so cute doe
Chapter 8: can i say thay i just adore the weird relationship between lay and kris? it's basically based ln money and mocking haha
Chapter 7: uhh i experienced a strong secondhand embarrasent when lu opened his closet ha..ha...
for realz now, lu, c'mon, just do it manly!!
Chapter 6: only god knows how much i squealed when lay gave kris a kiss uu-hhu
also, aw, c'mon minnie, just show some affection to lu :c
Chapter 5: omg i love kris and tao's interactions haha they're so hilarious